1. Thunderbird vs. Outlook Express

    Date: 08/05/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: browser

    I'm thinking about switching over to Thunderbird from Outlook Express since I already have Firefox as my default browser. Is that a good thing to do or does it not matter which one I use? Thanks in advance.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/742873.html

  2. How About Boosting Firefox's Speed?

    Date: 08/05/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: software, browser, web

    If you are interested in putting more pep into your Firefox browser, start tweaking your software as follows:

    1. Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit Return. Scroll down and look for the following entries:

    a. network.http.pipelining
    b. network.http.proxy.pipelining
    c. network.http.pipelining.maxrequests

    Normally the browser will make one request to to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.

    2. Alter above entries as follows:

    a. Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true" (clicking the entry twice)
    b. Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true" (clicking the entry twice)
    c. Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like 8. This means it will make 8 requests at once. The default is 4. Do not exceed over 8, since this is the maximum allowed; a higher number will not make the browser any faster.

    3. Lastly, right-click anywhere and select New->Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives. If you are using a broadband connection you'll load pages much faster now. For those of you who are using a dial-up connection you will notice a slight speed increase.

    Drive carefully,


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/303591.html

  3. You Don't Know Jack About Firefox

    Date: 08/06/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: rss, browser, asp, web

    In my last post in this journal, there was an positive and active discussion about the pros and cons of tweaking FX in an effort to increase its speed. Learning from the experience, I promised myself I would start researching FX characteristics and features.

    Just by luck, I stumbled upon an article with the title, "You Don't Know Jack About Firefox" written by Cheah Chu Yeow. Chu Yeow is an aspiring J2EE developer and Web developer studying at the National University of Singapore. He wrote the book "FireFox Secrets", which lifts the lid on Firefox's lesser-known functionality.

    In this book Chu Yeow wrote, "If you feel that the Web has lost its sparkle, that's probably because you're slogging across it in an old browser. I'm over here on the other side, and the grass is not only greener: there are none of those microscopic grass bugs that cause nasty rashes!"

    "The title contains over 290 pages of Firefox tips, tricks and hacks, providing invaluable pointers to help you customize the browser to your specific preferences." Sounds good, doesn't it?

    "It starts with some of the better-known tweaks, such as search customizations and favorites, password, and history management. But later chapters challenge even the most hardened Firefox devotee, revealing the inner workings of Web developer extensions, RSS feed subscription, and the little-known about:config interface."

    For your convenience, in case you are interested in further exploring FX, the following URL will take you to the aforementioned article which consist of six pages:


    Together let's discover the secrets of Firefox,


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/304306.html

  4. memory & mailbox

    Date: 08/08/05 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: browser

    i will re-phrase my question that i asked some time ago.
    (It takes about a minute or two for my Opera to launch, and afterwards it takes as much as around 60 MB of RAM without any windows open)
    I am pretty sure it's the mailbox (I use Opera as both browser and e-mail client) that is in charge of that.
    At the same time I do not want to delete anything from my mailbox (well not "anything" probably, but not much anyway).

    SO the question is:
    Is there a way of reducing memory usage without radical cleansing of the mailbox?

    Thanks a lot.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/opera_browser/39001.html

  5. um yeah...

    Date: 08/08/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: browser

    see i dont know what happened
    this weekend i was playing World Of Warcraft and
    there started a pretty bad storm outside...

    now i just kept playing because i am
    a huge nerd...
    well i just kept playing and in less than a minute
    the storm knocked out my power so i shut down...

    when i started back up my connections were all messed up so i..

    1: Unplugged/ Replugged all connections to modem
    2: Repaired the connection
    3: Reset the router
    4: Restarted...

    now my problem is this,
    i can go on World Of Warcraft, AIM, and my torrent program
    so i obviously have an internet connection there
    but my browsers will not work...

    i have Firefox and IE (which i never use)
    but neither will load a page...

    if anyone here knows why this is and how i can fix it it
    would be greatly appreciated because
    im completely baffled to why this is happening..

    Thanks in advance

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/744523.html

  6. firefox memory leak?

    Date: 08/08/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser

    These numbers used to be lower. I recently added 3 or 4 new extensions but why is 'fox shooting up on the memory usage? Here are some screenshots:

    fox memory leak LAUNCHING FOX

    fox memory leak ONE TAB OPEN

    fox memory leak TEN TABS OPEN

    I applied the config. trim_on_minimize tweak (along with extension minimize to tray) and
    browser.cache.memory.capacity tweak but memory usage still hovers in the high 90s.
    Found this reco on countingsheep, it's Steve's comment near the bottom.

    browser.cache.disk.enable = false
    browser.cache.memory.enable = false
    browser.cache.disk.capacity = 0 because I'm using Portable Firefox

    I guess my question is: Is the memory usage on this machine too high? Seem to
    remember it staying in the 70s. 80s even, but only occassionally. Does anyone
    have recommendations on how to lower those figures? This is on a WinXP machine, fox version 1.0.6.

    [EDIT] Steve's reco didn't work. New figures: 4 tabs, CPU usage 15-77%, Mem usage 109,312~K.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/304695.html

  7. Yahoo ushers in new ad tracking system

    Date: 08/08/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: browser

    By counting and reporting only those ads that load in the browser, the technique is more accurate, proponents say.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Yahoo+ushers+in+new+ad+tracking+system/2100-9588_22-5823382.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  8. Can anyone figure out why the following wont work

    Date: 08/09/05 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: browser, database

    it keeps throwing errors


    postings & comments database structure
    written by : that intern


    CREATE DATABASE if not exists commentsDB;
    USE commentsDB;

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `userDB`; /* works fine! */
    CREATE TABLE `userDB` (
    `username` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
    `userpass` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL,
    `first_name` VARCHAR(10) NULL,
    `last_name` VARCHAR(15) NULL,
    `address_1` VARCHAR(25) NULL,
    `address_2` VARCHAR(15) NULL,
    `city` VARCHAR(18) NULL,
    `state` VARCHAR(2) NULL,
    `zip_code` TEXT NOT NULL,
    `email` VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
    `gender` VARCHAR(1) NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`userID`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `userInfo`;
    CREATE TABLE userInfo (
    `browser` VARCHAR(255) NULL,
    `userIP` TEXT NULL,
    `userOS` varchar(255) default NULL,
    `pages_visited` varchar(255) default NOT NULL,
    `last_login` varchar(255) default NOT NULL, /* works until here */
    PRIMARY KEY (`userID`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`userID`) FROM userDB(`userID`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `post`; /* works fine! */
    CREATE TABLE `post` (
    `post_num` INT(15) NOT NULL,
    `post_text` TEXT NOT NULL,
    `post_cat` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    `post_time` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    `post_date` DATE NOT NULL,
    `post_user` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`post_num`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `comments`;
    CREATE TABLE `comments` (
    `comment_text` TEXT NULL,
    `comment_time` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    `comment_date` DATE NOT NULL,
    `userIP` TEXT NOT NULL /* works until here */
    post_num INT,
    userID INT,
    FOREIGN KEY (post_num) REFERENCES post(post_num),
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mysql/66303.html

  9. Netscape catches up to Firefox patches

    Date: 08/09/05 (Security)    Keywords: browser, security, web

    New version of Netscape 8 brings it as up to date on security as its underlying Firefox Web browser.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Netscape+catches+up+to+Firefox+patches/2100-1009_22-5825342.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  10. Is Linux Piggybacking Firefox?

    Date: 08/10/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web, linux, microsoft

    One of the main setbacks of Firefox from becoming an ubiquitous browser, is its resistance of use by the corporate community. However, FX is slowly entering this market through the back door; meaning through the Linux operating system. Overriding the many obstacles from Microsoft, Linux has a stronghold in the server market. It is also well known, that Firefox has been embraced by the top brass of some Linux companies such as Red Hat and Suse.

    Firefox is the default web browser in Red Hat and Suse Linux, though it's also widely used on Windows, and has been gaining market share. IBM has also been known as a heavy Firefox user and a Linux promoter. As Linux continues to gain popularity in the business community, it will probably piggyback Firefox into the corporate scene. Here is where the big guys play; in the business community.

    Earlier this year, IBM advertised it was willing to hire Firefox programmers. The writing is on the wall.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/305076.html

  11. Opera finds new answers

    Date: 08/11/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: browser

    Browser announces partnership with search engine Answers.com in which the latter will be integrated with Opera.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Opera+finds+new+answers/2100-9588_22-5828673.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  12. French Students With Penguins and Foxes

    Date: 08/12/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: software, browser, html, linux, microsoft

    Yesterday we commented that Firefox was receiving a push forward into corporate territory from Linux . The term we used was "piggyback". Well, today I read in CNET News.com, that thousands of secondary school students in the French region of Auvergne, will receive CDs containing free and open-source software when they return to school in September.

    The local government of Auverne will distribute 64,000 packs of CDs in an effort to interest students and their families in free and open-source software. Every student between the ages of 15 and 19 attending a school in Auvergne will be given a pack containing two CDs. The first CD contains free software for Microsoft Windows and Apple Computer's Mac OS X, including the OpenOffice.org office productivity application, the Firefox browser and the GIMP image editing application. The second CD is a Linux Live CD, allowing pupils to try the open source operating system without installing it. The Linux Live CD is based on Kaella, a French derivative of Knoppix.

    Here again, we are before another example of Linux and Firefox walking hand-in-hand. I think this is a good opportunity to promote Firefox among french students and their parents. At the same time, they are exposing themselves to the wide features of Linux. Who said penguins and foxes couldn't live in France?

    To read the complete article, click here: http://news.com.com/Massive+Linux+handout+set+for+French+schools/2100-7344_3-5828644.html?tag=nefd.top



    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/305328.html

  13. i'd rather code than sleep

    Date: 08/12/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, css

    I just made a new layout and I would like to hear what you guys think. Any minor changes that would make it better? Any weird quirks in anyone's browser (I hope not)?

    it's here: http://www.montoyaiscool.com

    x-posted to '[info]'css_forum

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/954583.html

  14. Firefox Tips and Tricks II

    Date: 08/12/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web, google

    Imitating Rocky's sequel, I have another search tip which is worth its salt. I hope it serves you well. I got this tip on the same PC Magazine article I mentioned yesterday and was published by Sarah Pike under the title "Keywords II: but Wait, There's More".

    "For certain search-based Web sites—Google, for example—you can actually use keywords to search straight from your address bar. For example, when you query Google normally, you're accessing the URL http://google.com/search?q=, where anything after the q= is the exact text you're searching for. Try adding that URL to your bookmarks folder, but modify it to read http://google.com/search?q=%s and assign it the keyword google. You can now type google x into your browser, where x is any search term you want to look up, like computers. You'll go directly to the results page, having saved a few steps in the process. This trick works for a lot of searchable Web sites; play around with it."

    I'm presently in the middle of a college research project related to the causes and consequences of Socrates' trial in Athens on 399 BC. In an effort to search only for relevant pages I used above tip with the keyword Socrates. In the address bar I typed "Google Socrates". The results were:

    * Categories: 6 biographies and 8 reviews
    * Web Pages: 8 web pages. You can view these pages in alphabetical order or view them in Google Page Rank Order.

    All Google's results were very pertinent to the information I was soliciting. This is an excellent research feature using Firefox and Google. If you are a student and don't want to "burn the midnight oil", this tip is for you.



    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/305872.html

  15. newbie question

    Date: 08/12/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, html

    Hi there, I'm new! I'm a beginner in HTML and Dreamweaver, although I designed interfaces for a major TV company for years (no excuse exept laziness - I had a coder sitting next to me!)
    I've been in journalism for a few years now and wanna get back into doing more visual stuff, which means I need an online portfolio...

    Basically, I can do stuff like this (not mine, by the way):
    With a frameset that alters when you drag the browser.

    But what I'd like to do is something like this:
    Something that sits in the middle the whole time, with a nice background and static dimensions.
    Does anyone know how to do it in Dreamweaver, what the type of design is called and where I can find a tutorial.
    I imagine it's easy - perhaps even easier than working out all the percentages etc - but it's just a case of knowing where to start!

    Sorry for the life story there, got a bit carried away.

    Many thanks!!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/955061.html

  16. two questions

    Date: 08/13/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: browser, css, html, web

    this has nothing to do with livejournal layout or anything... but i'm assuming that this is general HTML help and not just livejournal HTML help.

    i'm having an issue with a website i'm working on. i have the title bar and menu at the top of the page in a layer. looks great in mozilla... looks like shite in IE. the bar is in the right spot, but the menu isn't... it's on the top left, like my position, top, and left settings aren't relevant. any idea how to fix this cross browser issue?

    second problem is that the content of the site (ie, the text) scrolls over the bar and menu (which are set to fixed). how can i get the text to "disappear" when it hits the spot where the title bar is? i'm assuming it needs to be in a layer with a top margin set at a certain point where it will disappear, but i'm not sure what needs to be set. any ideas for that? this happens in both mozilla and IE, so if there's a cross-browser issue again, i need some ideas on how to fix it.

    body {	background-color: #909CB6;
    		background-image: url('topboatfinal.jpg'); 
    		background-repeat: no-repeat;
    		background-position: top left;
    		background-attachment: fixed }
    p.margin {margin-top: 180px}

    the background bar is in the body CSS tag, with the menu in a layer over it. the actual body content isn't in a layer, but i know i've tried to put it in one, but couldn't get the darn text to stop at a certain point when scrolling. help! :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2107399.html

  17. Default Browser

    Date: 08/14/05 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: browser

    How to set Opera 8 as a Default Browser?

    Cant find where to set it up o_O)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/opera_browser/39312.html

  18. This is what I do when I get bored...

    Date: 08/14/05 (Algorithms)    Keywords: browser

    I write an encryption/decryption algorythm. Here are three encrypted messages. The algorythm doesn't include punctuation except spaces (any whitespace in the output is from your browser). I wanted to see if anyone here can break it. (it's not rot13)




    I'll give a clue. The first message is "this is just a test of the emergency broadcast system"

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/algorithms/63414.html

  19. i have been trying to figure this out for over an hour now...

    Date: 08/14/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: browser, html, web

    so help is greatly appreciated.

    i have a mac and use safari as my internet browser on most occasions in case that matters.

    on my layout, i like the banner i have a lot since i personalized it to fit my life. i would like to have to not change it. however, i have, for more than long enough, been trying to make the words above the 3 pictures that say "userinfo" "friends" and "memories" link to the corresponding pages on my livejournal. i would love for those words to actually work...

    if anyone would be willing to give me html to make the above possible, i would be so grateful. or if it isn't an issue of html, if someone could please tell me what i have to do outside of html to make that possible. thank you.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2110038.html

  20. HBO enlists Firefox for series promotion

    Date: 08/16/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: browser, web

    Television cable channel HBO designs a downloadable "skin" for the Web browser in the custom theme of its upcoming series "Rome."

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/HBO+enlists+Firefox+for+series+promotion/2100-9588_22-5833861.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

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