MySpace to solicit bids for search
Date: 06/14/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: yahoo, microsoft, google
News Corp. will tap Microsoft, Yahoo or Google to provide search-based advertising for social networking site.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6083594.html
Google, Google, wherefore art thou, Google?
Date: 06/15/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
Google launches a devoted entirely to William Shakespeare that allows users to browse through the full texts of his 37 plays.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6084018.html
Problem with Bookmarks and Mozilla preferences.
Date: 06/15/06
(Mozilla) Keywords: google
I have a problem with my bookmarks. This isn't the usual "Help me, my bookmarks are missing" post though; surfing through the back pages helped with that. Close to a month back I updated Firefox so that I'm now running on and ever since then I've been having problem saving pages like I used to. I hit Ctrl+D to add the bookmark and that works fine, but when I click on that little arrow next to the Create In bar (So I can save it directly to a folder in a folder in a folder) nothing happens except that I can suddenly make a New Folder apparently. I've even stretched the box to see if it's opening it but not stretching it on it's own. It's not. Anyone have even the slightest clue how to fix it?
This is what happens when I bring up the Add Bookmark:

This is what happens when I hit the arrow:

This is what happens when I stretch the box:

My next problem is with Mozilla not saving my preferences. Every time I open Mozilla I have to reset my preferences (Maximize the window, add on the del.icio.us buttons, replacing Firfox toobar with Google toolbar and hiding the other part of the Google toolbar) and they never stay. Every single time I open Firefox I have to do this again because it resets back to what I assume is its default. It does this when I already have a window open, when I don't when I restart the computer... There isn't anything I can seem to find on my own to make any of this stay.
Mozilla up with my preferences all fixed up nice:

Mozilla (New window with the fixed-up one in background) without my preferences, the exact way it loads:

Is there anyone here able to help me at all with either of these?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mozilla/366581.html
USB Problem
Date: 06/16/06
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: google
I encountered a strange problem when I turned on my computer today. Aside from the disc drives, I noticed some icons were missing from "My Computer," because of some gaps in the icon placement: memory stick, memory card reader, etc.
So, I went into My Computer / Properties / Hardware / Device Manager / USB Controllers. One of the devices had a yellow exclaimation point saying, "code 10" error.
I googled this USB code 10 error problem, but most other people complaining about this problem seemed to be people with a camera and other USB devices, which were not working. Those posts were related, but my USB devices are working fine... I have a USB mouse and a net adaptor, which I've been using since I first bought the computer. I also connected my iPod just for the hell of it. Interestingly, the device manager recognized the iPod and it worked fine too; I even added some songs to it.
Still, the fact that my removable storage devices weren't showing up bothered me, so I tried to update the driver. That did nothing. On another forum someone suggested that I reboot and go into safe mode, then uninstall the faulty USB device, then reboot again. Nothing. In fact, upon rebooting, the faulty USB device shows up as an "unknown device."
How can I fix the "unknown device," and why would this affect my removable storage?
BTW: I have XP, SP2.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/937870.html
Trademark infringement suit hits search again
Date: 06/17/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: yahoo, google
Lawsuit accuses Yahoo, others of buying trademark keywords on Google's search engine.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6085040.html
Data-thieving worm targets Orkut users
Date: 06/16/06
(Security) Keywords: google
Portuguese-speaking users of Google's social-networking site are especially at risk from worm that aims to steal banking data.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6084932.html
Senator offers Net neutrality compromise
Date: 06/19/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens' compromise stops short of demands sought by content companies like Google.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6085161.html
Sudden Failure of gzencode (php)
Date: 06/19/06
(Java Web) Keywords: php, google
I use Google Sitemap generator WordPress plugin in this blog which creates a compressed (gzip) version of the sitemap data. Suddenly the plugin has stopped working!
On investigation I found that the gzencode routine (in php) is failing for unknown reason. Any pointers on what could cause this?
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/sudden-failure-of-gzencode-php/
Google Unveils U.S. Government Search Site
Date: 06/19/06
(Java Web) Keywords: google
Google Inc. unveiled a search site today to help you find U.S. government information.
Google U.S. Government Search features on its entry page government-related news articles from media outlets and official announcements from the White House, the military and Congress.
Aimed at government employees, contractors and the public, the site allows users to search content contained on [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-unveils-us-government-search-site/
Google Personalized Advertisement Based on TV Shows
Date: 06/19/06
(Java Web) Keywords: google
Google has designed and tested a system which listens to the show you are watching to deliver personalized information or advertisement. The “mass personalization” system can identify a programme from as little as five seconds of sound.
Google researchers believe it could also be used to monitor audience size or create social networks around viewers watching [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-personalized-advertisement-based-on-tv-shows/
Google’s Orkut Hit by Malicious Internet Worm
Date: 06/20/06
(Java Web) Keywords: software, security, virus, google
A new Internet worm capable of stealing bank details and other personal data from users is circulating via Orkut, Google’s social networking service, FaceTime Communications, Instant-messaging service provider, warned on Monday.
FaceTime said its software security lab had detected the spread of the electronic virus, the third such threat to disseminate itself via messages posted on [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/googles-orkut-hit-by-malicious-internet-worm/
Laptop monitor... destroyed
Date: 06/23/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: google
I can't even believe that I'm writing this, but I guess I have to accept the truth. And, that is my laptop monitor is destroyed. It fell off the desk and now the LCD monitor is shot to hell. I cried for like an hour. Anyway, I tried turning the machine on again and it actually did go through the windows screen and the whole bit and I'm pretty sure it went to the desktop. Only thing is, I can't see it because the screen is a white-ish blue with big black blotches where the machine made impact with the floor. Christ.
My question:
a) Is there anyway to fix a laptop monitor. I know it's the stupidest question ever. I imagine it costs a million dollars. I did a google search and saw how this guy only replaced the actual LCD part of his laptop monitor, but I looked at mine and there aren't any screws. But, maybe there is a chance I can fix the LCD part if I took it to a shop... I don't know. I also don't know if it's worth the money.
b) Until I can buy a new machine (tears...) would it work if I bought a PC monitor and connected it to my laptop? I would have to open the laptop flat and then use the keyboard on it, but look at the PC monitor. Not the best solution, but is it possible? I'm pretty sure I have a port (?) in the back of my machine for it, one has a picture of a printer, the other a rectangle. How much would a used monitor costs anyway?
I'm sorry for sounding like an air head, but computers aren't my forte. Plus, I'm so distraught right now I could faint...
x-posted in computerhelp
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/644360.html
Google testing ads on for-pay video
Date: 06/23/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
Google Video users can now choose to watch an ad in lieu of paying for some premium content.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6087157.html
Adobe Bundles Google Toolbar with Shockwave for Internet Explorer on Windows
Date: 06/24/06
(Java Web) Keywords: browser, web, yahoo, google
Google is massively pushing its web browser toolbar everywhere around the world. Google has agreed to pay a “significant amount” to have Google toolbar bundled with select Adobe downloads.
Initially it will downloaded with the popular and free Shockwave multimedia player, replacing current Yahoo Toolbar option. I am less than impressed with recent Yahoo products like [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/adobe-bundles-google-toolbar-with-shockwave-for-internet-explorer-on-windows/
Google Earth Rival for France
Date: 06/24/06
(Java Web) Keywords: web, google
France unveiled Géoportail website on Friday. It allows people to access detailed satellite images of the country and offers more detail of France than Google Earth.
France President Jacques Chirac realized the need for France to have a site which beats Google earth, a site which allows Internet users to view aerial photos and maps, saying [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-earth-rival-for-france/
alternative (open source?) scanning software
Date: 06/26/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: software, web, google
i already googled this and came up with nothing. i currently have an hp scanjet 4600 scanner on windows xp. i am totally fed up with the crappy software that came with it. it's buggy and works when it wants to and it's way to bloated, etc.
so i was wondering if there was some kind of freeware or open source alternative scanning software. i tried to acquire within photoshop but nothing happened. i downloaded the "driver only" package from the hp website and tried to use that but nothing worked either. i don't need anything complicated, just something where i can select the area of the bed i want to scan, the resolution and maybe the file type or something like that.
thanks a lot for your help in advance!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/646975.html
alternative (open source?) scanning software
Date: 06/26/06
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: software, web, google
i already googled this and came up with nothing. i currently have an hp scanjet 4600 scanner on windows xp. i am totally fed up with the crappy software that came with it. it's buggy and works when it wants to and it's way to bloated, etc.
so i was wondering if there was some kind of freeware or open source alternative scanning software. i tried to acquire within photoshop but nothing happened. i downloaded the "driver only" package from the hp website and tried to use that but nothing worked either. i don't need anything complicated, just something where i can select the area of the bed i want to scan, the resolution and maybe the file type or something like that.
thanks a lot for your help in advance!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/941838.html
French Google Earth Rival Dies in a Day
Date: 06/26/06
(Java Web) Keywords: google
Google Earth rival Geoportail dies in one day. It’s got to be a guiness record. The French president Jacques Chirac just chaired the official launch of Geoportail
The site says (translated by Google Translator):
You are incredibly numerous to connect you to GĂ©oportail,
gate of the territories and the citizens since his setting on line.
We recorded several million [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/french-google-earth-rival-dies-in-a-day/
Encrypt & Password Protect USB Dongle
Date: 06/26/06
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: google
Hello, I am looking for a simple applacation that can password protecxt my usb dongle drive. It has to be able to run off of the drive, and needs to be compatible with Windows 98, Windows 2K Pro, Windows XP (All Versions) and Mac OS X 10.4, and, of course, is needs to be free. I googled it, and I checked portableapps.com (where i download Portable apps [duhr] like Thunderbird and VLC) and got nothing. Thanks!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/942113.html
GBuy: Google’s Internet Payment System
Date: 06/28/06
(Java Web) Keywords: web, google
This week, possibly as soon as Wednesday, Google is expected by many to unveil a new Internet payment system. It may start out as an online wallet but could become a PayPal-like infrastructure for payments across the Web, handling everything from skis to music and videos, analysts said Tuesday.
As a wallet system, Gbuy would let [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/gbuy-googles-internet-payment-system/