1. Google, Salesforce.com to partner on Web site

    Date: 06/05/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: software, google

    Site aims to allow the online customer relationship management software maker to act as a reseller for Google's AdWords.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6188670.html

  2. WOL over wireless?

    Date: 06/04/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: google

    Hi. Google has always been my friend, except on this issue where it has been no help whatsoever.

    My question:

    Is it possible to perform a wake-on-lan (WOL) call to a machine that is connected to a wireless network?

    Regularly, WOL "magic packet" would be received by a wired network card. Is there a PCI wireless network card that would have power reserved for magic packets when the computer's off, just like a regular non-wireless card?

    If you can't receive WOL over wireless then WOL is only for clunky wired routing.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1077820.html

  3. Hindu group strives to block Orkut 'hate campaigns'

    Date: 06/08/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: software, google

    Shiv Sena party threatens Net cafe owners, says it's developing software to block certain phrases used on Google social network.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6189639.html

  4. What Matters Most To You & Me As A Blogger

    Date: 06/10/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: google

    Darren Rowse posted an interesting question: “What matters most to you as a blogger”. Here’s my answer: 1. Blog as repository of knowledge. I am an avid reader; I learn new things everyday. However I keep my RAM (quick search memory) very small. Consequently I frequently refer to my blog and then to Google to find [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/what-matters-most-to-you-me-as-a-blogger/

  5. Watchdog group eyes YouTube

    Date: 06/11/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    The National Legal and Policy Center criticizes YouTube's business practices and calls on owner Google to do more to protect copyright holders.
    Hollywood's YouTube frustration grows

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6189832.html

  6. Is googling creeping you out?

    Date: 06/12/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Search giant helps people view things from the street as well as the sky. Some privacy advocates worry that it's going too far.
    Photos: Google street views hit home

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6190319.html

  7. link helps.

    Date: 06/13/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: google

    anyone know of a script that can change the image of a visited link? for example, i have black boxes that i want to change to grey boxes after visiting. no hover, no active.. just visited.

    or what i can google, specifically, to find such a thing?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1263658.html

  8. Translator Plugin Pro / Gold 5.0: Multiple Engine Failover Support

    Date: 06/13/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: google

    Angsuman’s Translator Plugin Pro 5.0 (& Gold) provides automatic multiple engine failover support. What does it mean to you as a WordPress blogger? First let’s understand how Translator Plugin translates your blog. We rely on multiple external translation engines like Google and Babelfish to do the actual translation. We provide multiple functionalities on top of their [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/translator-plugin-pro-50-multiple-engine-failover-support/

  9. eBay yanks ads from Google AdWords network

    Date: 06/14/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google, ebay

    Decision reportedly in response to Google's decision to hold a party starting at the same time as an eBay conference for merchants.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6190885.html

  10. Keyword Database (44,000,000 search queries in Google)

    Date: 06/14/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, database, tracker, google

    Xedant Keyword Database - contains 44,000,000 (44 millions) keywords - search queries in Google with complete information according to each of them: Overture, Wordtracker and Google Adwords popularity estimation, competition estimation according to Google and Google AdWords, bid price estimation according to Google AdWords.

    The database is used for:

    - keyword research;
    - generating doorways;
    - discovering profitable AdSense niches;
    - finding good domain names for resale or parking;
    - getting new ideas for products and services.

    More info: http://www.xedant.com/keyword-database.php

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/415595.html

  11. Translator Plugin Pro 5.0: Guidelines & Notes for Current Customers

    Date: 06/14/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: google

    Translator Plugin Pro 5.0 is a new release in many refreshing ways. One of the first thing you will notice is that the Translator options page have moved under Options menu. One of the nagging problems with Translator Pro for heavy users / popular blogs was that sometimes translation engines like Google banned them temporarily due to [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/translator-plugin-pro-50-guidelines-notes-for-current-customers/

  12. Keyword Database (44,000,000 search queries in Google)

    Date: 06/14/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, database, tracker, google

    Xedant Keyword Database - contains 44,000,000 (44 millions) keywords - search queries in Google with complete information according to each of them: Overture, Wordtracker and Google Adwords popularity estimation, competition estimation according to Google and Google AdWords, bid price estimation according to Google AdWords.

    The database is used for:

    - keyword research;
    - generating doorways;
    - discovering profitable AdSense niches;
    - finding good domain names for resale or parking;
    - getting new ideas for products and services.

    More info: http://www.xedant.com/keyword-database.php

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1266101.html

  13. Update to make Plaxo 'Switzerland of personal information'?

    Date: 06/25/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web, yahoo, microsoft, google

    Integrating calendar and contact data from Google, Apple, Yahoo, Mozilla and Microsoft apps, Web company to build social networks.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6193006.html

  14. Restoring monitor to factory defaults

    Date: 06/25/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: google

    I apologize if my question has been answered recently; I went back a few pages but didn't see anyone asking this question.

    Long story short, my baby cousin got away from me, started pressing the buttons on the monitor, and managed to completely mess with the color settings (thankfully that's all he messed up.) I've tried to adjust the settings back to where they were, but can't get it anywhere close to right.

    What I need to know is how to restore the monitor back to the factory default settings, and if this will reset the color settings as well. I've tried Google, but it only shows product listings and tells me to reset my monitor, but not how. Owner's manual is also being less than helpful.

    I'm using a Dell Dimension 2400, and my monitor is a 19 inch flatscreen by the same manufacturer.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/792800.html

  15. HTML newsletter problem

    Date: 06/26/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: html, web, google

    This is driving me nuts, and I hope someone can help me. I've designed an HTML email newsletter. It's not overly image-laden, and all the images are optimized GIFs stored on a server and called by URL. I didn't get fancy with formatting - just used a background color in one of the td's, and some color and font stuff to differentiate between two levels of headlines.

    The problem is, it's still 159K when it hits the inbox, and I can't understand why it's so large. I've streamlined as much as I know how. Now, here's the really weird part, I think. There's a newsletter I subscribe to that has a fairly similar design, but with a ton of images... and it regularly hits only about 40K in my inbox. So, as a test, I copied the source code from the latest edition of that newsletter, put it into a file on my computer, and sent the newsletter to myself. It showed up at 679K!

    So apparently, there's some kind of compression happening somewhere when they send it out (or else Outlook Express is fattening when used as the sender).

    What the heck am I missing here?

    ETA: I have done exhaustive Google searches trying to find the answer to this question and have pored over every email newsletter design site I can find. All my efforts have come to naught.

    X-posted to '[info]'webdesign

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1084363.html

  16. Google security: 'We all have to invent the wheel'

    Date: 06/28/07 (Security)    Keywords: security, web, google

    Leading the charge in Web security at Google, vice president of engineering stands at the forefront of a critical period.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6193944.html

  17. .gif to .jpg?

    Date: 07/01/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: google

    I've got a bunch of images that I want to convert from .gif to .jpg. (My jigsaw puzzle program doesn't work on .gifs.) Oddly, I don't seem to be able to do this in Photoshop - when I do "save as", it doesn't give me the .jpg option in the drop down menu. Does anyone use a free converter download that they recommend? Google brings up a bunch of them, but I'd like to have a recommendation. TIA.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1085350.html

  18. Google AdSense versus Yahoo Publisher Network: Review

    Date: 07/01/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: web, yahoo, google

    I use both YPN & AdSense. Read below for a summary of my experience with both Google AdSense and Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN). Ad Relevance / Targeting of YPN & AdSense AdSense provides much more relevant ads than Yahoo publisher network in general. However YPN provides publisher the ability to select ad categories for their website. There [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-adsense-versus-yahoo-publisher-network/

  19. It’s finished. It’s done. GPVv3 that is.

    Date: 07/02/07 (Open Source)    Keywords: linux, google, apache

    In addition to Linux, GPLv3 also faces threats from Google, which prefers Apache licenses that protect its commercial rights. So, are you making the switch?

    Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/zdnet/open-source/~3/129755399/

  20. Mega Challenge for Google Search Engine - Text-Link-Ads

    Date: 07/03/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: web, yahoo, google

    Google and other major search engines (Yahoo, MSN Search etc.) which use back-links for importance calculation of a web page suffers from a fundamental flaw. Back-links can be manipulated and even purchased. While Matt Cutts claim that they can be easily identified manually, I think it is a hard problem to solve algorithmically and hence to [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/mega-challenge-for-google-search-engine-text-link-ads/

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