Question of the day.
Date: 05/16/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: mysql, css, sql, web
So I know there has been MUCH talk about how CSS is the new standard to replace tables and such.. well I was struggling with learning exactly how it all played out.. until.. well I opened my eyes.. for all those Dreamweaver folks out there.. there are some prebuilt CSS page layouts that if you simply look them over, show you exactly how it's done and in good fashion as well.. so I'm now on my way to learning how to use CSS as the brains behind my web layouts from here on.. so there's my tip of the day.. now.. on to the topic at hand..
.. can anyone recommend a good DB Converter.. one such as Access to MySQL?..
Thanks in advance.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/879929.html
community redesign?
Date: 05/17/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web
someone should seriously redesign the layout of this community. and the lj icons for it. it's not that i look at it that often... i read the posts from my friends page... but it just doesn't seem right to have such a plain, non-designed page for the web design community.
good idea?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/880753.html
Community promotion
Date: 05/17/05
(Web Development) Keywords: web
Please come join vbulletin, a new community dedicated to one of the best forum engines.
crossposted: web_design, webdesign, webdev
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/200430.html
Date: 05/17/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web
Hello, all. I redesigned my website a month or so ago, and overall I'm pretty pleased with it...but one thing really bothers me--the boxes on the right side. I'm not sure why, but they just feel...off. If you could, I would really appreciate any comments on the design and in particular those boxes. Also: would you advise keeping that right side blank for consistancy purposes on pages without boxes at the right, or letting the main content on the non-main pages stretch to the side?
I admit that backend stuff is my forte, not design. This is the first incarnation of my site (since 2001) that doesn't feature copious amounts of purple, white, and black (colors I knew looked fine together)...so comments on the color choice is appreciated, too. For the record, I used this site to come up with the color scheme. It's a pretty useful page, especially for those of us who have no sense of what colors look nice together. :)
Thanks in advance for your comments.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/881383.html
Community promotion
Date: 05/17/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web
Please come join vbulletin, a new community dedicated to one of the best forum engines.
crossposted: web_design, webdesign, webdev
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/881117.html
Is Weblog revolution coming to an end?
Date: 05/16/05
(Java Web) Keywords: web
An analysis of growth pattern of top weblogs.
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/is-weblog-viewership-stagnating-in-2005/
Seeking Redesign Advice
Date: 05/17/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: css, html, asp, web
I’m planning a site redesign in order to take advantage of CSS and XHTML. My existing site uses frames, is heavy on graphics - and the architecture combines several different enterprises along with some more personal pages. At this point I’m looking for some general ideas about approaching the redesign:
ie: whether to split off the personal aspect of the site, to split off the various enterprises (illustration portfolio, web design portfolio, fine craftwork sales site and an online coloring book) and if so, along what lines. If I split things off would I still want a portal page to tie things together?
I’m also looking for feedback about how to showcase both CSS skills and Flash skills; I want to take advantage of both, and am wondering what people think are the best roles for each of these tools. Where is CSS best used? What are the best uses for Flash? Is it feasible to use Flash in the context of a CSS design?
At the same time, I really hate to get rid of Frames. They are easy and useful for creating a thumbnail menu to display larger image files. Does anyone have suggestions for equally easy and useful alternatives for displaying portfolio images?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/881408.html
Opening links in a new window problem.
Date: 05/18/05
(Computer Help) Keywords: web, spyware
I have a Dell, Windows XP home edition, and recently I've been having problems opening new window links on the internet. The website freezes up and stays frozen until I exit off the internet. A lot of times a window that pulls up saying an internet error occured. To make matters even more confusing, once in a blue moon new window links will open fine without any problems.
At first I thought it had something to do with the computer being chock-full of spyware but after running several spybot programs I'm still having the same problem.
Any idea what's going on or how I can fix it?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/398915.html
Help with Date fields on a form
Date: 05/18/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: mysql, database, sql, web, google
This is driving me nuts.
I've got about a dozen different forms on my website that all have a date field of some sort, whether it be news date, dob, etc. All of them are used to insert data into a mysql table. I've got the corresponding fields in the table set as "DATE" fields. But I'm having issues getting the date to convert properly.
Since the format of a mysql date field is YYYY-MM-DD, I have to do some converting in cases where I need to retrieve the date from the table. For example, if I'm showing somebody's date of birth, I pull the info from the table and then use date() to convert the date to MM-DD-YYYY. As in $dob = date("m-d-Y", strtotime($dob)); where $dob is the date pulled from the table.
The problem is changing that date and updating the table. When stuffing the date back into the table, I've gotta convert it back to YYYY-MM-DD, so then I use $dob = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($_POST["dob"]));
Works fine unless the date is entered on the form with / instead of - as a separator. So what this leads me to discover is that on forms where the user enters the date, they could enter it any number of ways. Even if I specify that they use dashes instead of slashes, there's no way to guarantee that they will. That means that my date in the table will only be correct some of the time.
So what can I do to the date fields on all of my forms to ensure that no matter how the user enters the date, it will be converted properly to YYYY-MM-DD and stuffed into the table?
The best answer I could find on google was using dropdowns for month, day and year. That would be fine on forms where the date is being entered for the first time. But it would be a huge pain to implement on "edit" forms where the fields are populated from the database when the form loads.
I'm about to start pulling my hair out here, so hopefully somebody has a good idea. I'm open to nearly any suggestion.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/299442.html
Website Crit...
Date: 05/18/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web
Afternoon guys.
We're having a website built for the agency I work for and I need to get some opinions, mainly on the intro bit, and mainly on aesthetics rather than build/coding.
In my bosses words "Can you please forward to friends, family whoever and ask for their comments on our new site. I want to get lots of opinions on this one. Ask people to be honest - if they don't like the site I'd like to know why and what parts they don't like. Ta"
so here it is... http://clients.redder.co.uk/wave/
Thanks in advance
(cross posted to design graphicdesign webdesign)
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/882699.html
laptop and SQL questions
Date: 05/18/05
(IT Professionals) Keywords: programming, software, database, sql, web
Howdy all,
After 6 years in the trenches of application and network support I am calling it quits and returning to academia in social science. That is not to say that my IT days are entirely behind me. My area of research is going to be heavily reliant on Geographical Information systems and database design and analysis...
so I have a few questions for the group
1. (this one is an easy one probably).. I am looking to purchase a laptop in the next few weeks. I am torn between going with a tablet (the toshiba, I have seen far to many problems with some of the others , especially the acer) and a cheaper basic laptop. Essentially I am not all that concerned with performance if I go cheap. The first couple of years it just needs to run word processing, statistical analysis software, GIS software (on a low level) and that sort of thing. If I go cheap I would buy another one when i started the dissertation.. The question is on the reliability of the toshiba tablet.. have any of you used it extensively, or deployed them? I just want to be sure it is gonna hold up if I am gonna spend a nice chunk o change on it.. if the view is negative, whose laptops do you like? No way in hell I am getting a sony, but is there anyone else i should avoid like the plague?
2. For the SQL folks out there. It looks like the department uses MS SQL(I will have to stick with it for awhile because all the GIS programming courses are VB and i really won't have time to learn a real programming language). My question is, when I go to build my own SQL box what sort of spec should i be looking at? My databases will be the platform for my GIS mapping, and will be essentially legal databases with a relatively small amount of data (case name and number, disposition, appellate action, votes on appellate action and brief case summaries) Eventually it will all be set up with a read only web interface for sharing the data. How beefy am I going to need to go. I know MS SQL is a resource beast, so I probably can't get away with having it on a machine that does much else, but I am going to be on a grad student budget, so unless I get some major funding I will need to stay reasonably cheap
Input greatly appreciated!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/itprofessionals/11926.html
Google jumps on RSS ads
Date: 05/18/05
(Web Technology) Keywords: web
Search giant is selling ads for Web publishers' syndicated news feeds, in attempt to lead a developing market.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Google+jumps+on+RSS+ads/2100-9588_22-5712154.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
Too much choice!
Date: 05/18/05
(Web Development) Keywords: software, web, linux
I'm looking for recommendations for blog software (e.g. Movable Type, pMachine's ExpressionEngine, WordPress) for my personal website.
The site's quite low volume (friends & family kind of thing) and there will probably only be a couple of contributors (unless the cats learn to type), so I'm looking for something lightweight, simple/quick to setup and, of course, free.
My wife's thinking about using it semi-professionally too - mainly for writing reviews - and I've been toying with a similar idea for my pro site, so we don't want to use something that's overtly advert-ridden. Maybe we need to have multiple instances of the blog software, one for each purpose, to keep things separate?
I like the idea of categorising entries, although I think every product does that these days, and incorporating a news aggregator (I've only looked at NewsGator so far). We already use Gallery for our photos, so incorporating that in some way would be nice, although it's easy enough to just link to it.
I administer our Linux (Fedora) server so any extra services needed to support the blog s/w won't be a problem.
What would you recommend?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/201314.html
Access database and ASP
Date: 05/18/05
(Web Development) Keywords: php, database, asp, sql, web
I have an access database I'd like to put on the web, so:
1) Is the best way to do this using ASP? Currently the website is hosted on Dreamhost, which I don't think supports ASP. Is there maybe an easy way to export it to an SQL database and then use PHP?
2) If the best solution is ASP (which I've never touched), can you recommend any good hosts?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/201019.html
Should NYT Ask Readers To Pay for News? - Analysis of the Paid-Content Model
Date: 05/18/05
(Java Web) Keywords: web
Bobbie Johnson of Guardian (UK based newspaper) thinks:
I understand that news operations are expensive things (I know, I work in one), but the NYT - which has a prestigious standing on the web - seems to be intent on undermining its own credibility with abandon.
What I was expecting from him was to outline, given his [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/should-nyt-ask-readers-to-pay-for-news-an-analysis-of-paid-content-model/
Netscape ready to launch antiphishing browser
Date: 05/18/05
(Web Technology) Keywords: web
New Netscape 8 promises to alert Web surfers when they visit a site that's known to be malicious.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Netscape+ready+to+launch+antiphishing+browser/2100-9588_22-5712331.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
html help please
Date: 05/19/05
(HTML Help) Keywords: html, web
What are the html tags to put text directly next to a picture like a news paper article? As in have them side by side rather than place the pic up top and then the text on the bottom. Are there any similar tags that make the text go around the picture? As in have the text box in the picture? You can do it on Word. I need the html to do it on webpages.
Thanks for the help in advance
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1981169.html
Date: 05/19/05
(Javascript Community) Keywords: html, java, web
hi everyone
how can i make scrollbars like these
but in html ( javascript ).
i know its possible to "skin" scrollbars with javascript, but can anyone tell me how to do it?
thanks :)
( x-posted in javascript and webdesign )
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/javascript/67472.html
Date: 05/19/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: html, java, web
hi everyone
how can i make scrollbars like these
but in html ( javascript ).
i know its possible to "skin" scrollbars with javascript, but can anyone tell me how to do it?
thanks :)
( x-posted in javascript and webdesign )
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/883827.html
MySQL -> MS SQL SQL Create Script
Date: 05/19/05
(Web Development) Keywords: mysql, sql, web
Hello everyone,
We've got a MySQL DB on a solaris box that is going to be retired shortly and we need to move the data source for a web application from MySQL to MS SQL. I dont't work with MySQL as much, so I would like to know if anyone can tell me how to get a SQL create script out of the MySQL db so that I can recreate it in MS SQL.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/201858.html