NVU Users
Date: 07/13/06
(Javascript Community) Keywords: html, java, web
I posted a few weeks back and someone recommended a WYSIWYG program called NVU, which has proven itself impecable.
I have a question about uploading straight to FTP or what not.
 That's what the program looks like, and right there is uploading that html file, but to the side you see all those .jpg files?
I've noticed it uploads all these pictures too, when the code i have is linking the images from a photobucket account. . . .How to explain. . .
Is there a way to stop this program from uploading all these huge picture files that are stored elsewhere? (When you go to the site...the pictures are being linked from the photobucket account...so, why are they being stored in the website's host space?)
Can i delete them? It's slightly frustrating because each picture is about 1 MB big, it's taking up space (which could be used otherwise), and time to upload these pictures .-.
Help please? I know this is not Javascript per say, but since someone here recommended the program, i was hoping to find an answer.:)
BTW, this is what the written code looks like:
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/106273.html
Javascript History Functionality in ASP
Date: 07/14/06
(Web Development) Keywords: html, asp, java
I'm trying to figure out a way to get the url of the page before the referr page. I know this is possible in Javascript using the History function... is there a way for me to do anything similar to this in ASP?
Basically I am trying to get the referr of an html page. I call an asp script through an image, which gives me the html page as a referrer so I need to go back one further.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/334795.html
security and wysiwyg form editors
Date: 07/17/06
(Web Development) Keywords: html, security
I posted not too long ago asking for recomendations for wysiwyg form editors. I.e. i want my users to be able to use a wysiwyg editor when using my site. I got a lot of great recommendations, but now I have another question. How do you handled security with these and prevent things like xss since these editors typically send html text. I know that parsing html is one option, but it is not simple. If your curious about the difficulties in "cleaning" up html then read this: http://namb.la/popular/tech.html
What would be ideal is a wysiwyg editor that doesn't pass pure html but something like bbcode or markdown. Anyone have any recommendations?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/335363.html
Film Noire in Web Design
Date: 07/18/06
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, css, html, web
I am looking for some help and inspiration.
I have a client who wants a "film noire" web site. I know what film noire is and the basic style of it but am having a hard time capturing that for the web.
Are there any sites done in a film noire style I could peek at to get a sense of the overall look and feel? Anyone ever done something like this before and have some pointers?
I am looking to build in xhtml, css and php. No flash other than perhaps SIFR or a related method for headings.
Any help would be much appreciated. :-)
Thanks in advance!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1140730.html
Controllin Form Submission
Date: 07/20/06
(HTML Help) Keywords: html, web, google
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this whole html thing and have been teaching myself the language for the last month or so. I've got a bit of an advanced question..or at least I think it's advanced since I can't find anything about it out there in google-land. My problem is that I have 2 drop down menus on my website. The second menu gets populated based on what the user selects from the first menu. When I make a selection from any of the drop down menus the ENTIRE page refreshes. I don't want this to happen...especially when the user makes a selection from the first menu and the second is populaed. I want the form to be submitted without refreshing the entire darn page. Is there a way that I can make this happen?
Cheers, Meghan
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2335783.html
error in PHP & MySQL in a loop
Date: 07/21/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, mysql, html, database, sql
The following has been providing a bit of a problem for me over the past few days. I have an initial display page with the HTML form and text fields, however the number of text fields can be controlled by the user. As such they are all placed into an array within the $_POST array, to be retrieved later. I've tried doing this, and this alone works fine. The problem is when I try to loop through them to insert them into the database, for some reason while they will display through echo fine, only the first one will insert into the database, then throw an error. Below is a loose sample of the code.
The text fields in the HTML file are named as follows : $name[]
The code in the PHP file is as follows, excluding anything not necessary for the example :
$conn = db_connect(); // establishes a database connection if (!conn) { echo "database error"; exit; }
$i = 0;
$name[] = $_POST['name'][$i];
$i++; }
$i = 0;
foreach($name as $name_current){
echo $name[$i];
echo $name_current;
$query = mysql_query("insert into names values ('$other_variable','$other_variable2', '$name_current', '', '', '')");
if(!$query){ echo "Database Error"; exit; }else{ echo "Name added successfully!"; } }
if anyone can spot something I'm overlooking please let me know, I'm still at a loss for why it will only insert into the query on the first pass through the loop, however if I'm just echoing the values it will work fine.
Thanks, Exeyel
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/472928.html
A little HTML Help Pls!
Date: 07/24/06
(HTML Help) Keywords: html
Hi I've just joined this community & this is my first question. I consider myself an HTML novice, just so you know.
I'm trying to make the user profile of a community I maintain more user friendly. In that vein, I'd like to install little tags/links/jumps (not sure of the right term) so that right underneath the large writing which demands that you read the rules, "So READ THEM" there will be little clickable words which will take you directly to the section of the page you want to read: emergency, rules, warning, maintainers. and then at the end of each section a little word/tag/jump/whatever that says "back to top".
Basically, I need to know the code for doing both the "go to"s and the "back to top"s.
I hope this makes sense to someone here!
Thanks in advance,
xo M.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2337992.html
html syntax highlighting
Date: 07/24/06
(Javascript Community) Keywords: html, java
Hi everyone! Who do knows, if it is possible to make highlighting for the html code placed in textarea using JavaScript (dhtml)? (Do not ask me why do I need it ;) ).
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/108025.html
Laughably easy js problem
Date: 07/24/06
(Web Development) Keywords: html, java, web
Can someone help me figure out some very basic javascript?
I have a page with a hide/reveal div to show samples of graphic work: http://www.beatcleaver.com/portfolio/print1.html The javascript is here: http://www.beatcleaver.com/portfolio/gallery.js
I am just starting baby steps in javascript and so don't know how to do the next thing I want to do: on the web samples part of the site, I want the revealed div to also have links to other web sites. I tried doing this in the string that is passed into the revealed area, but I discovered you can't use certain symbols in strings (try not to laugh at me - I'm very new to this). How would I go about adding text to the revealed area that linked to external urls?
Thanks in advance!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/337055.html
Question: Coding a Livejournal Layout
Date: 07/25/06
(HTML Help) Keywords: html
So I can do graphics. I can make my own layout graphics no problem but I don't know how to code at all. My knowledge of html is limited to inserting images and adding links to entries.
Here's what I want to do:
-Add this (click to see) banner/header above my journal entries. It would be aligned left and my entries would be aligned left under it. -Add this background (click to see) seperately from the header as my livejournal background. -Add a sidebar for personal information and fun things. You can see in my background above that I've defined a space for the sidebar using lines. -Add these dividers (click here to see) into my siderbar.
I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me how to do this. More specifically: I just need someone to code this layout for me because I don't know how.

Thank you so so much. You're making one girl very happy. :)
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2338386.html
HP ML 150 G1 and maxtor 147GB SCSI U320 10Krpm 80Pin Hot Plug HDD
Date: 07/25/06
(IT Professionals) Keywords: html, web
Any clues? ---my email to hp which didn't receive any good solutions ---
--- i have is a HP ML150 XN2.8GHz 256MB 36GB SCSI HDD + and 3 units of 72GB U320 10K HP ML150 HDD in a raid5 config
and a Adaptec SCSI RAID 2010S ML150
the specs for this machine states "Maximum Internal Storage 730 GB Internal drive cage maximum SCSI capacity (5 x 146 GB)"
I recently ordered a Maxtor 147GB SCSI U320 10Krpm 80Pin Hot Plug HDD , after plugging it in, it will not spin up at all. ie: at the point of power on, all harddisks lights should turn on, for this unit, it just blinks once and goes out.
I asked my vendor for help, they then contact hp enterprise support only to be told two part numbers that are discontinued. 73 GB 10K Hot Swap Drive Ultra320 :344689-003 / 344689-001 144 GB 10K Hot Swap Drive Ultra320 :344691-003 / 344691-001
-- alternative part numbers are suggested -- 289044-001 SPS-DRV,HD,146GB,U320,10K,HP 404708-001 SPS-DRV,HD,146GB,U320,10K,HP 377682-001 SPS-DRV,HD,146GB,U320,10K,HP 347779-001 SPS-DRV,HD,146GB,U320,10K,HP
BUT none of these has any 100% guarantee of working, and the cost of it (eg: the first item 289044-001 is quoted at 3x the price of the maxtor harddrive I got. (sgd 3000 vs sgd 980) which is completely atrocious.
I'd like some suggestions? a) is the problem with the raid card? ie: should I upgrade it, if so, do you have suggestions? b) is the problem that particular model of harddrive? should I change to another brand (quantum?) c) who is HP's harddisks' OEM, given the crazy pricing I'm being offered, I should try to get the OEM version instead.
any other suggestions?
--clueless HP helpdesk replied--
From your mail I understand that you are facing issue with the Maxtor 147GB SCSI U320 10Krpm 80Pin Hot Plug HDD configuration for the ProLiant ML150 server.
I need to share with you that in case if you are using third party hard drive then HP shall not be able to guarantee how the same will function, as HP have not tested the third party product with HP servers.
In this case I would suggest you to use the supported hard drives for ProLiant ML150 server. And in case if you face any issue with the HP supported part then HP will provide the technical support.
However in order to resolve this issue, I would suggest you to upgrade the driver of the array controller. Please download the latest available drivers for array/storage controller from the below mentioned web link:
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/itprofessionals/41323.html
Date: 07/26/06
(HTML Help) Keywords: html
So I am not the most expierienced with html, but I am attempting to make an online portfolio. And there is an issue.
Here are my codes
 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v 333/purplestarzzz/krisinarmoe.png" width="570" height="435" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0" align="middle" alt="" usemap="#menumap" ismap="ismap" />
Hi. My name is Kristin. I have fun online and this is just something to where I can keep typing so I know what this layout looks like. I am hoping that this looks good too, cause I wanna show someone it, cause I wanna make this my own online portfolio. This will eventually be the whole a very nifty thing that i will have designed and for that i am muy excited!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v333/purplestarzzz/bannericon.png" title="Beret Masquerade" alt="Beret Masquerade" border="0" width="309" height="180" style="cursor: default; border: 3px solid #ffffff; filter:alpha(opacity=40);-moz-opacity:0.4" onmouseover="makevisible(this,0)" onmouseout="makevisible(this,1)" />
That's me in a photo shoot, I thought the picture was so funny and of course I am using up some space. I really want this layout to work. This is Day 2.
About Myself
La de da, I wanna be a graphic designer, I am in ART and I was in L/A. And I can't really thing of anything else at the momment and I am trying to get this layout out to be pretty...
Saddly at the moment I have nothing to offer to the persons that come to this, although, this is not for many people to just browse and find games, this is a place much like my http://www.moosarts.deviantart.com">DeviantArt. But the differnce I hope is to where it can be more of something that will be of just me, vainly enough. lol
At the present moment I haven't got any goals. Today, I wanna wash my face.
So Where everything is going to go, I really just have to get it up and running.
Sadly I can not say I made that up but I did make up the wiggle dance.
Check out http://www.purevolume.com/">Pure Volume
I like Grey's Anatomy and Friends.
Useful Links.
• http://www.petfinder.com" target="_blank">Petfinder.com
• http://www.spca.com" target="_blank">SPCA.com
• http://www.humanesociety.com" target="_blank">Humane Society of Canada
• http://www.peta.org" target="_blank">People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
• http://www.peta.org/mc/amazing.asp" target="_blank">Amazing animal facts at Peta.org
• http://www.bestfriends.org" target="_blank">Best Friends.org
• http://www.stopanimaltests.com/" target="_blank">Stop animal testing
• http://www.furisdead.com/" target="_blank">Fur is dead
• http://www.teachkind.org/" target="_blank">Teach kind
otay now, here is my link of my website. http://photoribbons.tripod.com/mainpage.htmlThe problem is evident, there is a biggggggggg space in between my picture and my text. Can I get rid of that, and how can I fix the text? It was supposed to be arial and well its not! help me please!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2338945.html
Widget Question
Date: 07/26/06
(WebDesign) Keywords: html, java, web
I was browsing An Inconvenient Truth website and found this neat "widget" - that's what they called it anyway - that could track how many sign-ups your own website has triggered.
Now I have no idea what a widget is except for those that are on the Mac so could someone help explain how it works? I know rudimentary Flash but I'm not sure if it is enough for this...
I signed up and they emailed me back the code below to be pasted in between the HTML code.
Is there any similar (simpler) script to help track "sign-ups" and then display the result automatically? Like the above? I would really appreciate any help or links pointing me to the right direction.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1143712.html
Yahoo Small Business Search Customization?
Date: 07/27/06
(WebDesign) Keywords: html, yahoo
I have a client that has a Yahoo Small Business site. Trying to customize it is like reading Sanskrit.
Anyone ever do any work with these Small Business sites? I'm trying to customize the search results pages. Seems the results come out and does not publish the "final-text" area where the footer is.
Site is at www.4speedmotorsports.com. Search is at www.4speedmotorsports.com/nsearch.html
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1144539.html
objects, data sets, and html
Date: 07/28/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: html, database
Say I have an object called ListStudents which queries a database for all known students. My first (procedural) impulse is to loop through the dataset and store each row in pre-formatted html rows. But something tells me there is a better way of handling it with OOP. Can someone help me?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/477035.html
How To Run PHP in HTML Pages
Date: 07/29/06
(Java Web) Keywords: php, html, apache
This technique will only work if your Apache server has PHP enabled (how to test php support in apache http server) and .htaccess enabled.
In the root directory of your html files create a file named .htaccess. The file may already be present.
Open the file in your favorite editor and add the following lines:
addtype application/x-httpd-php [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-run-php-in-html-pages/
Mailing List Recs?
Date: 07/30/06
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, html
Does anyone know of any good, free PHP mailing list scripts other than PhpList? The more customizable, the better.
I've tried PhpList several times now, and every time I've installed it I encountered different problems with it, but I haven't really found anything to use instead.
Features I'd like: multiple form options other than e-mail/name, customizable subscribe, thank you, and unsubscribe pages, ability to send HTML messages, automatic confirmation e-mails. . . that's about it.
Suggestions? Help?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1145210.html
Open House at Intel Core 2 Duo Launch
Date: 07/30/06
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: html
My first attempt at photojournalism had me scouting the open house on the afternoon of the Core 2 launch event.
The "publication" I was covering for was one of my own El Jay communities:
Enjoy the pictures.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/957949.html
Image problems
Date: 07/30/06
(WebDesign) Keywords: html, web
I'm a hopeless novice using Dreamweaver MX to update a friend's site, Chrome Peeler Records, and if you click on the "order" link on the home page, my table diplays exactly the way I wanted it to except where are the images?
I'm using Fetch to upload, I'm on dial-up (I know! It sucks but I'm in the sticks.), the images were all saved in Photoshop's "Save for Web" setting and the largest one is 120 px wide (they're all small--just need to show thumbs), the "images" folder is in the site's folder on my HD along with the HTML files.
I only vaguely recall the "Managing Sites" portion of a condensed course I took back in November 2005 and the instructor's insistence on this being a very important factor. Yikes.
Help a newbie out!
P.S. I also checked the page in Safari and no images loaded.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1145384.html
So i am having another issue
Date: 08/01/06
(HTML Help) Keywords: html
So I have been doing well so far, but then, when I put the code in to make my image in the complete center of the page it didn't work. I have the center, and then I have the Align=middle. its being retarded... again.
< html > < body background="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v333/purplestarzzz/barbedwirebackground.png" > < noscript> < body> < noscript> < center> < img src="http://photoribbons.tripod.com/introanimation.gif" ALIGN=middle> < /body> < /html> < !-- /\ end html -->
^^ is my code, and then my linky dink. HERE!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2341114.html