1. css question

    Date: 07/27/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css

    so ive been playing with a 3 column css layout for a page im working on and im having some problems...



    heres how it looks in firefox:

    And in IE:

    I want all 3 columns to have the same relative height. I also dont understand why the 3 colums are red in firefox....

    any help is greatly appreciated. This community has been an incredible resource for me.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/938255.html

  2. Controlling Sony Ericsson Devices Remotely using the NetBeans IDE

    Date: 07/27/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: css, java

    The Java Platform Manager within the NetBeans IDE enables you to easily install and use the tools and utilities included with many different emulator platforms, such as the Sony Ericsson J2ME SDK. This article explains how you can use the NetBeans IDE to remotely manipulate the file system on Sony Ericsson mobile phones that are enabled [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/controlling-sony-ericsson-devices-remotely-using-the-netbeans-ide/

  3. another css question

    Date: 07/28/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css

    i cant figure out how to get the image in my left content area to be right up against the left edge. The only way i could get it to do that was if i put it as a background image of my #leftcontent div.


    thanks for taking the time to help a css newbie!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/940000.html

  4. web-dev help needed.

    Date: 07/28/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, xml, java, web

    So I'm working on an internal Sharepoint site portfolio. The type of usability that I had in mind is that someone can upload a project with text entries for the objective, what they learned, and related links.

    Also, for a user to be able to (and I may be dreaming):

    • upload thumbnails of their screenshots.
    • how to universally alter a navigational dropdown so if you add a link, you don't have to individually alter each webpage (can this be done without frames?).
    • to deface the normal look of sharepoint.

    I need someone to explain to me the basics, though. I'm a web designer and not a developer, and my skills are extremely limited. For example, I don't know what can be put in CSS, whether it's just fonts and margins, or whether you can put automated code that would auto-update the links in a dropdown universally.

    I also don't necessarily know when I should use Java or XML, etc... Please don't be afraid to dumb it down. I need refreshers on almost everything.

    Any help that you could give me in the form of explanations or links would be greatly appreciated.


    • What is the correct procedure for making this type of usability?
    • Is it possible to integrate a thumbnail uploader into a sharepoint site? Would you have to use something other than sharepoint's engine?
    • How customizable are the graphics in a Sharepoint site if you're not dealing with site definitions?
    • Other helpful info:

    Thank you for all your help!
  5. Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/226739.html

  6. Internet Explorer 7: Beta 1

    Date: 07/29/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: rss, browser, css

    Most of you are probably curious about the upcoming IE 7. Will it make our lives easier? Will it liken itself to current browsers? Will it take our headaches away, or mute them quite a bit.

    Apparently, yes, yes it will. IE 7 will reportedly catch up to here and now, and remain a current, strong browser... from what I've read and the developers have said.

    I will preface everything following this with a warning. This release IS NOT (I repeat - IS NOT) meant for public/consumer/everyday designer use. It is very unfinished, very rough, and only for professional developers who have test machines to use and reformat anytime they like. The more-polished, finished version is coming in the next few months in the form of Beta 2 or 3, or Release Candidate 1.

    That said, you may come across the first beta of the new browser.

    Here are some very important points to keep in mind:

    • This is the first beta, not a release candidate.
    • The public beta is still on its way, probably after Beta 2 is released later this summer.
    • It was released to MSDN subscribers for the purpose of IT professionals and developers review and co-development only.
    • It was not intended for public/consumer usage/review. Especially this early in beta with many bugs and unpolished features.
    • It was only released through MSDN, and unless you have a $99 minimum subscription, you won't get it in a way that's meant for you.
      • You can, however, find this through other means.
    • Once you install it, it cannot be uninstalled as it updates system files. Remember? Early beta with rough, unpolished features.
    • Make sure you have your stuff backed up!
    • You must have Windows XP with SP2 installed, and it must be validated as "genuine." (As in, it's your product key, not someone else's.)

    Now, for those of you who do install IE 7 Beta 1, there are a few other important things to know:

    • Many features are not in this beta version. They will be implemented in the next beta. (Read this whitepaper for the info.)
    • Many/most CSS improvements (CSS 2 anyone?), full 32-bit PNG support, RSS features are not in this version, but will be in Beta 2.
    • Don't bitch about it if you haven't read that whitepaper. Many questions are answered in that whitepaper.
    • It is unfinished, unpolished, and buggy! Be warned. It was not meant for you (ie: everyday designer/developer), just professionals that have testing machines.

    Now, again, for those of you who have installed Beta 1, enjoy. There are lots of promising things in it, the interface has changed quite a bit, and as you can see, there are tabs, RSS support, enhanced printing controls, loads of privacy controls (you can clear all cache, history, cookies, and anything "private" by one menu item.)

    Things are not quite finished yet, you can't move the address bar or search bar or other menu items until the next beta.

    Trillian users, listen up!

    • Installing Internet Explorer Beta 1 breaks Trillian! (Remember, it wasn't meant for you, just developers on testing machines!)
    • To fix this problem, you must disable Trillian from loading its MSN Messenger plugin.
    • To do this, go to your Trillian directory, the plugins directory, and rename "msn.dll" to something else, like "msn.dll.deactivated."
    • Trillian will now work properly, sans MSN Messenger.

    For those of you who want to wait, you should wait. Unless you absolutely must see an unfinished, unpolished, buggy browser that won't be put back together at least until the next beta or the public Release Candidate, then wait. Remember, you cannot uninstall this once you install it. You've been warned!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/940618.html

  7. Programming (part two)

    Date: 07/31/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: php, programming, software, css, html, xml, database, asp, sql, java, security, web

    A few weeks ago, I asked about programming languages and which I should learn, and your reaction had me thinking that I could have offered more info about what I hoped to do with computers. My request was so vague that I can see why you found it difficult to reply. Perhaps this time I'll do better.

    To make things easier, I'm providing a list of what I want to do, and I ask you if you know what languages or applications I should consider in order to fulfill my technological goals.

    I'd like to:

    1. build web pages
    2. provide internet security for large & small clients
    3. make computer games
    4. build my own OS from scratch (a big task, I know)
    5. create, edit, download, and manipulate multi-media images and files
    6. develop application software
    7. build and manage my own server
    8. develop databases
    9. get a general feel for everything else, in case I ever need it

    So my current list of stuff I wish to learn now includes:
    • Java
    • Java Script
    • Perl
    • C, C+, & C++
    • PHP
    • SQL
    • CSS
    • HTML
    • XML
    • Adobe Photoshop
    • Adobe Illustrator
    • Flash & Dreamweaver
    • .Net (VB.net, ASP.net, C#)
    • CGI

    If you know anything about the above, feel free to post:

    What are each of the above used for? How did it come out? Are any of them similar or used for similar tasks? Etc., etc., etc.

    Finally, I was told to learn some Assembly language, but unless I am mistaken, I think I learned that already. If someone could give me a rundown on what it is, I could be sure if its what I think it is. I think I learned 8086 in my day (came with a card, too), so all I have to do is review it I think.

    Your help and suggestions are welcome and I thank you in advance for your time.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/740093.html

  8. login, user accounts, etc.

    Date: 08/01/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, css, html, java, web

    Sorry this is probably a rather dumb question but...
    So I've been doing web design for quite some time now, using the basic design languages, html,css,dhtml,php,java. But I think I've kind of come up with an idea finally, a good idea, for a hopefully profitable website!
    But one of the problems is, I need to be able to have users who can sign up and create their own accounts, such as signing up on LJ or Deviantart and getting your own page.
    But I'm not exactly sure how to start creating such a thing. What language do I need to learn in order to accomplish that? so they'd have their accounts on a sub domain in essance. www.webpage.com/username
    I've thought about using phpnuke or a forum based site but it just wouldn't work for my idea. I like Deviantart's setup. I would need something similiar to what they've got.
    Thanks for reading my dumb question, I hope someone knows what I need.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/942600.html

  9. Microsoft giving in??

    Date: 08/02/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css

    So I just came across this at Slashdot right now and figured maybe some of you would like to see it (if you haven't already).

    Standards and CSS in IE

    I'm not seeing many of the IE bugs on there that have been making me bang my head against the desk lately, but it's good to know that they're at least going to try to fix some things and support CSS a little better.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/943435.html

  10. Full-View Select Menu

    Date: 08/03/05 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: browser, css, web

    Internet Explorer for Windows has a problem with select menus: If you specify the width of one using CSS, any of the menu's options that are too long to fit in that width simply get cut off, even when the menu is opened. This script attempts to remedy the situation by changing the CSS size of the menu dynamically.

    Full-View Select Menus

    Please test. Specifically, I'd like some reports of how the script behaves in browsers that masquerade as Internet Explorer. I've tested that scenario successfully in Firefox and Safari, but I'm curious about other browsers.

    Thanks, and enjoy.

    cross-posted to '[info]'webdev

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/javascript/72579.html

  11. Full-View Select Menu

    Date: 08/03/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: browser, css, java

    Internet Explorer for Windows has a problem with select menus: If you specify the width of one using CSS, any of the menu's options that are too long to fit in that width simply get cut off, even when the menu is opened. This script attempts to remedy the situation by changing the CSS size of the menu dynamically.

    Full-View Select Menus

    Please test. Specifically, I'd like some reports of how the script behaves in browsers that masquerade as Internet Explorer. I've tested that scenario successfully in Firefox and Safari, but I'm curious about other browsers.

    Thanks, and enjoy.

    cross-posted to '[info]'javascript

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/229691.html

  12. Cheat Sheets

    Date: 08/05/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, css, xml, sql, java

    ILoveJackDaniels.com has some really great cheat sheets that you may find handy.

    He just added some javascript cheats which includes XMLHTTPRequest cheats, function cheats, etc.


    He has Javascript cheats, PHP cheats, RGB Hex Color chart, mySQL, CSS, mod_rewrite, regular expressions and others.

    x-posted to '[info]'itprofessionals.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/231417.html

  13. Overwrite the IMG tag?

    Date: 08/04/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: css

    Hi Everyone,

    How do I modify the IMG tag so that every image on my site has a certain amount of padding around it? I don't want to have to assign a class or put a style in every tag, and I remember there being a really easy way to just modify the tag through CSS. Anyone care to enlighten me?


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/230874.html

  14. Cheat Sheets

    Date: 08/05/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: php, mysql, css, xml, sql, java, web

    ILoveJackDaniels.com has some really great cheat sheets that you may find handy.

    He just added some javascript cheats which includes XMLHTTPRequest cheats, function cheats, etc.


    He has Javascript cheats, PHP cheats, RGB Hex Color chart, mySQL, CSS, mod_rewrite, regular expressions and others.

    x-posted to '[info]'webdev.

    ps. Are any of you from the Bay Area?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/itprofessionals/16669.html

  15. JavaScript reading CSS values

    Date: 08/05/05 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: css, java

    I'm having some problems with JavaScript reading the values for divs that I set in a CSS file. The JavaScript worked before when I had the style information in the div tags, but now that I've moved it into a separate CSS file it no longer works, at least not in Firefox 1.0.6.

    The JavaScript functions:

    function fnMirrorPanes()
    	var varDivs = new Array('pane_main', 'pane_info', 'pane_cluster', 'pane_quadrant', 'pane_starsystem', 'menu_main', 'menu_navigation', 'menu_interface', 'alert_mail', 'alert_forum', 'alert_combat');
    	for (x in varDivs)
    		xLeft(varDivs[x], (640 - xWidth(varDivs[x]) - xLeft(varDivs[x])));

    xLeft and xWidth are part of the X Library.

    The CSS code:

    /* General */
    #menu_main, #menu_navigation, #menu_interface, #pane_main, #pane_info, #pane_cluster, #pane_quadrant, #pane_starsystem, #alert_mail, #alert_forum, #alert_combat {
    	position: absolute;
    	margin: 0px;
    #menu_main, #menu_navigation, #menu_interface, #pane_main, #pane_info, #pane_cluster, #pane_quadrant, #pane_starsystem {
    	visibility: visible;
    #menu_main, #menu_navigation, #menu_interface, #pane_main, #alert_mail, #alert_forum, #alert_combat {
    	border: 0px;
    #alert_mail, #alert_forum, #alert_combat {
    	visibility: hidden;
    /* Menus */
    #menu_main {
    	top: 270px;
    	left: 52px;
    	width: 79px;
    	height: 79px;
    #menu_navigation {
    	top: 249px;
    	left: 39px;
    	width: 105px;
    	height: 21px;
    #menu_interface {
    	top: 367px;
    	left: 145px;
    	width: 21px;
    	height: 84px;
    /* Main and Info panes */
    #pane_main {
    	top: 15px;
    	left: 175px;
    	width: 450px;
    	height: 328px;
    #pane_info {
    	top: 15px;
    	left: 15px;
    	width: 145px;
    	height: 230px;
    /* Maps */
    #pane_cluster, #pane_quadrant, #pane_starsystem {
    	top: 357px;
    	width: 105px;
    	height: 105px;
    #pane_cluster {
    	left: 28px;
    #pane_quadrant {
    	left: 175px;
    #pane_starsystem {
    	left: 292px;
    /* Alerts */
    #alert_mail, #alert_forum, #alert_combat  {
    	width: 25px;
    	height: 25px;
    #alert_mail {
    	top: 297px;
    	left: 79px;
    #alert_forum {
    	top: 271px;
    	left: 105px;
    #alert_combat {
    	top: 271px;
    	left: 79px;
    #pane_main, #pane_info, #pane_cluster, #pane_quadrant, #pane_starsystem {
    	background-color: transparent;

    I've had one person suggest using