1. aspx inheritance woes

    Date: 06/29/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: asp, web

    Want to see something wonderful? Fire up visual studio and start a new asp.net web application.

    Make WebForm1.aspx look like this:

    <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="WebForm1.aspx.vb" Inherits="WebApplication1.child"%>

    And make WebForm1.aspx.vb look like this:

    Public Class parent
        Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
        Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        End Sub
    End Class
    Public Class child
        Inherits parent
        Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        End Sub
    End Class

    Press F5. The resulting page will only say "parent.Page_Load". If you go back and look at WebForm1.aspx, you will see that visual studio has changed "child" to "parent" for you! You can go ahead and change it back, but the next time you recompile, it will change it for you again!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/71780.html

  2. RegularExpression Help

    Date: 06/30/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: asp

    I need to write a regularexpressionvalidator for my VB/ASP.Net page that requires the user put in at least 2 characters (and most 10), and the user needs to put in 1 letter and 1 number, however it doesn't need to be in any particular order, so some examples could be

    Also no "symbols" are allowed either. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/72023.html

  3. Retrieve from Sessions using C#

    Date: 07/04/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: asp

    Hello everyone,

    I'm currently working on a ASP.NET-project where I'm trying store a collection-class in the SessionState. Adding the class to the session is not any problem but retrieving it seems to be a whole different affair, which is why I've turned here for help.

    Btw, I'm using C# for this project and switching to anything else is not an option.

    The collection-class is named CUser and contains three strings and one byte, along with properties for these.

    After having created an instance, usrInfo, of CUser I add it to the SessionState-object by:


    Later on I'm trying to retrieve this object and from what I've read on MSDN it should be something like this:

    CUser userInfo = Session["userInfo"];

    However, it doesn't work. As I understand it the object in the SessionState is having some sort of identitycrizes and I'm clueless on how to go solve this in C#.

    Any help will be appreciated. :)

    Edit: Problem solved! Thanks anyway...

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/72240.html

  4. Programmers Wanted!

    Date: 07/07/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software, asp

    Do what you love.

    Lots of us write software professionally, but how many are working on projects that we're passionate about? At Cambrian House, you get to work on what you love. Work as much as you want. Pick the project, develop the product!

    Want more details?

    About Us: The Cambrian House Mission Statement
    Cambrian House's mission is to discover and commercialize software ideas through the wisdom and participation of crowds. Contributors earn royalties, sharing in the success of the products.

    How It Works
    You think it
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    Crowds test it
    But don't buy that Mercedes just yet. Before we greenlight production, your freshly baked ideas run the consumer gauntlet. Flourish or flounder? The market decides. Take a peek at the process: vote on Idea Warz!

    Crowds build it
    So the people have spoken, and they love your idea. With the help of the worldwide development community, we turn it into reality. Contributors can take their pick of exciting projects, and in return, they get a piece of the royalty pie. Want your piece? Join our community now and get a head start!

    We sell it
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    You profit
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    What are you waiting for?
    Submit Ideas, Submit Code and Submit Creative Content!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/946680.html

  5. Cambrian House Wants You!

    Date: 07/07/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: software, asp

    Programmers Wanted!

    Do what you love.

    Lots of us write software professionally, but how many are working on projects that we're passionate about? At Cambrian House, you get to work on what you love. Work as much as you want. Pick the project, develop the product!

    Want more details?

    About Us: The Cambrian House Mission Statement
    Cambrian House's mission is to discover and commercialize software ideas through the wisdom and participation of crowds. Contributors earn royalties, sharing in the success of the products.

    How It Works
    You think it
    Most aspiring entrepreneurs and armchair innovators have more ideas than resources. Why let the fruits of your genius languish on the vine? They're yours to grow. Put them in play. Got one just waiting to burst out? Submit it now!

    Crowds test it
    But don't buy that Mercedes just yet. Before we greenlight production, your freshly baked ideas run the consumer gauntlet. Flourish or flounder? The market decides. Take a peek at the process: vote on Idea Warz!

    Crowds build it
    So the people have spoken, and they love your idea. With the help of the worldwide development community, we turn it into reality. Contributors can take their pick of exciting projects, and in return, they get a piece of the royalty pie. Want your piece? Join our community now and get a head start!

    We sell it
    Show time! YourIdea 1.0 hits the virtual shelves with all the marketing power of Cambrian House behind it and with a little help from Chameleon. Every contributor – including you – has a vested interest in helping the product shine, because every contributor benefits from its success.

    You profit
    When we say "every contributor benefits," we don't mean warm and fuzzy feelings. We mean real money. When you collaborate with Cambrian House, you get Royalty Points. That means as long as the product generates profit, so will you!

    What are you waiting for?
    Submit Ideas, Submit Code and Submit Creative Content!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/333069.html

  6. Cambrian House Wants You!

    Date: 07/07/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: software, asp

    Do what you love.

    Lots of us write software professionally, but how many are working on projects that we're passionate about? At Cambrian House, you get to work on what you love. Work as much as you want. Pick the project, develop the product!

    Want more details?

    About Us: The Cambrian House Mission Statement
    Cambrian House's mission is to discover and commercialize software ideas through the wisdom and participation of crowds. Contributors earn royalties, sharing in the success of the products.

    How It Works
    You think it
    Most aspiring entrepreneurs and armchair innovators have more ideas than resources. Why let the fruits of your genius languish on the vine? They're yours to grow. Put them in play. Got one just waiting to burst out? Submit it now!

    Crowds test it
    But don't buy that Mercedes just yet. Before we greenlight production, your freshly baked ideas run the consumer gauntlet. Flourish or flounder? The market decides. Take a peek at the process: vote on Idea Warz!

    Crowds build it
    So the people have spoken, and they love your idea. With the help of the worldwide development community, we turn it into reality. Contributors can take their pick of exciting projects, and in return, they get a piece of the royalty pie. Want your piece? Join our community now and get a head start!

    We sell it
    Show time! YourIdea 1.0 hits the virtual shelves with all the marketing power of Cambrian House behind it and with a little help from Chameleon. Every contributor – including you – has a vested interest in helping the product shine, because every contributor benefits from its success.

    You profit
    When we say "every contributor benefits," we don't mean warm and fuzzy feelings. We mean real money. When you collaborate with Cambrian House, you get Royalty Points. That means as long as the product generates profit, so will you!

    What are you waiting for?
    Submit Ideas, Submit Code and Submit Creative Content!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/105647.html

  7. Javascript History Functionality in ASP

    Date: 07/14/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: html, asp, java

    I'm trying to figure out a way to get the url of the page before the referr page. I know this is possible in Javascript using the History function... is there a way for me to do anything similar to this in ASP?

    Basically I am trying to get the referr of an html page. I call an asp script through an image, which gives me the html page as a referrer so I need to go back one further.

    Any ideas? Thanks!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/334795.html

  8. Google Malware Search Engine And How It Works; Impact

    Date: 07/18/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: software, database, asp, virus, web, hosting, google

    H. D. Moore (hdm[at]metasploit.com) has devised a Ruby based search engine that finds malicious windows software (viruses, trojans etc.) using standard Google queries. The Malware search engine finds Web sites hosting malicious files after an user enters the name of a virus or Trojan horse. Currently the signature database is small but still contains dangerous viruses [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-malware-search-engine-and-how-it-works-impact/

  9. Proofreading?

    Date: 07/24/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: asp

    Do any of you proofread, correct or otherwise reorganize client-given copy?

    If the copy has organizational/grammatic issues, I usually like to reword or reorganize it with the client's permission. The main person I do this for knows that the copy has issues and she encourages me to fix it (and as it is a part of the process of site development, I get compensated for my time).

    I used to think that it was just my job as a designer to design the site, and slap any content they gave me into it verbatim, but now I'm far more conscious of that looking badly not only for the client but for me as well.

    If you're confident enough in your grasp of language to fix other people's writing, what do you do? Fix it, or leave it as is? Why, or why not? Do you feel any responsibility towards clarity of content?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1142260.html

  10. Question

    Date: 07/27/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: asp, web, google

    I was wondering if anyone can assist me with this.  I have to do a web page (in asp.net) that consumes of a web service that desplays the result on my site. For example, the site will provide live scores of some type of sporting event on the page, provide current weather conditions, provide sale information from a site like Amazon or Google, or present a map from Mapquest or another mapping site to a meeting.  Something like that.  If there is any way someone can assist me with this that would be appreciated. Thanks

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/956097.html

  11. OWASP gets Fortify-ed (Now with 45% more security)

    Date: 07/31/06 (Open Source)    Keywords: software, asp, security, web

    Fortify Software, which identifies and remediates software vulnerabilities, has contributed its collection of 115 types of software security errors to the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), a six-year old non-profit with almost 5,000 members whose “mission is to find and fight the causes of insecure software.” The work will become part of OWASP's Honeycomb [...]

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=728

  12. AOL offers free antivirus software

    Date: 08/07/06 (Security)    Keywords: software, asp, security, virus

    Active Virus Shield software, offered in partnership with Kaspersky Lab, is likely to become the highest-profile alternative to for-pay security software.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6102917.html

  13. Log On Script

    Date: 08/13/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: php, database, asp

    When I was working with PHP, My log on script pretty much just queried the database with a SELECT and matched user id and password with what was submitted by the user.

    How does this work in asp.net? Is there a better way?

    I'm lost... thanks.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/73726.html

  14. Pear

    Date: 08/13/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, asp

    I picked up PHP about 4 years ago and have been slowly been using it more and more until I guess I hit a critical mass point and prefer it over ASP or ColdFusion... but the one thing that has caught me off guard is Pear. I've read the Pear intro, the manual, and whatever else I could find about it since I started messing with it this morning... now I am starting to lean towards using it in my production projects. What I am looking for is anyone who uses Pear and what their opinions of it are: useful, POS, buggy, indispensable, etc...

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/482076.html

  15. ADO.Net vNext

    Date: 08/16/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: asp, sql

    I recently got to see a demo of the next version of ADO.Net by Shyam Pather introducing some pretty drastic changes from the current version. They are maintaining backwards compatibility, however they are adding a lot of new features which I think will alter the way data-access with .Net is done in pretty significant ways. There's a fairly well integrated support for more of an ORM approach using a tweaked SQL dialect, for example. Also, there's upcoming support for LINQ...

    Shyam does a better job of introducing it...check it out here: http://blogs.msdn.com/dataaccess/archive/2006/06/22/642260.aspx

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/73026.html

  16. Saying hi

    Date: 08/18/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: php, asp, web

    Just saying hi really, just joined since I am trying a little play with asp.net and like it alot better than PHP.
    I'm not very good at it, but getting more productive, visual web developer express is a godsend ;)

    So umm hi!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/74070.html

  17. Hi

    Date: 08/21/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, software, html, asp

    Hi folks. I'm looking for a way to convert word documents to html using PHP. I've seen this done with various services, like gmail (using whatever it is they use) and monster.com (using asp) and some others, and I was wondering if there was a way to do that in PHP. Most of the stuff I've found is just some software that makes you do it manually, not meant for using as a library. So, anyways, I know this can be done, I'm just wondering what I can use to do it. Thanks for any info.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/485643.html

  18. Bachelor's in Web Development

    Date: 08/22/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, asp, web

    Anyone know of any schools offering bachelor's in web development (or similar) that actually use ColdFusion instead of ASP (or even PHP). I've been interested in a degree, but I'd only want to do one that is using either CF or PHP, not stuff I will never use.  

    Cross posted to '[info]'ljcfug

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/349125.html

  19. Attach class to a Session in ASP.NET

    Date: 08/23/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: asp, web

    Say, I have two classes:


    Say, I also have a class


    which can be either Buyer or Seller, or both, or anonymous. In fact, I want User to represent the current session, and have the following member variables:
    (i wrote self-explanatory members' names)





    As you see, the User class only makes sense to keep during a session. How can I connect this kind of class with a session, so that the object of the User class gets created when a user goes to the website, it disappears when user leaves; and it stays available as the user goes from page to page?

    Maybe there are built in functions for this whole thing, and I'm inventing a wheel?

    (I'm using ASP.NET 2.0 with C#)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/74435.html

  20. Apocalypse

    Date: 09/12/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: asp

    Speed freaks will need bricks

    What's with the 200 watt graphics card?? It made me think of two things:

    1. Back To The Future
    2. 3Dfx Voodoo5 6000

    Anybody remember the Voodoo5 6000? Yes, that crazy card needed an external power brick too. Or maybe it was another Voodoo card that needed it, I forgot.

    What are they going to do, slap 4 processors on a card or something? Plug it in, turn the computer on and start a fire. Or even better, slap 4 of those cards in quad SLI for 800 jigawatts of power!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/977346.html

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