1. Akamai snaps up rival Speedera

    Date: 03/16/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

    The stock deal will combine two longtime rivals that specialize in Web content delivery.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Akamai+snaps+up+rival+Speedera/2100-9588_22-5620140.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  2. Apache Requests

    Date: 03/16/05 (Apache)    Keywords: web, google

    This is in regards to "SEARCH /\x90\xc9\xc9\xc9\xc9... etc." showing up in the server logs.

    I googled around and found this article telling me to have no reason to worry, and this article on how to disable logging of request strings that are too long. There's also a news article briefly describing the exploit. A post request is made as well: "POST /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/fp30reg.dll HTTP/1.1" 404

    I guess this is my curious side taking over. My IP address is *.45.61, I'm on a college residental network. The requests always come from with the same prefix -- *.37.86, or *.15.95, or *.37.238 - it changes every time. Why? What is triggering these addresses to access my webhost?

    Also, what kind of exploit is this? From the trend I'm seeing, making a quick post to that file right after an overflowing URI is probably the bug, but I guess I'm more curious as to what exactly can be accomplished from that.

    Thanks for any info :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/17962.html

  3. newbie advice

    Date: 03/17/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: templates, css, web

    guys, I'm a real beginner. I'd like to get my feet wet by creating a website for the salon I go to. I have a good rapport with the owner.

    I'm comfortable enough using DreamHost and Dreamweaver, but what I'd really like to do is skip tables altogether. I'd like to design using pure CSS -- but how does this work with Dreamweaver? do I just get some templates from somewhere (where? free? Macromedia?) and then paste the templates onto the Dreamweaver code view screen? or just skip Dreamweaver altogether? I actually took a class in this, but the teacher rushedthroughitsofast that most of it went over my head.

    I know about sites like http://www.csszengarden.com/ but I just don't know the nuts and bolts of turning that concept into my reality.

    thanks in advance for any thoughts!

    also, what in your opinion would be a reasonable fee to charge to set it up? or, the equivalent in barter? ;) (on top of DreamHost's yearly fee for the site.) let's assume it would be a basic 5- or 6-page deal with photos I would take and upload, and the copy written/edited by me (that's what I do for a living IRL).

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/833626.html

  4. displaying Japanese from mysql with php?

    Date: 03/17/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, browser, database, sql, web

    Hi, thanks in advance for any advice.

    I am working on a website on my PC, and I don't know anything about servers but I wanted to develop locally, so I am using a WAMP package. I would like the site to be able to display database entries from mysql that are in Japanese, but when I call them I just see question marks instead of the Japanese (using various browsers and encoding options). I can, however, just echo Japanese text in the php file and it will display properly. Also, in phpmyadmin where I am creating the database the Japanese is displaying correctly.

    I don't know if it's a problem with the server, mysql, or the script, so I don't even know where to start. I have tried it with the db, table and fields collated in both sjis_japanese_ci and utf8_unicode_ci, with the same results.

    Does anyone know what the problem could be? Thanks!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/274046.html

  5. help

    Date: 03/17/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: web

    ok well i wanna add a navigation...and this is the code i have LASTN_WEBSITE<=




    and when i go to put it on it doesnt show up...even after i hosted all the images i tried everything...if that wont work could someone please make me up a different one?

    thanks in adavance

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1848935.html

  6. Web tools blaze trail to the past

    Date: 03/17/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: java, web, microsoft, google

    Google's popular map and e-mail sites reignite interest in older Web tech, raising potential threat to Microsoft, Flash and Java.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Web+tools+blaze+trail+to+the+past/2100-9588_22-5621010.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  7. Acid Test for Browsers

    Date: 01/01/70 (Webmaster View)    Keywords: software, browser, technology, web, microsoft

    Hakon Wium Lie, chief technology officer of Opera Software challenges Microsoft:

    Microsoft now has the chance to redeem itself with regard to Web interoperability. All it needs to do is make sure IE 7 passes the Acid2 test before shipping.


    To the Web community I want to say: Microsoft has now been challenged. They will respond, if enough people remind them of the challenge. Please remind them. And, when IE 7 is released, make sure this is the first thing you type into it:


    Anne says that this test could expose some bugs in "better browsers" as well.


    Source: http://www.webmasterview.com/browsers/acid_test_for_browsers

  8. Do you want to learn Web Design?

    Date: 03/17/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, css, html, java, web

    I'm teaching a one day course in Web Design in New York City on Saturday. All those who can attend are welcome to register for it. Basically I'm going over most of what's done in webdesign. I don't expect anyone to become an expert after this course, but I think a lot of very valuable info is here for webdesigners at all levels, even if someone has never designed a webpage before and has no idea how to do it. It's a very ambitious course that I've never seen attempted before.

    For only $59 with pre-registration by March 15, this is a huge bargain at twice the price. ($69 for late registrants) To register, phone 212-643-7005, or e-mail education@nypc.org

    Location: NYPC Offices, Suite 1560 in the Hotel New Yorker, 481 8th Avenue (34/35 Sts)

    Class Description:

    Web Xtreme: Webmastering Overview (For all levels)
    Web Xtreme (For all levels)
    This class removes the mystery from website development!
    A full day overview of the many, many options you have to create or enhance a website. Whether you have never tried to build a website or are a professional designer, there is something for everyone here. Learn what you can do and how to go about doing it. Among the topics to be covered are

    * HTML
    * CSS
    * Javascript
    * PHP
    * Dreamweaver
    * Flash
    * Streaming Video
    * Graphic Options (Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator, etc.)
    * 3ds max
    * More...

    Bring in any questions you may have about the web. If making a web page has confused you or you think you can do much more with the web, this course is for you.

    Our terrific web guru Jeff Frankel will guide us. Jeff is an outstanding instructor, with a very clear presentation style. He regularly teaches Flash at NYPC, and you can see some of his sites at www.webbrooklyn.com

    Read Comments
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    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/182528.html

  9. Some Questions...

    Date: 03/17/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, web

    Hi everyone. By reading through some posts here the past couple weeks, and some replys to my posts, I now have a few questions for everyone:

    1. Tables: Why should I stop using them? I've always though Tables were the bread & butter of web design. Part of the reason I think this is because I was pretty much taught to think that way when I was in school for my associates degree. I admit, the school was terrible, but anyway... that's what I was taught. I've seen people on here talk about CSS doing everything tables can... or using DIV tags to do it, and so on. I admit, I know nothing about DIV tags, or what they do... and I know very little CSS... only the fun stuff like link styles and scroll bar colors. Any light shed on this question would be helpful.

    2. CSS: Used for the entire website? Just wondering what the benefits are to using CSS for your entire site, instead of HTML.

    3. IFRAMES: Why are they so bad? I use them all the time, they are easy to use, and I like 'em. In a previous post someone replied that search engines can't search into them if they are on your site... so I recognize that problem... but what else is there? I'd like to hear some more downsides and upsides. Another person recommended I use DIV tags to do IFRAMES job. I don't know how to do this. Can anyone link me to a little DIV tutorial?

    Thats all for now I guess. Thanks in advance for replies!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/834685.html

  10. Do you want to learn Web Design?

    Date: 03/17/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, css, html, java, web

    I'm teaching a one day course in Web Design in New York City on Saturday. All those who can attend are welcome to register for it. Basically I'm going over most of what's done in webdesign. I don't expect anyone to become an expert after this course, but I think a lot of very valuable info is here for webdesigners at all levels, even if someone has never designed a webpage before and has no idea how to do it. It's a very ambitious course that I've never seen attempted before.

    For only $59 with pre-registration by March 15, this is a huge bargain at twice the price. ($69 for late registrants) To register, phone 212-643-7005, or e-mail education@nypc.org

    Location: NYPC Offices, Suite 1560 in the Hotel New Yorker, 481 8th Avenue (34/35 Sts)

    Class Description:

    Web Xtreme: Webmastering Overview (For all levels)
    Web Xtreme (For all levels)
    This class removes the mystery from website development!
    A full day overview of the many, many options you have to create or enhance a website. Whether you have never tried to build a website or are a professional designer, there is something for everyone here. Learn what you can do and how to go about doing it. Among the topics to be covered are

    * HTML
    * CSS
    * Javascript
    * PHP
    * Dreamweaver
    * Flash
    * Streaming Video
    * Graphic Options (Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator, etc.)
    * 3ds max
    * More...

    Bring in any questions you may have about the web. If making a web page has confused you or you think you can do much more with the web, this course is for you.

    Our terrific web guru Jeff Frankel will guide us. Jeff is an outstanding instructor, with a very clear presentation style. He regularly teaches Flash at NYPC, and you can see some of his sites at www.webbrooklyn.com

    Read Comments
    Add a comment

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/834316.html

  11. Little Annoying Problem with bookmarks

    Date: 03/17/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

    I've noticed that lately in Firefox (version 1.0), a couple of my bookmarks' icons are wrong. This has happened once at home and once at work. I'm running Windows XP at both and have cleared my cache and everything, but I can't get them to change.

    Here's what happened: One of my bookmarks is Snopes.com. They have a little icon for the bookmark that is a black box with UL (for urban legends). I also have The Boondocks cartoon bookmarked. For a long time, the Boondocks icon was just the general sheet like most of them are. Then all of a sudden it started using the UL from Snopes as its icon. Why did it do this? And how do I make it stop?

    I have a similar problem with two different web pages at my work computer, too. I have installed Firefox 1.0.1 at home, hoping it would fix the problem, but it hasn't.

    Obviously this isn't anything that's a major problem, but it is annoying, and I was wondering if anyone else had this problem before and how they fixed it. (I'm assuming deleting the bookmark and re-marking it would fix it, but that doesn't address the real problem - whatever it may be that's making them take on the wrong icon in the first place.)

    Thanks in advance!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/262067.html

  12. Usability

    Date: 03/17/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: software, web, spyware, microsoft, google

    Here's a challenge for you.

    reviews.cnet.com may or may not have a section dedicated solely to reviewing spyware removal software. It seems that they would, but I can't find it. Can you? If so, what steps did you take to find it?

    Many people can find the webpages they need instantly. I, on the other hand, find most sites hard to navigate. If I need something on Microsoft.com, for instance, I don't click around their site's built in navigation. I'll use google's site:microsoft.com functionality. If that fails, I'll try to look around their site. Worst case scenario, I ask someone else to look it up. Anyone else here do the same?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/itprofessionals/7551.html

  13. Answer man on the future of search

    Date: 03/17/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web, google

    Bob Rosenschein, the man behind GuruNet and its Answers.com reference, talks about his company's complicated relationship to Google and the future of info-gathering on the Web.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Answer+man+on+the+future+of+search/2100-9588_22-5623043.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  14. Will AJAX help Google clean up?

    Date: 03/17/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: java, web, microsoft, google

    Google's popular map and e-mail sites reignite interest in older Web tech, raising potential threat to Microsoft, Flash and Java.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Will+AJAX+help+Google+clean+up%3F/2100-9588_22-5621010.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  15. firefox difficulties

    Date: 03/18/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, browser, css, web


    For some reason the navigation and text are off kilt in Firefox (everything works fine in IExplore). What can I do to remedy the problem?

    If it has to do with CSS the file is http://www.thecrosbys.net/style.css. Help!

    Does it look strange in any other browswer?

    Is there a website where I can learn more about streamlining websites across all browsers?


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/835534.html

  16. How to post dynamic content ( using php ) on WordPress Blogs + Know your IP Address

    Date: 02/17/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: database, web

    It is a very strong capability to be able to post dynamic content in your blog. You can use this to integrate contents from other websites, fetch data from your database etc. It enables whole plethora of functionalities to your blog posting to make it more lively. A plugin developed by Mark allows you to [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-post-dynamic-content-using-php-on-wordpress-webblogs-know-your-ip-address/

  17. qod

    Date: 03/18/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    i remember a website www.qod.com that used to email you questions everyday based on networking, a+, msce...ect...
    but when i went to that website now, it had really unusual questions for other things. anyone know if i am at the wrong site or what site would send me such computer questions?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/356881.html

  18. NoFollow Coverage

    Date: 03/18/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: web

    Coverage of posts and websites of interest participating in the nofollow debate.

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/nofollow-coverage/

  19. css / div / php / firefox issues.

    Date: 03/19/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, browser, css, web

    HI there. I'm having major troubles, and headaches, over a new layout I want for my website.

    Pure css gave me a nightmare so I decided to use PHP includes, and that way have my site easier to overhaul each time I got bored.
    Now, I've not had anything to do with PHP before, and rather than encode each piece by hand, I just made my headers, and footers, and renamed the content of each page whatever.php
    (please don't point and laugh at me, I have no idea what I'm doing with PHP ...)

    My test page shows up perfectly in IE, but there is only a small space for the menu in Firefox.
    I have tried everything from resizing divs, taking divs out, etc etc and nothing has worked.

    I want a site with no tables, and no frames that is cross-browser compatible.

    Test page is here:

    css here:

    Header.php reads as such:

    I'm going to lose my mind soon, the whole idea of me forsaking my beloved frames layout was to become more user-friendly.
    What the heck am I doing wrong? :(
    Any suggestions are muchly appreciated.
    I use Firefox myself, and I'd hate to have to force people to view my page in IE ...

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/275168.html

  20. help please.

    Date: 03/19/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: web

    I'm Elly.
    I just joined.

    so I have a few questions..
    how do you make the links at the top words instead of the whole retarded
    [ website | ]
    [ userinfo | livejournal userinfo ]
    [ calendar | livejournal calendar ]

    aaand finally how do you make the links...change when you hover your curser over them ??

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1854291.html

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