For those still Composing....
Date: 07/01/05
(Mozilla) Keywords: web, linux
NvU has reached 1.0 release. If you're a Firefoxen are looking for a WYSIWYM Composer substitute (write your own web pages, gah), which hews as closely to W3C standards as the Gecko engine does, then look no further... yada-yada... the press release is here if you want your US-RDA of marketing drivel. Runs of Windows, MacOS-X and Linux.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/296213.html
Your Opinions please
Date: 07/02/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: java, web
I'm in the process of revamping my entire site to a completely new look -- current one is outdated and old in many ways. However, I ran into a snag...how to display artworks/photographs nicely.
What are your thoughts design-wise on the best, professional way to present artworks/photographs?
Right now, what I have is a web page with thumbnails linked to a javascript that opens a new window of a specific size showing the full image when a thumbnail is clicked. I'm tired of it and wonder if I should use something like a sliding bar at the bottom with thumbnails that display the chosen image above it on the same web page?
Examples of sites you know that displays a gallery of images nicely, are useful.
Thanks for your opinions.
And have a nice July 4th weekend. I'm working anyway.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/919657.html
And the problems continue..
Date: 07/02/05
(Computer Help) Keywords: browser, virus, web
First i'd like to again thank warsawpact & mojo_iv, for helping me with the update problem, but i have a couple other problems, because my computer's a peice of something vulgur..
1. Does anyone know a good, free virus protecter i can downloaded, that works?
2. MSN, and my web browsers (Firefox & IE) keep freezing, like on almost everything i do, but AIM is fine, i don't understand it's never done this before, and it's caused me to reboot (reformat) my computer a couple times, but it's still doing this (like i said it's never done this before)
3. Every time something, freezes or i open a floder then close it, my 'Start' button and tool bar freeze, i don't mind it every now and then because of (Alt+Tab) but when i comes to restart (or shutoff) the computer, or when need something in my 'Start' menu i can't get to it because it's frozen.
I'm desprate, i'll try anything, it NEVER used to do this before until i rebooted (reformated) it, but i had to do that, please help. Thanks guys.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/434111.html
Iframe and new window
Date: 07/02/05
(Web Development) Keywords: html, web
I've started a button exchange for my website and the question has come up as to how do I get the links to open a new window instead of opening in the same one. What the script does is create an iframe based on the user name and then it rotates buttons in the iframe which advertise other sites. I have tried putting the following into the iframe code: src="about:blank" target=_blank target='_blank' target=newwindow target="blank.html"
None of these have done a damn thing. Here is a sample of the code to look at. Any help is appreciated, I need an answer for my user asap :)
http://www.doxycide.com/exchange" target=_blank>http://www.doxycide.com/exchange/doxex.gif" border=0>
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/217337.html
PHP/MySQL Import
Date: 07/03/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web
I have a dump file on the web server. How do I do a mysql import of that file. It's over 2MB and I can't use phpmyadmin because of that.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/314649.html
WordPress/Movable Type/CMS's
Date: 07/04/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: cms, php, css, web
Hey all,
I've been brushing up my rusty skills lately while working on a few side project websites. I had a few questions regarding publishing platforms and CMS's. I know a few adopt the technique to style and present via CSS then use a backend management system to manage the content. I see many sites using Movable Type and Wordpress for this and some coding their own CMS's. I'd like to be able to style up the site and structure it however I like, but then have some type of backend to power it all yet be easy to integrate.
- I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for either or perhaps another easy to implement Publishing Platform/CMS to drop into small-medium size web projects? Which one is easier to integrate into a design from scratch and a rich feature set to maintain?
- Another question, anyone know of an open-source equal to something like Basecamp?
- Reading up on each I've gathered a whole slew of new knowledge. One of the main differences I see now is WordPress' "Template Tags" aren't much more than PHP function calls and Movable Type have a full blown tag system. I am mainly looking at each system now based on their template systems and the template tags ease of use from the stand point of integrating your own desgin into it or creating a site from scratch with it built in. If anyone has switched from one system to the other I would love to hear your thoughts on why and how it worked out for you.
Thanks for any info.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/920424.html
GoLive quirk?
Date: 07/05/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web
While I'm a big fan of other Adobe products, I have no familiarity with GoLive. This isn't normally a problem, since I either hand-code or use Dreamweaver.
I'm doing some technical editing for an online journal, and an author has written a piece that suggests GoLive uses an odd CMYK notation that uses values from 0-255 instead of the usual 0-100%.
I've tried looking for any reference to such a thing on the Web or in newsgroups, and coming up empty. Any insight into what he might be referring to?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/921037.html
Anyone know about Pheedo? It appears to be down.
Date: 07/05/05
(Java Web) Keywords: web
Pheedo, Ad Publishing Network, appears to be down. The website is still up and you can login. However there is absolutely no communication from the team about click stats, no advertiser on the website etc. Everything is very very silent. After repeated emails to Founder as well as to Carol in Publisher Relations, I am [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/anyone-know-about-pheedo-it-appears-to-be-down/
Serious Security Vulnerabilities of WordPress and below
Date: 07/05/05
(Java Web) Keywords: cms, blogging, security, web
WordPress is a very popular personal publishing platform aka blogging platform (with a primitive CMS) in use all over the web. There are a number of serious security vulnerabilities in WordPress that may allow an attacker to ultimately run arbitrary code on the vulnerable system. Unfortunately the authors believe in security-by-obscurity. Here are the [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/serious-security-vulnerabilities-of-wordpress-1512-and-below/
PHP XMLRPC Remote Code Execution Vulnerability affecting Popular Blogging and CMS Platforms like WordPress (and lower), PostNuke, Drupal, b2evolution TikiWiki etc.
Date: 07/05/05
(Java Web) Keywords: php, xml, web
PHPXMLRPC aka XML-RPC For PHP is a PHP implementation of the XML-RPC web RPC protocol, and was originally developed by Edd Dumbill of Useful Information Company. As of the 1.0 stable release, the project has been opened to wider involvement and moved to SourceForge. PHPXMLRPC is used in a large number of popular web applications [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/php-xmlrpc-remote-code-execution-vulnerability-affecting-popular-blogging-and-cms-platforms-like-wordpress-1512-and-lower-postnuke-drupal-b2evolution-tikiwiki-etc/
Innovative Website Design
Date: 07/05/05
(Java Web) Keywords: java, web
Ben Galbraith has created an innovative website with *nix shell theme. He follows the *nix everywhere. The site is javascript driven. It wouldn't do wonders for your SERP but with such cool factor who cares?
Here is a text snapshot:
Welcome to galbraiths.org!
/dev/ben:~ guest$ ls -l
-r--r--r-- 14 bgalbs bgalbs 476 Jun 19 [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/innovative-website-design/
Compaq Presario 1245
Date: 07/06/05
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: web
I am currently seeking the Compaq Quick System Restore CD's for the Compaq Presario 1245 Laptop.
I've inherited the laptop as a hand me down, and it's missing all of its original drivers. I've spent days working on the machine, and currently have Win98 running on it, but it's still missing the right drivers. I did all sorts of searching on the Compaq site. Downloading has worked for the audio drivers, but not for the video/monitor driver and others. When the Neo Magic drivers try to install, it has errors. I am fairly certain after quite a bit of research that I need the Quick Restore CD's. Unfortunately, Compaq/HP no longer sells or supports these, and they seem nigh impossible to find on the web.
I figured that someone out there had or has a Compaq Presario 1245 and can help me out. I am willing to pay shipping to get the CD's to me, and even willing to ship them back if needed. I just want to get this poor machine working again.
Hope someone can help ! (x-posted)
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/719043.html
Annoying computer problem!
Date: 07/06/05
(Computer Help) Keywords: web
Hi there! I am running a Compaq Presario with an AMD Athlon XP 3200+ processor at 2.20GHz and 448 MB of detected RAM (as stated in System Properties).
I haven't had this system half a year, but it has started with an annoying problem. I installed the computer game Diablo 2 about a month ago. After that, the computer started going through these lapses. In these lapses, no executable program will run. Whatsoever. Internet Explorer, FireFox, AOL...the only thing that will open is folders. I tried to "trick" the computer by typing a URL into the address bar of a folder to open Internet Explorer, but it stops responding a few seconds after opening the webpage. Give it about 3 minutes and everything I TRIED to do during the lapse all happens at once, and then it's fine.
I uninstalled Diablo 2, but the problem has not stopped. It's quite annoying. Any ideas on what I can do?
PS - I tried to post this to another computer help community on LJ, computersupport, but they have moderated membership. They say you can post as a non-member, but how exactly do you post to a community without joining?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/437646.html
Date: 07/06/05
(Web Development) Keywords: css, html, web
I recently stepped in to take over my company Web site. I have a design background and have been learning HTML and CSS over the past couple of months. So far, everything is working out well.
The problem is that I can't figure out how the previous guy did passwords on the site. He is reluctant to give me information (probably one of the reasons he's not working with us anymore), but does hand out tidbits a la Hannibal Lecter at times. Recently, he explained that in order to pass-protect a directory which has an ever-changing list of unique users (different login/passes), I have to access the .htpasswd file via Telnet and replace it with a tab deliminated .txt file (first portion is login; second portion is pass). Or something. I can write out the exact process if that helps. I don't have Telnet and am barely able to muddle around in Terminal on OS X.
So I have no idea what he's talking about, or where to go to find a tutorial on it. I'm not sure where .htpasswd is stored on the site -- is there a default location? I'm thinking about replacing the existing method via .htaccess (I've read how to do this) but without knowing the existing method, I don't know how much I'll muck things up.
Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing? Any advice or direction at all would be most appreciated! I will be happy to clarify; I know this is probably quite vague.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/218057.html
Date: 07/06/05
(Web Development) Keywords: php, web
I have been driving myself crazy trying to figure this one out:
I'm using Suckerfish Dropdowns on this website, because I really hated the code that Fireworks and Dreamweaver auto-generates for their stupid drop-down menu "feature."
Open this in IE (I'm using some updated version of 6.0):
(the page)
Here is a link to the same file on a non-php server, so you can see the code:
(the code)
The second menu item from the right, "Teams," is the only drop-down item on the entire menu bar. It works with that link, and it works when "Keyword Index" or "Links & Resources" are selected from the lefthand gray navigation column. However, if you select "Document Index" or use the Search tool, the menu doesn't work. I've rewritten the PHP so that I know the variables used to generate the menu aren't being used anywhere else, and I still can't get it to work. I'm pretty much at the end of my mental resources on this one. Any help is greatly appreciated.
[x-posted between webdesign and webdev.]
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/217723.html
Royalty-free photos, graphics and whatnot
Date: 07/06/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web
Hey folks, quick one for you. I work at a company that lacks both the resources and the funding to attain professional-quality photos for our website. Right now it looks really dull, and I can only do so much with the low-quality jpegs they've given me. Does anyone know an online resource for no-cost, royalty-free professional-quality photographs I can use? Specifically, we're after pictures of people, preferrably in a rural setting. If it matters, I believe we're a non-profit organization, although I'm not 100% on that. I've looked all over the place for such a resource, but so far my best lead turned out to be a "free" site where you have to buy points to "freely" download photos. Deceptive little practice.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/922871.html
Date: 07/06/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, web
I have been driving myself crazy trying to figure this one out:
I'm using Suckerfish Dropdowns on this website, because I really hated the code that Fireworks and Dreamweaver auto-generates for their stupid drop-down menu "feature."
Open this in IE (I'm using some updated version of 6.0):
(the page)
Here is a link to the same file on a non-php server, so you can see the code:
(the code)
The second menu item from the right, "Teams," is the only drop-down item on the entire menu bar. It works with that link, and it works when "Keyword Index" or "Links & Resources" are selected from the lefthand gray navigation column. However, if you select "Document Index" or use the Search tool, the menu doesn't work. I've rewritten the PHP so that I know the variables used to generate the menu aren't being used anywhere else, and I still can't get it to work. I'm pretty much at the end of my mental resources on this one. Any help is greatly appreciated.
[x-posted between webdesign and webdev.]
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/922281.html
Supreme Court vacancy fight goes online
Date: 07/06/05
(Web Technology) Keywords: web
Liberal and conservative groups launch rival Web sites to rally supporters over who will be the next justice.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Supreme+Court+vacancy+fight+goes+online/2100-9588_22-5776458.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
Free Site Search
Date: 07/06/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: web, hosting, google
I'm looking for a free site search feature.
Standard search engine features for a specific web site.
Remotely hosted (no CGI/Scripting of any kind on the actual web site)
No advertising
Bit of a tall order due to the last two. Google do it, with targetted adsense, atomz do it with targetted adsense-like advertising. Both of which are (duh) providing links to our comptetitors at the top of site search on our site (not good). Company of course doesn't want to 1) pay for scripting support on the hosting or 2) pay google 2k a year for adsense free site search.
Anyone know of anything?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/315836.html
Date: 07/07/05
(Web Hosts) Keywords: web, hosting
How exactly does one go about switching hosts?
I've been on Rydia.net's Domain Account for about a year and I'm interested in switching to DreamHost's Managed Web Hosting, but I'm not entirely sure how.
I have the domain and a whole whack of things on it, not to mention a POP3 account that I use for just about everything. Will I have to download everything onto my computer then upload it onto the new host? What about the POP3? And how do I switch domains?
Thanks a lot!
Rock on. <3
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/28823.html