Italy adopts Microsoft anti-child-porn technology
Date: 10/17/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: web, microsoft
Country will use Microsoft system introduced last year to speed up its investigations into Web porn.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6126524.html
Google CEO: Techies must educate governments
Date: 10/18/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: microsoft
Tensions between privacy and ready access to data lace visions for 2016 tech by Eric Schmidt and Microsoft VP Rick Rashid.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6126938.html
Microsoft to catch up on its reading
Date: 10/18/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: microsoft
Super scanner and Cornell join Microsoft's project to digitize tomes for the Windows Live Book Search project.
Photo: Robotic scanner
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6127081.html
Yahoo beats Microsoft to punch with IE update
Date: 10/18/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: browser, microsoft
It posts an optimized version of Internet Explorer 7 before Microsoft's own final release of the browser.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6127211.html
Old-school databinding and DataMembers
Date: 10/19/06
(C Sharp) Keywords: database, sql, web, microsoft
Yes, I'm back.
private string ConnectionString;
private DataViewManager dsView;
private DataViewManager dsViewHospitals;
private DataSet ds;
public TestHospitalFormGrid()
ConnectionString = "data source=edison;uid=sa;password=nothing;database=hospratestest";
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
//Create the DataSet
ds = new DataSet("HospRates");
//Fill the dataset with hospitals
SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from hospitals", cn);
da1.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Hospitals");
da1.Fill(ds, "Hospitals");
//Fill the dataset with rates
SqlDataAdapter da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from CombinedRateData", cn);
da2.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Rates");
da2.Fill(ds, "Rates");
//tables father back will go here later
//Establish relatinship between hospitals and rates
DataRelation relHospRates;
DataColumn MasterColumn;
DataColumn DetailColumn;
MasterColumn = ds.Tables["Hospitals"].Columns["ID"];
DetailColumn = ds.Tables["Rates"].Columns["prov_id"];
relHospRates = new DataRelation("HospRatesRelation", MasterColumn, DetailColumn);
dsView = ds.DefaultViewManager;
dsViewHospitals = ???;
dgDetail.DataSource = dsView;
dgDetail.DataMember = "Rates.HospRatesRelation";
//dgDetail.DataSource = "Rates.HospRatesRelation";
cboName.DataSource = dsView;
cboName.DisplayMember = "Hospitals.Name";
cboName.ValueMember = "Hospitals.ID";
This code generates an error. After two hours of looking around the web, I finally got pointed to this KB article, which tells me my problem stems from the fact that my DataMember has a period in it, and that this bug is considered a "feature" by Microsoft. As you can see, I have tried setting the datasource directly to the relation; this results in the form loading and the datagrid remaining empty no matter what I do.
I need to find a way to set the datasource of the datagrid to the relation in question. It seems to me that the easiest way to do this will be to set the view dsViewHospitals to only show the relation in the dataset, but I'm not finding any code samples for how to set view to anything other than DefaultViewManager programmatically at Microsoft. How would I go about doing such a thing? Thanks.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/77639.html
Minor issues surface after IE 7 launch
Date: 10/20/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
Reports of a security bug are flawed, Microsoft says. However, there are some compatibility woes and Microsoft servers are buckling under high IE 7 demand.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6127792.html
Microsoft says McAfee 'inaccurate, inflammatory'
Date: 10/20/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
Wanting details on Vista security, McAfee says Microsoft is stalling. Microsoft says it has its own timetable.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6127853.html
My computer hates me
Date: 10/22/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: security, microsoft
(This was cross-posted to a few places and is still unsolved.)
I'm trying to play a MMORPG that attempts to download and install DirectX before it's playable, and I've been getting that error where DirectX fails to pass Windows Logo testing, and I have tried several things that're posted on the Internet (renaming catroot2, checking to make sure that Cryptographic Services is enabled/started, etc.).
My computer says that I have DirectX installed already, but the game still prompts me to download/install it, and it still doesn't pass Logo testing.
I've also found that Windows Update, whether I initiate it from Microsoft.com or from the Security Center, will not update. I have 33 updates to download, and 1 succeeds no matter how many times I try.
For both the DirectX problem and the Update problem, I have tried everything I could from this article, with no luck.
I'd also like to note that Internet Explorer's installation also gives me this error: "Setup could not verify the integrity of the file Update.inf."
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/699399.html
SQL Server 2000 -> 2005 Upgrade Costs
Date: 10/23/06
(IT Professionals) Keywords: database, sql, microsoft
x-posted all over
My division is looking at upgrading our SQL Servers from 2000 to 2005 within the next six months. The other day, my boss asked me if I could do some online research to try and find an "Upgrade Cost Estimate calculator" of some sort. From his business perspective, for any given number of factors such as # of database servers, database average size, # of objects, etc., could be punched into some kind of magical formula to output an estimated manhour cost. He figures that someone HAS to have done this sort of analysis already, and is hoping that I can find it.
Has anyone out there heard of or seen such a thing, whether it be an online estimator, a PowerPoint presentation, or even a speech from a Microsoft rep? Thanks in advance!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/itprofessionals/45680.html
SQL Server 2000 -> 2005 Upgrade Costs
Date: 10/23/06
(SQL Server) Keywords: database, sql, microsoft
x-posted all over
My division is looking at upgrading our SQL Servers from 2000 to 2005 within the next six months. The other day, my boss asked me if I could do some online research to try and find an "Upgrade Cost Estimate calculator" of some sort. From his business perspective, for any given number of factors such as # of database servers, database average size, # of objects, etc., could be punched into some kind of magical formula to output an estimated manhour cost. He figures that someone HAS to have done this sort of analysis already, and is hoping that I can find it.
Has anyone out there heard of or seen such a thing, whether it be an online estimator, a PowerPoint presentation, or even a speech from a Microsoft rep? Thanks in advance!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/sqlserver/53179.html
Microsoft sets Sender ID free
Date: 10/23/06
(Security) Keywords: technology, microsoft
The e-mail authentication technology can now be used without fear of a response from Microsoft's intellectual property lawyers.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6128763.html
Autodesk rushes out IE 7 compatibility fix
Date: 10/23/06
(Security) Keywords: browser, microsoft
Prepares a "hotfix" for two applications in aim to remedy a problem working with Microsoft's browser update.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6128726.html
News Focus: Firefox 2.0
Date: 10/24/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: microsoft
Less than a week after Microsoft launches Internet Explorer 7, Firefox responds with version 2.0 of Firefox.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6129061.html
Today's word is "RETARD"
Date: 10/24/06
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: asp, microsoft
Why, Microsoft? WHY?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/992783.html
At 30, crypto still lacks usability, experts say
Date: 10/28/06
(Security) Keywords: microsoft
Government controls held back cryptography in the past, but today usability blocks adoption. Microsoft's Ray Ozzie promises a fix.
Photos: Crypto anniversary
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6130442.html
Attack code out for Visual Studio flaw
Date: 11/01/06
(Security) Keywords: software, security, microsoft
Security hole in Microsoft's developer suite is being exploited in attempts to commandeer PCs running the vulnerable software.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6131545.html
Microsoft among targets in online privacy complaint
Date: 11/01/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: microsoft
Advocacy groups claim ad operations of companies such as Microsoft track users in "unfair and deceptive" ways.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6131472.html
Another view on Oracle Linux
Date: 11/01/06
(Open Source) Keywords: microsoft
That will keep Oracle honest, Soward feels. RedHat isn't the game, Microsoft is.
Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/zdnet/open-source/~3/43966886/
IBM targets Microsoft developers with new tools
Date: 11/01/06
(Application Development) Keywords: microsoft
Big Blue is marketing Lotus Expeditor as an alternative to Microsoft's .Net.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9593_22-6131578.html
Please Help!
Date: 11/03/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: software, spyware, microsoft
My dell laptop is fairly new (got in in July 06) and it started causes problems from the start without even getting on the Internet. A whole range, I could tell you them but that would take forever my main two problems:
My system/computer is deleting some stuff of mine (i.e music, word documents) (started about a month ago) I deleted that user account after all my fles got delted, it started after I did this LogMien thing with someone to detect my cd drive problem. This user account deletes and moves some of my files but I am saving them not such a big problem. Anyone know any good place to save files? I currently use GMail and eSnips.
My optical/CD drive is not being detected (Started about two months ago)
I heard the best thing to do is to some how save my files and then reinstall my Windows XP (the system or program I have) My main two questions are:
Does reinstalling Windows XP fix the optical drive?
Can I reinstall Windows XP using the WINNT32, since my CD drive is not being detected?
I cannot take it in so please don't say that as an option, any help please?
What is C:\WINDOWS\system32\fxscom.dll do I need that? It says it is missing in my Abexo
Also my internet has been not working well and very slow and sometimes I can get on, and sometimes I can't
And my computer space has been going down what could cause this?
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP, Home Edition Version 2002, Service Pack 2
Computer: Dell Inspiron 6400
Memory: (c drive): 450MB (it was 4.65GB yesterday)
Broswer: FireFox 1.5 and Mozilla 1.7
What is the processor speed of your CPU?
Have you recently installed or uninstalled any software or hardware? If so, what?
A lot to save space:
Adobe Photoshop Elements
MicroSoft ActiveX Control Pad (and installed)
NoteTab Light
4Tray (and uninstalled
Mozilla Thunderbird
Anti-Malware programs:
Ad Adware SE Personal
Spybot S&D
AdvancedWindowsCare V2 Personal
Spyware Blaster
Some links I checked out:
WIndows Install
Windows Reinstall Two
Should that be okay?
X Posted in computersupport
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/704319.html