The important parts are bolded. If anyone has any ideas or help, I'd greatly appreciate it.


x-posted to '[info]'webdev, '[info]'webdesign, and '[info]'computergeeks (just in case).


  • [In the UK] Registering domains, Whois data & privacy

    Date: 08/06/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: database

    On registering - personal - domains & providing the info for the Whois databases...
    It seems requirements for up-to-date, accurate contact info can make some people apprehensive.

    What're some of the practices y'all use?
    E.g. just the correct home address/tel, Whois guard services, incorporation, nonsense/incorrect info (riskier) etc.

    x-posted to '[info]'geeks. Plus originally discussed over in '[info]'ubergeeks [link], with a longer entry that talked slightly more about the various options.


  • using postnuke for subdomains?

    Date: 08/06/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: database, web

    Okay maybe you guys can help me with this!
    I'm wanting to set up a large website with subdomains for every user who signs up. Now I know I need to do this by using databases but frankly, they confuse the heck outta me, but I at least know enough about maintaining postnuke. I want each user to be able to submit their own work, and for all of the work to be able to be displayed on the main page. (I am hoping for a format much like It's a community/user based website.
    So can I somehow use postnuke to be able to let each user create their own subdomain which they can submit their own work?
    Also, I'm pretty sure I could figure out how to do this, but can I totally revamp the design created by postnuke, and take away that completely "forums"ish look to it?
    Anyone feel like doing some majorly hard pro-bono work for a broke idiot who really wants to make a good website? lol Hey it's worth a shot, right? I'm getting desperate!
    Any tips on how I might use postnuke more to my benefit would be great.


  • 2.0 books

    Date: 08/09/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: database, asp, web

    Hello again.. have any of you found good 2.0 books or tutorials since the last time I posted? I purchased 2..

    Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 Databases Beta Preview
    This was a decent intro but it was a bit repetitive which made it a lil boring and it was terribly riddled with errors. Many were so obvious -- it made me wonder if anyone proofread the final draft.

    ASP.NET 2.0 Developer's Notebook by Wei-Ming Lee
    I really like this book. It had lots of examples and most of them worked. It covers many 2.0 subjects including personalization, web parts, themes & skins, etc. The faked coffee cup stains also add a nice touch ;)

    What about you?


  • hola once more

    Date: 08/09/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, database

    [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

    php rookie here...with a slight problem.

    Thanks to the tremendous help I received last night...i have mastered creating dynamic dropdown lists and describing database/table contents after they are selected...

    I also know how to delete the tables/databases once they are selected...but now I have another problem...

    once I delete a database using the dropdown menu and submit button, the database does get dropped...but the name of the database stays in the dropdown menu until i refresh the whole page...removing it. Here is my code...

    #connect to mysql

    $conn = mysql_connect( "localhost", "", "" )
    or die( "Am I using the right file?" );
    #define variables

    $result = mysql_list_dbs($conn);
    $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    $schools = $_POST['schools'];
    #list schools

    $form = "
    $form.="Select School:  ";

    #delete schools

    $sql = "DROP DATABASE $schools";
    if( mysql_query( $sql, $conn ) )
    echo( "$schools successfully deleted" );
    echo( $form );

    is there something that i'm doing wrong or forgetting?


    1. Photo Gallery Scripts?

      Date: 07/18/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql

      Anyone know of any photo gallery scripts that will do the following?

      1. Show a preview for each category.

      2. Randomize a the preview from each category.

      3. Allow a single image to be included in multiple categories.

      I'm working with a team that is going to eventually do this in flash with an animation and such but they asked if I could do this in php in the meantime and they'll integrate the flash my php later. I'm a PHP/MySQL database guy so this is new to me...


    2. storing images for catalog

      Date: 07/18/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, database

      what is the recommended method for storing images for a catalog-type interface;

      usually (cuz it's easy for me and easy for the client to handle) i've added a "filename" field to my items or products table, then when the client adds an item, they put the filename into this field, and put the image in a specific folder (if I do thumbnails, typically i'll have a "thumbs" directory below the catalog images directory, and specify that the thumbnail filename be the same as the full-sized filename) - i find this method is easy for the client since they've got readable filenames if they need to make edits to the images as opposed to a numbered image system;

      just out of curiosity, is it a 'better' practice to handle the uploading of image with the php and assigning an ID (i.e. - 4032.jpg) to the images which is pegged to the product in the database somehow? (either the image ID corresponds to the product ID, or maybe a seperate table tracks this if multiple images attributed to a single item)

      anyway, this is something that i do fairly frequently, and just looking for input on other methods that may be better or more efficient


    3. Simple Question

      Date: 07/19/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: database, asp

      I'm totally new to ASP.NET and I'm starting with 2.0. BTW, I bought both the Wrox Book "Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 Databases" and it was okay -- it was a little slow and had a few annoying mistakes but overall the code is decent for referencing. I also picked up the O'reilly book ASP.NET 2.0 A Developer's Notebook by Wei-Meng Lee. It seems like one of the better books available and I'm looking forward to reading it.

      I have a simple question that should be easy to answer. I'm making a hidden field (
      Btw, regarding my last post, we ended up using paging to take only the top 5.


    4. yeah.. i'm stuck.

      Date: 07/25/05 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: mysql, database, sql

      Hey everyone, I'm new to the community.. i'm curious if anyone has seen anything like this. i've got a RHES3 (Fedora Core 3/4 tested as well) server running running 4.1.10a.

      Long story short.. mysql runs fine minus seemingly random spiked load averages caused by a pileup of locked connections due to an UPDATE query. While query runs, all additional updates are locked. Sometimes it lasts 2 minutes, sometimes it lasts 30 minutes. You'll notice my lingo is more admin oriented, that's because I'm the sysadmin and not the programmer. Our guys who create and program the site don't have much insight to resource usage.

      The query looks like this: UPDATE shockwave_traffic SET minutes_vis = minutes_vis + 1 WHERE game_id = '1' AND start_hour LIKE '2005-07-24 20%';

      root 19379 0.0 0.0 5860 996 ? S 20:44 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql --open-files=4096 --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data -O max_heap_table_size=1000m --log-slow-queries --skip-bdb --skip-innodb
      mysql 19423 99.9 1.9 472984 75136 ? S 20:44 108:28 \_ /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data --user=mysql --pid-file=/usr/local/mysql/data/ --skip-locking --open-files-limit=4096 --port=3306 --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock -O max_heap_table_size=1000m --log-slow-queries --skip-bdb --skip-innodb

      random tidbits i've noticed while troubleshooting:

      - load avg stays between 2.00 -- 3.00 which is fine, i would think if a process were truly taxing a CPU for 99% of it's resources the load would be MUCH higher. see my next tidbit.
      - during peak times and not during peak times at seemingly un-andom intervals, the load will jump to 30. When this happens I check the process list and there's one UPDATE query running and theres a full connection limit of locked queries, I believe said locked queries are waiting for the update query to finish.
      - table size is tiny, 400k -- there are other tables within the db that are 2.2gb that aren't accessed, purely around for archival reasons. I've ran myisamchk and there isn't any errors being reports, check table via the CLI reports no errors as well.
      - nothing in the slow query log.
      - binary log disabled.
      - I've had this problem on databases housed on other machines while doing SELECT (using AS), but raising the max_heap_table_size was able to calm them down.

      Hardware info:

      Dell poweredge 2850
      Raid 5 via PERC4 dual channel raid adapter
      3 15K SCSI drives.
      Dual 3.2ghz Intel Xeon processors (HT enabled, although this has been disabled with the same effect).

      Any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated. :D


    5. Who says Oracle's finished?

      Date: 07/25/05 (Application Development)    Keywords: database

      Charles Phillips, an Oracle co-president, hints at the database giant's upcoming moves.


    6. Timestamps...

      Date: 07/26/05 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: database

      Grettings... first time poster to this community, and I'm in dire need of figuring something out.

      Hindsight being 20/20 and all, I've written a lot of code around the "timestamp" table field for entries that people post. I've just started working on the "edit post" function, and I'm finding that if you update *any* column in the table, the timestamp also updates. Is there any way to make it *not* update automatically?

      The only thing I can think of is running a query, pulling the timestamp and slapping it into a variable, and writing back to the database. I'd rather just have it not auto-update at all, but I'm open to suggestions!



    7. Distributed development tool?

      Date: 07/26/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, programming, software, database, sql, postgresql, web

      Having recruited a small army to help me code, I've been trying to sort out a distributed development system. The only problem with this is the fact that I can't find a system that caters for what I need, and building one from scratch is a minor ballache (not to mention was taking far too long - that was my original tactic).

      Basically, I need web software that does the following: Bug tracking, project and task management, static content, project and general discussion, SCM/version control (CVS/SVN preferably, SVN looks nicer, either can be installed as needed).

      In real terms, I need something to be able to hand out documentation on the web, throw projects up that people can choose to take on, a bug tracking system (for obvious reasons), somewhere to talk about the projects and in general, and manage code. We've looked at GForge - it's nice, but requires PostgreSQL, and I don't have time to rewrite it into ADODB. Combining that with a wiki (or something similar) plus discussion board would probably fit it beautifully, but again, it'd also mean rewriting the login systems and integrating them - which would be a pain in the neck for two seperate database systems. Tried TUTOS, but it's unrefined, and missing many of the things we need - it's more resource and personnel planning. Flyspray is good for tracking bugs, and MediaWiki is good for static code. phpBB of course is an excellent piece of forum software. But none of them actually fit together. Writing a system to combine them is possible, but expensive in terms of time, as I said earlier.

      I can't find anything that seems to fit the bill. I could write one, but it takes far too long, especially with a one-man programming team.

      Is there anything that anyone knows of out there that may fit the bill? Either that, or it's going to be a long few days coding for me :-/

      (X-posted to my own journal, and a couple of communities.)


    8. Handling Long Proccess

      Date: 07/27/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, database

      Ok, I have a php page that takes a long time to run, its a lot of external api interaction and database transactions. Normally this will run as a chron job, what is the best way to make sure this runs its whole length without timing out? I've seen pages run the "Maximum Execution Time" before and I dont want that to happen with this.

      Also, I would like to be able to manually start this proccess from another page, what is the best way to do this? I mean, I could just execute the code from this page, but then that would make the page wait untill proccessing is over.

      Any help would be awesome.


    9. Antivirus insecurity at Black Hat confab

      Date: 07/27/05 (Security)    Keywords: software, database, security, virus, antivirus

      Security industry event to focus on exploiting holes in antivirus, database and device driver software to break into computers.


    10. Valnerability in php?

      Date: 07/29/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, database, web

      Hi Everyone.
      I’m hoping someone can help me out with some code. I have a script on my website to automatically email me visitor comments. Last night my web host disabled it, saying there was a vulnerability that hackers were exploiting. I’ve looked over the script, but I can’t seem to find the vulnerability.

      $mail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -i -t" ;
      $mail_to = -- my personal email address --;
      $mail_subject = "[Webpage Email] ";

      $email = $_RESQUEST['useremail'];
      $message = $_REQUEST['message'];
      $mail_subject .= $_REQUEST['subject'];

      if (!isset($referer)){$referer = $HTTP_REFERER;}

      if (trim($message) != ''){
      "From: $useremail\r\n" .
      "Reply-To: $useremail\r\n" .
      "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
      $display = "Thank you for submitting an email.
      Your message has been successfully sent.
      Redirecting you to $referer in 5 seconds.";
      $meta = "";

      They also site these logs as evidence of the hack - - [27/Jul/2005:20:55:45 -0400] "POST /email.php?referer= HTTP/1.0" 200 2155 "" "-" - - [27/Jul/2005:20:57:02 -0400] "POST /email.php?referer= HTTP/1.1" 200 2167 "" "-" - - [27/Jul/2005:20:58:21 -0400] "POST /email.php?referer= HTTP/1.1" 200 2167 "" "-" - - [27/Jul/2005:21:02:43 -0400] "POST /email.php?referer= HTTP/1.0" 200 2501 "" "-"

      Also, I’m using a similar script to email users about updates. That script queries a database to get the user emails. Is it likely to have the same vulnerabilities?


    11. Programming (part two)

      Date: 07/31/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: php, programming, software, css, html, xml, database, asp, sql, java, security, web

      A few weeks ago, I asked about programming languages and which I should learn, and your reaction had me thinking that I could have offered more info about what I hoped to do with computers. My request was so vague that I can see why you found it difficult to reply. Perhaps this time I'll do better.

      To make things easier, I'm providing a list of what I want to do, and I ask you if you know what languages or applications I should consider in order to fulfill my technological goals.

      I'd like to:

      1. build web pages
      2. provide internet security for large & small clients
      3. make computer games
      4. build my own OS from scratch (a big task, I know)
      5. create, edit, download, and manipulate multi-media images and files
      6. develop application software
      7. build and manage my own server
      8. develop databases
      9. get a general feel for everything else, in case I ever need it

      So my current list of stuff I wish to learn now includes:
      • Java
      • Java Script
      • Perl
      • C, C+, & C++
      • PHP
      • SQL
      • CSS
      • HTML
      • XML
      • Adobe Photoshop
      • Adobe Illustrator
      • Flash & Dreamweaver
      • .Net (,, C#)
      • CGI

      If you know anything about the above, feel free to post:

      What are each of the above used for? How did it come out? Are any of them similar or used for similar tasks? Etc., etc., etc.

      Finally, I was told to learn some Assembly language, but unless I am mistaken, I think I learned that already. If someone could give me a rundown on what it is, I could be sure if its what I think it is. I think I learned 8086 in my day (came with a card, too), so all I have to do is review it I think.

      Your help and suggestions are welcome and I thank you in advance for your time.


    12. Router question

      Date: 08/02/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: database

      I work from home (recent change) and my home office pays for my DSL and allows me to hook my personal computer up through a router so I don't have to pay for an additional internet connection. I've never had more than one computer hooked up before and wondered, since my home office gets into the work computer every night for database updates, can they could look inside my computer as well?


    13. Yahoo Shopping releases application interfaces

      Date: 08/03/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: database, web, yahoo

      Move allows developers to build applications into their Web sites to allow customers to search Yahoo's merchant databases.


    14. storing sales data

      Date: 08/02/05 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: database, shopping

      i'm still working on the same catalog/shopping cart system i've posted about before (details irrelevant) and I'm trying to work out how I'm going to store records of the sales that go through the site - is it a better practice to store actual values in sales tracking table as opposed to id's -

      for instance - say I have a table called tblSales - in tblSales, when a transaction goes through, I'm obviously going to want to store actual dollar values for the price of the item, the amount charged, the commissions paid out (instead of doing the math later when the past sales data is pulled up - in case prices are changed or items are removed, this way I've got a record of all actual dollars that changed hands)

      but what about things like the name of the item, the name of the seller, the category of the item sold - is it worth it to store these actual strings in the sales tracking database as opposed to just the item 'id', and referencing the other data later? what i'm worried about is if id's for items or categories change in the future, or items are deleted, I don't want the previous sales records to get screwy.

      thanks, and let me know if i didn't make any sense


    15. question: rotating ad script/database for newspaper employment classifieds: "Top Jobs" style

      Date: 08/03/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, database, web, yahoo

      Hello, I am a long-time lurker to this community and have always found the advice given to other quite helpful in my webmastering/design endevors. I work for a local newspaper running their website, and have a small issue that I could really use some helpful advice on.
      Any fingers pointing in the right direction would be much appreciated!

      The newspaper website I run is looking to do some major much-needed updating, and implementing a "Top Jobs" database option is one of them. Much in the light of larger websites like Yahoo Hot Jobs, and even smaller newspaper websites such as Lawrence-Journal World (Kansas), we are looking to have some kind of rotating script/database that will pull randomly from our uploaded employment classifieds and display links to these ads on several pages of the website (in the designated "Top Jobs" display box that will be created and placed on these pages).

      I am really lost on even how to begin this project, as it was most recently presented to me that this Top Jobs section should include ALL of the employment ads posted (which can number over 300 at times), and rotate them on a normal basis so that each one has airtime, several times a day. Doing all of this by hand would take DAYS!

      What I believe we need is a server side internal database with a perl script written that would automatically pull these ads off the .shtml pages created for the employment classifieds. If you have any info on how to go about obtaining this, or know any information on how to even go about doing this (assuming I am incorrect)....please let me know!

      I would be very greatful!


    16. Javascript...PLEASE help me.

      Date: 08/04/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, database, java, web

      here is the link:

      Now. I got a javascript from someone in '[info]'webdev or '[info]'webdesign that does the little image swap (see the entry for "Bends, Standard for Steel Plates). However, I've just now discovered that, for some bizarre reason, this script quits working if the ID number of the database entry is higher than 99. Any three-digit ID, and the script fails. See, for example, the entry for "Castings and Forgings" on that same page.

      Here's the script:

      Here's the code for one of those table rows with the little drop down comment thingy:

    PSSP99099Castings and Forgings0000-00-000000-00-00cc259aa272
              Initial release of the document.
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