More Google classifieds buzz
Date: 11/10/05
(Web Technology) Keywords: web, google
Word of yet another Google patent related to classified ads surfaces, fueling talk of company's plans to conquer Web by becoming one-stop info shop.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/More+Google+classifieds+buzz/2100-9588_22-5942850.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
More Google classifieds buzz
Date: 11/10/05
(Web Technology) Keywords: web, google
Word of yet another Google patent related to classified ads surfaces, fueling talk of company's plans to conquer Web by becoming one-stop info shop.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-5942850.html
DHTML Menu Studio Extension for Dreamweaver
Date: 11/12/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: html, google
Does anyone know where I can find a copy of that extension for DW8? Apparently it comes packaged with MX (and if it comes with 8 as well then I can't find it :/). I've also looked on the Macromedia Exchange, but couldn't find it there either.
If not, can someone recommend a free or low cost DHTML menu extension for DW8? I've Googled a few, but can't decide which one to go with.
Thanks in advance!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/1015299.html
Adsense problem
Date: 11/14/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: google
I'm designing a template for a client, and for some odd reason once I added an additional space at the top of the layout for a second adsense ad, the one that was in the "Advertisments" column doesn't work anymore. But when I take the top one away, it works again . . .
Anyone familiar with a problem like this? Adsense is beginning to be the bain of my existence, first I had to search all over to find a fix for the Firefox adsense flicker problem when you have it in a float, and now this.
The url where this is occurring is:
Thanks in advance for any help,
I've "solved" the problem. Adsense Conflicts.
Apparently you can't use 728x90 ads with 160x600. I'm going to wait still to hear from google, to see if they respond and write an article about this later, which I'll eventually link to.
Hope this helps someone else.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/1015990.html
Google Web Accelerator Back With Vengeance
Date: 11/14/05
(Java Web) Keywords: web, google
Google Web Accelerator is back with a vengeance.
If your web site bandwidth consumption has spiked in the last couple of days, look to blame it on Google Web Accelerator.
For the last 2-3 days my site was experiencing strange page impressions in large volume. On a hunch I checked Google Web Accelerator site. And it [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-web-accelerator-back-with-vengeance/
Blogging + Adsense Success Story (from $200 to $3000 per day) - Weblogs Inc. Profiled by Google
Date: 11/14/05
(Java Web) Keywords: web, google
Weblogs Inc. is now profiled by Google as one of AdSense success stories along with Camcorderinfo.com and Askthebuilder.com.
I guess PVRBlog.com, the first AdSense darling, is now old news and probably comes nowhere near the leaders mentioned above.
According to the profile Weblogs Inc. went from 200 USD per day to 3000 USD per day on AdSense [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/bloggingadsense-success-story-weblogs-inc-profiled-by-google/
sites opened with target=_blank, referral
Date: 11/14/05
(Web Development) Keywords: google
Can sites opened with target="_blank" be seen in referral logs, or only ones that open in the same window? I don't know where I got the idea that a link opened with target="_blank" means the linked site cannot see where the click came from...maybe I'm crazy. I've googled my little heart out and can't find any info about this, so I figured this would be a good place to ask. Yes, and I know we're not supposed to be using target=_blank anymore ;)
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/269495.html
new computer
Date: 11/15/05
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: web, google
My friend wants to spend $3,000 for a new desktop.
He wants it to be reliable, quiet, elegant and Longhorn-ready.
He does occasional web design (Flash, Photoshop), sound editing, likes GoogleEarth, flight simulators, rips DVDs, and does NOT play any games.
Here's what I suggested:
Lian Li V1100 case $200
Antec Phantom 500 $150
Swan M200 speakers $200
ViewSonic VP2030 LCD $800
Logitech A-1000 mouse $50
MS natural keyboard $50
Plextor 716SA $150
WD Raptor 74 GB (RAID 5) $3x150
Audigy2 NX $100
ATI Radeon Pro 9800 256 MB $250
Corsair DDR2 dual channel 400 MHz 2x1GB $200
Asus P5WD2 with Intel 955X chipset $200
Pentium D 830 3.0 GHz $350
What do you think?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/816278.html
Google Base service goes live
Date: 11/16/05
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
Service allows people to post "all types of online and offline information and images" that may be searchable on several Google sites.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-5954797.html
Is Google Analytics Actually Usable?
Date: 11/17/05
(Java Web) Keywords: google
I hear rants and raves about Google Analytics all of which are based on their cool demo graphics. However nobody yet mentioned whether they were able to see their own statistics.
My own attempts resulted in loooooooooooong wait to even register in all of my several attempts (and I am persistent) before I finally gave [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/is-google-analytics-actually-usable/
Thunderbird: blank lines quoting
Date: 11/17/05
(Mozilla) Keywords: html, google
Hello everyone.
Is there any tweak or extension that can help me make Thunderbird (I use 1.5 20051025) stop quoting blank (empty) lines? I think that quoting them is useless.
For example, I want the following message piece:
-- cut --
>> blah! blah!
> Yah-yah! Blah is cool
Yes, I think that blah is cool too
And yah is cool as well
-- /cut --
to be quoted as:
-- cut --
>>> blah! blah!
>> Yah-yah! Blah is cool
> Yes, I think that blah is cool too
> And yah is cool as well
-- /cut --
And if anyone knows the way to make Thunderbird insert a space right after the quoting sign ('>') that will be great as well. The text right after the > looks ugly. I.e. I want to have:
-- cut --
>> Quote 1
> Quote 2
-- /cut --
instead of:
-- cut --
>>Quote 1
>Quote 2
-- /cut --
This applies to the messages sent only.
I use plain-text, not html.
I've searched the google, forums, faqs and knowledge base trying to find some solution to these issues but in vain.
Any help, hint or advice will be GREATLY appreciated.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/337266.html
Basically a pretty easy question....
Date: 11/18/05
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: google
Simple enough I need to convert m4a to mp3 or wav. If any of you know how to do that, I will bare your children and like love you forever and stuff o.0
Im pretty tech savy, if I might say so myself. And I just cant find a program that does it. my love Audacity, the program I use for all my normal converting needs wont recognize it. download.com and google arent helping me at all so if one of you all know ...
Thanks for your time
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/817915.html
This thing ROCKS!
Date: 11/18/05
(SQL Server) Keywords: database, sql, security, google
Yesterday after lunch, I got one of those famous, hurried "critical" requests to export some data to a vendor for an important project. Someone from our Stock Administration team insisted on meeting with me to give me a USB drive to get the database image. Apparently, they needed someone to import the data on our system, then export it in a format requested by the vendor in order to test and configure a new offering for us.
I was already irritated that yet another team had failed to document and obtain resources for their data requirements, therefore making an emergency for me that very important people would hear about if I didn't follow through. I did what I aways do, I said I'd look at it and see what could be done. Oh man...you know what I saw? This dude had been walking around all over the place with this little flash drive in is pocket with stock administration data for EVERYONE IN OUR COMPANY. This data included Social Security Numbers, Birthday's, Names, Addresses, Salaries, and Stock Options. AND he wanted me to just send it off to some company to play around with. I was pretty mad, especially when he had his manager call me to complain.
I explained that this was in violation with our SOX commitments and that the data would have to be at the very least cleansed before it was sent out. I also mentioned that I didn't particularly want my SSN sent to parts unknown for a proof-of-concept project. After that I found a kind way of mentioning that carrying around sensitive data in an unsecure format is grounds for termination. Then his manager called the CIO. All the better, at least the CIO understands INFORMATION and the protection thereof!
I didn't have a clue how to cleanse data, but it had to get done fast, so I did a google search for tools, and I found this little gem. The DTM Data Generator contained a robust set of tools for analyzing the SQL tables field by field, while retaining the referential integrity. It's very versatile. I'm definately going to use this again. I think I might finally generate those mean sets of data for our QA team to test against. This tool rocks.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/sqlserver/37213.html
Google Starts Competing with BlogAds
Date: 11/18/05
(Java Web) Keywords: web, google
Google is launching a new feature Friday that lets publishers of AdSense partner Web sites sign up advertisers on their own. Under the new Onsite Advertiser Sign-up, marketers can create site-targeted ads and submit cost-per-impression bids on the targeted site. Previously, advertisers had to go to Google's Web site to do that. With AdSense, Web [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-starts-competing-with-blogads/
Google AdSense Silently Opts-in Publishers To Online Advertiser Sign-up Program
Date: 11/22/05
(Java Web) Keywords: web, google
I reported previously that Google is about to unveil a new program that lets publishers of AdSense partner Web sites sign up advertisers on their own. It is already operational and it has opted you in (if you are AdSense publisher) by default.
I have some concerns about this program.
I don't like the fact that [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-adsense-silently-opts-in-publishers-to-online-advertiser-sign-up-program/
Any Luck with Google AdSense Referral?
Date: 11/22/05
(Java Web) Keywords: google
I am very curious to know if anyone had any luck (signups or revenue) with Google AdSense Referral program launched recently for public.
I am aware that it was launched for selected few publishers previously. So if you are one of them I am very interested to know your opinion on how it stacks up against [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/any-luck-with-google-adsense-referral/
google book search
Date: 11/23/05
(C Sharp) Keywords: google
Full-text searching of books. I've been waiting for something of the sort for years. AMAZING
X-posted: EVERYWHERE =)
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/csharp/42717.html
Google fixes glitch that unleashed flood of porn
Date: 11/24/05
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
Google Base lives up to its name after broken smut filter subjects visitors to loads of adult content.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-5969799.html
Google issues?
Date: 11/26/05
(Mozilla) Keywords: google
Is anybody else finding that FF 1.5RC3 doesn't seem to hold onto Google cookies?Or is it just me?
My homepage when I bring up Firefox is a personalized google page, and I find I have to constantly log into google, as it won't keep me logged in despite me clicking that particular function on the page. I run into the same problem with Gmail.
I have it set for FF to accept cookies, yet I still have to constantly log into my google functions. Are there any solutions?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/338659.html
Is NoFollow Directive Not Being Followed?
Date: 11/28/05
(Java Web) Keywords: google
I have observed this for sometime, so I thought I would bring this to light and see if you have observed it too. Apparently nofollow directive is ignored by search engines including Google, despite their claims.
They still follow the links. I have found backwards links to site which were tagged with nofollow in Google, [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/is-nofollow-directive-not-being-followed/