1. I need some help

    Date: 06/14/05 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: html, web, hosting

    I'm building a website because I'm starting a small online business (I make jewelry and monsters).

    I need good bandwidth.
    I need enough space to store lots of photos (or a good, affordable, dependable photo hosting site)
    And preferrably some kind of thing to help me make order forms and the ability to have people pay with paypal.
    It can't be too expensive, cause I'm poor...That's why I'm starting the business.
    I know enough html, so I don't need a ton of programs to help me build the site, though I need to figure out the ordering thing.

    Suggestions for good places would be very much appreciated.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/27932.html

  2. charging

    Date: 06/14/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web

    so, how much would you charge for a very basic html, lets say 5 page, website?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/903781.html

  3. global js variables?

    Date: 06/14/05 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: html, java, web

    Howdy y'all... first timer (posting) here, and probably with a dumb question, here goes...

    Is there any way to show the user all the global javascript variables that are available?

    In other words, say I have a web page with a simple script (in the html head):

    Is there a way to access the names of those variables, perhaps through the window object?

    The purpose of this is debugging... I have an input textbox and a button, and when the user clicks the button, it "evaluates" the contents of the textbox using "window[document.forms[0].txt[0].value]".

    So if the user enters "aaaa" and presses the button, it tells them that the value of aaaa is 2.

    But if they don't know the case-sensitive name and spelling of the variable, or perhaps didn't even know it existed, I want to give them a list of all the variables. Is this possible? Does it make sense?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/javascript/69148.html

  4. images

    Date: 06/14/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html

    what's the HTML code for an image being behind another?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/904906.html

  5. print(); and html

    Date: 06/15/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: html

    Which question should I ask first?

    1.) Is there a list of characters that need to be escaped so I dont' have to ask these stupid questions anymore?

    2.) I want to use print(); to set a variable, the variable is a bunch of html so there is spaces, and carriage returns, etc. I get an error:

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected '<' in /path/to/search.php on line 3

    Any ideas? I assume it's the opening of the html tag.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/307405.html

  6. misaligned divs and mysterious indents

    Date: 06/15/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web

    Hi, I've been reading/commenting for a while, but this is my first post.

    On my website the content is divided into columns (and a header) using divs. Each column is subdivided into sections to manage the content. For some unknown reasons, the first few lines in the middle column are indented, aligned with a div in the header and a div in the righthand column.

    Here are the relevant bits of code:

    #title {
    border:1px solid #F6B33D;
    width: 1000px; /* the columns are in a 1000px wide container div */

    #middle {
    margin:0px 200px 0px 200px;
    border:1px solid #F6B33D;
    position: relative;
    top: 83px;
    bottom: 10px;

    #left {
    margin-right: 0;
    border:1px solid #F6B33D;

    #right {
    margin-top: 200px;
    border:1px solid #F6B33D;
    /* centres the divs within each column */
    .centerContent {
      text-align: left;
      border: 1px solid F6B33D;
      /*border-left: 10px solid #000;
      border-right: 10px solid #000;
      border-bottom: 10px solid #000;*/
      margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 10px 5px 10px 5px;
      background: #23272b;
    /* centres the title of each div in each column */
    .centerTitle {
      text-transform: lowercase; font-family: Arial, helvetica;
      color: #F6B33D; background: #000;
      margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 2px 2px 2px 10px;
      letter-spacing:5px; text-align: left;
      font-weight: bold;

    disp('shortdesc', 'htmlbody'); ?>

        ">disp( 'name', 'htmlbody' ) ?>
        The Cheshire Cat












    I don't see where the problem could be. The w3.org html validator didn't pick up any mismatched divs, and I was sure there weren't anyway. This is starting to really frustrate me and I don't want to start over. Sorry if the code is too much, I tried to minimise it. Please help. :(

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/905252.html

  7. Extension Question

    Date: 06/15/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: html

    I downloaded downthemall from http://downthemall.mozdev.org/index.html and it worked great until a popup box said my trial period had expired and after that it wouldn't work. I was under the assumption downthemall is a free extension from Firefox. Does it cost something?

    xposted to '[info]'firefoxusers

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/292217.html

  8. graphics question.

    Date: 06/16/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html

    this isn't a question to do with html, but i figured someone in this communitiy could help me out. i started making icons and friends only signs but when i try to upload them to photobucket or tinypic, they turn out all fuzzy. i've tried saving them as jpeg, bitmap, and everything else. they still turn out fuzzy. anybody know what's going on?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2021621.html

  9. Redirection

    Date: 06/16/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql, web

    Our company's website was recently rebuilt from a collection of many HTML pages assembled over several years to a new mysql-based site. We used to have a large collection of numbered files in a directory called specs, so the url was site.com/specs/6413.htm, for instance. Now it needs to be site.com/display_page.php?p=200&s=6413.

    Is there a way I'm unaware of to have it direct misdirected viewers to the correct page? I have access to the 404 page, but I'm unable to rename it from it's default .html and create a dynamic page. Any ideas?


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/308721.html

  10. help me :(

    Date: 06/16/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html

    I actually have a couple of questions. How do you make it so you can have a border around ur entry boxes... how do you make the entry boxes smaller... and how do you change the text to be smaller and a different font...but in all the entries? im retarded when it comes to html stuff and i dont know any of the codes :(

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2022320.html

  11. Transparent Authentication with Apache and NT Authentication?

    Date: 06/16/05 (Apache)    Keywords: php, html, web, linux, apache

    Hey all! I'm a newbie with .htaccess and authentication, and I'm trying to set up some transparent authentication on an Win 32 web Server.

    It's like this: We have an intranet and we wish to protect our precious admin pages. I have the folder protected with an .htacess file that references a user/pass file, (Everything works just fine this way,) but we would like to modify it as follows:

    We are using Apache 2.0.53 and using the module mod_auth_sspi.so for NT authenticaion. This module let's us capture the NT usernames in an environment variable. (Which makes it convenient for saying "hi" to people through our PHP CGI's.) What we would like to do is restrict access to the admin folder without having any of the administrators enter a user and pass everytime they a'wander to an admin page. So basically,

    - how can we get .htaccess to reference the environment variable for the username? (I'm assuming that's a possibility.)

    - How can we set it up so that it doesn't ask for a user/pass, but rather just blocks out non-admins? (If that's even possible!)

    One way that we have tried to do this already is by using the mod_ntml module, which would give us the ability to perform transparent authentication, but unfortunately the only available binary of this module is only compatible with Apache 1.3. If you try using it with 2.0, the server won't restart. There is a mod_ntml available for Apache 2.0, but it's only an uncompiled linux version. (At least the only ones I've found have been.) What I need is either another way of setting up this transparent authenticaion, or I need to get my hands on a binary version of mod_ntml 2.0 for Win 32. (Still scouring the internet, and have e-mailed someone at Sourceforge.net.)

    My .htaccess file is very basic, since I'm new to this. Here it is:

    authtype Basic
    authname "OUR_INTRANET"
    authuserfile /html/auth/qausers.pas

    Order allow,deny
    allow from none
    require valid-user
    satisfy any

    Thanks everybody!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/21451.html

  12. Frustrating...

    Date: 06/17/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: templates, browser, css, html, java, web

    [First of all yes when I set up internet explorer to be one of the browsers to view my webpage I called it Microblows in dreamweaver so I do click preview in microblows.]
    I don't quite know what to change, I can edit code as needed but don't get my problem. Unfortuneately the webpage is not online cause I can't get rid of the old version before putting the new fully functional one up so I'll put the code in a cut. The problem is though that when I preview in microblows I get to see it as I should, the corner images line up properly and I see the proper coloring [bg one course and table background one are two different colors.... well three if you cound the few cells in the table that's white]. When I preview in firefox [1.0.4 if there's a newer vers feel free to let me know] however there's a problem... the whistspace is still there in the middle of the table however the color that should be in the rest of the table surrounding the white is nonexistant for coloring... it's just the same color as the background of the page. This is driving me bonkers cause it's more important for it to work with the browser I use [at least to me].
    Oh and yes I use dreamweaver.

    All bracets have been replaced with squared ones.

    [!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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    [script type='text/javascript']
    //HV Menu v5.411- by Ger Versluis (http://www.burmees.nl/)
    //Submitted to Dynamic Drive (http://www.dynamicdrive.com)
    //Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com for this script and more
    function Go(){return}
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    [p]This Page is Under Construction...[/p]
    [p]Tune in later for actual content... amazingly enough given time it will come...........[/p]
    [p align="right"]...................just give it a little bit of time, it will come. [/p]
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    Ahava Moo is copyright from 2001 onwards, the style of the page may have changed but all previous style and content as well as current: graphics content design and style as well as anything else under this domain unless otherwise noted. [/p]
    [p class="style2"]
    Last Updated :
    [!-- #BeginDate format:fAm1a --]Friday June 17, 2005 11:27 AM[!-- #EndDate --]


    [!-- InstanceEnd --][/html]

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/907293.html

  13. help!

    Date: 06/17/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web, shopping

    Ok, I have about a million questions that my husband asked me to ask. He's doing web creating and managing and doesn't know exactly what he's doing.

    1. On this page http://www.silversupplies.com/catalog/gem_stones/plates/redcorral/plate10/plate10.shtml is there a way to click on the picture of each individual stone and have it paste the product information (price, stone name, etc) into the "shopping basket" thingy? As it is right now, everyone buying anything from the site has to copy the info and paste it into the box. Can we bypass C&P and just have it do it on a click? If not, what else might work?

    2. Do search engines index everything on a site? How does that work? My husband's boss's friend (who has a crappy ass website but still gives the boss advice) says any information in a table won't show up on a search and so you shouldn't use tables. Is this true? How can you organize a website without tables?

    3. How do you increase hits to a site without paying for a service?

    4. I don't remember any of the other questions. I may make a post again later. Thanks for your help.

    5. I remembered one more: The boss has about 40 domain names that he keeps registered but doesn't use. He wants to redirect traffic from any of the names to his site. Can he set himself up on a computer as his own server (like, on a Mac G5) and not have to pay for anything (except for keeping the domain names registered)? Or will he still have to pay some fee or for some service or... I don't even know what to ask. But does that make sense? As long as his server computer is always running, can he act as his own server and redirect hits to his main website? (he has domain names like silversmith, and silversmithing: really good ones that people would probably try to type in, and he wants them to go to his website, silversupplies).

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/907148.html

  14. XHTML Filter

    Date: 01/01/70 (Webmaster View)    Keywords: html, web

    XHTMLFilter is an online tool to convert any HTML or XHTML document to valid, well-formed XHTML. Using this tool you can filter a file on your computer, or a page on the Web, and preview and download the filtered version. Thomas Rutter, the co-administrator of SitePoint Forums authored this tool.


    Source: http://www.webmasterview.com/tools/xhtml_filter

  15. me with the php e-mail form again...sorry.

    Date: 06/21/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, html

    So I start here :

    and this is my sendmail processor :

    < ?
    $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ;
    $message = $_REQUEST['message'] ;

    mail( "kathleenh@soft-gel.com", "Feedback Form Results", $message, "From: $email" );
    header( "Location: http://www.soft-gel.com/comps/shades/sales_complete.html" );
    ? >

    and this is the error msgs I get for sendmail.php

    Warning: mail() [function.mail]: "sendmail_from" not set in php.ini or custom "From:" header missing in D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Soft-Gel\test\sendmail.php on line 5

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Soft-Gel\test\sendmail.php:5) in D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Soft-Gel\test\sendmail.php on line 6

    --> now, it's something with my php.ini file...except I don't know how to fix that, or if it's something I fix or something my sys admin does when he enabled php on the server. basically...help. please

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/909504.html

  16. e-mail form question....

    Date: 06/20/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html

    I think I've just been looking at code too long, because this is probably a really simple fix...

    Here's my form code :
    < form action="MAILTO:e-mail@here.com" method="post" enctype="text/plain" >

    ETA : so much for the pre tag...

    now, the actual e-mail part is working, but how do I get the site to then go to a confirmation page? the way I've learned it, I'd set that conf. page as the action="http://gohere.html"...but I need the results to be e-mailed to a salesperson - how do I send the e-mail and forward them to a confirmation page?


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/908586.html

  17. ah, the joys of group-help...

    Date: 06/21/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, html, web


    Hey all,

    I have a generic includes script that I deploy for all new sites (I run a small web design company).  It has basic page formatting and a ready-made menu system all ready for instant deployment.  The script itself prints nothing--it simply defines a lot of functions that I then use to make the magic of the site.  I'm not an expert PHPer (I just read 3/4 of a book a while back), but I know my way around.

    This script/library (I don't know the jargon) has had many many miles and hasn't once given me problems (except for the original bugs in its early versions).  Only..  Now it's not doing anything I want it to.  Quite simply, it's not doing anything.  I have no idea what I've changed, but now all it's doing is printing "" on every page that includes it.  I have seen php do this before, but I don't remember what I did to make it do this in the past.

    I reiterate that the script itself doesn't have a single "print" or "echo" line outside of a function.  Yet if I access the script directly it gives me the same result (printing the html and body start/close tags).

    I have tried disabling certain functions with the all-mighty */  /*, but I can't seem to root-out the problem.  If need-be, I'll post the whole script here, but I'd like to know if anybody knows what causes PHP to print the html and body tags instead of sending an error or simply printing nothing at all.

    Any help would be *greatly* appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/310393.html

  18. Secure online storage

    Date: 06/22/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, software, html, asp, sql, security, web, linux, hosting, yahoo

    I have a group of users (100 or so) that need read/write access to a document (excel) of sensitive information. Since they are all over the place, they requested a web application to be able to access from anywhere whenever they need to modify or look at this document. I'm trying to figure out what is the best way to provide a secure way to only allow these specific users to access this document.

    ideas have included:

    Plone - complex, looking for simplicity
    phpBB - requires me to set up a mysql linux box somewhere which might be possible
    Yahoo groups - not very secure but basically what i want

    any other ideas? Security of this information is the biggest priority. i currently have both linux/windows available to host.
    i know some html, coldfusion, asp, but hosting coldfusion is a problem which is why i'm looking for preconfigured apps if possible.

    Xposted to Software

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/213495.html

  19. html tables for community info page

    Date: 06/24/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html, web

    Hi. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with creating a table to organize my community's info page so that the edges of my text line up with the edges of my "headers." If you look at the info page of my community '[info]'squittified, I think you'll see what I mean. I know I've got to put all of my userinfo including my main header at the top into a table with each item in a different table row/column/cell, but I'm not really sure how to do that. Any help or suggestions would be great! Thanks!

    Oh yeah. Or if anyone can suggest a good table html website, that'd be awesome too.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2033227.html

  20. Javascript

    Date: 06/25/05 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: html, java, jsp

    I'm running in J2EE world (JSP/JSTL/Servlets the like), and am having problems pulling a field back from my page, or, I'm having problems actually locking the element.

    If I use the disabled property, a null (or no object) is returned back to the backend (servlet). However the front end acts like I want it too. If I use the readonly property, I can never seem to enter text in even if using javascript to change the property to false. Suggestions?

    Here's one of the html input elements:

    Here's version 1 of the javascript:

    function onCall() {
    for(cnt=0; cnt  if(chkBox.checked) {
        disableElem(document.getElementById("S_" + cntRow + "_" + cntShip));
      } else {
        enableElem(document.getElementById("S_" + cntRow + "_" + cntShip));

    function disableElem(elem) {
      if(elem != undefined) {
        elem.value = 0;
        elem.className = "inputSmall inputPercentage formfield-disabled";
        elem.readonly = true;

    function enableElem(elem) {
      if(elem != undefined) {
        elem.readonly = false;
        elem.className = "inputSmall inputPercentage";

    x-posted to '[info]'java_dev and '[info]'javascript

    Update and Solution: To properly reference the readonly attribute in javascript, captilization matters. I'm now referencing elem.readOnly and it works beautifully.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/javascript/70434.html

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