Photo Gallery Scripts?
Date: 07/18/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql
Anyone know of any photo gallery scripts that will do the following?
1. Show a preview for each category.
2. Randomize a the preview from each category.
3. Allow a single image to be included in multiple categories.
I'm working with a team that is going to eventually do this in flash with an animation and such but they asked if I could do this in php in the meantime and they'll integrate the flash my php later. I'm a PHP/MySQL database guy so this is new to me...
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/320514.html
Odd Request?
Date: 07/17/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, browser
What's the best way to use tail in PHP? I'm having PHP run a unix program and it generates a log file. I'd like to have tail display the log file in the browser using php until it's done processing the unix command and then quit.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/320405.html
Date: 07/18/05
(Web Development) Keywords: php
Hey all,
I don't know if this has been asked yet or not, but I am having the hardest time trying to get a simple form like this:http://utsa.edu/sa/tacuspaprototype.htm to work! I want the information to go to my email,but for some reason it won't go to my email. I read different turtorials that said I need to use Php or cfm? I don't know anything about that kind of mark up language! Can anyone offer some friendly advice. My boss keeps hounding me about this!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/221766.html
storing images for catalog
Date: 07/18/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, database
what is the recommended method for storing images for a catalog-type interface;
usually (cuz it's easy for me and easy for the client to handle) i've added a "filename" field to my items or products table, then when the client adds an item, they put the filename into this field, and put the image in a specific folder (if I do thumbnails, typically i'll have a "thumbs" directory below the catalog images directory, and specify that the thumbnail filename be the same as the full-sized filename) - i find this method is easy for the client since they've got readable filenames if they need to make edits to the images as opposed to a numbered image system;
just out of curiosity, is it a 'better' practice to handle the uploading of image with the php and assigning an ID (i.e. - 4032.jpg) to the images which is pegged to the product in the database somehow? (either the image ID corresponds to the product ID, or maybe a seperate table tracks this if multiple images attributed to a single item)
anyway, this is something that i do fairly frequently, and just looking for input on other methods that may be better or more efficient
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/321060.html
Would anyone like a website?
Date: 07/20/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, web, google
I need to relinquish control of my pet project, advicenators.com. It's an advice-column community with a little over 22,000 registered members who are suffering because I do not have time to keep it up, secure, with new features people want. Currently hosted on a dual-2.8GHz pentium server, pulls less than 40GB per month. I'm not really making money on it. I mean, some months the google check is $150 or so but most of the time it doesn't make that.
I was going to sell it, but really all I want to know is that it's in good hands... someone who knows php and would be willing to work with the community and help it grow as a website. I don't want it to die; the member base I've built up deserves to keep what they've worked for. I have some offers but I want to keep seeing what's out there. I've always kinda wanted to see the code open-sourced but I'm way too busy to consider being the point of contact on that sort of thing, so I haven't done it.
Any interest here?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/322109.html
Lame Nerd Question
Date: 07/20/05
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web, linux, hosting, apache
Here's what's happening:
My company seems to be dragging its feet on upgrading the Solaris server on which I'm supposed to be running this website I'm developing. I've been hosting on my own external server, and when this summer internship is over, I have to move everything over regardless of whether or not the server is ready.
Consequently, people in my department are trying to hunt down an extra Unix box for me to use as a pseudo-server until the real server is (finally) upgraded.
So here's my question:
I've only touched Unix very remotely, as in using an SSH command-line console with my school's web server. I'm a little familiar with basic Linux commands, but that's about it. How difficult would it be for someone like me (who only uses Linux when she has to for classes) to install Apache, PHP, and MySQL...as well as migrate over my existing website (currently running on a Red Hat 9 server with Apache, PHP 4.x, and MySQL 3.2.3 or something similar)?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/730050.html
IP Throttling
Date: 07/21/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php
So, I was going to ask for some ideas on how to do IP Throttling with PHP, but came up with something before I had a chance to post anything:
// write the data back to the file
$data_string = serialize($data);
$fp = fopen(DATAFILE, "w");
fputs($fp, $data_string);
if($denied) {
case "redirect":
header("Location: " . THROTTLING_MESSAGE);
Then in a file to be throttled:
Any thoughts on how to improve this?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/322901.html
calling out to the Shell on Windows XP (IIS)
Date: 07/21/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php
I’m working on a project that is running on PHP (4.3.9) on windows IIS. I am trying to use the system command (or backticks) to call out to the imagemagick convert program to scale an image. So far it is not working and I have no idea why. It worked when I developed it on Mac OS X but when I uploaded it to the server running XP it does not work nor does it give me any error message.
The command line I ma using is this:
D:/Program\ Files/ImageMagick-6.2.3-Q16/convert.exe -antialias -geometry 80x104 “upload/00002_Eggs_Shell.jpeg” “icons/00002.jpg”
I have tried it with backslashes as well as forward slashes and in a number of other combinations. So far nothing works. I have checked that the program does have the ability to write the output file and that the input file exists. But the command never seems to run.
I have tried using system($cmd), exec($cmd) and `$cmd`
Thanks for any help
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/323517.html
Help merging arrays
Date: 07/21/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php
[3] => 1782.00
[4] => 1022.00
[5] => -480.00
[6] => 1653.00
[7] => 1000.00
[8] => 1240.00
[10] => 6200.00
[11] => 6200.00
[12] => 0.00
[13] => 311.00
[6] => 19.00
[7] => 40.00
[9] => 0.00
[13] => 99.99
[3] => 588.00
[4] => 99.00
[5] => 46.80
[6] => 0.00
[7] => 0.00
[8] => 84.00
[9] => 0.00
[10] => 0.00
[11] => 0.00
[12] => 0.00
[13] => 99.65
Result I am seeking will create one array where keys that are the same result in a value that is the sum.
[3] => 1782.00 + 588.00
[4] => 1022.00 + 99.00
[5] => -480.00 + 46.80
[6] => 1653.00 + 19.00 + 0.00
[7] => 1000.00 + 40.00 + 0.00
[8] => 1240.00 + 84.00
[9] => 0.00 + 0.00
[10] => 6200.00 + 0.00
[11] => 6200.00 + 0.00
[12] => 0.00 + .00
[13] => 311.00 + 99.99 +99.65
This is my working solution, but I was hoping for a more concise, elegant way.
$Inv_itmsM = $Inv_itmsA + $Inv_itmsB + $Inv_itmsC;
$Inv_itms_keys = array_keys($Inv_itmsM);
while($i < count($Inv_itms_keys)) {
$k = $Inv_itms_keys[$i];
$Inv_itms[$k]=$Inv_itmsA[$k] + $Inv_itmsB[$k] + $Inv_itmsC[$k];
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/323323.html
RegEx Help - Updated
Date: 07/23/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php
Hey everyone!
Rather than going through the replies to the post earlier I decided to create a new post to further explain myself. From time to time I get kinda wrapped up in the details of coding something and usually end up trying to explain concepts to non-technical people through abstract terms. For some reason I was in that frame of mind when I posted to this group. Basically, I am *very* guilty of under-estimating the level of understanding of the php group. What I should have said is this:
In php, the strip_tags() function works ok, but it ignores the attributes of the allowed tags which leaves it open to things like this:
Ha Ha!
What I was trying to do was to write a more robust version of the strip_tags() function that would also allow you to declare allowable attributes (such as "href" for and anchor tags).
So, restated, what I'm trying to do is take a string like
and remove EVERYTHING but this:
I apologize for the totally brain-dead way in which I stated the original question and I promise to think (more) before I post. It's just that trying to explain this concept to some of the non-geeks that I work with kinda got stuck in my brain.
/me puts on asbestos suit and ducks
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/324373.html
Sticky File
Date: 07/22/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, html
I know this is more of a general HTML/Forms question, but since I'm using PHP to make the values sticky, I figure maybe I can get away with asking this here. :)
Is there any way to make an uploaded file sticky? If a user submits a form, and they add a file, but forget other required information, when I re-present the form, the file resets, so they have to attach it again. I looked up the tag reference, and unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a "value" option for the "file" input type.
Any trickery exist for this one?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/323921.html
Possible web development job/need to learn PHP
Date: 07/23/05
(Web Development) Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web
Yesterday I had an interview at a great web design firm here. The interview went great, and I'm going back in on Tuesday for a second interview. One of the only things that was a "negative mark" for me was that I don't know how to code in PHP (I know, I know..."get with the times dumbass!"), however, I learn incredibly fast and I decided after the interview that I would make sure I have a solid understanding of the language before I go into the second interview on Tuesday.
I spent all day yesterday reading books and web sites about PHP and MySQL and I'm already able to write relatively simple scripts without relying on references. What I'm looking for now are web sites that have something more intermediate that I could try my hand at (as opposed to the basic lessons most websites give...which are typically based around the same concepts). I've found that I usually learn better when I get the basics of a language down and then jump into stuff a bit over my head...struggling makes me try harder and helps things stick in my head.
Anyone know of a website or two with good, advanced PHP lessons?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/224748.html
Possible web development job/need to learn PHP
Date: 07/23/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web
Yesterday I had an interview at a great web design firm here. The interview went great, and I'm going back in on Tuesday for a second interview. One of the only things that was a "negative mark" for me was that I don't know how to code in PHP (I know, I know..."get with the times dumbass!"), however, I learn incredibly fast and I decided after the interview that I would make sure I have a solid understanding of the language before I go into the second interview on Tuesday.
I spent all day yesterday reading books and web sites about PHP and MySQL and I'm already able to write relatively simple scripts without relying on references. What I'm looking for now are web sites that have something more intermediate that I could try my hand at (as opposed to the basic lessons most websites give...which are typically based around the same concepts). I've found that I usually learn better when I get the basics of a language down and then jump into stuff a bit over my head...struggling makes me try harder and helps things stick in my head.
Anyone know of a website or two with good, advanced PHP lessons?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/935935.html
Date: 07/26/05
(MySQL Communtiy) Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql, web, microsoft, google
Windows XP SP2
MySQL Version -- 4.1.13
PHP Version -- 5.0.4
Web Server -- IIS 6.0
Dreamweaver MX 6.1
Frustration Level -- Through the ROOF!!!
Last I posted, I was having troubles with permissions. Well, to resolve that little issue I re-install MySQl. Admin permissions are now accessible.
PROBLEM: I am unable to connect to my test server through Dreamweaver MX. I was getting the oh so helpful error message: "An unidentified error has occurred." I changed some permissions (I don't know which ones at this moment) and then I was getting the error message "HTML error code 403 forbidden". Now, I'm back to "An unidentified error has occurred." It's got to be a permissions issue but for the life of me I can't figure out which ones. I am also having an issue viewing "http://localhost/" without having to enter a password. I can view other pages on localhost just not the root. I'm sure that has something to do with my test server issue. I have gone through the MySQL manual online and offline. I scoured microsoft.com and msdn for help with the Windows permissions. I have googled all there is to google and I want to google NO MORE. I did find an article reguarding my helpful "An unidentified error has occurred" message (link - technote).
It said to install 6.1 updater for Dreamweaver MX, so I did and no change. I re-ployed the connection scripts and no change. I stopped and restarted the services and nothing. I meticulously inspected all folders that need to be accessible for the server and whatever else needs them, and no dice. I found this technote (Technote), useless. I have pretty much done everything that flipping article said and any other articles that I have found and of course no change.
So there inlays my dilemma. Where do I go from here????
*off to scream*
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mysql/64173.html
MySQL Test server issues...
Date: 07/26/05
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql, web, microsoft, google
To anyone here who is familiar with MySQL or can put me on the right path to resolving this:
Windows XP SP2
MySQL Version -- 4.1.13
PHP Version -- 5.0.4
Web Server -- IIS 6.0
Dreamweaver MX 6.1
Frustration Level -- Through the ROOF!!!
PROBLEM: I am unable to connect to my test server through Dreamweaver MX. I was getting the oh so helpful error message: "An unidentified error has occurred." I changed some permissions (I don't know which ones at this moment) and then I was getting the error message "HTML error code 403 forbidden". Now, I'm back to "An unidentified error has occurred." It's got to be a permissions issue but for the life of me I can't figure out which ones. I am also having an issue viewing "http://localhost/" without having to enter a password. I can view other pages on localhost just not the root. I'm sure that has something to do with my test server issue. I have gone through the MySQL manual online and offline. I scoured microsoft.com and msdn for help with the Windows permissions. I have googled all there is to google and I want to google NO MORE. I did find an article reguarding my helpful "An unidentified error has occurred" message (link - technote).
It said to install 6.1 updater for Dreamweaver MX, so I did and no change. I re-ployed the connection scripts and no change. I stopped and restarted the services and nothing. I meticulously inspected all folders that need to be accessible for the server and whatever else needs them, and no dice. I found this technote (Technote), useless. I have pretty much done everything that flipping article said and any other articles that I have found and of course no change.
So there inlays my dilemma. Where do I go from here????
*off to scream*
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/736061.html
Distributed development tool?
Date: 07/26/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, programming, software, database, sql, postgresql, web
Having recruited a small army to help me code, I've been trying to sort out a distributed development system. The only problem with this is the fact that I can't find a system that caters for what I need, and building one from scratch is a minor ballache (not to mention was taking far too long - that was my original tactic).
Basically, I need web software that does the following: Bug tracking, project and task management, static content, project and general discussion, SCM/version control (CVS/SVN preferably, SVN looks nicer, either can be installed as needed).
In real terms, I need something to be able to hand out documentation on the web, throw projects up that people can choose to take on, a bug tracking system (for obvious reasons), somewhere to talk about the projects and in general, and manage code. We've looked at GForge - it's nice, but requires PostgreSQL, and I don't have time to rewrite it into ADODB. Combining that with a wiki (or something similar) plus discussion board would probably fit it beautifully, but again, it'd also mean rewriting the login systems and integrating them - which would be a pain in the neck for two seperate database systems. Tried TUTOS, but it's unrefined, and missing many of the things we need - it's more resource and personnel planning. Flyspray is good for tracking bugs, and MediaWiki is good for static code. phpBB of course is an excellent piece of forum software. But none of them actually fit together. Writing a system to combine them is possible, but expensive in terms of time, as I said earlier.
I can't find anything that seems to fit the bill. I could write one, but it takes far too long, especially with a one-man programming team.
Is there anything that anyone knows of out there that may fit the bill? Either that, or it's going to be a long few days coding for me :-/
(X-posted to my own journal, and a couple of communities.)
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/325046.html
PHP, style-switching, and the fearful redesign...
Date: 07/26/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, html, java, web
Hello all. I just redesigned my website in PHP and I have to mention that PHP is awesome.
So now I'm asking you all to test my site... (give it a refresh just in case). Let me know what works and what doesn't... such as:
- Does the style switching work? Can you navigate without losing the style?
- Does it look bad with Javascript disabled? btw, all the javascript will be gone really soon, as soon as I can rewrite the scripts in PHP.
- Is there anything that doesn't work right?
- Is anyone interested in finding out how some of this is done? I'll probably make a tutorial soon, since you can't just view the source to see the php.
Also, I have a really important question... how do you guys deal with page cache? I change stuff really often and I don't want anything to get cached, but the meta tags "expire" and "no-cache" don't eliminate caching entirely. IE has a bug where it will cache stuff it sees after the meta tags, and there is a hack to prevent that, but the hack is not xhtml compliant... what I am looking for is a fully xhtml compliant technique.
Thanks in advance!
posted to webdesign and webdev
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/938001.html
Нужны люди с углубленным знанием Flash 2004 Pro
Date: 07/26/05
(Algorithms) Keywords: php, mysql, sql, java
Сабж.Для создание многопользовательской игры на flash.
Труд будем оплачивать. Можно удалённо. Знание Java и Php. Также очень желательно MySQL.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/algorithms/61549.html
Handling Long Proccess
Date: 07/27/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, database
Ok, I have a php page that takes a long time to run, its a lot of external api interaction and database transactions. Normally this will run as a chron job, what is the best way to make sure this runs its whole length without timing out? I've seen pages run the "Maximum Execution Time" before and I dont want that to happen with this.
Also, I would like to be able to manually start this proccess from another page, what is the best way to do this? I mean, I could just execute the code from this page, but then that would make the page wait untill proccessing is over.
Any help would be awesome.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/325290.html
Gallery combination
Date: 07/29/05
(Web Development) Keywords: php, html
I've got a gallery on a simple site I made for a friends band (apologies in advance if the red is overwhelming)
It does it's job BUT when you click on a thumbnail the scroll bar jumps back to the beginning (I know this is because the page re-loads)Which is quite annoying.
I've been playing with this gallery
And it doesn't jump BUT I have to put all the images in the html first, which is very time consuming etc when there's so many images.
Does anyone know if I can combine the two as it were?
Have the php script load the images, then have the gallery that doesn't jump back to the beginning?
Posted this in php as well.
(I'm at work so I can't get into the raw pages to put the php code in here just yet, I'll post it later if that would help)
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/227659.html