1. Free Shopping Cart Options?

    Date: 12/14/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, java, jsp, shopping

    Hi guys.

    Looking into options for a free, integratable shopping cart.

    Does such a thing exist?

    I am an HTML/CSS person who can more or less deal with nosing her way through javascript... But that's the extent of my ability thus far. So I'm looking for something that won't make me want to kill myself when I try to install it, and something that I will be readily able to integrate into an existing site with CSS. And, obviously, that is fairly secure and reliable.

    What are your suggestions? I've looked into jspcart a little bit -- if anyone has used it, can you give me your opinion? Is there another one you'd recommend?

    Thanks :)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1341587.html

  2. The best mobile application idea I can think of..shopping mall geolocation services!!

    Date: 12/19/07 (Data Management)    Keywords: shopping

    You know how confusing shopping mall layouts can be? Oh sure, most malls have maps, but numbering schemes for specific stores often follow no logical order. I mean the mall map says Wet Seal is across from Macy's but I just don't see it. ...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/ip-telephony/?p=2899

  3. New computer

    Date: 01/18/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: asp, web, shopping

    Dear LiveJournal,

    I'm getting a new computer. When? I don't know. It's not going to be right away, maybe in March. I'm definitely getting one, though.

    The problem is, I'm not sure what products I should get. I don't want an all-in-one computer, because, for the most part, they normally suck. I decided to surf around today for some ideas based on this data:

    • Most of my time will be spent surfing the web, using online word processors and email clients.

    • I'm going to be using the lightest IM client I know (AIM Lite).

    • My music/video/image collection is very extensive (no more than 80GB, though).

    • I'm a Windows guy, and I don't hate Vista.

    • Since I'm not a big gamer, that's not a big priority (though I do play from time to time).

    So, with that in mind, I went fantasy shopping. I spent about an hour before I found the products that I think fit my needs and wants.
    • Acer Aspire Desktop with Intel Core2 Duo Processor E4500: I don't know much about Acer products, but this is very close to what I want. It has 3GB of RAM (I don't think I ever use more than 200MB), has a 500GB hard drive (double what I was initially looking for), and comes with a keyboard and mouse. It has Windows Vista already installed.

    • Dell 22" Widescreen Flat-Panel LCD Monitor: Not much to say about this, I just find it appealing. I'm not in a hurry to find a new monitor, but I do want one.

    I'm pretty confident that I've picked out the right products. What do you think? If you own either of these, please let me know how they perform, especially the Acer Desktop computer. I appreciate it!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/856795.html

  4. 6th week of holiday shopping season most active in UK, France, Germany

    Date: 01/19/08 (Web Technology)    Keywords: shopping

    In the UK and France, online shopping activity built steadily throughout the season, peaking during the first half of December, according to comScore. The sixth week of the season (December 3rd - December 9th) recorded the highest level of online shopping activity, up 38% versus the base period of September...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/ITFacts/?p=13686

  5. Low-income Americans more worried about online credit card security than high-income

    Date: 02/19/08 (Security)    Keywords: shopping

    44% of low-income Americans say they strongly agree that they don’t like sending personal information or credit card numbers over the internet, according to Pew Internet. 22% of Americans with household incomes below $25,000 annually, strongly agree that online shopping is convenient. For upper income Americans - household where the...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/ITFacts/?p=13972

  6. Finally Online Groceries in India

    Date: 03/12/08 (Java Web)    Keywords: web, spam, shopping

    I was just spammed (unsolicited commercial email) by Storrz, first (I think) online shopping mall in India (remember WebVan?). They state that orders received before 12 PM will be delivered by 2 PM the next day, anywhere in India. Storrz is based in Bangalore so within Bangalore, all orders received before 12 PM are [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/finally-online-groceries-in-india/

  7. Revolutionary PayPal Zip Technology To Save The Music Industry

    Date: 01/11/09 (Software)    Keywords: ecommerce, web, shopping

    The Retail Zip Company has announced the release of the Retail Zip Format-as-a-Service (FaaS) for Windows and Mac OS X computer systems.

    Retail Zip is a turn-key ecommerce powered zip format that combines the familiar user interface of a zip program with built-in online storage from Amazon Web Services and a PayPal shopping cart. Unlike other zip formats that archive data on a hard drive inside a compressed container, Retail Zip archives uncompressed data onto secure online servers located in USA or Europe, reducing the zip file size to less than 1 kilobyte per package.

    E-Commerce is embedded for 18 currencies with PayPal, allowing sellers to charge buyers for the privilege to extract digital goods. Extending the power of the payment system is a patented enhancement that can divide the sum of a payment to multiple partners and affiliates at the point-of-sale of a transaction.

    To create a bridge between online content delivery and physical retail, the format utilizes the KodeKey Password System. KodeKeys are unique pin codes that can be generated and assigned to Retail Zip packages for digital distribution with Variable Data Print (VDP) media, such as paper inserts, flyers, and plastic gift cards.

    Until now, setting up digital products on web servers designed to handle millions of downloads was an expensive and confusing task for sellers looking for a PayPal alternative to iTunes. By integrating the cloud infrastructure of Amazon Web Services, Kordor has ensured that sellers can handle an unlimited amount of simultaneous sales with automatic scaling web servers and bandwidth.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/software/83695.html

  8. Shopping Cart advice

    Date: 02/10/09 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web, shopping

    A client of ours wants to integrate a shopping cart into their website, but one of the features they want the cart to have is that the product page has to allow for price-altering features to be selected. So say you want to buy a picture. That picture is $24 base. But you want it framed, and you want to choose Frame XX; which is another $32. And you want Matte YY which is another $5.

    The cart would have to show those price increases right on the product page; rather than at checkout.

    I was wondering if anyone could recommend a cart solution for this sort of functionality. We don't mind paying vs. open source, or if the functionality is through a 3rd party addon. The only condition other than providing that feature is that it be PHP / MySQL driven.

    Many thanks in advance.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/520835.html

  9. paypal express checkout

    Date: 08/16/09 (PHP Development)    Keywords: database, shopping

    Does anyone have any experience of installing paypal express on a custom built shopping cart? i'm getting absolutely nowhere and and starting to lose the will to live :( Is there any kind sole willing to have a look at the code for me? maybe even correct it, test it, make it work? for a little bit of cash? None of the online tutorials i've found make any sense :/

    I've got a business account set up and have the API details, and i have a sandbox account with API details. The express button is on the checkout page and takes me to paypal sandbox. but it doesn't seem to be taking the order details through with it. I also need the site to update the database to say payment has been received and the order should be shipped to the paypal address.

    Anyone feeling helpful and kind? :) pretty please? I need this doing as sooon as possible.

    [x-posted a little]

    Source: http://php-dev.livejournal.com/82433.html

  10. Improve Your Sales With A Shopping Cart Software

    Date: 01/13/18 (Webmaster View)    Keywords: software, shopping

    Tips for improving your sales with a shopping cart software.

    Source: http://www.webmasterview.com/2018/01/shopping-cart-software/

  11. paypal express checkout

    Date: 08/16/09 (PHP Development)    Keywords: database, shopping

    Does anyone have any experience of installing paypal express on a custom built shopping cart? i'm getting absolutely nowhere and and starting to lose the will to live :( Is there any kind sole willing to have a look at the code for me? maybe even correct it, test it, make it work? for a little bit of cash? None of the online tutorials i've found make any sense :/

    I've got a business account set up and have the API details, and i have a sandbox account with API details. The express button is on the checkout page and takes me to paypal sandbox. but it doesn't seem to be taking the order details through with it. I also need the site to update the database to say payment has been received and the order should be shipped to the paypal address.

    Anyone feeling helpful and kind? :) pretty please? I need this doing as sooon as possible.

    [x-posted a little]

    Source: https://php-dev.livejournal.com/82433.html

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