making an online retail store
Date: 06/21/06
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, mysql, css, html, sql, java, shopping
I have a quick question about making an online store. I already know XHTML and CSS but as far as i know i cant make a shopping cart with just this. I think PHP and MySQL is what i need to learn but is that all i need or would i have to dig deeper into programing with something like OOP with Java or JPS?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1128443.html
Textcopy in SQL 2005? (inserting BLOB/CLOB data)
Date: 06/21/06
(SQL Server) Keywords: database, sql, microsoft
Hi folks. Anyone know if TEXTCOPY is still a viable utility in SQL Server 2005?
I've just installed SQL Server 2005 for the first time and I'm trying to populate a database using the same scripts and batch files that work fine for me in SQL2K. The batch files I use to insert BLOB and CLOB data use TEXTCOPY...and fail. On searching the SQL2005 folder hierarchy, I see no evidence of TEXTCOPY at all. I've tried general Googling, but have found no explicit mention on SQL2005 and TEXTCOPY (on way or the other) and, of course, TEXTCOPY is an undocumented utility to begin with :)
UNDER SQL2K: c:\program files\microsoft sql server\mssql\binn\textcopy UNDER SQL2005: ???
If TEXTCOPY is no more, perhaps someone can recommend an alternate straightforward method of populating BLOB/CLOB data in SQL2005?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/sqlserver/50041.html
Working with a screwed up database
Date: 06/21/06
(C Sharp) Keywords: database, sql
Ok so now that I have my unions and memory issues resolved, now I need to fix this screwed up data that I have in my database.
I have a badly created Document Control system that stores all the documents in the database in 2 tables: Current and Versioned (those are aliases.) Current obviously holds all the current documents and the Versioned table has all the old versions. The problem is though that not all the information corresponds with the correct records. For example, if you have 5 versions of a document, the version notes (which we use for ISO) for the most recent version (5) actually are associated with Version 4, along with the date it was submitted. Also, the original document version (1) has version notes and a submitted date with it as well, but obviously the first version can't have version notes so those are actually referring to the next version (2). If this sounds confusing its because it is. I don't know who designed this damn thing, but as a lesson let me say to NOT use Tribune's BMS content Management system for your document control because they don't do good database design and they blatantly steal their code from Wrox's "How to build an Intranet" book.
So anyways I need to figure out how to get these records to correspond to the correct versions, so basically every record actually refers to the next record. Also it should be noted that SOME of the information does correspond, so I only need to move information from certain fields, not the entire row.
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT d.mdItemID AS CurrentID, d.mdFileDescription AS CurrentFile, d.mdFileName as CurrentFileName, tblUser.usUserName AS Creator, " + "d.mdCreatedDate AS OriginalDocDate, tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvSubItemID AS OldID, " + "tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvFileName as OldFileName, usr2.usUserName as ModifiedBy, tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvNotes AS VersionNotes, " + "tblDepartment.dpNAME AS DepartmentName, tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvVersionedDate AS sort_date " + "FROM tblMics_Docs d INNER JOIN tblDepartment ON d.mdDepartmentID = tblDepartment.dpID " + "INNER JOIN tblUser On d.mdCreatedByUserID = tblUser.usUserID JOIN tblMics_Docs_Versions ON d.mdItemID = tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvItemID " + "INNER JOIN tblUser usr2 on tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvCheckedInByUserID = usr2.UsUserID " + "WHERE d.mdArchived = 0 UNION " + "SELECT d.mdItemID AS CurrentID, d.mdFileDescription AS CurrentFile, d.mdFileName as CurrentFileName, " + "tblUser.usUserName AS Creator, d.mdCreatedDate AS SubmittedDate, null, null, null, null, tblDepartment.dpNAME, getdate() as sort_date " + "FROM tblMics_Docs d INNER JOIN tblDepartment ON d.mdDepartmentID = tblDepartment.dpID " + "INNER JOIN tblUser On d.mdCreatedByUserID = tblUser.usUserID JOIN tblMics_Docs_Versions ON d.mdItemID = tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvItemID " + "INNER JOIN tblUser usr2 on tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvCheckedInByUserID = usr2.UsUserID WHERE d.mdArchived = 0 ORDER BY mdItemID ASC, sort_date ASC", con); try { da.Fill(ds); }
catch (Exception j) { j.ToString(); } ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("Version"); ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("FileLocation");
Int16 currID; int lastID = 0; int VerNum = 1; //This code below is used to add the version numbers to the documents because the CM system //Doesn't keep track and just uses a Count statement in its SQL code.
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { currID = System.Convert.ToInt16(dr["CurrentID"]); if ( currID == lastID )
{ dr["Version"] = VerNum; lastID = currID; } else { VerNum = 1; dr["Version"] = VerNum; lastID = currID; } if (dr["oldID"] == DBNull.Value )
{ dr["FileLocation"] = "BMS Current\\" + dr["DepartmentName"] + "\\" + dr["CurrentID"] + " Version " + dr["Version"] + " " + dr["CurrentFileName"]; } else { dr["FileLocation"] = "BMS Archive\\" + dr["DepartmentName"] + "\\" + dr["CurrentID"] + " Version " + dr["Version"] + " " + dr["OldFileName"]; } VerNum ++; }
dg1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ds.Tables.Add("files");
con.Close(); //con.Dispose(); ds.Dispose(); da.Dispose(); }
I can try and post pictures of this in action if that'll help. Unfortunately my SQL skills aren't that good and I haven't had alot of experience with datasets. Thanks.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/66733.html
specs for web server
Date: 06/21/06
(Web Development) Keywords: ecommerce, database, sql, web
So need some opinions here. What would YOU recommend as spec. for a box to host a website (.Net,Windows 2k3,IIS 6) with, let's say, approx. 100,000 hits/mo., intranet, and database (SQLServer 2k5). Content is dynamic and served from the db, but no ecommerce or other db transactions?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/328591.html
Working with a bad database
Date: 06/22/06
(Asp Dot Net) Keywords: database, sql
I posted this in another group but got like no responses.
Ok so now that I have my unions and memory issues resolved, now I need to fix this screwed up data that I have in my database.
I have a badly created Document Control system that stores all the documents in the database in 2 tables: Current and Versioned (those are aliases.) Current obviously holds all the current documents and the Versioned table has all the old versions. The problem is though that not all the information corresponds with the correct records. For example, if you have 5 versions of a document, the version notes (which we use for ISO) for the most recent version (5) actually are associated with Version 4, along with the date it was submitted. Also, the original document version (1) has version notes and a submitted date with it as well, but obviously the first version can't have version notes so those are actually referring to the next version (2). If this sounds confusing its because it is. I don't know who designed this damn thing, but as a lesson let me say to NOT use Tribune's BMS content Management system for your document control because they don't do good database design and they blatantly steal their code from Wrox's "How to build an Intranet" book.
So anyways I need to figure out how to get these records to correspond to the correct versions, so basically every record actually refers to the next record. Also it should be noted that SOME of the information does correspond, so I only need to move information from certain fields, not the entire row.
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT d.mdItemID AS CurrentID, d.mdFileDescription AS CurrentFile, d.mdFileName as CurrentFileName, tblUser.usUserName AS Creator, " + "d.mdCreatedDate AS OriginalDocDate, tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvSubItemID AS OldID, " + "tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvFileName as OldFileName, usr2.usUserName as ModifiedBy, tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvNotes AS VersionNotes, " + "tblDepartment.dpNAME AS DepartmentName, tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvVersionedDate AS sort_date " + "FROM tblMics_Docs d INNER JOIN tblDepartment ON d.mdDepartmentID = tblDepartment.dpID " + "INNER JOIN tblUser On d.mdCreatedByUserID = tblUser.usUserID JOIN tblMics_Docs_Versions ON d.mdItemID = tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvItemID " + "INNER JOIN tblUser usr2 on tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvCheckedInByUserID = usr2.UsUserID " + "WHERE d.mdArchived = 0 UNION " + "SELECT d.mdItemID AS CurrentID, d.mdFileDescription AS CurrentFile, d.mdFileName as CurrentFileName, " + "tblUser.usUserName AS Creator, d.mdCreatedDate AS SubmittedDate, null, null, null, null, tblDepartment.dpNAME, getdate() as sort_date " + "FROM tblMics_Docs d INNER JOIN tblDepartment ON d.mdDepartmentID = tblDepartment.dpID " + "INNER JOIN tblUser On d.mdCreatedByUserID = tblUser.usUserID JOIN tblMics_Docs_Versions ON d.mdItemID = tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvItemID " + "INNER JOIN tblUser usr2 on tblMics_Docs_Versions.mvCheckedInByUserID = usr2.UsUserID WHERE d.mdArchived = 0 ORDER BY mdItemID ASC, sort_date ASC", con); try { da.Fill(ds); }
catch (Exception j) { j.ToString(); } ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("Version"); ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("FileLocation");
Int16 currID; int lastID = 0; int VerNum = 1; //This code below is used to add the version numbers to the documents because the CM system //Doesn't keep track and just uses a Count statement in its SQL code.
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { currID = System.Convert.ToInt16(dr["CurrentID"]); if ( currID == lastID )
{ dr["Version"] = VerNum; lastID = currID; } else { VerNum = 1; dr["Version"] = VerNum; lastID = currID; } if (dr["oldID"] == DBNull.Value )
{ dr["FileLocation"] = "BMS Current\\" + dr["DepartmentName"] + "\\" + dr["CurrentID"] + " Version " + dr["Version"] + " " + dr["CurrentFileName"]; } else { dr["FileLocation"] = "BMS Archive\\" + dr["DepartmentName"] + "\\" + dr["CurrentID"] + " Version " + dr["Version"] + " " + dr["OldFileName"]; } VerNum ++; }
dg1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ds.Tables.Add("files");
con.Close(); //con.Dispose(); ds.Dispose(); da.Dispose(); }
I can try and post pictures of this in action if that'll help. Unfortunately my SQL skills aren't that good and I haven't had alot of experience with datasets. Thanks.
RESOLVED: I gave up on trying to do this in SQL and instead implemented an array to store the inconsistent values and then put them in their correct places.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/71275.html
Rus.Only : Вышел АЛГОРИТМ №9
Date: 06/23/06
(C Sharp) Keywords: html, sql
Содержание - http://dotnetgrains.sql.ru/alg/content7to9.html Скачать - http://dotnetgrains.sql.ru/alg/alg.htm
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/67054.html
mysql_connect woes
Date: 06/23/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, mysql, asp, sql
I have a very simple script set up to verify weither or not I can connect to mySQL from a PHP script.
<?php $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'XXXXXXXX'); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } echo 'Connected successfully'; mysql_close($link); ?>
I recieve the following error:
Could not connect: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock' (13)
I tried replacing 'localhost' with .
Now I have a completely different error message:
Could not connect: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
First of all I'd like to know why I can't just use 'localhost' and second, I'd like to get this damn thing to work! I'm really frustrated. I hope someone can help. I've searched all over the internet for a solution to my problem but am having no luck. mySQL is running fine, and the mysql.sock file is there where it should be. I can also log in from the command line. I am exasperated!
I am running Slackware 10, mySQL 5.0.21-log, and PHP 4.4.2.
Any ideas helping me out would be much appreciated. I need this to work!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/463943.html
mysql_connect woes
Date: 06/23/06
(MySQL Communtiy) Keywords: php, mysql, asp, sql
I have a very simple script set up to verify weither or not I can connect to mySQL from a PHP script.
[bracket]?php $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'XXXXXXXX'); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } echo 'Connected successfully'; mysql_close($link); ?[bracket]
I recieve the following error:
Could not connect: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock' (13)
I tried replacing 'localhost' with .
Now I have a completely different error message:
Could not connect: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
First of all I'd like to know why I can't just use 'localhost' and second, I'd like to get this damn thing to work! I'm really frustrated. I hope someone can help. I've searched all over the internet for a solution to my problem but am having no luck. mySQL is running fine, and the mysql.sock file is there where it should be. I can also log in from the command line. I am exasperated!
I am running Slackware 10, mySQL 5.0.21-log, and PHP 4.4.2.
Any ideas helping me out would be much appreciated. I need this to work!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/98112.html
HitTail Website Goes For Tailspin - Solutions
Date: 06/24/06
(Java Web) Keywords: asp, sql, microsoft
HitTail is a nifty utility to get suggestions for writing your blog entries following the long tail model. All throughout the day I couldn’t login to their site, proving once again - If it sounds too good to be true…
I kept getting the following error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error ‘80040e31′
Timeout expired
/chart.asp, [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/hittail-website-goes-for-tailspin-solutions/
Date: 06/26/06
(Web Development) Keywords: php, mysql, css, html, sql, java
Thanks to everyone who responded to my last post here - there really is nothing better than hearing someone talk about something they're enthusiastic about :)
Now I have another question for you. A small company would like me to do some work for them. It's a new feature to their intranet, requiring experienced knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL - very much a skilled task. I need to come up with a proposal for it, which means I need some idea of what to charge.
I'm going to suggest a fixed amount, and I've worked out how many hours it's likely to take me, but I need some idea of an hourly rate. I don't want to devalue my services, but I don't want to overcharge them either. So my question: for a job requiring those skills, what sort of hourly rate would you charge for something like this?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/330947.html
HELP: transferring database files into another computer
Date: 06/28/06
(MySQL Communtiy) Keywords: mysql, browser, database, sql
My friends (team-members) and I are working on a Final Year Project, and we have a problem with mySQL!
My team member has a complete database of our project, but i'd like to copy her database into my laptop and work from there too.
I've copied the folder 'fyp' (C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\data\fyp) into the same directory in my laptop.
The following happened:
1. The database 'fyp' showed in mySQL query browser.
2. 'could not fetch columns' error appeared under this database in mySQL query browser.

3. Under "Catalogs" in mySQL administrator, the schemata 'fyp' is there, but it doesnt show its tables when i clicked on it.
Kindly advise!
With love, the mySQL noob. =/
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/98792.html
Xoops CMS SQL Injection Vulnerability Reported
Date: 06/29/06
(Java Web) Keywords: php, sql
KeyCoder has discovered a vulnerability in the MyAds module for Xoops, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct SQL injection attacks.
Input passed to the “lid” parameter in annonces-p-f.php isn’t properly sanitised before being used in a SQL query. This can be exploited to manipulate SQL queries by injecting arbitrary SQL code.
The vulnerability has [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/xoops-cms-sql-injection-vulnerability-reported/
Date: 07/03/06
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, mysql, software, database, sql, security
Ok im trying to instal XMB forum software onto a server. I created the database etc etc config and everything seemed to be going ok and then, when its finially installing I keep getting this error
Checking PHP version.......................................................OK Checking Directory Structure...............................................OK Checking Required Files....................................................OK Checking Database Files....................................................OK Checking Database API......................................................OK Checking Database Connection Security......................................OK Checking Database Connection............................................... Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /homepages/11/d161790790/htdocs/Forum/install/index.php on line 997 ERROR
Database Connection XMB could not connect to the specified database. The database returned "error 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
I looked on the net and cant really make any sense of whats going on. Any ideas? Im 2 steps away from chucking my pc out the window.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1133538.html
MySQL is used in most of the freelance projects
Date: 07/05/06
(MySQL Communtiy) Keywords: mysql, sql, postgresql
Statistical research based on analysis of more than 15000 freelance projects posted to getafreelancer.com (one of the biggest freelance sites along with scriptlance.com and others) shows that DBMS MySQL was used in 78.8% of completed projects, MS SQL Server – in 3.6%, PostgreSQL – in 0.62% http://freelancejob.com.ua/content/view/391/4/#en
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/99265.html
curdate() not workming?
Date: 07/06/06
(MySQL Communtiy) Keywords: mysql, database, sql
Maybe it's the code or something else, but... should this work? I am trying to export some data from the database.
$now1 = curdate(); $now2 = $now1[0]; $future = $now2 + 2419200;
$query = "SELECT * FROM ibf_cal_events WHERE event_unix_from BETWEEN $now2 AND $future ORDER BY event_unix_from";
$result = mysql_query( $query ); $start = 1; $end = mysql_num_rows( $result ); $items=0; $title_array = array (); $context_array = array ();
while( $start <= $end ) { $row = mysql_fetch_row( $result ); $id = $row[0];
This gave me an error message:
Fatal error: Unknown function: curdate() in /importcalevent.php on line 18
Line 18 is $now1 = curdate();
I tried $now1 = getdate(); and I got this error message:
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /importcalevent.php on line 31
Line 31 is $end = mysql_num_rows( $result );
So I am not sure whch is correct and which is incorrect.
I am using MySQL 4.1
Thanks all.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/99541.html
PHP errors within MySQL query
Date: 07/06/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql
Howdy all.
First of all, please see this post which I made to another community...
Yeah, I got confused with the code which I thought was MySQL problems but it turned out that it's actually PHP problems.
Now, does anyone have any ideas what's wrong with the codes?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/467186.html
Suggested forum
Date: 07/07/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, mysql, sql
Looking to install a PHP/MySQL based forum/BBS on my site. Haven't done anything with a forum since my days with Perl/CGI. What do you guys suggest for a good inexpensive & open source forum package?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/467580.html
Newbie trying to create a table
Date: 07/10/06
(MySQL Communtiy) Keywords: mysql, software, database, sql, web
I'm trying to create a database to record all the ENV variables for website visits. I haven't used mysql before, though I have a good deal of experience with MS Access and DB2, so I feel confident when working with SQL.
I created a database called sitetrack, connected to it with: use sitetrack;
When I do this I get the following error: ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' SERVER_ADDR VARCHAR, HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE VARCHAR, SERVER_PROTOCOL VARCHAR, TZ ' at line 3
It looks to me that there's something wrong with the "SERVER_ADDR VARCHAR," line, but I can't see what. I don't see SERVER_ADDR listed in the reserved words on any document I've come across. Could someone offer any advice or direct me to documentation that would help me figure this out?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/99714.html
strftime formatting issue
Date: 07/11/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: mysql, sql
When I use the following:
strftime('%C-%m-%d', $timestamp)
where $timestamp for example is 1144788825, this is how it formats the date: Tue Apr 11 13:53:45 PDT 2006-04-11
All I want is the 2006-04-11, because that matches the format of a date stored in MYSQL. Any idea why it is prepending it with the TUe Apr 11 and the full time etc. The manual on strftime is not helpful.
Edit:I do realize that I can strip off the 10 characters at the end to get the part I want using substr()
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/468503.html
J'ai une question.
Date: 07/20/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: mysql, sql
I have a question.
If I have a user enter their email at a login screen with their email and password, the following should work to match the password with the e-mail, correct?
$ema = $_POST['ema']; $pw = mysql_query("SELECT password FROM users WHERE email = '$ema'");
I mean, it's only logical. It's not just me, is it? I swear, I'm going crazy trying to figure out why this isn't working.
I'm getting results like Resource id#3 and Resource id#4 instead of the fields that should be called when I used those commands.
Any ideas?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/472517.html