1. Yahoo readies iTunes rival for launch

    Date: 03/08/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: software, web

    New music store, software will bolster Web giant's multimedia expansion. Will Apple prevail as No. 1?

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Yahoo+readies+iTunes+rival+for+launch/2100-9588_22-5603157.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  2. Dreamweaver 4

    Date: 03/08/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: web

    I am new to web development. If anyone is familiar with Dreamweaver 4 and not MX, I'd greatly appreciate some help.



    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/177998.html

  3. JOINS

    Date: 03/08/05 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: web

    Is there a website that provides a general overview of the different kinds of JOINS and why one is used over another? Or can anyone provide a brief overview here?


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mysql/50123.html

  4. WordPress 1.5 Plugin - Strip “nofollow” tag from comment URLs

    Date: 03/07/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: cms, software, web

    Introduction WordPress 1.5 (a Weblog/CMS software) comes with "nofollow" enabled by default, with no option to disable it! This plugin provides an option to disable "nofollow" in the most efficient way possible without altering any WordPress code. Background Any comments URL's posted by the viewers of a WordPress powered site are automatically tagged as "nofollow". This means [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/wordpress-15-plugin-strip-nofollow-tag-from-comment-urls/

  5. Some thoughts on Richard Grimes article on .NET

    Date: 03/08/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: programming, asp, web

    I personally find the article by Richard Grimes on the state of .NET technologies very informative. It is comical to note some of the rants against him in the post and in the comments at http://weblogs.asp.net/danielfe/archive/2005/02/22/378343.aspx Some of it are plain hilarious like: "And really, let's face it, every programming language has a problem. Yes, .Net [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/some-thoughts-on-richard-grimes-article-on-net/

  6. Web Designers

    Date: 03/09/05 (See my site)    Keywords: web

    Hi Everyone,

    My company Ckvance, LLC is looking for some new web designers for our clients. Most of our clients are musicians and they are more concerned with the graphic side of the site rather then the development. We are based in Washington D.C and would perfer local designers, but telecommuters work as well.

    If you are intrested please send me your resume at chris@ckvance.com


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/79466.html

  7. Kojo Nnamdi Show publicitiy

    Date: 03/09/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: php, browser, security, web

    I know this isn't totally an advocacy group, but I think some of you might enjoy seeing the publicity that moz and firefox are getting. The Kojo Nnamdi show, on WAMU-FM
    (Howard University PBS radio) had a show on browsers today, and what I was able to catch of it sounded pretty positive to firefox. For a while they'll have a stream up on their web site: (updated edit: seems they're up for quite a while, the archive is back to 2003).


    The Kojo Nnamdi show is always pretty interesting. Glad I found out about it. Too bad it wasn't in time for the show to post here so folks could call in or email. :( It aired Tuesday at 12.06 hours Eastern US time. On air were guests columnist Mark Kelner from the Washington Times (bleh ..to the paper not the columnist) and Alan Paller, research director of The Sans Institue (computer security).

    And if folks really don't want these kinds of posts, let me know. :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/259189.html

  8. Next big step for the Web--or a detour?

    Date: 03/09/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

    At a San Francisco conference, the W3C tries to establish the relevance of the Semantic Web, but skeptics abound.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Next+big+step+for+the+Web--or+a+detour%3F/2100-9588_22-5605922.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  9. Directory access?

    Date: 03/09/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: web

    Okay, my school offers webspace to all students, which is really kewl, cuz we can have our own websites without the hassle of purchasing a domain and what-not. Anyway, the folders in the site can't be viewed by anyone. I've seen somewhere before that you could bypass this by uploading an .htaccess file into the directory with certain instructions in it. Does anyone here know how to do this? Anyone know the code to use?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1831646.html

  10. Question about forms

    Date: 03/09/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: software, html, java, web

    Could someone provide me with some html code for this?

    #1: I would like to make a html form on a website that would create new pages from that form containing that form's information. (Very simple html form code of some sort. I've done this in the past, but forgot how to do it.)

    #2 (much more complicated. If it requires outside software other than java, forget it.): I would like to make a html form on a website that would create new pages that look identical to the original form, but with the blanks and buttons replaced with the form data submitted. Ideally, you would NOT be able to click any radio button or place a blinking cursor in any blank already filled with information.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1831170.html

  11. Asp.net controls, rendered with a variable

    Date: 03/09/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: html, web

    This is probably something really stupid and simple I am doing wrong, but it has me stumped.

    in my code behind (c#) I have a variable:

    protected string dateRegex = "blah"; //lengthy regex with this weeks corp standard date expression (actually it is read from the web.config, but I have tried it as static for this example as well)

    now, we have a custom control, that was already in place when I got my hands on, that I don't have access to modify freely at this time... it is a TextBox with a regex validator attached to it. It has a default regex expression, that I want to override... so I am trying it like this:

    my problem is that this renders to html as a literal string, not as a server side variable:
    in the span for the validator control, I see:

    validationexpression="<%= dateRegex %>"
    if I use the databinding syntax instead of the rendering (<%# dateRegex %>) it evals it as null, and uses the default expression I am attempting to override. it works correctly (overrides) if I paste the new expression into the variable on the control, but this defeats the purpose of having the expression in my web.config file so that it could be changed in just a single place (there are between 20 and 60 Date Text Boxes on this screen, depending on the user's permission level).

    Ideas? (other than repairing the object itself so that it handles changes to the expression property correctly)?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/28399.html

  12. directory authentication

    Date: 03/09/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: database, web, linux

    Hi all,

    I'm the new network admin for a boarding school. They were without an IT person for a while and as a result have almost zero infrastructure. I'm wanting to build things up the right way so I don't have to tear stuff down later.

    Anyway, we have a lot of different clients. Mostly Windows and Macs, but some Linux boxes as well. I don't have much experience with multi-platform environments. What is the best choice for directory authentication? How much of a pain is it to get Macs and Linux to authenticate off of Active Directory? How much of a pain is it to get WinXP to authenticate off of OpenLDAP or NIS? We aren't doing anything terribly fancy. Basic file and print sharing, a couple of databases, etc. the school has its email hosted outside, but I'd like to bring that inside eventually. We have one Win server, 2 Mac servers, and a handful of Debian servers, though all of this is subject to change. The network isn't providing much in the way of services, just your basic web access, DHCP, DNS, etc.

    I realize this is a relatively open question, but any discussion and advice would be great. Thanks.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/627593.html

  13. galleries!

    Date: 03/10/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, java, web

    so, my quest for the perfect gallery continues. my question to you all is this: what gallery applications do you use and what do you think of them? I prefer php and no need for mysql, but I'm open to other options. the only thing I'm adamant about is not using javascript. ;)

    x-posted to '[info]'webdesign and '[info]'webdev.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/826746.html

  14. galleries!

    Date: 03/10/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, java, web

    so, my quest for the perfect gallery continues. my question to you all is this: what gallery applications do you use and what do you think of them? I prefer php and no need for mysql, but I'm open to other options. the only thing I'm adamant about is not using javascript. ;)

    x-posted to '[info]'webdesign and '[info]'webdev.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/179032.html

  15. Recommendations?

    Date: 03/10/05 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: web, hosting

    Hi all--I'm looking to switch web hosts, and was hoping someone could give me a recommendation. Currently I'm with OneWorld Hosting, which is good, but too expensive and seems to be dragging its feet in recent days.

    Right now I'm seriously considering Site5 (http://www.site5.com) after hearing a lot of good things about it. I checked it out with the BBB and it has a clean record, too.

    Any thoughts?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/24374.html

  16. Website Critique?

    Date: 03/10/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web

    Hi, can I please get y'all to critique my website I am writing?

    The link is http://auburn.felineilk.com.

    Also I am trying to start out as a free-lance webdesigner and I'm going to be showing my site off next week to potiential clients. So please look at the site from a client's perspective as well as fellow designers.

    Also any tips for my business would be welcome as well.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/627949.html

  17. Local mobile search? Hold the phone

    Date: 03/10/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

    Looking for a nearby restaurant? Now you can use a cell phone and SMS, a potent combination for the fast-growing Web search business.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Local+mobile+search%3F+Hold+the+phone/2100-9588_22-5606921.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  18. Ideas Needed for a Rush Job

    Date: 03/10/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    I knew this would come and bite me in the ass...now here it is.

    I need to redo my portfolio tonight. There's a job that I'm applying for and the job closes tomorrow. The requirement is a web design portfolio in addition to the resume.

    My last portfolio (http://www.debbierussell.ca) was a last-minute hack and slash job that I did to meet portfolio requirements for a school application. I received the letter with the requirements 18 hours before it was due, so it was one heck of a rush job, and one I was never happy with. I've been "in the process of redoing it" (read: I keep telling myself, I really need to get something done on it) ever since, but that's never gone anywhere past a main splash screen (http://www.debbierussell.ca/v2/ - the links don't go anywhere at the moment) which I was never entirely sure I liked. Luckily, the content is only slightly out of date. It won't take long to add newer material. What I'd like though, is suggestions as to how I should go about structuring it. What looks impressive without being overdone or tacky in web design these days? I have my ideas, but I'm looking for things that I might be missing.

    So, as of now, I have 36 hours to redo this thing. I know I can do it, but I'm not sure *what* do to make it look simple and clean, but impressive. I'm horrible for coming up with ideas when under pressure.

    Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks in advance for the help.

    - cross posted to '[info]'webdesign, '[info]'webdev -

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/827867.html

  19. Ideas Needed for a Rush Job

    Date: 03/10/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: web

    I knew this would come and bite me in the ass...now here it is.

    I need to redo my portfolio tonight. There's a job that I'm applying for and the job closes tomorrow. The requirement is a web design portfolio in addition to the resume.

    My last portfolio (http://www.debbierussell.ca) was a last-minute hack and slash job that I did to meet portfolio requirements for a school application. I received the letter with the requirements 18 hours before it was due, so it was one heck of a rush job, and one I was never happy with. I've been "in the process of redoing it" (read: I keep telling myself, I really need to get something done on it) ever since, but that's never gone anywhere past a main splash screen (http://www.debbierussell.ca/v2/ - the links don't go anywhere at the moment) which I was never entirely sure I liked. Luckily, the content is only slightly out of date. It won't take long to add newer material. What I'd like though, is suggestions as to how I should go about structuring it. What looks impressive without being overdone or tacky in web design these days? I have my ideas, but I'm looking for things that I might be missing.

    So, as of now, I have 36 hours to redo this thing. I know I can do it, but I'm not sure *what* do to make it look simple and clean, but impressive. I'm horrible for coming up with ideas when under pressure.

    Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks in advance for the help.

    - cross posted to '[info]'webdesign, '[info]'webdev -

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/179429.html

  20. Blocking sites

    Date: 03/11/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

    Is there a way in Mozilla to block a website from being viewed/accessed?
    Thank you.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/260405.html

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