1. Schiavo case sparks Net interest in living wills

    Date: 03/24/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

    Web allows for more attention on living wills, sparked by case of whether brain-damaged woman should be allowed to die.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Schiavo+case+sparks+Net+interest+in+living+wills/2100-9588_22-5632528.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  2. hello

    Date: 03/24/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html, web, yahoo

    I have a question.
    On LJ, when I want a link to a separate site, I use <_a href_>. I can call it whatever I want, etc.
    Does anyone know if I can do this or how I can do this in an email, ie, in my signature. I'd like my sig to go to a website that is long and unwieldy, so I want to rename it.
    I use Mail on macintosh os 10.2.8 and I also use yahoo. I have them set up to recieve html, rather than plain text, if that matters.
    Thanks in advance.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1866840.html

  3. Feds get set for Net rules

    Date: 03/24/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

    FEC takes first steps to shape campaign rules for the blog era as Web partisans keep a watchful eye.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Feds+get+set+for+Net+rules/2100-9588_22-5634670.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  4. IMAP vs Outlook! FIGHT!

    Date: 03/25/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    On the mail server, I have my inbox and other folders. Everything was fine, until one day Outlook would crash just opening up. Before it did though, I caught a glimpse of all these weird folders. Right-click Outlook icon -->Properties --> IMAP tab --> Root Folder Path. In there, I put INBOX. Now Outlook does not crash and my inbox shows up.

    Highlight Inbox --> Tools --> IMAP Folders...
    Uncheck "When displaying hierarchy in Outlook, show only subscribed folders."
    Click "Query."

    Nothing shows up.

    If I use the web interface, my folders are still there and unchanged. The weird thing is with the Root Folder Path. No matter what I put in there (currently it's "asfsafsdfsfd"), the situation is stable: Inbox, but no other folders. If I leave it blank, it crashes Outlook and you see this:

    Click to see the screenshot.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/362708.html

  5. Script Help

    Date: 03/25/05 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, browser, sql, web

    Hi, I do not know how to code PHP, but I do know how to impliment PHP scripts. I've been looking for a GPL one that does the following:

    Forces download (header script that forces the "save" dialog. I'm serving mp4s and I want to make sure they don't load in the browser).

    Anti-Leech (hides the true URL of my mp4s, and allows only referring servers I've entered into the script to download, otherwise people are redirected to the page of my choice)

    Download Counter (either flat files or MySQL).

    And that's it. I found scripts that do bits and pieces of this, but only one that does it all—and you have to pay for it (you can actually use it for free but it appends the site's name to the downloaded files unless you register the pro version). This script is called "Download Center Lite" and can be found at www.Stadtaus.com. I tried to crack it, but they've done clever things in the script to prevent that.

    Also, I've found "Download Centers" that do much of these, but that's just for having a specific page with download links. I want to be able to dynamically call to these mp4 links from various pages on my website, not just from one.


    This message was also posted in the LJ community "PHP."

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php_dev/53455.html

  6. Script help

    Date: 03/25/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, browser, sql, web

    Hi, I do not know how to code PHP, but I do know how to impliment PHP scripts. I've been looking for a GPL one that does the following:

    Forces download (header script that forces the "save" dialog. I'm serving mp4s and I want to make sure they don't load in the browser).

    Anti-Leech (hides the true URL of my mp4s, and allows only referring servers I've entered into the script to download, otherwise people are redirected to the page of my choice)

    Download Counter (either flat files or MySQL).

    And that's it. I found scripts that do bits and pieces of this, but only one that does it all—and you have to pay for it (you can actually use it for free but it appends the site's name to the downloaded files unless you register the pro version). This script is called "Download Center Lite" and can be found at www.Stadtaus.com. I tried to crack it, but they've done clever things in the script to prevent that.

    Also, I've found "Download Centers" that do much of these, but that's just for having a specific page with download links. I want to be able to dynamically call to these mp4 links from various pages on my website, not just from one.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/277137.html

  7. Firefox Tip: How to retain multiple open pages (tabbed) across operating system restart

    Date: 03/25/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: browser, web

    I often work with multiple webpages open at the same time. I have tendency to use online documentations and work mostly on browser based applications. So it is a pain to restart and opening them again. Bookmarking doesn't solve because firstly you have to individually bookmark the pages and secondly its a pain to open. [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/firefox-tip-how-to-retain-multiple-open-pages-tabbed-across-operating-system-restart/

  8. mcluhan multimedia festival

    Date: 03/26/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    For any Canadian high school students here....

    You may want to check out the mcluhan multimedia festival (M3F.) It's a national festival that celebrates the new media artwork of Canadian high school students in the categories of animation, desktop publishing, digital photography, fusion (see the website for more information,) illustration, image manipulation, interactive media, sound and video. The works are judged by professionals in the field, so this is a great opportunity to get some feedback.

    Even if you don't win, it's a great opportunity for exposure- the official festival selections are displayed for the public in Toronto for four days in May, and past submissions have been used for such purposes as the Launch (at the CBC building in downtown Toronto,) and have been featured in a TV show.

    For more information and to submit, you can visit www.m3f.org.

    You won't regret getting involved- it's a great experience....I've had so many wonderful experiences with it myself.

    (note- this may be cross-posted)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/841279.html

  9. PHP Timestamps in French?

    Date: 03/27/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, web

    I'm used to telling time in [hour]h[minute], for example, 8:25pm would be 20h25. (I grew up speaking French; most of my web sites are bilingual.)

    Anyway, I'm wondering how I can format the php timestamp of a phpBB (or any other php page), so that I can write it that with the 'h' in the place of the standard colon.

    Right now, I have my the timestamp on my profile set to M d H:i; I would imagine if I were to write it as M d H h i, the second 'h' would just repeat the hour time.

    (x-posted: '[info]'phpbb and '[info]'php)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/277282.html

  10. No IIS

    Date: 03/27/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: html, asp, java, security, web, microsoft

    I want to develop the following site over the next few days: http://www.damn-them.com/

    The problem that I face is that I have installed a copy of Windows XP Home edition and there is no IIS. Considering that I cannot view (let alone compile) any ASP.Net code the DotNet IDE without IIS, I cannot develop the above site on my current operating system. I wish that I could find an ASP.Net compiler online. As the development of Damn-Them is embryonic, either a VB.Net or C# ASP.Net compiler would suffice. If I do not resolve this problem quickly then I am going to trot to the pub. There is no chance that I will perform any reinstallation.

    I found a possible solution (below). However, I do not have those files that it asks for:

    General HOWTO for running IIS in Windows XP Home Edition.

    by Richard Sandoz - Certified Java Programmer

    (1) locate and edit the file C:\WINDOWS\INF\SYSOC.INF

    (2) locate a section called [Components]

    (3) find a line like this:

    (4) change it to this (the iis cab in the i386 xp home folder looks to
    be nothing)

    (some sort of ms caching thing keeps sticking back iis.dll when I try
    to nuke it. quickly renaming and making hidden dir called iis.dll
    seems to thwart, but not worth it, so iis2.dll is good enough)

    (5) I grabbed the iis.dl_ and iis.in_ from win2k advanced server cd.

    I would guess similar techniques would work from W98, FP, etc.
    Use "EXPAND IIS.DL_ IIS2.DLL" from a command prompt
    Same for IIS2.INF, place IIS2.INF in C:\WINDOWS\INF and IIS2.DLL in

    (6) Now when I did "add windows programs" from the control panel's add
    new programs,

    I had IIS options and I could even check em off. yippee - could not
    check em off from my xppro cd :(((

    I just went with the defaulted ones though (all i needed was iis web

    (7) It will prompt you for files. Get em from MS XP Home CDs, Adv
    Server CDs, C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\INETSRV, C:\WINDOWS\I386, etc. (It will
    tell you the file it needs, you just need to have a searcher going,
    probably the CDs will have all you need)

    (8) You can get to your IIS from Control Panel's Administrative
    I stuck in an index.html file and reconfigure IIS to work like this.
    No go :(((
    I right clicked on my inetpub folder and did something with shared
    folders. No go :(((
    I looked at the event viewer and saw the error of my ways.
    Go to IIS and goto Directory Security tab and click Edit button and
    Browse for the user setup on my laptop.

    (9) Yippee, hello world from http://localhost

    I won't support this solution unless paid to. I am an out of work
    developer looking for work.

    I bought a Toshiba 5005 laptop which came with XP home.
    I then bought Win XP Professional.
    I have bunches of CDs from when I was a MSDN subscriber.
    From a general search on the internet I found contradictions.

    Microsoft says you need professional XP to do IIS period.
    q310090 was yanked from their site which had the "workaround" for

    When I tried to setup XP upgrade to pro, my laptop rebooted and hung
    on an xp logo with an animated graphic.
    I have verified this to be the case with others as well. Upgrading to
    xp pro isn't an option for this laptop.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/29843.html

  11. recurrent question

    Date: 03/28/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web

    i'm looking for a good webhost company to host my website. what are your recomendations?

    my needs are pretty standard.

    - php (5 would be nice)
    - mysql
    - ftp
    - email
    - subdomains
    - +200mbs space
    - +20gbs bandwith
    - CPanel, URCHIN statistics are a plus
    - if possible, ssh access. :)

    so far, and based on my past experience, i'm set on using eyow.com. but i want to hear what you guys recommend.

    (sorry if there is a list somewhere of recommended webhosts. i've searched the lj communities and nothing has come up.)

    crossposted to '[info]'webdev , '[info]'php , '[info]'mysql

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/277786.html

  12. recurrent question

    Date: 03/28/05 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web

    i'm looking for a good webhost company to host my website. what are your recomendations?

    my needs are pretty standard.

    - php (5 would be nice)
    - mysql
    - ftp
    - email
    - subdomains
    - +200mbs space
    - +20gbs bandwith
    - CPanel, URCHIN statistics are a plus
    - if possible, ssh access. :)

    so far, and based on my past experience, i'm set on using eyow.com. but i want to hear what you guys recommend.

    (sorry if there is a list somewhere of recommended webhosts. i've searched the lj communities and nothing has come up.)

    crossposted to '[info]'webdev , '[info]'php , '[info]'mysql

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mysql/52298.html

  13. recurrent question

    Date: 03/28/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web

    i'm looking for a good webhost company to host my website. what are your recomendations?

    my needs are pretty standard.

    - php (5 would be nice)
    - mysql
    - ftp
    - email
    - subdomains
    - +200mbs space
    - +20gbs bandwith
    - CPanel, URCHIN statistics are a plus
    - if possible, ssh access. :)

    so far, and based on my past experience, i'm set on using eyow.com. but i want to hear what you guys recommend.

    (sorry if there is a list somewhere of recommended webhosts. i've searched the lj communities and nothing has come up.)

    crossposted to '[info]'webdev , '[info]'php , '[info]'mysql

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/183770.html

  14. Hiya

    Date: 03/28/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    Hi, I'm new here. I run my own site and am so obsessed with web design. Just thought I'd drop in to leave a quick "hello" :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/842045.html

  15. Okay quick question here.

    Date: 03/28/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, web

    Okay, I have typed this out a few times and haven't been able to make sense of what I was typing, so I'll try this one last time.

    I am trying to understand how to better implement the use of DIVs. Being that they (from what I have read) are very accessible friendly and very easily manipulated through CSS.

    I'm a Dreamweaver junkie and have found that I use TABLES mostly because of their ease of creation. However, they are not always easy to use. So my question is this...

    Is there a way to use and edit DIV as easily as you can TABLES in Dreamweaver?

    I think if I found an answer to that very question I would start using DIVs more and therefore I would hopefully teach myself to better understand CSS and it power.

    Thank you kindly to you wizzards of web wonders!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/842726.html

  16. Help???

    Date: 03/29/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html, web

    Is there a HTML code that allows me to post images from my computer hard drive? If not, then how do I insert an image that's not on the web?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1877803.html

  17. Pop ups in Internet Explorer

    Date: 03/29/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, java, web

    Hey, I'm new to this community. I do web-design as a hobby and enjoy learning about new codes, but I do not claim nor wish to be a professional.
    But sometimes school and job require that I make a website.

    Anyway, I have a problem. I'm doing a website for a project and it has pop-ups. The pop-ups work fine in Safari and Firefox and all that, but they will not open in Internet Explorer for windows. I haven't tested it on I.E for mac, because it would hurt too much.

    The pop up blocker isn't on and I'm getting a vague java error. Java's allowed and all that.

    This is my code, without the tag bracket things:

    script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"
    function win1()
    { window.open ("http://kemotion.net/arts/galfa_1.html","win1","width=450,height=335,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,titlebar=1,toolbar=0") }
    function win2()
    { window.open ("http://kemotion.net/arts/galid_1.html","win2","width=450,height=335,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,titlebar=1,toolbar=0") }
    function win3()
    { window.open ("http://kemotion.net/arts/galgd_1.html","win3","width=450,height=335,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,titlebar=1,toolbar=0") }

    This is what I'm using as a link:


    Help. I'm useless with java, it's on my list of things to take a class in, but at the moment I'm just trying to use what I can.

    Thanks very much.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/843383.html

  18. Default browser.

    Date: 03/29/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    Can anyone tell me how to change my default web broweser from Ie5 to Mozilla Firefox?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/365493.html

  19. Monitor acting weird

    Date: 03/29/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, web


    My monitor has recently been acting weird. It randomly turns off and back on when im on the web. It appears to have stray marks on the screen as if someone scratched it from the inside. It also randomly lags while switching between windows and programs. I've checked my PC for any mishaps/viruses....results for that came out clean so my guess is its not the PC...

    If anyone can place any input on what to do about this...It'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Monitor is 17'' CRT

    - SG

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/365308.html

  20. oh man this is rich!

    Date: 03/29/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, html, web, hosting

    So I left my old job a while ago, and since then a slew of people have "left". The bookkeeper (she was cool), the personnel/training/business relations director (another cool lady) and a few other people. That is not cool, but what the heck right? The public website (which should not be hard for you to figure out who I worked for or just ask) was something they had on the drawing board for what sounds like years; I got up an running. Me and my two hands. They had a graphic designer who had the design all ready made but made it work. I also took the intranet server and did something with it. Put documents on-line, created a calender (by hand), and had some nice things (like birthdays and anniversaries) on the main page. We were told by corp that they wanted out of the hosting business and we needed to move the public site to a new host. No problem, I back it up to a CD and hand it to the consultants since they did hosting also (side note, when ever consultants get involved, you are gonna get fired, it might take a while but it will happen). So for shits and grins I go look and see if the public site has had any updates, since when I was there getting content was like pulling teeth, managementwas too busy micro-managing to give content. The thing is that the public site (as of mins ago) had the html (but no images or css) of the intranet site; and corporate is still hosting it (netcraft & netsol confirm it). Thats just rich.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/184433.html

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