Image positioned right problem SOLVED!!!
Date: 01/05/08
Keywords: html
YES. Success.
I thought I could find the solution eventually!
Voila. A page with boxes with fixed positioning and auto margin, with an image directly in the bottom right-hand corner. Turns out my problem in my last post was NOT the code for making it float:right but that there was a position:fixed item that just didn't want to expand to 100%. I was just looking at my page and noticed the background fade didn't go all the way across as it was supposed to, so I ended up troubleshooting another problem instead.
So, thanks guys.
(the graphics and layout are NOT final, so please don't critique. just showing my solution)
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1349109.html
Hi, web creation question...beginner, new here too.
Date: 01/05/08
Keywords: php, html, web, hosting
I'm new here. I'm Trish, 34, female. I want to create my own webpage. Easier said, I know. Here are my questions I hope someone can answer:
What's the best language to start in? HTML? PHP? my husband soon to be ex always used PHP...?
Where can I post my page for the cheapest (U.S.)? Lowest hosting??
Can I get a place to put a page and still create it all my own or must I go with a hosting company?
Do I have to use Front Page and if so where can I get "a copy"?
thanks anyone,
trish x
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1348681.html
porn hosting
Date: 01/05/08
Keywords: web, hosting
hi all
anyone have experience with adult content webhosting? where do you get hosted?
muchas gracias
xposted to gd
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1348517.html
link checker/validator
Date: 01/03/08
Keywords: web
Does anyone have a recommendation for a good (and hopefully free) link checker? I'm looking for one that can access both free and password-protected content, won't drag down the site while it works, and can handle dynamically-generated urls (with ?'s in them). No 3rd party add-ons or mean things like that. I mainly need it for a one-time sweep of old, dead links, not a continuous service. So far I've heard about Atomz and the REL Web Link Validator, but I haven't had any feedback from anyone who has actually used them. Hope this isn't off-topic - if so, just let me know.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1348231.html
Quick Dreamweaver Question
Date: 01/03/08
Keywords: no keywords
Recently, I've been experiencing a problem in Dreamweaver 8.0 for Windows:
When I "Get" files from the server using the "Files" window, it has stopped giving me the dialogue box that asks if I'd like to download dependent files, and just automatically starts downloading the files I intended to download plus all dependent files. I can't find anything in Dreamweaver's preferences that will help me get that dialogue box back. It's really becoming a pain in the bum. Help?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1347877.html
Date: 01/03/08
Keywords: no keywords
Is anyone familiar with siteZen?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1347800.html
Date: 01/03/08
Keywords: css
Hey okay. I was wondering how to go about making a menu on a site where if I change it (add something or take something off) where it'll change on every page without me having to go and manually change it on each page. Like an external menu that shows up on everypage. I know how to do it with CSS.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1347448.html
Question for those of you in the UK
Date: 01/02/08
Keywords: css, html, web
Hello, I wonder if anyone in the UK could help me. I'm eager to find a good distance learning or part-time course in web design which may actually be useful and not just a huge waste of time and money.
I wouldn't class myself as a total beginner; I've been teaching myself bits and pieces for a while and I'm quite comfortable with HTML, CSS and Photoshop. I want to take it further and I think getting a qualification or at least doing some proper study (rather than just teaching myself) would be worthwhile. I'm just not sure which to go for.
I was going to go for this course from the OU, because they're reliable, well-respected and affordable. I've just been a little bit put off by a comment from the course chair that it is "designed for desision makers rather than hands on practitioners". Hmm.
Then, of course, there's Computeach. Their ads are everywhere. However, they're pretty expensive and I've heard some terrible things about them on the grapevine.
There's an evening-class at a local college which I looked at, but it's listed alongside classes for flower-arranging, Chinese cookery and Indian head massage, so I don't know if it would really be worth bothering with...
I work full time and I'm based in Birmingham, so obviously I'm looking for something local or a distance-learning thing. If the right course came along I would consider working part-time if necessary.
Does anyone have any ideas or thoughts? Tips on which to avoid as well as which to go for would be useful, as there are so many courses advertised online and it's not always easy to tell the good from the bad at first glance!
Thanks in advance for your help.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1347221.html
Date: 01/01/08
Keywords: php, java
I need help!
I'm trying to make my site compatible with IE
but alas it is being tricky.
It looks great in FIREFOX
but how can I make it so it looks great in IE?
that's my site
thanks so much for helping!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1347052.html
Date: 01/01/08
Keywords: no keywords
Does anyone know the story behind this awesome site?
Please tell me it's real and not a parody
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1346645.html
What Grooves You?
Date: 12/30/07
Keywords: no keywords
What music do you listen to while working on a large project? Anything in particular help you get your groove on, help you concentrate, stay on task?
I love the radio stations at SomaFM - especially Groove Salad: A nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves and Beat Blender: A late night blend of deep-house and downtempo chill.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1346553.html
Align my boxes!
Date: 12/30/07
Keywords: css
Is there some super magical trick to get form submit boxes on the same line... Without extra css div boxes or tables?
This is what I want.

This is what I have.

Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1346232.html
Floating images
Date: 12/28/07
Keywords: css, web
And the saga of creating a tableless webpage on my own continues...
So far, I surprised myself by having all my ideas turn out excellent. It's brilliant. I don't know. I have achieved so much in such a short time for someone researching on their own. It's been a pain though, seriously. There are things I don't understand still, but that'll come with time. I don't have to learn it JUST by redesigning my page in CSS. There will be other webpages.
Anyway, I have a question.
I want to float an image in the bottom right hand corner of my page and have it stay there while the person scrolls down. This page is fluid. Joy.
I've managed to get the image to do this, but in the bottom left hand corner...
So, my question is, is this possible? If so, how do you do this?
I've attempted to look up a solution already, but everything tells me it's not, so I'm hoping someone else can tell me otherwise.
This is what I figured out just now, but it's not perfect...
#bottom_fade img {
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
float: right;
/* FADE */
#bottom_fade {
width: auto;
height: 200px;
z-index: 80;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0%;
background-image: url("../images/bottom-fade.png");
background-repeat: repeat-x;
Thanks for your help!
The page is nearly complete, so I'll have it up and ready for critique within the next few weeks.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1345749.html
my feet are ugly.
Date: 12/24/07
Keywords: no keywords
I have a div wrapper that encompasses my whole layout. I call it base and on top of base I have another div called floor.
So lets say the content inside base and floor could expands vertically as UGC posts usually does outgrowing the 650px I've set my div's height to. This results in a very ugly poor looking layout.
So I've searched and found that if I set my height to auto this allows the boxes to grow and also shrink so on pages with no content, my foot div is at the top, looking ugly again.
Is there a way to tell a div to be 650px; unless content grows too big for the box then switch to auto height?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1345489.html
wmode in firefox
Date: 12/23/07
Keywords: browser, web, linux, google
I started re-working my website for the new year, I gave in and started using Flash. And I like it - it's a pretty nifty thing.
Problem is, I need my Flash animations to be transparent using the 'wmode=transparent' parameter, otherwise they float right above the text and block out everything. This isn't a problem in IE6 (or any other browser I've tested) but in Firefox it is impossible to use the Flash navigation. In Linux it does even stranger things.
Does anyone know of a workaround for this? I've googled around to no avail. I've tried z-indexing, but that doesn't work.
If it's just a bug in Firefox I'll just let it go and Firefox users can suck it up :P
Link: the site is here functional, not fully complete yet. IE7 does some wonky things, but I'm working on that.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1345159.html
combining two javacsript events
Date: 12/20/07
Keywords: css, java, seo
Hi all
I've got a mouseover script and I have a dropdown menu script.
I want to combine them so when you get the dropdown the mouseover image changes and when you move to a different menu image the one you were on changes back.
Right now, I have

which does display the dropdown menu AND changes the image. The problem is when you move to a different image on the main menu, the 1st image does not revert back. It just stays changed.
Anyone have insight on what I can do?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1344754.html
New book, _Adapting to Web Standards_
Date: 12/19/07
Keywords: css, html, java, web
Hi, all,
I spent most of the year working on a book, Adpating to Web Standards: CSS and Ajax for Big Sites, with some talented people. It's geared to help Web agencies and large companies with their own Web teams learn how to incoporate Web standards into their workflow, but also will help individual Web designers trying to figure out to make their Web sites more roust.
Published by New Riders in December 2007, the book is divided into two parts: the theory and the pratical case studies. The first part covers chapters by Rob Cherny and Kimberly Blessing on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Applications and Web Standards Worflow. The second part by Meryl K. Evans and Kevin Lawver covers Tori Amos’s official Web site and AOL.com.
I'm running a book contest right now on my Web site to give away three copies of the book.
Thanks for your time!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1344401.html
Date: 12/19/07
Keywords: no keywords
does anyone here know drupal fairly well? i need some help on a project and i could arrange payment for your services... i just need to figure out how to remove the "blogs" headline from the blog page, style the search bar, and remove "soandso's blog" from the breadcrumb. if you think you can help, please please leave a comment or email me at jessicamullen@gmail.com
muchas gracias amigos.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1343883.html
if you have a minute...
Date: 12/18/07
Keywords: css, html
my html skills are current as of about 1999 and i JUST took a 2 day CSS seminar...so i really am new...
i'm putting together a simple portfolio for my husband - one day the thumbs all worked as links the next day 4 stopped working - i don't think i changed any of that code...maybe i did, but the issue:
the 2nd column of thumbs are no longer links...can you see why? (i can't)
also i am sure i didn't create the site in the most efficient way at all, but it's the only way i knew to get it to work...
any help is appreciated...
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1343712.html
fluid layouts
Date: 12/17/07
Keywords: web
Since upgrading from a 800x600 screen resolution to a 1280x800 resolution, I have found my previous screen resolution is still restricting my layouts for my sites. I don't want to make me layouts any bigger than an 800x600 res because I want everyone to be able to see my site(s) correctly. I asked around, and everyone is telling me fluid is the way to go.
Does anyone have any good tutorials/website links on how to make current website layouts fluid? Or would I have to totally redesign the graphics for all of them?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1343366.html