IE pop-up spoof won't get patch
Date: 06/24/05
(Security) Keywords: browser, microsoft
Overlaying windows in a browser is standard functionality, not a vulnerability, Microsoft says--so there are no plans for an update.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/IE+pop-up+spoof+won%27t+get+patch/2100-1009_22-5759894.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
css / printing / z-index problem
Date: 06/24/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: browser, css, asp
A company has me working on their pages. The picture in the link below is in an tag, and the oval links are also images set at a higher z-index. Everything displays perfectly until we attempt to print the pages out - the ovals are sent to the background.
I tried a little test with overlapping images and zindex and printing, and it all went smoothly, so there is something wrong with my css that's messing up print jobs.
http://www.dcicheeseco.com/dci/main2.asp - page
http://www.dcicheeseco.com/dci/info/css.css - main css document
http://www.dcicheeseco.com/dci/e.css - temp print css document
This is really hard to troubleshoot because there is a fair amount of CSS, it displays correctly on my screen but not on the page, and I have to keep renaming the filenames (the first problem was the company's browsers caching stuff I didn't want it to). Any help / knowledge would be greatly appreciated - it's my first time messing with the print media type.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/912368.html
Internet design questions
Date: 06/27/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: browser
QUESTION ONE:Do you have any criticism of my journal's typeface or colors? Too small or indistinct? I myself am having trouble seeing it on my father's laptop, and always increase my browser's text size.
QUESTION TWO: Any tips for getting true color representation out of one's monitor? On our PC I set my blacks to black and design with deep color saturation in mind. When I look at my pages on other people's computers (e.g. my father's) I'm horrified that pale patterns are too subtle to be seen, or that everything looks so washed-out and sun-bleached. Is there a happy medium between how I'd like my designs to be viewed and how, realistically, most people will see them?
QUESTION THREE: Do you still design for the lowest common denominator, meaning old, small, monitors? I have done this in the past, and now my sites look miniscule on laptops and an average person's internet setup.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/914378.html
questions and feedback
Date: 06/26/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: browser, css, web
I am setting up a website HERE, and I want to know how to make it adjust to different window sizes. I always want the content to the right of the menu to be centered in its portion of the window. Right now put it in a tag called
, with CSS defined as:
p.main {
text-align: center;
position: absolute;
width: 600px;
top: 20;
left: 230;
Another simple question: Is there a simple way to get spacing between say, two images (like the buyers and sellers images on the page) without actually positioning each one using CSS?
By the way, it would be much appreciated if people with browsers other than IE6 on a PC could give me some feedback on how this looks. I am planning on obtaining more views myself, but just haven't had the time.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/913551.html
questions and feedback
Date: 06/26/05
(Web Development) Keywords: browser, css, web
I am setting up a website HERE, and I want to know how to make it adjust to different window sizes. I always want the content to the right of the menu to be centered in its portion of the window. Right now put it in a tag called
, with CSS defined as:
p.main {
text-align: center;
position: absolute;
width: 600px;
top: 20;
left: 230;
Another simple question: Is there a simple way to get spacing between say, two images (like the buyers and sellers images on the page) without actually positioning each one using CSS?
By the way, it would be much appreciated if people with browsers other than IE6 on a PC could give me some feedback on how this looks. I am planning on obtaining more views myself, but just haven't had the time.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/215121.html
Firefox Productivity Enhancers for Everyone
Date: 06/30/05
(Java Web) Keywords: browser
Assorted List of Productivity Boosters for Firefox users (without plugins). These tips are for everyone.
Use middle-click on your mouse to open a link in new tab.
Use middle-click on your mouse on a tab to close it.
You can set all the open tabs as your homepage set. Whenever you open your browser they can be set [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/firefox-productivity-enhancers-for-everyone/
Save me from the IE >_>
Date: 07/01/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: browser, css
I know floats aren't the cleanest things to use for positioning, but I just find them to be the simplest thing for basic column layouts. The vast majority of the time they behave well, but I've recently noticed that in IE Mac (a.k.a., the browser from hell), this page, this page, and this page both have the problem that the content appears under the nav instead of next to it. All the pages use this stylesheet, but the layout issue only appears on these pages. I don't see how it's the content that's pushing it too wide, especially since all the widths of the divs are defined and making the content wider doesn't help. (and I'm not even going to -try- and get the CSS dropdowns to work correctly in this thing).
I could use some ideas on how to resolve this one issue, and possible suggestions on how to CSS-position in the future. Thanks much.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/918654.html
And the problems continue..
Date: 07/02/05
(Computer Help) Keywords: browser, virus, web
First i'd like to again thank warsawpact & mojo_iv, for helping me with the update problem, but i have a couple other problems, because my computer's a peice of something vulgur..
1. Does anyone know a good, free virus protecter i can downloaded, that works?
2. MSN, and my web browsers (Firefox & IE) keep freezing, like on almost everything i do, but AIM is fine, i don't understand it's never done this before, and it's caused me to reboot (reformat) my computer a couple times, but it's still doing this (like i said it's never done this before)
3. Every time something, freezes or i open a floder then close it, my 'Start' button and tool bar freeze, i don't mind it every now and then because of (Alt+Tab) but when i comes to restart (or shutoff) the computer, or when need something in my 'Start' menu i can't get to it because it's frozen.
I'm desprate, i'll try anything, it NEVER used to do this before until i rebooted (reformated) it, but i had to do that, please help. Thanks guys.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/434111.html
Quick Question about validating:
Date: 07/04/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: browser, css, html
I'm still very new to the whole validation thing. I always make sure my sites work in both IE and Firefox, but I'm currently trying expand my horizons and build on the basic knowledge I have of html, css, etc.
Anyway, point being. I'm building a site that has a flash movie in it. From what I've read in order to make it work in IE you need the < object ... > and in order for flash to show up in firefox or netscape it needs to also have < embed ...> Now that's all fine and dandy, but it seems that html 4.01 transitional spits it back at me saying embed is no good.
Is there a way around this? Personally I'd rather the flash actually show up in all browsers than having the page validate *L* but it's a little on the irritating side.
Edit: On another tangent, I was searching through other flash pages to see if I could find out how they deal with the problem. I went to coolhomepages.com and hit every page in the flash section for the first few pages. Only about 3 of them had a doctype, and out of those none of them validated.
Do people actually worry about validating their pages?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/919824.html
I'm not sure how to post this: Spy Sheriff Problem
Date: 07/04/05
(Computer Help) Keywords: php, browser, html, asp, spyware, microsoft
Hello. I'm not big on computers, only knowing how to do some HTML and how to surf, use some typing programs.
I encountered Spy Sheriff about a day ago and still am having problems.
Computer: Intell (R) Pentium
Microsoft Windows 2000
523,760 KB RAM
Browser used: Mozilla
On my Admin account, I have this black box with these red letters: SYSTEM STOPPED
White Text: System has been stopped due to a serious malfunction. Spyware activity has been detected.
It is recommeded [sic!] to use spyware removal tool to prevent data loss. Do not use the computer before all spyware removed.
I have on my other account, SM (not real account name), Spybot: S&D. Everytime I try to start up that account, I encounter Symantec Email on the fritz. It shows alot of pop windows open for email.
I have tried to run Spybot: S&D and Regedit to kill all of the Spy Shreiff stuff, but it is like a zombie, it keeps on coming back and won't die!
I only use Hotmail email, so not Microsoft Outlook-esque stuff.
I'll admit that I am not the brightest in the world, and I feel that I would look stupid if the other computer_help community approached my problem. The only reason I sought this community after reading the information page, was that the community mentioned even "someone's monitor being on fire" or "just need help sending email."
My cousin used to pad this computer, it is custom-built with firewalls and such, so much that I felt inhibited, but now I feel like it should be that way, but then again, I am not majoring in computers... =(
{EDIT: On some other LJ community, someone spoke of a porn thing popping up. --I found it...ugg...it installed an icon of some woman, and the text: Free XXX (sighs)
Now I downloaded some Spyware BeGone thing and so far I have 101 infections found.... =(
The symantec thing has stopped something has to be right on the SM account. Still working on solution...
EDIT as of 3:16PM Indiana time: I uninstalled "Spybot: S&D"...but now the SM account won't work...)
I've been reading stuff:
I wonder if I can actually get (the porn site popped up again) coolsearch.biz or something) the Hijack This to work, but isn't it obly for Internet Explorer? (sighs, wants to throw computer out window)
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/435677.html
Exploit heightens risk from old Firefox flaw
Date: 07/07/05
(Security) Keywords: browser, security, web
Code that takes advantage of a security hole in older versions of the open-source Web browser could help an attacker take control of PCs.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Exploit+heightens+risk+from+old+Firefox+flaw/2100-1009_22-5776978.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
problems accessing web pages & such
Date: 07/07/05
(Computer Help) Keywords: browser, virus, web
Up until a week and a half ago I wasn't having any problems accessing webpages. Then I fdisked my computer--which I've done in the past with this computer & others (in other words I know what I'm doing ;))--all was fine and dandy until two days later my computer refuses to boot all the way up. It gives me a message that it can't find 'lsass.exe' and restarts...over again. As I've never had a problem with viruses, I never bothered to make a rescue disc for my anti-virus program (AVG) and had to fdisk the computer. That went well. Then I started having problems accessing web pages through any web browser other than AOL. I like to use Firefox, Mozilla, and separate IE windows, and this hasn't caused problems before. Particularly I can't access LJ outside of AOL, there are other sites but that's the one I've noticed the most since I try to get to it so often. ;) I've tried signing on with free Netzero and I can't access *any* web pages then. This is getting really frustrating as the AOL browser setup is limited. Does anyone have any idea as to what's the problem?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/438817.html
Opera now supports Bittorrent
Date: 07/08/05
(Opera Browser) Keywords: software, browser, linux
Opera Software today launched a technical preview (TP) of the Opera browser for Windows, Linux and Mac that includes support for BitTorrent.
Read the press release here.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/opera_browser/36676.html
Google to release Firefox toolbar
Date: 07/08/05
(Web Technology) Keywords: browser
An e-mail sent to open-source developers reveals the search giant plans to launch a version of its toolbar for the browser.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Google+to+release+Firefox+toolbar/2100-9588_22-5778526.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
Browsers add BitTorrent support
Date: 07/08/05
(Web Technology) Keywords: browser
Opera releases a test version of its browser with support for the peer-to-peer program; Firefox on the way.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Browsers+add+BitTorrent+support/2100-9588_22-5778480.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
LJ Comments Via Email and Firefox
Date: 07/08/05
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: browser
Why can't I reply to lj comments within the emails I get? I use Firefox as my browser and everytime I try to reply using the email I got, I get an error message.
Here is the error message:
One or more errors occurred processing your request. Please go back, correct the necessary information, and submit your data again.
* Comment not posted: POST required, or missing parameter.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/720481.html
Small but annoying problem
Date: 07/13/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: browser, css
So this is a small detail, but it's driving me absolutely insane.
On my page, I have two separate CSS link styles, one for the navigation bar and one for content. Everything works exactly how it's supposed to, except for one link--the one for "Message Board." After I click on it, the hover color no longer shows up; it just stays the same, unless I reset my browser, and then the hover will work until I click on that link again. What's more infuriating is that this is the only link that does this.
My page is here. I'd appreciate any help, because this is driving me nuts.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/926574.html
Firefox update squashes security bugs
Date: 07/13/05
(Security) Keywords: browser, security
Mozilla fixes several security flaws in the open-source browser, but is still mum on what some of the problems are.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Firefox+update+squashes+security+bugs/2100-1009_22-5785672.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
CSS help plz
Date: 07/13/05
(Web Development) Keywords: php, browser, css, database, web
This is driving me crazy. Any help would be much, much appreciated.
I'm redoing the site template for this intranet website I'm designing - the Dreamweaver template I'd made using tables is completely, inexplicably fubar on certain pages of the site. I got sick of messing with it and told my boss I was going to make an all-new, CSS-based layout, and that was that. He agreed to let me do so.
Everything's been going fine...I've been doing my primary testing in FireFox, but I've been doing testing in IE6 (mostly because that's what almost everyone in this department is likely to use), as well as minimal viewing in Opera 8 and Netscape 7.
Suddenly, things broke. Now I have part of the content text repeated below my footer text. See link here:
I've discovered that if I remove the "float: left" property of the lefthand area of the site in my CSS, it fixes it. However (of course), removing that element completely throws the site layout out of whack. I'm about to do absolute positioning of all the elements and throw this template out the window.
I beseech you, please, please help me.
Oh, and while I'm at it...I want the gray lefthand column to extend to the bottom of the browser window, regardless of the length of the content. In all browsers, setting the "length" property to "100%" makes it too long, because there's stuff ABOVE that navigation bar. Any ideas?
X-posted between shifuimam, webdev and webdesign.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/219531.html
mouse troubles
Date: 07/15/05
(Computer Help) Keywords: browser
my mouse seems to be double, even triple clicking things sometimes. i'll hit the back button on my browser for instance, and it will take me back three pages. i haven't changed any settings, i've tried restarting and unplugging my mouse as well. what should i do now?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/444631.html