1. Generating MHT's

    Date: 09/29/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, web, microsoft

    I need to read a webpage, and export it in .mht format (the microsoft, single file, web archive format) so I can email it away.

    I've searched the php functions list for 'mht' but come up with nothing.

    Any ideas? Thanks!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/498560.html

  2. Security pros patch older Windows versions

    Date: 09/30/06 (Security)    Keywords: security, microsoft

    Third-party fix available to repair a serious flaw in Windows for which Microsoft no longer provides security updates.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6121559.html

  3. Microsoft Makes Inroads in Data Storage & Replication Market

    Date: 10/02/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: software, microsoft

    Microsoft introduced on Sept. 27 the public beta of its System Center Data Protection Manager version 2 at the Storage Decisions conference in New York. It is built upon Microsoft’s DPM (Data Protection Manager) 2006 which is the Microsoft’s first storage software (released last October). System Center Data Protection Manager version 2 will enable customers to [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/microsoft-makes-inroads-in-data-storage-replication-market/

  4. Microsoft Sues FairUse4WM, Windows Media DRM Remover, Developer

    Date: 10/02/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: software, microsoft

    Microsoft Corp. has sued an anonymous computer hacker whose free program FairUse4WM allows users to copy digital movies and songs by bypassing a software protection (DRM) built into the company’s Media player. Microsoft charges that the hacker with alias “Viodentia” has illegally obtained proprietary source code (of Microsoft) to create FairUse4WM. The lawsuit seeks a permanent injunction [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/microsoft-sues-fairuse4m-windows-media-drm-remover-author/

  5. The Achilles Heel of open source?

    Date: 10/02/06 (Open Source)    Keywords: templates, software, microsoft

    Open Office is one of the most popular open source projects around. It has about 50 million users, the software supports dozens of languages, and it replicates (free) all the major functions of Microsoft Office. But since announcing its contest for templates and clipart the reaction has been one of crickets chirping. Gerry Singleton, co-leader of [...]

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=801

  6. McAfee knocks Microsoft over Vista roadblocks

    Date: 10/02/06 (Security)    Keywords: security, microsoft

    In FT ad, McAfee joins Symantec in accusing Microsoft of hamstringing rivals working on Windows security tools.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6121799.html

  7. IE7

    Date: 10/05/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, css, html, microsoft

    So how many of you have begun testing with IE7 "Release Candidate 1"?

    And can we discuss how to address the problem of Microsoft halfassing CSS standards, therefore rendering my perfect-in-all-browsers-but-IE-except-hacked-for-IE6-so-it-looks-perfect site incorrectly, hacked or not? Where is there a site that can tell me yet more hacks for this POS?

    My anger is consuming me.

    edit: ok i kind of spoke too soon. if i use the * html body hack instead of the !important hack, i can keep ie 6 and 7 separate because ie7 no longer supports the * html body hack .

    it's not 100% perfect but it will do.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1173978.html

  8. Microsoft's playing fair with security rivals, Kaspersky says

    Date: 10/06/06 (Security)    Keywords: security, virus, antivirus, microsoft

    Days after McAfee knocks Microsoft for denying security rivals access to Vista tech, Russian antivirus specialist comes down on other side.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6123539.html

  9. How To Send Mails Using SMTP Server in PHP

    Date: 10/09/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: php, linux, microsoft

    In PHP on Microsoft Windows you have to simply configure two parameters to enable sending mails through SMTP server. In Unix / Linux it is slightly more complicated. The solution, however, is much more powerful and works also on Windows. Let’s first start with Windows. In Microsoft Windows PHP installation you just have to change two [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-send-mails-using-smtp-server-in-php/

  10. Video search site Blinkx signs Microsoft pact

    Date: 10/09/06 (Web Technology)    Keywords: technology, microsoft

    Microsoft licenses Blinkx technology to power video search on parts of MSN and Live.com.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6123829.html

  11. 'Office 2.0' start-ups knock on business doors

    Date: 10/09/06 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web, microsoft

    Start-ups try to chip away at the Microsoft Office franchise via lower costs and Web-based collaboration.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6123652.html

  12. Microsoft Vista Final Beta RC2 Released

    Date: 10/09/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: microsoft

    Microsoft is making the last trial version (Release Candidate 2) of Vista operating system available to developers and beta testers before it releases the finished product. RC2 version of Vista can only be downloaded by TechNet and Microsoft developer network members. You can however download RC2 here. Microsoft claims Vista RC2 will provide performance improvements and [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/microsoft-vista-final-beta-rc2-released/

  13. For Opera, smaller really is better

    Date: 10/11/06 (Web Technology)    Keywords: microsoft

    Q&A CTO Håkon Wium Lie says the company's moving faster on the tech front than much larger rival Microsoft.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6124846.html

  14. MS Shared Computer Toolkit

    Date: 10/12/06 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: programming, software, security, microsoft

    Are any of you familiar with the Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit? It's a handy little tool from Microsoft that allows you to optimize a user profile for shared usage, or as we've found, for stations or kiosks that need to perform a very specific task. We primarily use it as a means to prevent Windows from accumulating profiles as AD users log in - part of the toolkit is Windows Disk Protection, which saves redirects all "writes" to the Windows partition to a seperate partition, then simply discards the changes upon a reboot.

    I work at a university computer lab with approximately 4000 users connected to a school-wide Active Directory domain forest. Part of the predicament we are having is Administrator access. See, to even get into the door you have to be a computer science major, so these kids are a little more intelligent than your standard computer user. As CS majors, they're required to write programming assignments using Visual Studio and god knows how many debuggers. We fear that while one student uses his computer all night to further his research, another student is writing and installing a rootkit or a keylogger, another is serving porno movies he downloaded from Bittorrent, yet another is using his administrative rights to steal his peer's homework assignments, and another is logging everyone out with the shutdown command so he can build a botnet. As such, we've denied them Administrator rights.

    If you can imagine hell, it's getting 30GB of specialized software to run in anything but Administrator mode. Students can't install it themselves, so we have to install it on an image and deploy it to a set of computers using Ghost. We use the Toolkit to facilitate this, as it automatically saves Microsoft Updates and is capable of running a maintenance script of our choosing when it runs (which calls another script on a network share). However, we have students and professors screaming at us to give us Administrator rights on the machines, and we're trying our damndest to provide that to them. My questions for all of you are as follows:

    As Administrator, the student would have full access to the hard drives, including the folder which holds the Toolkit. It holds that even if we lock the folder down with permissions, ownership, and security, another Administrator can just reverse all that an unlock it. Is there any way around this, so that only ONE administrator can modify ownership and permissions for a folder?

    They can modify our maintenance scripts to run whatever they want, provided they disable or save changes to the drive with the toolkit first. I'm vaguely aware that Group Policy can forbid access to certain programs, but I've never used it. How simple is it to set up? Does that apply to EVERY profile created on the machine, including our own?

    We're specifically eyeballing Faronics Deep Freeze to replace the SCT if necessary, but the free SCT appears to do all we need it to do. If you've used both, which did you prefer?

    If you were in my situation, realistically how would you accomplish this? Assume you have roughly 200 identical computer shared between 4000 users in an Active Directory environment. You don't control the domain controller, but you have full control over a specific OU on the controller. We're simply looking for a way to allow Administrator access without the student saving any changes to the Windows Partition.

    Thanks for your help!


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/itprofessionals/44673.html

  15. Microsoft won’t go open source

    Date: 10/12/06 (Open Source)    Keywords: microsoft

    It's true that Microsoft has, over the last few years, taken a few steps down the open source incline with its shared source license. Tom Jones raps, too. But I no more think that Jones will become the new third member of RunDMC than I believe that Ballmer will break the channel and go further down the open source incline.

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=812

  16. Windows kernel protection expected to break soon

    Date: 10/12/06 (Security)    Keywords: technology, microsoft

    PatchGuard, a Microsoft technology to protect Windows, will be hacked sooner rather than later, an expert predicts.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6125274.html

  17. Webroot expands beyond spyware niche

    Date: 10/12/06 (Security)    Keywords: virus, antivirus, spyware, microsoft

    Partnership with Sophos lets company add antivirus to anti-spyware products as Microsoft readies Windows Vista.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6125247.html

  18. all men condemned by men to die

    Date: 10/16/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, virus, microsoft

    There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.

    My mother runs an older PC. Windows ME, small memory, etc. It’s what you would have expected to get by default six or seven years ago, from big box retailer. I don’t really remember all the specifics of it, and the majority of the paperwork is misplaced.

    Despite having to reformat the hard-drive four times over six years, the PC’s been working fine for the last two and a half. Now, the machine reboots on shutdown and has a box that pops up prior to downloading the desktop asking for a password (you can bypass the box by clicking escape).

    I reinstalled all her drivers and checked her hard drive for errors, but there was nothing. It’s also virus and spy-ware clean (there’s a possibility I’ve missed some, always). We recently installed DSL. She only uses the Internet, Microsoft Outlook, Firefox, the calculator, and the system tools (like scan disk and disk defrag). She also has software for her camera (so she can format pictures and send then over email), but she doesn’t edit her photos besides reducing them in size.

    I’m not against reformatting her hard drive once again, although I’d rather not unless there’s no other way.

    Buying a new/used PC isn’t an option. Nor is upgrading to Windows XP (she doesn’t have the memory to support it and I have a feeling that within the next two years, it’ll be completely overtaken by Vista).

    Any solution or advice is really welcome. My computer-fu isn’t what it used to be and I really do want to fix it for her.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/696654.html

  19. Apple's Jobs: Zune's no threat

    Date: 10/16/06 (Web Technology)    Keywords: microsoft

    Wireless downloads to Microsoft media player take too long, and Zune unlikely to steal cool status from iPod, Jobs says.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6126144.html

  20. Another PowerPoint bug threatens users

    Date: 10/17/06 (Security)    Keywords: microsoft

    A yet-to-be-fixed vulnerability in PowerPoint poses a potential threat to users of the Microsoft presentation tool.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6126465.html

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