




*LASTN_TALK_READLINK=>(%%messagecount%%)* Will Never


*FRIENDS_TALK_READLINK=>(%%messagecount%%)* Will Never

*DAY_TALK_READLINK=>(%%messagecount%%) *Will Never

of course remove the side *. i had no idea how to make it show w/o them.)

thanks a lot.

Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2042195.html

  • ahhhh

    Date: 06/30/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    I am in need of some SERIOUS help. I posted this on the wireless community too, so forgive me if you see this twice.

    I have been at this computer for 9 hours tryin to figure this out, and I find it impossible!

    This may be a bit confusing becuase so much crap happened, but I'll try not to be.

    Ok so my parents have AOL cable. Goes through Brighthouse networks which owns AOL but you have to go through AOL to get online.

    Anyway, I have a linksys 802.11b wireless router. My dad has a building outside and would like to get some reception out there (it's probably 150-200 ft from the router, plus it's outside) for the laptop. I looked at access points and ended up finding a rebate deal on a d-link airplus xtreme 2.4 ghz wireless router...DI-624.

    I went through the setup and all that, but AOL would not connect. I played with it a bit and got AOL to go to step 2 of signing on, but it would stop after that and say, "unable to connect to the aol service." Then when I would try again, under location it would say, "Connected to AOL," which I was NOT. So I'd have to restart my computer and go through the same crap again. I talked to AOL, who told me to call d-link, who told me to call AOL, who told me to call d-link again, who again told me to call AOL.....every rep told me different crap and had me restart the router and modem 50 times and restart my computer and nothing happened. one aol rep told me i had to set it on pppoe and use a screen name that i will never use again to sign on with. the d-link guy said that was right, yet it still would not work. another aol guy said that was wrong and that the static ip address is correct. lord, i am so lost with this thing.

    so i uninstalled and reinstalled aol (by the way the version is AOL 9.0 Optimized SE...don't know if that matters) and nothing happened.

    i can get online when the router is taken out of the picture, and i can get online using my old router.

    i had given up last night and decided to try again today. i called brighthouse themselves and they directed me to insidecentralflorida.com while not being connected to aol. he told me that this is a website that will work even if i am not connected with aol. sure enough, it did. since that worked, the cable is working and the router is working. i have an ip address, but aol cannot get on.

    he told me to call aol again. Aol told me that there is a firewall up and that is blocking aol from signing on. so i called d-link again. the rep said that it is impossible to disable the firewall. since he was a jerk anyway, i called d-link again after i got off the phone with him. the guy told me the same thing. then he had me go through the troubleshooting bs again. now, i can't even go to internet explorer and connect to the router. the lan settings show that there is little or no connection to the internet, and i have restarted the router, modem and computer yet this won't stop. so now I can't even get to step 2 of aol again.

    I gave up and plugged in the linksys again. I don't know what to do. One of the d-link guys said I should just return the router. Hello? Why would the company tell me to return their product...?

    I have XP, I have the required memory and speed for the router.....can anyone help me?

    apologies for my grammar turning to crap throughout the entry...i am tired.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/432256.html

  • Keeping news current

    Date: 06/30/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: programming, css, html, web

    Hi everyone,

    I guess i'll introduce myself. My name is Brent, and I am the webmaster of many websites (mostly political). I started in web page programming when I was about 11 years old, teaching myself basic html coding. It evolved from that into flash programming, css, and many other useful tools that I use today.

    I have a question for whomever may be able to provide an answer:

    I am developing a web page for the Androscoggin County Republicans. They want me to develop a web page so that users can become more involved with ranks of local, state, and federal government. I have done quite a bit of work on it already, but I am having one problem with the news portion of the site.

    I have been instructed to find a way of keeping the web page updated with current news. I have no problem with grabbing a news js file for webmasters, but that would not include local and state news. Therefore, I'm looking to find a way of "grabbing" information off various web pages, and having it display automatically on my page.

    Is anyone aware of how I might be able to accomplish this?

    Thanks a lot!


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/216843.html

  • N-vue

    Date: 06/30/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, web, linux, microsoft

    Has anybody here heard of/used/poked & prodded This?

    Finally! A complete Web Authoring System for Linux Desktop users as well as Microsoft Windows and Macintosh users to rival programs like FrontPage and Dreamweaver.

    Nvu (pronounced N-view, for a "new view") makes managing a web site a snap. Now anyone can create web pages and manage a website with no technical expertise or knowledge of HTML.

    I probably will check it out a little more when I have the chance but I must admit that when I was looking at Their demo css page and IE broke it, wasn't a good sign.

    Any thoughts?

    ps. anybody who thinks people with no knowledge or expertise can make & manage a website obviously hasn't seen the crap out there that gets brought to me as a redesign!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/916856.html

  • webiste price quote

    Date: 07/01/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web

    hello fellow designers! i would like to hear your opinions on price quoting for website jobs.

    i've never really done freelance on websites before, but am about to do a small size "5-10 pages" site. i haven't had the official briefing with my client yet, so i don't have details upon the quality of work the company is looking for. ie: flash, html, other added on components, etc.

    in your experience, how would you quote a job of this scale?
    by pages? by hours? as a package price? by method (flash or html)? +extra $ on revisions?

    any help would be lovely, thanx in advance! :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/918070.html

  • Sidebar linking coloration

    Date: 07/01/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: web

    In my sidebar, I have certain images (books, CD covers, etc) that are linked to different websites. Because they are linked, there are these thick blue lines around the images. I was just curious...is there a way to either (a) change the color (blue doesn't really meld with the layout so much) or (b) get rid of the line entirely?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2045653.html

    1. Question

      Date: 06/26/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web, google

      Hey, I have two basic web questions. The first is, how can I have my site refresh everytime someone visits? Whenever I'm working on quick updates or fixing typo's, I want to make sure that they constantly get the latest. Second question, for my site, I use only the meta description which is posted on my dreamweaver template. Thus, on every site, it contains the same description. Googlebot or MSNbot is only crawling on the index.html -- nothing else. What gives?

      Here's my site so you can look for yourself.


      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/913039.html

    2. help!!!!!!

      Date: 06/26/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: web

      Okay, so this isn't for my journal, but for a website I'm doing. If this is inappropriate, please let me know and I will delete my entry. I just can't seem to find anyone else to help!

      I was hired to create a website for my university's record label. I have an Apple Powerbook, and use Safari. I made a really basic layout, it looked fine in Safari, and then I went to check it in Internet Explorer... and it's completely wrong.


      The layout is made using tables, and where I think I went wrong is in the td width="*" tag (which is supposed to make the size of the cell whatever is left in the window. for instance, if the window is 100 pixels wide, and you have two items at 10 pixels each, it becomes 80)... I've been using this for years, in IE, but apparently it's causing problems now. At the top of the page are three cells, running horizontally- the logo with a fixed width, part of the line, and the end with a fixed width. I think the problem is with the middle cell. I set the width to adjust based on how wide the viewer's screen is: basically, no matter what the size, both ends will look the same. The only difference is how wide the middle cell is, which makes the background repeat... Instead, it's just stretching the first cell and repeating its background. In a nutshell, I need it to be one solid line, even as you resize the window.

      I hope this makes sense, it's 4:18 in the morning and I'm frustrated. If anyone can give me any advice, I would really, really appreciate it!!!

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2035329.html

    3. questions and feedback

      Date: 06/26/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, css, web

      I am setting up a website HERE, and I want to know how to make it adjust to different window sizes. I always want the content to the right of the menu to be centered in its portion of the window. Right now put it in a tag called

      , with CSS defined as:

      p.main  {

          text-align: center;

          position: absolute;

          width: 600px;

          top: 20;

          left: 230;


      Another simple question: Is there a simple way to get spacing between say, two images (like the buyers and sellers images on the page) without actually positioning each one using CSS?

      By the way, it would be much appreciated if people with browsers other than IE6 on a PC could give me some feedback on how this looks. I am planning on obtaining more views myself, but just haven't had the time.

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/913551.html

    4. questions and feedback

      Date: 06/26/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: browser, css, web

      I am setting up a website HERE, and I want to know how to make it adjust to different window sizes. I always want the content to the right of the menu to be centered in its portion of the window. Right now put it in a tag called

      , with CSS defined as:

      p.main  {

          text-align: center;

          position: absolute;

          width: 600px;

          top: 20;

          left: 230;


      Another simple question: Is there a simple way to get spacing between say, two images (like the buyers and sellers images on the page) without actually positioning each one using CSS?

      By the way, it would be much appreciated if people with browsers other than IE6 on a PC could give me some feedback on how this looks. I am planning on obtaining more views myself, but just haven't had the time.

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/215121.html

    5. Divs

      Date: 06/27/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web


      I'm trying to create a web page with two div columns that are equal width, 50% of the page. Below these I want a 3rd div that is 100% of the page width so the layout will look something like this with the full stops representing content space (sorry for the truly awful diagram):


      Is there any way to position the 3rd div so that it begins where the tallest of the 2 divs above it ends? White space in the other column isnt an issue for us. I'm using external style sheets for layout.

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/914816.html

    6. dreamweaver question

      Date: 06/27/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: web


      new here and frustrated as hell with dreamweaver...

      I've created pop-up menus using dreamweaver MX without any problems for a long time. But suddenly, when I use the Behaviors menu, etc., the pop-up menus just won't show up - locally or on the web. An mm_menu.js file is created. Everything seems fine, but it won't even preview the pop-up menu. I'm checking the code against others that I've done successfully, and I can't find the difference.

      let me know if i need to be more detailed. Thanks


      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/215694.html

    7. Outlook Express being stupid

      Date: 06/28/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web, microsoft

      Hi everyone...

      Recently, the links in my emails have stopped working in Outlook Express. It's fairly inconsistent, but sometimes when I click they're fine, and other times when I click, the IE window won't open, and nothing happens.

      I've tried the "hypertext protocol" whatever where you change it to be IE -nohome, and it didn't help. I tried resetting the web settings, and it would help for a few minutes, and then the links didn't work again. It may or may not be connected to the recent Windows Update... the message boards at Microsoft seem to have a lot of complaints associated with the last update. I've tried restoring my computer to an older point and then shutting off automatic updates, and have had some success, but it still acts up when it's feeling froggy.

      What is going on with Outlook Express, and how can I fix it? :(

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/431396.html

    8. Trying to find resources for learning - web site building

      Date: 06/28/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web, google


      I'm making a web site for my school over the summer, and I would like my users to be able to update their pages themselves, without having to resort to FTPing. Most of the teachers are even worse off than I am in computer knowledge, so what I'm looking for is a way for them to log in, enter what they want to show up in a field, and then submit.

      I've spent today trying to find what I should be looking for, if you get my meaning, but have had no luck. I simply don't have enough knowledge to know what I should be typing into Google. I would be immensely greatful if anyone here knows of any resources online for learning how to accomplish the above.

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/713672.html

    9. Section 508 compliance

      Date: 06/28/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, asp, web

      I need some advice. My company is trying to become Section 508 compliant and I am the leader of such an aggressive move. There are several problems involved with this whole project and my experience with Section 508 compliance is limited (basing a lot of my knowledge on government contracting experience). I know some of the basics, but I need to give more solid proof and evidence that we need to completely revamp the website.

      The biggest (and strongest) argument I have is that our website is completely designed using frames and depends heavily on them. I have already created a CSS driven layout that will mimic the current layout, but we are having issues with the ASP coding for the website. It was very poorly developed and not option explicit, which makes moving to ASP.NET difficult on top of frames.

      My question for you all is if you have resources that I can read more about Section 508 Compliance. If you have tips as well, that would be VERY appreciated.

      X-posted Almost Anywhere.. Sorry if you are seeing this constantly.

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/216452.html

    10. Looking for learning or example resources

      Date: 06/28/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: web, google


      I'm making a web site for my school over the summer, and I would like my users to be able to update their pages themselves, without having to resort to FTPing. Most of the teachers are even worse off than I am in computer knowledge, so what I'm looking for is a way for them to log in, enter what they want to show up in a field, and then submit.

      I've spent today trying to find what I should be looking for, if you get my meaning, but have had no luck. I simply don't have enough knowledge to know what I should be typing into Google. I would be immensely greatful if anyone here knows of any resources online for learning how to accomplish the above.

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/216123.html

    11. Section 508 compliance

      Date: 06/28/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, asp, web

      I need some advice. My company is trying to become Section 508 compliant and I am the leader of such an aggressive move. There are several problems involved with this whole project and my experience with Section 508 compliance is limited (basing a lot of my knowledge on government contracting experience). I know some of the basics, but I need to give more solid proof and evidence that we need to completely revamp the website.

      The biggest (and strongest) argument I have is that our website is completely designed using frames and depends heavily on them. I have already created a CSS driven layout that will mimic the current layout, but we are having issues with the ASP coding for the website. It was very poorly developed and not option explicit, which makes moving to ASP.NET difficult on top of frames.

      My question for you all is if you have resources that I can read more about Section 508 Compliance. If you have tips as well, that would be VERY appreciated.

      X-posted Almost Anywhere.. Sorry if you are seeing this constantly.

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/915449.html

    12. The open source content model

      Date: 06/29/05 (Open Source)    Keywords: web

      Ever since the Web was spun users have been taking what they were given, adding to it, enhancing it, and creating value.

      Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=359&part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdblog

    13. Everything mircosoft

      Date: 06/29/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web, microsoft

      I have two questions. Firstly, I was trying to download this digital right management thing for windows media player so that I can play some things for the WWE Jukebox website(it's basically you use a credit card to get the ability to watch all the matches in there for a month). I did that, and when I tried to play it, it said something like, you need a digital rights management thing for windows media player 9. I tried downloading something like that on a microsoft website. When I opened it up, it started downloading, and it signed me out of msn messenger. I didn't get to finish either, because apparently you're supposed to have windows xp(and I have windows 98).

      Now, I can't sign into msn messenger, and I can't go to any websites that are microsoft or msn. So here are my two questions:

      Are there any sites where I can download a digital rights management thing for windows media player 9.0 on windows 98?

      And, what's wrong with msn, and how can I get back to using the websites and msn?

      I'm also using Mozilla Firefox, because my internet explorer is screwed up.

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/432039.html

    14. Timeouts, timeouts, and more timeouts

      Date: 06/30/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

      I recently discovered the greatness of such Firefox extensions as NoScript, AdBlock, and just for fun, StumbleUpon and Forecastfox. I installed Adblock first, no problems. I then installed Forecastfox and StumbleUpon in the same day and had some problems to where even Forecastfox itself was timing out. So, I uninstalled Forecastfox thinking I don't really need active accurate weather. I still was having timeouts, so I uninstalled StumbleUpon and then I tried going to a website after the uninstall and Firefox restart and multiple websites were still timing out, so I uninstalled NoScript and it took two firefox restarts to set it right again! I'm running XP pro on a dial-up connection and now I feel a little less protected *sigh*

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/295686.html

    15. Location unknown.

      Date: 06/30/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: css, web

      [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('

    ') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

    i know basically how to do most things cause i figure it out eventually*. but when i want to add something, such as: add a thin naviagtion bar, add a header, blah blah blah, how would i know where to put it? this is my overrides. now where would i put the header code and where would i put the thin navigation. and for future notice, where would i put other things that i want to add and edit.



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