1. Anyone with a home for recently homeless Send-Safe spam tool?

    Date: 03/01/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: software, virus, spam

    The famous spam tool is looking for a home, after recent eviction by MCI, some no-name Russian firm and finally by Lycos! US telco MCI Worldcom has caved in to mounting pressure and booted a site that sells spamming software off its network. Send-safe.com, which sells a package that uses broadband-connected PCs infected by viruses such [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/anyone-with-a-home-for-recently-homeless-send-safe-spam-tool/

  2. New horizons in spamming aka SpamBlog ( Rick H needs to be cloned? )

    Date: 02/12/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    I accidentally stumbled upon a site ( spam-guard[dot]blogspot[dot]com ) which exists for the sole purpose of spamming. It is a spam blog! For sometime spammers have targeted blogs, first through comment spam and now increasingly through trackback spam. While bloggers are adopting measures like captcha and spam karma to thwart them they have turned to another [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/new-horizons-in-spamming-aka/

  3. Simple tip for trackback spam prevention on WordPress Blogs

    Date: 02/04/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    A very simple trick for clueless trackback spammers attacking WordPress Blogs. Delete your first post (id 0). Write the same content in another post. I receive many trackbacks targeted for the first post. They never show up as the post isn't there! I am assuming you have word filter enabled too. That is a must.

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/simple-tip-for-trackback-spam-prevention-on-wordpress-blogs/

  4. “The hardest form to spam is that which requires manual authentication such as captchas.” - LinkSpammer

    Date: 02/04/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    "The hardest form to spam is that which requires manual authentication such as captchas." - LinkSpammer interviewed at Register.co.uk. That validates (from horses mouth) what I have been arguing for long. Hmm. Have I insulted the horse species in the process? The trackback is still an open issue. However so far I find them easy to filter [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/the-hardest-form-to-spam-is-that-which-requires-manual-authentication-such-as-captchas-linkspammer/

  5. “This site has nasty hidden script”

    Date: 02/01/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: asp, spam

    Yesterday I found some (around 20) irrelevant medical ads in my spam-trap :) Today I got a comment: "This site has --expletive deleted-- nasty hidden script (which prevents me from spamming)" - wrote some exasperated kiddie-comment-spammer in his comments. You bet! It appears that the spammers have resorted to trackback spamming to get around captcha. Unfortunately for them there [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/this-site-has-nasty-hidden-script/

  6. Recipe for a comment spam free site for WordPress Users

    Date: 12/25/04 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    My recipe for getting rid of comment spam once and for all: Install WordPress 1.2.1 or later. Install ImageAuth hack Go to Options Tab. Under Discussion ensure: Email me whenever: Anyone posts a comment is checked. Email me whenever: A comment [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/recipe-for-a-comment-spam-free-site-for-wordpress-users/

  7. Bad Karma by Spam Karma Filter

    Date: 12/24/04 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    I have been unable to submit a comment in a site with spam karma enabled. So I wrote a comment in the spam karma plugin site. Wonder of wonder's the spam karma filter trigerred again! And then it took me to a CAPTCHA plugin :) After validating it complanied again by throwing me a beautiful looking [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/bad-karma-by-spam-karma-filter/

  8. Carl Franklin in St. Louis!

    Date: 01/19/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: programming, web, spam, microsoft

    I know this is spamming the group, but I really wanted to get the word out (as late as it is) about our great presentation tomorrow. Please accept my apologies.


    Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2004
    Time: 6:15 - 9:00 PM

    Asynchronous Programming


    Door prizes available!!

    Location: Three City Place, aka The Microsoft Building. From 270, exit Olive, go east. Turn left onto City Place.


    We are moving. We will be meeting in the main meeting room on the 11th floor of Three CityPlace.


    Did you know that you can take advantage of multithreading in the Microsoft .NET Framework without having to explicitly create new Thread objects? You can call web services, print, and do other yawn-inducing tasks asynchronously using the Asynchronous Programming Model in the Framework. There are issues with synchronization, however, especially when calling async methods from a Windows Form. In this talk Carl will walk you through the issues and give you some really useful code that you can implement to make your components thread-safe for Windows Forms applications.

    Some of you might know the name of Carl Franklin from his .Net Rocks internet radio show. You also might be familiar with his training services. No matter how you know the name, now's your chance to meet the man.

    Visit www.stlvbug.org for more information.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/24118.html

  9. Adventures with the Penguin: A Linux Diary

    Date: 02/23/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: linux, spam

    Crossposted to '[info]'linux, '[info]'linuxsupport, '[info]'openoffice and '[info]'firefoxusers:

    Profuse apologies for spamming the community, I promise it won't happen again (until another article is published) - Philip's Adventures with the Penguin: A Linux Diary will now be indexed at this page - so watch here for the bi-monthly updates.

    Also, you may friend '[info]'penguin_adv for notifications on your friends list when new articles are posted.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/253833.html

  10. IE question

    Date: 02/26/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: spam

    This may be something completely obvious. If so, I'm sorry, but I cannot figure out why when I open my site in IE, the message "an error has occurred running scripts on this page" displays. I am not running any scripts, though, other than one to mask my email address from spambots, and it's only on a couple of pages, not all of them.

    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/815463.html

  11. SpamAssassin 3.0.0!

    Date: 09/24/04 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: database, sql, spam

    I upgraded my primary mail server to SpamAssassin 3.0.0 last night. So far so good, it has a full updated ruleset to catch more spam. I noticed 2.5.x was starting to let a lot slip through the cracks. It also has modules to store auto white listing and bayes in an sql database now which is sweet. So i have awl, bayes, and custom user preferences all stored in the sql database. So far its catching WAY more spam than the old version.

    Release Notes



    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/19464.html

  12. Webpage hell...

    Date: 02/19/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: spam

    Growl. for some absurd reason though the code exists on the comp my comp it's disappearing or part of my code as I upload, it changes what the code is deleting some whilst I upload so there's no dop banner and no content!

    Anyone got a clue what could cause it? I use smartftp to ftp and the site I'm working on is at http://www.hawks-haven.com that's the index page, only one so far cause I'm redoing the whole site and testing the new design fully getting it up first.

    Below the cut leads to the spam of the two pages I wind up with... the one I wrote and that exists on my comp... and the one that somehow it morphs into as I ftp it. Tried three different ftp programs... don't get why my code is changing.

    Original page code:

    {html}{!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/Main.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --}
    {!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" --}
    {title}Hawks-Haven.com : {/title}
    {!-- InstanceEndEditable --}
    {meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"}
    {!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --}
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    {script type="text/javascript" src="www.Hawks-Haven/Default/Coding/NavigationalMenu/includes/browser.js"}

    * Jim's DHTML Menu v5.7- © Jim Salyer (jsalyer@REMOVETHISmchsi.com)
    * Visit Dynamic Drive: http://www.dynamicdrive.com for script and instructions
    * This notice must stay intact for use

    {script type="text/javascript" src="www.Hawks-Haven/Default/Coding/NavigationalMenu/includes/config.js"}{/script}


    {table width="98%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="4C0A54"}
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    {td width="45" height="44" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"}{div align="left"}{img src="Graphics/TopLeftCorner.gif" width="45" height="44" align="top"} {/div}{/td}
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    {!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Body" --}
    {p}This Page is Under Construction...{/p}
    {p}Tune in later for actual content... amazingly enough given time it will come...........{/p}
    {p align="right"}...................just give it a little bit of time, it will come. {/p}
    {p align="left"}Yakity yakity yakity. {/p}
    {!-- InstanceEndEditable --}zzzzztest2{/div}{/td}

    {td width="45" height="44" align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"}{div align="right"}{img src="Graphics/TopRightCorner.gif" width="44" height="45" align="top"} {/div} {p align="right"} {/p}{/td}
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    {td colspan="4"}{div align="center" class="style1"}
    {span class="style1"}Hawks-Haven.com is copyright from 2001 onwards, the style of the page may have changed but all previous style and content as well as current: graphics content design and style as well as anything else under this domain unless otherwise noted.{/span} {/p}
    Last Updated {strong}:{/strong}
    {!-- #BeginDate format:fAm1a --}Saturday February 19, 2005 1:54 AM{!-- #EndDate --}
    {p}{!--WEBBOT bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan ALT="Site Meter" --}
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    {!-- Copyright (c)2005 Site Meter --}
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    I ftp it to my server and suddenly after that I wind up with:

    {!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    {html}{!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/Main.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --}
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    {table width="98%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="4C0A54"}

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    {td colspan="4"}{div align="center" class="style1"}
    {span class="style1"}Hawks-Haven.com is copyright from 2001 onwards, the style of the page may have changed but all previous style and content as well as current: graphics content design and style as well as anything else under this domain unless otherwise noted.{/span} {/p}
    Last Updated {strong}:{/strong}
    {!-- #BeginDate format:fAm1a --}Saturday February 19, 2005 1:26 AM{!-- #EndDate --}

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    Problem = Code seems to disappear after uploading. Everything's there and fine till it's on the server then some stuff disappears. Suddenly no banner and no content [in the white part the text that should exist there.]

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/337625.html

  13. Few thoughts on WordPress 1.5 Upgrade

    Date: 03/02/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    I have upgraded this blog to WordPress 1.5. With it I am progressively redesigning this blog to simplify accessing of *content*. "Content is the King" as they say. Along with it I have removed CAPTCHA for the time-being to experiment with other means of SPAM Control like Blacklisting, first time approval required etc. as [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/few-thoughts-on-wordpress-15-upgrade/

  14. How to combat small-font-spam..

    Date: 03/03/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    A recent trend in spamming observed in Larry Seltzer's blog and elsewhere is to use very small font size characters to create an ascii art to provide spam messages. What is interesting is that unlike the example above spammers can use legitimate email messages chosen randomly from computers they have hacked to create the ascii [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-combat-small-font-spam/

  15. mod_security and Comment spam

    Date: 01/01/70 (Webmaster View)    Keywords: security, spam

    Using mod_security to kill comment spam.


    Source: http://www.webmasterview.com/blogging/mod_security_and_comment_spam

  16. nofollow

    Date: 01/01/70 (Webmaster View)    Keywords: software, web, spam, yahoo, google

    Google, MSN and Yahoo! announced their support for rel="nofollow" attribute to hyperlinks. They will ignore links with this attribute to prevent comment spam. Movable Type and other blog software makers and service providers also announed their support. Movable Type released a plugin to modify all links in comments and trackbacks to include the rel="nofollow" attribute.


    figby.com says: "Dishonest webmasters will use this attribute ... on all external links, to prevent precious PageRank from leaking out of their sites." and,

    we'll also see people who sell links based on their PageRank and then add the nofollow attribute later, making the purchased links worthless-but as far as I'm concerned, anything that hinders the widespread practice of selling links for ranking can't be a bad thing.


    Source: http://www.webmasterview.com/search_engines/nofollow

  17. Massive weblog anti-spam initiative: rel="nofollow"

    Date: 01/01/70 (Programming)    Keywords: spam

    I was looking around at different Blog anti-spam options today and I found the link below. Check it out it, may help stop spammers on your blog because their spam would be worthless. Movable Type 'nofollow' plugin...

    Source: http://www.coreycollins.com/blog/archives/000057.php

  18. Gem of a spam

    Date: 12/21/04 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    Excerpt from the best spam of 2004: In 1977, Kaplan Education LTD was sued by the Federal Trade Commission at Federal Trade Commission v. Kaplan Education, LTD, et al, 433 F. Supp. 989, *; 1977 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 15398, **; 1977-2 Trade Cas (CCH) P61, 541, for false, misleading, and deceptive representations. Thereafter, the company was [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/gem-of-a-spam/

  19. Landmark judgement of 1 Billion $ awarded to ISP in Anti-SPAM suit

    Date: 12/18/04 (Java Web)    Keywords: html, technology, spam

    A wonderful christmas/hanukkah present I must say :) http://tech.nytimes.com/aponline/technology/AP-Spam-Lawsuit.html Looks like if you are in Iowa you can claim damages of 10 $ per spam! Wondering if I should shift my residence to IOWA. Looking at the amount of spam I get I could be a millionaire in no time :)

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/landmark-judgement-of-1-billion-awarded-to-isp-in-anti-spam-suit/

  20. Bye bye comment spam!

    Date: 12/07/04 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    Finally I took the step to get rid of comment spam without time consuming moderation, which I have been doing so far. My quest first started with a simple solution - moderation of all comments. Recently I started getting over 600 spams daily! Things started to get out of hand. A good option was using Captcha as [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/bye-bye-comment-spam/

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