php and meta tags
Date: 02/24/07
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, rss, google
First, I want to say thanks for the help on my previous post.
I now have another question that I have just noticed.
When I try to do a search using google for my site, it now only shows
the title and the url, no description anymore. It has happened since I made my site a php site.
The question is, so I put the meta tags in the topmenu that is included in each area of my page or does the meta tags need to go else where?
I heard about a meta.php but not sure how to get one started, will this one work?
The meta tags are in my topmenu.php
my index page at the top as include ('topmenu.php');
www.cardeologist.com is the site I am talking about.
It also does it for my subdomain too:
When I do searches.
This is what comes up for mine:
steve patterson collector of business cards
www.cardeologist.com/ - Similar pages - Filter
instead of something like this:
rss feed for youtube videos by cardeologist http
http://youtube.com/?v=i2OsEBVzpwA Thu, 18 Jan 2007 08:12:52 -0800 Missy the Cat takes a treat cardeologist black cat missy treat trick animal knoxville ...
www.youtube.com/rss/user/cardeologist/videos.rss - 33k - Cached - Similar pages - Filter
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/544942.html
Page not found - without even trying.
Date: 02/25/07
(Computer Help) Keywords: spyware, google
My in-laws are running WinXP with a 56k modem. Both IE and Firefox will attempt to load a page for a split-second and then frequently return the error message that the page cannot be found. Even fast sites like Google will fail to load; or rather, the system fails to even attempt to look for them.
Formerly you had to re-attempt to load the page several times to get it to load. After cleaning up spyware and all that the computer will now load one page with no problem, but attempting to load two at once results in the second page not being found. Ditto if you're downloading something and attempt to load a page.
What causes this? Is there some data-transmission timeout I can adjust? Is there a problem with the DNS server, not that I know much about that? How can it be stopped?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/750397.html
Google loses ad exec to CBS
Date: 03/01/07
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
Patrick Keane, a four-year Google veteran, has been named chief marketing officer at CBS Interactive.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6163493.html
Date: 03/01/07
(WebDesign) Keywords: xml, google
The site I manage at work is going to start taking in an XML-based newswire, and I need to be able to have it display in a nice way on our site. After speaking with the people who publish the wire, they said my best bet would to check out XML Style Sheets. Anyone know of a place where I can read up on this stuff? A quick google search didn't seem to give me anything I'd be capable of really using.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1226745.html
Searching Wikipedia articles from Google
Date: 03/02/07
(Web Development) Keywords: google
As a frequent Googler, I know all about the little tricks of the search bar. Such as the little trick that lets me search for a word in a site domain: "something site:www.domain.org." This search usually returns a ton of hits, but strangely enough that doesn't seem to work with www.wikipedia.org. Try it yourself and you'll see what I mean. Does this have anything to do with the peculiar structure of a wiki? Any ideas?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/389792.html
Searching Wikipedia articles from Google
Date: 03/02/07
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: google
As a frequent Googler, I know all about the little tricks of the search bar. Such as the little trick that lets me search for a word in a site domain: "something site:www.domain.org." This search usually returns a ton of hits, but strangely enough that doesn't seem to work with www.wikipedia.org. Try it yourself and you'll see what I mean. Does this have anything to do with the peculiar structure of a wiki? Any ideas?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1044656.html
asp.net/sql help?
Date: 03/02/07
(IT Professionals) Keywords: database, asp, sql, web, google
Hi! I'm currently making a website for a school project using ASP.NET and SQL and it has a registration form. How do I keep the registered entries unique like say...make sure no two people get the same login name? My 'loginname' variable in my database is data type nvarchar(50). I've tried google and some other sites but I don't think I'm getting the keywords correctly.
Thanks for your time!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/itprofessionals/53657.html
BBC news clips, trailers travel to YouTube
Date: 03/02/07
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
British broadcaster partners with Google's video-sharing site to showcase news and TV programs such as Doctor Who.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6163735.html
using an iPod shuffle without iTunes
Date: 03/02/07
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: database, google
I just thought I'd post this for anyone who might be interested.
I got an orange shuffle for Valentine's Day, and I immediately started looking for alternatives to iTunes. I hate iTunes, especially for something as simple as a shuffle. I found a program called iShuffle that lets you organize your music on your shuffle how YOU want to and then rebuild the iPod database so it thinks you used iTunes.
Last night, I wrote a batch script that lets me right click on a Winamp playlist (m3u file) in My Computer/Windows Explorer and send the contents of the playlist to the shuffle. It's a little slow because it just uses the COPY command, so it takes a few minutes to transfer 850MB of music.
There is also a setup file to make it easy for you to use it on your own computer, along with instructions and a separate file that lets you change the iPod's drive letter in the batch file if you've already run the setup before.
I tested this on my own shuffle, and it worked beautifully.
So, if you're interested, give it a shot. If you decide you don't like it, you can just use the "Restore" feature in iTunes to erase your iPod and go back to using iTunes.
Get it here:
It's my first real experience with writing batch files, so it might be a little ineffecient - suggestions are welcomed!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1045112.html
File Upload Progress Bar
Date: 03/05/07
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, google
My boss wants me to create an upload script that shows a progress bar of % uploaded - which is something I've never attempted in PHP. My initial Google searches suggests that PHP is limited in such a way that this cannot be done via PHP alone, and that a Perl/AJAX method is preferred.
Now - I have little Perl and no AJAX experience, so I was just wondering if someone could comment on this. Is there a PHP method? Have any of you used a Perl/AJAX method or another to get something similar accomplished, and what was it?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/547497.html
Date: 03/05/07
(Web Development) Keywords: google
Please don't run away because of the title. I'm working on a template which would include a sidebar with the ability to leave comments without refreshing...hence the AJAX implication.
Now, the big issue at hand is I have NO knowledge on how to do this. Here is the template I'm working with. ( clicky )
On the right you'll see the comment box, and above is a small bg image which looks like a quote bubble. So I want the submissions to appear over the bubble. And here is the catch, only three comments are to be allowed on the page. It needs to auto delete any (older) comments beyond 3. And a maximum of 100 characters per submission.
Of course it is. But I don't know how to do it. I've googled and ... damn it's a big world out there.
Suggestions or offers?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/390312.html
Date: 03/05/07
(WebDesign) Keywords: google
Please don't run away because of the title. I'm working on a template which would include a sidebar with the ability to leave comments without refreshing...hence the AJAX implication.
Now, the big issue at hand is I have NO knowledge on how to do this. Here is the template I'm working with. ( clicky )
On the right you'll see the comment box, and above is a small bg image which looks like a quote bubble. So I want the submissions to appear over the bubble. And here is the catch, only three comments are to be allowed on the page. It needs to auto delete any (older) comments beyond 3. And a maximum of 100 characters per submission.
Of course it is. But I don't know how to do it. I've googled and ... damn it's a big world out there.
Suggestions or offers?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1229394.html
Date: 03/05/07
(HTML Help) Keywords: google
Please don't run away because of the title. I'm working on a template which would include a sidebar with the ability to leave comments without refreshing...hence the AJAX implication.
Now, the big issue at hand is I have NO knowledge on how to do this. Here is the template I'm working with. ( clicky )
On the right you'll see the comment box, and above is a small bg image which looks like a quote bubble. So I want the submissions to appear over the bubble. And here is the catch, only three comments are to be allowed on the page. It needs to auto delete any (older) comments beyond 3. And a maximum of 100 characters per submission.
Of course it is. But I don't know how to do it. I've googled and ... damn it's a big world out there.
Suggestions or offers?
EDIT: Link fixed.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2392028.html
Date: 03/05/07
(PHP Development) Keywords: google
Please don't run away because of the title. I'm working on a template which would include a sidebar with the ability to leave comments without refreshing...hence the AJAX implication.
Now, the big issue at hand is I have NO knowledge on how to do this. Here is the template I'm working with. ( clicky )
On the right you'll see the comment box, and above is a small bg image which looks like a quote bubble. So I want the submissions to appear over the bubble. And here is the catch, only three comments are to be allowed on the page. It needs to auto delete any (older) comments beyond 3. And a maximum of 100 characters per submission.
Of course it is. But I don't know how to do it. I've googled and ... damn it's a big world out there.
Suggestions or offers?
EDIT: Link fixed.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php_dev/76187.html
Date: 03/05/07
(PHP Community) Keywords: google
Please don't run away because of the title. I'm working on a template which would include a sidebar with the ability to leave comments without refreshing...hence the AJAX implication.
Now, the big issue at hand is I have NO knowledge on how to do this. Here is the template I'm working with. ( clicky )
On the right you'll see the comment box, and above is a small bg image which looks like a quote bubble. So I want the submissions to appear over the bubble. And here is the catch, only three comments are to be allowed on the page. It needs to auto delete any (older) comments beyond 3. And a maximum of 100 characters per submission.
Of course it is. But I don't know how to do it. I've googled and ... damn it's a big world out there.
Suggestions or offers?
EDIT: Link fixed.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/548116.html
Weird PHP + MySQL resource error
Date: 03/08/07
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, mysql, sql, google
Using PHP 5.2.1 on a windows command (cli) environment I ran into a really weird bug about two days ago. Using xdebug to step through my code, the 'mysql link' resource becomes partially corrupted. What I mean is: it's still a resource, it still has the same id #, but the type shifts to 'Unknown'. I've run extensive searches through the code for all mention of the link resource variable but the only assignment is when it's set with mysql_connect(). This passed through pretty much every safety check (! null, is_resource, isset() ) and into mysql_ library functions. So I kept getting warnings saying to the effect '15 is not a valid mysql link resource' that then cascaded into errors about 1000 ticks afterwards.
So my question, has anyone heard of this happening, I've rummaged through php.net bugzilla and also googled, but have come up empty.
Pre-answers: the entire environment is dedicated to this script
php.ini: all mysql limits are set to -1.
The script is a daily cronscript.
At ramp up, the script balloons to 192MB-240MB and 99.9% cpu utilization for the entire duration of the script which is fine because this all will be running on a dedicated machine that will be running idle when this thing executes.
The solution I came up with, is that when mysql_real_escape_string returns false, unset the resource, then reassign it from mysql_connect() then try 1 more time before throwing an exception.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/549713.html
A Better Online Calendar?
Date: 03/08/07
(Webmaster View) Keywords: google
Scrybe: Got this link from a thread in Google Calendar Group
Source: http://www.webmasterview.com/tools/a_better_online_calendar
Google Book Search wins backing of German library
Date: 03/08/07
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
About 1 million books from the Bavarian State Library will be made available to Google's book-scanning project.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6165462.html
Google Earth patent infringement suit dismissed
Date: 03/08/07
(Web Technology) Keywords: software, google
Judge denies complaint alleging infringement of software that provides viewing and zoom functions in Google Earth.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6165454.html
No open source pressure in Viacom-Google case
Date: 03/13/07
(Open Source) Keywords: hosting, google
Viacom claims Google's YouTube is profiting from piracy, but YouTube is not monetizing the traffic in question. Viacom is, but its costs for hosting are not inconsiderable, its distribution capacity is limited, and the failure to create a network of online resellers is, over the long run, untenable.
Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/zdnet/open-source/~3/101400348/