Google Malware Search Engine And How It Works; Impact
Date: 07/18/06
(Java Web) Keywords: software, database, asp, virus, web, hosting, google
H. D. Moore (hdm[at]metasploit.com) has devised a Ruby based search engine that finds malicious windows software (viruses, trojans etc.) using standard Google queries. The Malware search engine finds Web sites hosting malicious files after an user enters the name of a virus or Trojan horse.
Currently the signature database is small but still contains dangerous viruses [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-malware-search-engine-and-how-it-works-impact/
Date: 07/18/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: google
I've had my computer for a fairly long amount of time. I'm running WINDOWSME and I wonder if it's a Windows problem, or is there something that I'm missing? Ever since I had this computer, and even after my several reformats which have happened since, I have always come up with this error:

It occurs when I use the eraser tool and right click on the screen, sometimes there is more of a delay, and sometimes the program closes with no warning at all. Knowing this, I have gotten into the habit of saving before using the tool. I have messed around a little bit, opening blank documents and trying it, sometimes with or without saving just to see if it has anything to do with it, but still the same result every time.
My running processes are nothing out of the ordinary:
Mozilla Firefox
Internat (Language support)
Osd (On-screen display)
Does anyone else also experience this problem? Google is definately no help.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/657560.html
Java Gains in Popularity
Date: 07/19/06
(Java Web) Keywords: php, programming, java, google
Java increased its lead as the leading programming language according to TIOBE’s index. PHP maintained its 4th position while Ruby moved up 13 positions to 17th.
From this month they will also measure the hits of Google Blogs. The languages that benefit from this are Java, Visual Basic, Ruby, and VB.NET.
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/java-gains-in-popularity/
Google Scholar trademark case ends
Date: 07/20/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
The American Chemical Society quietly settles a trademark dispute with Google over the company's search tool for scientific papers.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6096240.html
Human-rights group targets China cooperation
Date: 07/20/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: yahoo, microsoft, google
Google, Microsoft and Yahoo accused of hypocrisy for touting the free flow of information and then cooperating with China.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6096249.html
How To Easily Defeat Website Access Ban?
Date: 07/20/06
(Java Web) Keywords: browser, web, google
I found a simple two step process to transparently circumvent any website access ban for non-password protected sites.
1. Install Google Web Accelerator.
2. Restart your browser.
That’s it. Now enjoy any site that you want to browse, ban or no ban. Additionally you are likely to see some speedup on broadband connections.
The catch: Now Google knows your [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-easily-defeat-website-access-ban/
Controllin Form Submission
Date: 07/20/06
(HTML Help) Keywords: html, web, google
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this whole html thing and have been teaching myself the language for the last month or so. I've got a bit of an advanced question..or at least I think it's advanced since I can't find anything about it out there in google-land. My problem is that I have 2 drop down menus on my website. The second menu gets populated based on what the user selects from the first menu. When I make a selection from any of the drop down menus the ENTIRE page refreshes. I don't want this to happen...especially when the user makes a selection from the first menu and the second is populaed. I want the form to be submitted without refreshing the entire darn page. Is there a way that I can make this happen?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2335783.html
You're never going to believe what's kicking my butt this time...
Date: 07/21/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, database, java, google
Hello, My favorite PHPers! I come to you once again with one of the easiest things I could ever imagine you've been asked, but it just...doesn't...like...me.
And really, I should have figured this out ages ago.
All I need to do is verify whether a checkbox has been checked.
I've googled it, but unfortunately everything that's popped up has been for JavaScript. Which isn't used in this project.
The status of the checkbox (either checked or unchecked) is going into a database (They're boolean fields that just get set to 0 or 1 it looks like) for use in another part of this app that I, hopefully, won't have to write (like that'll happen).
So here's what my conditional statement looks like:
if ($_POST['docAction1'] == checked)
$query .= "'1', ";
$query .= "'0', ";
Unfortunately, where it says 'checked', I don't know what is supposed to go there. I've tried many things, like "true", "on", "checked", "1", etc etc etc. But nothing gets updated in the database. So, I come to you, humbled by the simple stuff.
Please be kind.
p.s. The checkbox names (docAction1) will be changed at a later date to better reflect the text that will be associated with the checkbox. Right now they're just labeled as "checkbox 1, 2, 3" etc. So hush you variable-name hounds!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/473486.html
Google’s Profits, Powered By Strong Search Advertising, Doubled in Q2
Date: 07/21/06
(Java Web) Keywords: yahoo, google
Google’s profits more than doubled in the second quarter, as the company continued to increase its share of the lucrative search advertising market.
The company, which announced results yesterday, exceeded analysts’ expectations for both sales and profit. That is in contrast to Yahoo, which disappointed Wall Street Tuesday with lower-than-expected revenue from search-related advertising. Yahoo met [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/googles-profits-powered-by-strong-search-advertising-doubled-in-q2/
Google Debuts Accessible Search
Date: 07/21/06
(Java Web) Keywords: google
Accessible Search is a Google Labs product which will identify and prioritize search results that are more easily usable by blind and visually impaired users. Regular Google search helps you find a set of documents that are most relevant. Accessible Search modulates the results by helping you find the most accessible pages first in that [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-debuts-accessible-search/
Date: 07/23/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: google
I'm trying to use fopen but it says it can't open the file. I've tried chmoding the file and the directory it sits in. I've finger traced the heck out of my little code to find errors. I can't find anything on all of google about this sort of issue in particular (lots of others, though). Here's the code:
Anyone have any ideas? Many thanks.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/474427.html
Fake Google Toolbar Installs Trojan Backdoor
Date: 07/24/06
(Java Web) Keywords: web, google
Scammers have set up an exact copy of the download page for Google’s Toolbar plug-in in an attempt to lure users to download Trojan backdoor (W32.Ranky.FW), Surfcontrol reports.
Some versions of the scam even spoof the correct Google Toolbar web address for Internet Explorer, using Google’s own redirection service in an attempt to hide the real, [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/fake-google-toolbar-installs-trojan-backdoor/
Google Making Reasonable Effort To Control Click-Fraud: Report
Date: 07/24/06
(Java Web) Keywords: google
As part of the settlement in the click-fraud case - Lane’s Gifts v. Google, Google had agreed to have an independent expert examine click-fraud detection methods, policies, practices, and procedures and make a determination of whether or not Google have implemented reasonable measures to protect their advertisers.
The 47-page report, by Dr. Alexander Tuzhilin, Professor [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-making-reasonable-effort-to-control-click-fraud-report/
Yahoo, Symantec debut Net security service
Date: 07/25/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft, google
Companies unveil joint consumer Internet security service that will help them compete against rivals such as Google, Microsoft.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6097994.html
Google pre-empts OSCON headlines
Date: 07/25/06
(Open Source) Keywords: google
Google has grown so large that its every move is a big headline.
Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=720
Google Provides Click-Fraud Stats For AdWords Advertisers
Date: 07/26/06
(Java Web) Keywords: google
Google has released new anti-fraud measures that provides its advertisers reports of invalid clicks through its AdWords system.
Advertisers that use Google AdWords can now run campaign and account performance reports that include data about invalid clicks. They can choose to see the number of invalid clicks as well as the percentage of invalid clicks out [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-provides-click-fraud-stats-for-adwords-advertisers/
Date: 07/27/06
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: asp, web, google
I was wondering if anyone can assist me with this. I have to do a web page (in asp.net) that consumes of a web service that desplays the result on my site. For example, the site will provide live scores of some type of sporting event on the page, provide current weather conditions, provide sale information from a site like Amazon or Google, or present a map from Mapquest or another mapping site to a meeting. Something like that. If there is any way someone can assist me with this that would be appreciated. Thanks
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/956097.html
These files will not delete.
Date: 07/29/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: web, google
I've tried using HijackThis to delete the following files, but they keep coming back (not immediately, usually the next day):
I've also tried using Pocket Killbox--no luck (although it seems to get rid of them for a longer time, they will come back). How do I get rid of these files permanently?
(PS I Googled the above files to see if I could find out what they were, exactly, and I only got two results. One was my entry here, from a few days before; and the other was my Daniweb thread from about a month ago. So what are these things?)
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/664057.html
Handling a multiple selection box
Date: 07/31/06
(Web Development) Keywords: google
I didn't get much from Google, so have to ask...
How does multiple selection box (simple list, but with ability to select more than one row) post the data to the server? If the form has a whole bunch of crap posted: drop-downs, text-fields, hidden fields, how do I access the multiple selection box data on the server side (and find out what selections were made)?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/339191.html
Google ads will stream out to XM listeners
Date: 08/02/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
AdWords service will let Google clients expand distribution of their message, from the Net to satellite radio.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6101295.html