VB9 and C#3
Date: 07/18/06
(SQL Server) Keywords: xml
I have briefly examined language specifications for VB9 and C#3. I am correct to think that only VB9 has Deep XML Support, Nested Extension Methods, Nullable Types, Relaxed Delegates, Strong “Duck Typing”? Also, it is the case that only C#3 has Lambda expressions, Implicitly Typed Arrays, and Expression Trees?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/sqlserver/50649.html
VB9 and C#3
Date: 07/18/06
(IT Professionals) Keywords: xml
I have briefly examined language specifications for VB9 and C#3. I am correct to think that only VB9 has Deep XML Support, Nested Extension Methods, Nullable Types, Relaxed Delegates, Strong “Duck Typing”? Also, it is the case that only C#3 has Lambda expressions, Implicitly Typed Arrays, and Expression Trees?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/itprofessionals/41049.html
Syndication for Beginners?
Date: 07/26/06
(Web Development) Keywords: rss, xml
I'm looking to learn about syndication and I'm having a hard time finding a really good resource for beginners. The last time I used XML was several years ago, and while the markup itself doesn't look too difficult my head is swimming because none of the guides I've found have done a good job of explaining the nuts and bolts of the various versions. Also, where do things stand regarding the various RSS versions and Atom? Part of why I'm having a hard time getting started is because I'm not sure which is the "right" choice (if such a thing even exists) for personal site updates. Any suggestions for a good starting point?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/337272.html
How To Solve Apache Ant java Task Execution Errors
Date: 07/26/06
(Java Web) Keywords: xml, java, apache
I have seen myriad errors when executing java task. For example I have seen: javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError?: Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl? not found when executing the java task in jdk1.5.0
The problems with debugging the errors is that the commandline used by java task is not visible, even in verbose mode.
The solution to both the problems is to add the [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-solve-apache-ant-java-task-execution-errors/
Date: 07/26/06
(Web Development) Keywords: xml
I found out the hard way that Firefox doesn't support the XML data islands. But there must be another way to display XML data on Firefox, right?
I'd appreciate all suggestions.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/337941.html
How To Hijack a MacBook in 60 Seconds or Less
Date: 08/07/06
(Java Web) Keywords: xml, security
Watch the video presentation Jon “Johnny Cache” Ellch and David Maynor at Black Hat USA 2006 conference in Las Vegas on a new method for remotely (using Wireless) circumventing the security of an Apple Macbook computer to seize total control over the machine.
var movieSrc = “http://media.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/mmedia/player/player2.swf?whichMode=normal&justify=center&playad=yes&mediatype=stream&postdir=business&postvideo=080206-17v&cuesfile=none&autoplay=no&starttime=0&endtime=0&largerver=none&image=080206-17v_427&playlistxml=none” ; //URL OF WHERE .SWF MOVIE IS PUBLISHED
var movieWidth [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-hijack-a-macbook-in-60-seconds-or-less/
parsing pictures in xml...
Date: 08/13/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, rss, xml
I am still learning PHP, and I am trying to set up a feed to parse pictures. Below the cut you will see the code and the xml I am trying to parse. I want to be able to have the latest picture show up in a 150x thumbnail...
if ($rs['items_count'] <= 0) { echo "Sorry, no items found in the RSS file
"; }
else {
echo "";
Thanks again!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/482373.html
Oregon Job Opening: Web Developer – XHTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript
Date: 08/20/06
(Web Development) Keywords: templates, software, css, html, xml, java, web
The employee will be responsible for providing web publishing support to multiple internal clients by developing, supporting, or modifying web sites using the processes, tools and techniques approved for web development within the company’s corporate environment.
· Mastery of "hand-coded" HTML, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
· Understanding and implementation of graphic design principles using Adobe Photoshop.
· Experience with XML
· Experience with Flash development
· Demonstrated knowledge and experience with version control software, quality assurance processes, and defect tracking tools.
· Strong customer management skills.
· Ability to coordinate with Project Managers and understand, translate and define complex technical requirements.
· Ability to work independently and with teams.
· Proven client interaction or consulting experience.
· Attention to detail and ability to quickly learn new technologies and tools.
· Ability to comply with corporate dictated design standards and provided templates.
Highly Desired Qualifications:
· Previous Intel (or other corporate) experience
· Experience with NGIP/CIP
· Intel Web Author certification (current or previous)
Additional Information:
This is expected to be a long-term, benefited opportunity on a growing team.
Hours are 8AM-5PM Monday through Friday, onsite in Hillsboro. No telecommuters please.
In-person interviews will be required. Local candidates will have first preference.
If interested, please send your resume, URLs to some of your work or your portfolio, and your expected pay rate for the position described above to: meagan.johnson[ at ]cdicorp[ dot ]com.
Feel free to repost or share with a qualified friend. Note: No, I wouldn't be your boss. I'm helping with the recruiting, and I'll probably do some phone screens. :]
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/348661.html
Job Opening: Flash Developer - ActionScript, XML, JavaScript
Date: 08/23/06
(Web Development) Keywords: software, css, html, xml, java, web
Basic Information:
This is expected to be a long-term, benefited opportunity on a growing team.
Hours are 8AM-5PM Monday through Friday, in Hillsboro Oregon. NO TELECOMMUTERS PLEASE. Local candidates only (this is an immediate need).
The primary responsibility will be to create data-driven Flash designs from the “ground up” (from concept to execution) using ActionScript 2.0 and XML. The designs will support the company's corporate brand, and will be developed using the processes, tools and techniques approved for Flash development within the company's corporate environment. Additional duties may include Flash support and web publishing support to multiple internal clients, as well as coding of pages working with HTML and CSS.
• Mastery of Flash, ActionScript 2.0, Photoshop.
• Demonstrated ability to build data-driven Flash files, preferably with XML.
• 2+ Years of Flash or web development in a business environment.
• Understanding and implementation of graphic design principles and Flash optimization.
• Demonstrated experience with version control software and content management systems.
• Ability to understand, translate and define complex technical requirements and recommend solutions based on those requirements.
• Ability to comply with corporate dictated design standards and brand identity.
• Strong customer management skills, and ability to coordinate with Project Managers.
• Ability to work independently and with teams.
• Proven client interaction or consulting experience.
• Attention to detail and ability to quickly learn new technologies and tools.
Highly Desired Qualifications:
• Previous Intel experience
• Previous corporate Flash development experience
• Web Development/Design using XHTML, JavaScript, CSS and DHTML
To apply, please send your resume and portfolio (or URLs to examples of your work) to meagan|dot|johnson|at|cdicorp|dot|com. Please be sure to include the pay rate you are seeking.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/349596.html
Working with pieces of XML.
Date: 08/24/06
(C Sharp) Keywords: xml
What is(are) the best class(es) to store pieces of xml for latter creation of XmlDataDocument out of them?
You know how you usually make Xml Schema-defined types into C# classes? Well, I want each one of those to be able to output its own piece of XML. This way I can build the class hierarchy corresponding to the schema hierarchy, and one line of code would output the complete xml of some specific schema type, or the whole XML page.
For example:
class Phone
public string id;
public string phone;
public Phone()
// Building xml elements
return myObject;
Any example what class should I use? Manipulate with XmlElement? XmlNode? Or should I just use XmlDataDocuments, and keep merge them together somehow?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/74707.html
PHP LiveJournal client
Date: 08/28/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, xml, database
I'm planning to write a cross-posting module fo Drupal. The idea is that when a member on the Drupal site updates her blog, the entry is cross-posted to her livejournal. The database structure and interaction I can handle, but I'm a little confused about what to do for the client code.
My plan is to use the XML-RPC interface to Livejournal, and code the client in PHP. I could use the base interface, but I'm wondering if anyone has written a library that might speed up my development. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/489173.html
Progs to Know
Date: 08/30/06
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, css, html, xml, java, web
Greets folks. Apologies if this has been asked, but what all do you guys thinking is necessary to know to make it in the web design world?
Besides HTML/CSS/Javascript...
XML? Flash? PHP?
Thanks all ahead of time...
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1159897.html
XML closing the community-code gap
Date: 09/15/06
(Open Source) Keywords: xml
XML support lets Zenoss turn user input and knowledge directly into new features. It's another step in closing the gap between community demand and open source supply.
Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=788
php4 question.
Date: 09/23/06
(PHP Development) Keywords: php, xml
ok, so I am going to start with, this is a php4 based machine and I can't upgrade to 5 so I need a php4 solution.
I have some XML that I am parsing and creating an array object out of. a var_dump of the object gives me this.
object(stdClass)(1) {
array(1) {
&object(stdClass)(5) {
array(1) {
string(6) "create"
array(1) {
string(4) "testing"
array(1) {
string(4) "testing"
array(1) {
string(19) "2006-09-21 00:00:00"
This is the deal. I want to add to this list, but I am not sure how to do it. I am parsing using the XmlC class example from php.net I want to add a [errors] object with a few sub object (which will all be turned back into XML string afterwards and returned to the end users). I am not sure how to programmatically add this. Help please..
[edit]: I should add more information. I want to add [errors] to the same level as [timestamp] in the same object without having to rebuild the object.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php_dev/72305.html
Вакансия: Web-разработчик (PHP 5) г. Москва
Date: 09/25/06
(PHP Development) Keywords: php, mysql, xml, sql, web
В настоящий момент мы ищем ведущего web программиста c серьезным опытом и отличным знанием PHP 5, MySQL, XML/XSLT, ООП для участия в разработке и развитии web проекта, основаного на концепции web 2.0 - www.comby.com.
Что мы предлагаем?
Работа с технологиями нового поколения, по-настоящему дружный коллектив, а также достойный профессионала уровень оплаты труда позволят Вам в полной мере реализовать свой профессиональный потенциал*.
*Заработная плата от 2000$
**На постоянную работу, полный рабочий день.
Контактная информация:
E-mail: comby-personal@comby.com
Тел: (495) 245-63-70
Контактное лицо: Антон
Web Life - Интернет компания c многолетним опытом создания и развития Интернет проектов в области телекоммуникаций.
Основное направление деятельности в России– развитие и продвижение проектов www.comby.com и www.comfi.com .
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php_dev/72522.html
Allen Holub: Say No To XML (As Programming Language); I Agree
Date: 09/27/06
(Java Web) Keywords: programming, xml
Allen Holub (Author of Compiler Design in C and famous OO Guru) said: “XML is perhaps the worst programming language ever conceived. I’m not talking about XML as a data-description language, which was its original design. I’m talking about perverting XML for programming applications. It’s inappropriate to use XML as a scripting language (e.g., ANT), [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/say-no-to-xml-as-programming-language/
XML and ampersands
Date: 09/29/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: html, xml
I have a short script that gets an XML file from isbndb.com and parses it for three simple tags, then passes the information back to a script in the URL.
My problem occurs when there's an ampersand within the data of the XML file. I only get the text that comes after the ampersand. I've tried urlencode, htmlspecialchars, and htmlentities when the data is saved to the variables, but I'm obviously going in the wrong direction. Anybody have any tips?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/498065.html
XML Parsing
Date: 10/04/06
(WebDesign) Keywords: html, xml
Is it possible to parse an XML document from a URL, or must it be from a file.
Reference pahe here: http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/importxml.html
Thanks all.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1172316.html
Date: 10/05/06
(WebDesign) Keywords: xml
Greets folks. Is it possible to access an external XML file using xmlDoc.load? From what I have seen all of the XML files have been local. So is there a way around this?
Thanks all.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1173327.html
Date: 10/05/06
(Javascript Community) Keywords: xml
Greets folks. Is it possible to access an external XML file using xmlDoc.load? From what I have seen all of the XML files have been local. So is there a way around this?
Thanks all.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/113808.html