new graphical designer needs a conceptual explaination
Date: 08/21/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web
So the only kind of web design I have done is with pure code, nothing graphical. so when my new job specified using photoshop and dreamweaver i thought i would try out a photoshop template and see what i can do with it. what i need is more of a conceptual thing: it seems that i need to do the design, including text, for each page in photoshop, save as web and then, in dreamweaver, add any web functionality that i want (links, rollovers, etc.) this is so fdifferent from how i've done it in the past that i want to make sure i understand correctly.
also, is there a way to make part of the image scrollabe? aka, on a photshop template, have content and text below the image that the user can scroll to? or would that need flash or something else? how are all these things related? here is what i've messed with, so far. it would be nice if the white block with text could scroll so i could put a tall section of images, articles, etc. thanks in advance!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/959793.html
Am I asking for too much?
Date: 08/22/05
(Web Development) Keywords: database, web
I am looking for a script, or whatever, to put on one of my websites that is for links. I would like to be able to put the links into several different categories, and I would like the link database to be searchable by those categories. If at all possible I would like to be able to add other fields to customize it a bit more. I would also prefer open source as opposed to a program that I would have to pay for.
Am I being too vague, or does that make sense? (I shouldn't be posting at 2 am, probably!)
Anyhow, I have checked sourceforge to no avail. I do not know of anywhere else to check, as googling it brings up all sorts of other garbage I'm not interested in. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/236915.html
Email form help.
Date: 08/22/05
(Web Development) Keywords: html, web
Hey all,
I need to make a simple email form for a client. The fields are Name [required], Email [required], Phone [not required]. I would like it to submit the results to her email address with a specified subject line. What is the easiest way to do this? Right now I'm hacking away at a PERL script and getting pretty frustrated. Is there a way to do this in HTML without employing PERL? If there are any sites you know of, please pass the urls along. I've been searching through many and there's just too much information. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
cross posted in webdesign
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/237314.html
Email form help.
Date: 08/22/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: html, web
Hey all,
I need to make a simple email for a client. The fields are Name [required], Email [required], Phone [not required]. I would like it to submit the results to her email address with a specified subject line. What is the easiest way to do this? Right now I'm hacking away at a PERL script and getting pretty frustrated. Is there a way to do this in HTML without employing PERL? If there are any sites you know of, please pass the urls along. I've been searching through many and there's just too much information. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
cross posted in webdev
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/961300.html
Upload File Code Problems ... Please help
Date: 08/23/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, web
Hi, I been trying to write code that uploads files onto a server. I have a folder named "upload" in the same folder with the two files.
The first file is test.php. Code: test.php
The second file is getfile.php. Code: getfile.php
I get this error when I try to upload the file: Parse error: parse error, unexpected '\"' in /Library/WebServer/Documents/wxrats/Website/getfile.php on line 9
I got the information from: PHP Tutorial
I also found similar code O'Reilly's PHP Cookbook.
Ask many friends (online).
I am desperate and annoyed. IT IS 8 LINES OF FREAKING CODE! =((
I just need my webpage upload files to a server. if anyone has another solution ... PLEASE HELP!
::EDIT:: I figured it out. There were some invisible characters before the "../upload! Yay for copy and paste evil funtime!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/338850.html
Login/Members Only Area
Date: 08/23/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web
Web-dudes!!! How would one go about putting a 'members only' area into a site - with a password login? I am clueless!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/961819.html
Companies dinged on Web privacy
Date: 08/23/05
(Security) Keywords: web
Drug and food companies receive poor marks in a new study examining how companies handle data they collect via the Web.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Companies+dinged+on+Web+privacy/2100-1009_22-5842176.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
Help needed
Date: 08/25/05
(HTML Help) Keywords: html, web
My html questiohn is not a livejournal one sorry, but I thought maybe you could help? I recently made a html webpage. Where everything has got to be done in html. It currently has a image on it, that I want to make so that when clicked it will take you into the webpage. My site is www.love-is-life.tk. If you could help, I would be very thankful. Sorry if this question is irrelevant to your community.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2125421.html
Any nicely designed traditional furniture sites?
Date: 08/24/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web
Does anyone know of any furniture web sites that are designed in a "traditional" style?
Traditional Example: http://www.restorationhardware.com
Contemporary Example: http://www.westelm.com
Medium Example?: http://www.nanz.com
They are both really well designed but our client wants something more like Restoration Hardware. The client's company has been in business for the past 40 years and wants to look like it. It's a company that sells lamp shades by the way.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
cross-posted in graphicdesign
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/963468.html
.Net queries
Date: 08/25/05
(Asp Dot Net) Keywords: asp, web
Querystring Variables
I have a component that i call in on several pages and
in most the activityID is sent by the querystring and i
pick it up using
ActivityID = Cint(Int32.Parse(Request.Params("act")))
but this returns as can't return this null i am assuming
this is just the same as request.querystring() in normal
asp I tries the IsNothing command and that didn't work
so i need to grab the act value from the querysting and
check if there is a value for it or not so i can call the
approprate stored procedure what am i missing?
Checkboxes from a datagrid, I have a datagrid with a check
box field at the end of it so i can select was accomadation
the user wants to mail to get details about this is basically
to post the information back to the email builder form so
that it can post all the infor the the email function. How do
i pull back out and identify the checkbox values after posting
them from a datagrid.
I've been scouring the web and have found a few things that
don't seem to work, its asp.net (vb.net) and i need to know
what i am doing wrong, any thoughts?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/41344.html
Spreading the love
Date: 08/25/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web
So, I'm in the second week of the new job at the corporate office.
This the first time I actually have a title and can explain what I do and where I do it and make a pretty good living at it.
I am *drum roll*
a Web Master for the E-commerce division of the National Safety Council at www.nsc.org
I've got a nice little cubicle, company e-mail address, and my own 4-digit extension on the phone.
One of the higher-ups came down and personally thanked me for the work I'd done updating thd site.
Now, I can here those of you like me (until a week and half ago) saying:
When Lawd? When gonna be my time?
Well, if you live in the Chicagoland/N. Illinois area, that time is now.
My boss told me that we are currently understaffed and they need another person to do the same kind of job that I'm doing now.
So, it you have some web skills I urge you to go the job page and drop them a line.
It might also help to contact Digital People, who are the folks that placed me in the position in the first place.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/963960.html
More .Net Querys
Date: 08/25/05
(Web Development) Keywords: asp, web
Querystring Variables
I have a component that i call in on several pages and
in most the activityID is sent by the querystring and i
pick it up using
ActivityID = Cint(Int32.Parse(Request.Params("act")))
but this returns as can't return this null i am assuming
this is just the same as request.querystring() in normal
asp I tries the IsNothing command and that didn't work
so i need to grab the act value from the querysting and
check if there is a value for it or not so i can call the
approprate stored procedure what am i missing?
Checkboxes from a datagrid, I have a datagrid with a check
box field at the end of it so i can select was accomadation
the user wants to mail to get details about this is basically
to post the information back to the email builder form so
that it can post all the infor the the email function. How do
i pull back out and identify the checkbox values after posting
them from a datagrid.
I've been scouring the web and have found a few things that
don't seem to work, its asp.net (vb.net) and i need to know
what i am doing wrong, any thoughts?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/237860.html
Port Forwarding & Linux
Date: 08/26/05
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: web, linux
Anybody here have some experience with setting up a dedicated Linux Unreal Tourmanent server? I'm having some trouble with mine that might just be a result of me not knowing much about Linux. I will put everything behind a cut since this isn't really a general computer question and many might wish to scroll past it.
Here's the scoop:
I am running UT GOTY (436 patch) on Windows XP SP2. I have cable internet, and my home network is routed through a DLink DI-524 router.
Yesterday I was playing an internet game, hosted on my machine. I have the port forwarding set up on my router so that port 7777 was forwarded to the machine I was playing on. My friend was able to connect to my game by using the IP that the outside world sees for me. All was good.
Today I decided to set up a dedicated server on my Debian Linux box. I got the server and everything installed and running. It works fine. I changed the port forwarding on the router to point 7777 to the linux box instead of the windows box. I also set up port forwarding on 7778 for the server web admin.
The problem is this:
I'm not able to connect to the server from the windows box using the outside world IP address. I can get in and play on it just fine if I use the local IP that I have assigned to it on my LAN, but it cannot be accessed outside my LAN.
So, can anybody tell me why it doesn't appear to be forwarding the ports? Is there something different I have to do with Linux for port forwarding to work?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/759217.html
XP User Profiles
Date: 08/26/05
(IT Professionals) Keywords: software, web, hosting
Hi all, I am having an issue with a network that I have been hired to set up. I'm in WAY over my head, my specialty is Cisco, and I'm doing Windows Server 2003 setup and administration.
Current Situation:
The Company is running their systems in a workgroup, with a central computer acting as the "server" for their shared software program. They currently have about ten employees on-site. The propreitor wants to make sure the new network is secure, and wants to be able to track his employees' internet usage. He also wants his two off-site employees to be able to VPN in to their internal network.
Proposed Solution:
Transferring the duties of the central computer to a server, which will also provide AD, DHCP, DNS, WINS, ISA, and Exchange(!).
1. When I attach the computers to the new domain, a new profile is created for each domain user that logs into the network from a particular machine. However, the old local machine profiles have all the necessary user data for their old way of working (Desktop, Start Menu, and the like). This would not normally be an issue, except that their Outlook (and in one case, ActiveSync) data does not transfer to their domain account (note: we are using local profiles, not roaming). Is their any way to merge the old profile and the new profile, so all is as it was before I installed the server (except for the authentication)?
2. The company has an external web site hosted by a hosting service. The web address for this is companyname.com (no, that's not the ACTUAL URL). The AD is also named companyname.com. When an internal user goes to check his/her Outlook (their e-mail is currently hosted offsite as well, see #3), it cannot resolve the mail server (currently set to mail.companyname.com). Is there any way around this, besides taking a grenade to AD, and starting from scratch (which literally means I will have to start from scratch)?
3. Because my schedule and their company cannot permit a daytime install, the installation is to be done in phases:
1. Test (completed)
2. Domain Authentication/File Server (currently working on)
3. ISA configuration (as of right now, I am only using the internal NIC, and am using the DSL modem for DHCP and gateway services...when ISA is installed, the network config will go Internet---DSL Modem---Server---Inernal Network)
4. Exchange server (changing the MX record on their current public domain, to point to our static IP)
I have NEVER used Exchange...and it is already stumped me. How do I know everything is working as it should with Exchange, before any critical e-mails are lost?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/itprofessionals/20267.html
How to Determine if your Sensitive Data is Safe in Shared Hosting
Date: 08/26/05
(Java Web) Keywords: mysql, sql, security, web, hosting
One of the strong security concerns in shared hosting environments is whether your sensitive data like MySQL server login/password or other login/password is actually safe from other users sharing the same web hosting machine.
Few shared hosting providers do not provide telnet/ssh. They are normally more secure. However I would not recommend them for two [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-determine-if-your-sensitive-data-is-safe-in-shared-hosting/
Date: 08/27/05
(Mozilla) Keywords: html, web
Hello all, I was thinking of downloading the MySpaceBar as I just got a new MS account. Anyway, my main question is: does the toolbar help you customize MySpace webpages, like entering html code easier and whatnot? The profile page was easy, but I'm having more difficulty customizing the blog page.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/311624.html
Firefox Accepted by Department for Work & Pensions (DWP)
Date: 08/29/05
(Mozilla) Keywords: software, browser, web
Firefox continues to make inroads in Europe. In a recent article written by Paula Demarzio and published by ABC Money in the United Kingdom, The Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) in London has awakened to the popularity of Mozilla's Firefox web browser and has vowed to make its websites "Firefox friendly." The DWP also said that it would try to make its sites compatible to as many browsers as possible.
DWP is not the only organization, which has had to work towards making sites more compatible to a variety of browsers including Firefox and Opera. With the increasing market share of browsers based on open source software, many organizations are being forced to upgrade their sites. Software Company AutoDesk announced on Thursday that it was working towards Firefox support for MapGuide, "We consider Firefox support to be essential and are working on it for the next version of MapGuide," an AutoDesk spokesman commented.
If you are interested in reading the whole article, kindly click the following link:
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/312683.html
Font Matching...
Date: 08/29/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: browser, web
Hi all. My coworkers want to use Univers for our company's web site. That is definitely impossible for browsers, yada yada. Isn't it Helvetica Condensed that ends up looking like Univers or Trade Gothic but can still be read by Mac and PC browsers? Please inform.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/965378.html
Web site gives e-mail senders a reputation
Date: 08/30/05
(Security) Keywords: web, spam
New Web site aims to help determine whether a specific computer has been sending legitimate e-mail or spam.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Web+site+gives+e-mail+senders+a+reputation/2100-1009_22-5844408.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
Date: 08/30/05
(Javascript Community) Keywords: php, java, web
I've been implored to design a website for a friend's band.
Here it is. Nothing special, I know; they wanted something simple. I'm currently using a tag board from one of those websites that generates a generic, mostly uncustomizable code. I'd like to make one on my own but I can't find anything to help me along in the process. I'm not terribly familiar with JavaScript or PhP and I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I would appreciate a tutorial or something similar, but if you feel ambitious and want to write a code for me, I'll be sure to give you credit. XD
Thanks in advance for any help. X-posted to
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/javascript/74873.html