The important parts are bolded. If anyone has any ideas or help, I'd greatly appreciate it.


x-posted to '[info]'webdev, '[info]'webdesign, and '[info]'computergeeks (just in case).


  • web hosting with VPS

    Date: 08/05/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web, linux, hosting, google

    So i'm in the market for getting VPS web hosting. I've found westhost, which seems to have a great deal going on. Have any of you heard of them, used them, or have horror stories about them? I've googled a bit for information about them, but as always, first-hand experience is more reliable.

    Any other VPS recommendations if you have it would be great.

    xposted to '[info]'geeks and '[info]'linux


  • Cheat Sheets

    Date: 08/05/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: php, mysql, css, xml, sql, java, web has some really great cheat sheets that you may find handy.

    He just added some javascript cheats which includes XMLHTTPRequest cheats, function cheats, etc.

    He has Javascript cheats, PHP cheats, RGB Hex Color chart, mySQL, CSS, mod_rewrite, regular expressions and others.

    x-posted to '[info]'webdev.

    ps. Are any of you from the Bay Area?


    1. WebDAV, DeltaV, Apache Slide Resources and Guides

      Date: 08/02/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: web, apache

      This is a brief compilation of essential resources for those venturing in the world of WebDAV, DeltaV and Slide. Apache Slide Slide is a noteworthy, yet often forgotten, project which provides WebDAV Server and client implementation along with Delta-V support. For the uninitiated WebDAV allows hierarchical resource access (like your file system) over HTTP protocol. In short [...]


    2. Yahoo Shopping releases application interfaces

      Date: 08/03/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: database, web, yahoo

      Move allows developers to build applications into their Web sites to allow customers to search Yahoo's merchant databases.


    3. Yahoo to launch blog ad network

      Date: 08/02/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

      Self-serve advertising program, tailored to bloggers and other small Web publishers, to debut Wednesday, source says.


    4. question: rotating ad script/database for newspaper employment classifieds: "Top Jobs" style

      Date: 08/03/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, database, web, yahoo

      Hello, I am a long-time lurker to this community and have always found the advice given to other quite helpful in my webmastering/design endevors. I work for a local newspaper running their website, and have a small issue that I could really use some helpful advice on.
      Any fingers pointing in the right direction would be much appreciated!

      The newspaper website I run is looking to do some major much-needed updating, and implementing a "Top Jobs" database option is one of them. Much in the light of larger websites like Yahoo Hot Jobs, and even smaller newspaper websites such as Lawrence-Journal World (Kansas), we are looking to have some kind of rotating script/database that will pull randomly from our uploaded employment classifieds and display links to these ads on several pages of the website (in the designated "Top Jobs" display box that will be created and placed on these pages).

      I am really lost on even how to begin this project, as it was most recently presented to me that this Top Jobs section should include ALL of the employment ads posted (which can number over 300 at times), and rotate them on a normal basis so that each one has airtime, several times a day. Doing all of this by hand would take DAYS!

      What I believe we need is a server side internal database with a perl script written that would automatically pull these ads off the .shtml pages created for the employment classifieds. If you have any info on how to go about obtaining this, or know any information on how to even go about doing this (assuming I am incorrect)....please let me know!

      I would be very greatful!


    5. Changing the default save directory for certain programs (Acrobat)?

      Date: 08/03/05 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: web

      I apologize if someone has asked this before, but this is my major XP annoyance of the moment. Whenever I choose to "open" an Adobe file off the web(or play a RealPlayer file off the web), it saves a copy in "My Documents." I don't want it to save in "My Documents" - I want it to save, if it must save at all, on the desktop, so I can more easily find it and clean up the mess. I can't find any info in Acrobat to change the default directory, and since more than one program does this I'm thinking its an annoying Windows problem. Does anyone know how I can change this? Thanks.


    6. Full-View Select Menu

      Date: 08/03/05 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: browser, css, web

      Internet Explorer for Windows has a problem with select menus: If you specify the width of one using CSS, any of the menu's options that are too long to fit in that width simply get cut off, even when the menu is opened. This script attempts to remedy the situation by changing the CSS size of the menu dynamically.

      Full-View Select Menus

      Please test. Specifically, I'd like some reports of how the script behaves in browsers that masquerade as Internet Explorer. I've tested that scenario successfully in Firefox and Safari, but I'm curious about other browsers.

      Thanks, and enjoy.

      cross-posted to '[info]'webdev


    7. Top 10 Web Hosting Providers (Updated August 2005)

      Date: 08/03/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: web, hosting, yahoo

      According to Hosting-Review, an independent provider of web hosting reviews, the Top 10 Web Hosts (updated August 2005) are: BlueHost IX Web Hosting Powweb Lunarpages iPowerWeb Yahoo Hosting StartLogic Host Excellence Bluefish Hosting Site Build It Link


    8. The Corporate Face of Mozilla

      Date: 08/04/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: software, browser, html, web, google

      Hi Folks:

      Mozilla was born as a grass-roots organization to design a product using the brainpower by thousands of users around the globe. It was not organized as a profit-oriented organization. Ever since its appearance in the spotlight at the end of last year, its star product Firefox, has enjoyed a tremendous acceptance in the browser community. Every month, Firefox has gradually gaining ground at the browser behemoth Internet Explorer. To date, the free software has been downloaded more than 75 million times and its market share is estimated to be approaching 10 percent.

      In an effort to attend a new wave of users and its recent relationship with Google, Mozilla has organized a subsidiary under the name of Mozilla Corp. Mozilla Corp. will work mainly on developing and delivering free software products such as the Firefox browser and Thunderbird e-mail program. The foundation will manage projects, set policies and organize relationships among developers.

      The new business will be based in Mountain View, as is the foundation. It is expected to have about 30 employees, compared with three or four at the foundation, Baker said. Its software will remain free.

      Frank Hecker, director of policy for the Mozilla Foundation, said the for-profit arm will give the project more options. Already, Google Inc. (GOOG) pays Mozilla an unspecified amount to ship Firefox with a version of Google's search engine as the default home page.

      Is something sniffing in the air? Is Mozilla preparing itself to enter the commercial field based on its success with Firefox? Who knows? Let's keep our radars active.

      For more information, you can click on the following web-link:




    9. Yahoo tests blog search in Korea

      Date: 08/04/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

      Web portal quietly begins testing tools that may be coming to the U.S. market that will take on existing players such as Technorati.


    10. Yahoo unveils beta of blog ad network

      Date: 08/03/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web, google

      Geared for small and medium-size Web publishers, the network challenges a Google stronghold.


    11. Help is greatly apreachiated

      Date: 08/04/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: web

      Alright, first time asker of help, long time learning from you guys...

      Anyway, my website, is obviously, I know, not a masterpiece of code...

      It's not pretty or anything like that, however I believe it's simple to follow...

      Right, so with the website sometiems I write little stories or wahtever, its all humour and made up crap that none of the people that work on it believe...

      Also, none of us are code masters...

      So my question is, is there a way under each article we write for there to be a little Comment on this article link and a read comments on this article link...

      A place where they would comment on if they liked the article, but they wouldn't have to register and it wouldnt be filtered...

      I don't care about hate mail deal, but I jsut think it would be a good idea...

      But is that possible???

      And if so, anyone want to work with me on how I can do that???

      Thanks everyone, this is a great community to learn from...


    12. back with another newspaper website enhancement item!

      Date: 08/04/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

      [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

      Hello, back again with another information request. Thanks to for the wonderful suggestion on the last problem.

      The feature I am looking to add will generate weekly reports on which stories/links are accessed the most from the website. I will feature a link to a listing of each week's "Top Stories" including the links to all of the corresponding top-10 "most popular" stories.

      Is there a script to make this function possible? Or maybe something that can be installed in our server itself to keep track of this info, and allow me to pull it off the server as needed?

      (I noticed that my server has statistic capabilities, but only to the extent of paths taken through the website, top keywords searched for, and so on....nothing specific about stories accessed.)

      Thanks for any information!


    13. Pop Up help!

      Date: 08/04/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

      I keep getting this box pop up that says "Information" and then says "Now it is Searching with Old Logic." It has a symbol that that is three blocks ontop of each other and they have the letters "A", "B", and "C" on them in light blue letters. I click ok and then it just pops up again, sometimes like, 20 times in a row. I am going to post a picture of it, so you can see. I went into "add/Change programs" or whatever it is, and removed the program that matches that program (called "D-Helper Web Driver"), and they still popped up and I restarted the computer, and it's reappeared in the "add/Change programs" area! What is this, and HOW do I get rid of it?!

      Click the thumbnail to get the bigger picture! Thanks!

      Free Image Hosting at

      Thanks for your help!


    14. Hey hey hey!

      Date: 08/04/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, web

      I am new to php, and i have been using PHP includes on my website, as well as the date function.
      two things, I have a news include on my site. I want to make a page that includes that include, called archive.php

      then I want to include the newest months news on the index page in the news include.

      Is there a way to make it so that for one file it only show a certain amount of characters. Then I want to have a link that would link to the rest of the news for that year.

      Maybe you guys could help point me in the right direction. Gracias.

      btw, my web address is



    15. A standards truce in the browser war?

      Date: 08/04/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web, microsoft

      Some Web developers see signs of change at Microsoft after years of taking the giant to task over IE.


    16. Corporate Mozilla Receives Warm Welcome From IT Industry

      Date: 08/04/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: software, browser, html, web

      c/n reported yesterday August 3rd., that the IT industry has reacted positively to the Mozilla Foundation's decision to create a commercial subsidiary that will be responsible for the development and distribution of its open-source products.

      James Governor, an analyst at RedMonk, praised this move and said it is likely to increase the use of Mozilla's open-source products, such as the Firefox browser, by businesses.

      "I think it's a reasonably significant step. If Mozilla wants to do business with corporate entities, it needs to be a corporate entity--corporations want to do business with corporations," said Governor. "Almost all open-source organizations that are successful have some commercial organization around them."

      However, everything is not a patch of roses. There are some worried faces among Firefox and Thunderbird users. David Hallowell, Mozilla contributor, was quick to say that any concerns that the organization may change the software's licences conditions are unfounded.

      "I'm sure some people will be worried for the future of the Mozilla source code, but there is nothing to worry about in this case. The code is published under an open license with a huge number of contributors who would all have to give consent for the license to be changed," Hallowell said. Though some in the open-source community may have ideological issues with Mozilla's commercial move, RedMonk's Governor expects few will be critical. "I don't think many open-source geeks will hold up their hands in horror that Mozilla is going commercial," he said.

      The Mozilla foundation has been fast to design a web page for Mozilla Corporation under the URL To calm the choppy waters, Mozilla published yesterday a thorough explanation of the strategic move and a well written Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) concerning main issues.

      If you are interested in following this exciting financial event, kindly click the following links:

      1. Corporate Mozilla Gets Thumbs-Up From Industry:

      2. Mozilla Foundation Announces Creation of Mozilla Corporation:

      3. Mozilla Foundation Reorganization (FAQ):

      Enjoy your reading,




    17. config file

      Date: 08/04/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: web

      I am used to developing web project, but right now I am writing a windows service. I need something that is equivalent to web.config where I can store keys and things like that. I've created a .config file but I am unsure of how to reference it in my code....
      ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings(key) is not working. Or maybe I need to name my config file something specific?
      This is not difficult, I am just inexperienced with this stuff. Please enlighten!


    18. Javascript...PLEASE help me.

      Date: 08/04/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, database, java, web

      here is the link:

      Now. I got a javascript from someone in '[info]'webdev or '[info]'webdesign that does the little image swap (see the entry for "Bends, Standard for Steel Plates). However, I've just now discovered that, for some bizarre reason, this script quits working if the ID number of the database entry is higher than 99. Any three-digit ID, and the script fails. See, for example, the entry for "Castings and Forgings" on that same page.

      Here's the script:

      Here's the code for one of those table rows with the little drop down comment thingy:

    PSSP99099Castings and Forgings0000-00-000000-00-00cc259aa272
              Initial release of the document.
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