i need to make four columns, but i'm table-impared. i would prefer them to be in percents, so they will look the same on all browsers, as in width: 100% in stead of width: 600px. the column content will just be short lj tags if its any matter.
In ColdFusion, when in "debug mode" I get a list of all the files that were included by the parent template. For example, if i'm viewing and foo.cfm includes bar.cfm and cheese.cfm, the bottom of foo.cfm, when rendered to the browser, looks like this:
Included Files: /bar.cfm /cheese.cfm
Is there an option in PHP to do the same thing? Something I can turn on in PHP.INI perhaps? I'm dealing with a legcay app that I inherited and am having the worst luck trying to figure out which include files are getting used, and where.
I just wrote a script, in XHTML, from the book, saved it as predefined.php, and could not get it to show.
The other day, I installed Apache 2.0 and PHP 5 on my computer.
I set my Apache up at c:\Apache2 as recommended. I also set C:\php5 as recommended. I set up a folder at c:\webdocs, to save my files in.
I adjusted the httpd file in apache2/apache2/conf , and set Document root to c:/webdocs and Directory to c:/webdocs.
When I do a simple phpinfo.com script, it runs correctly.
However, I cannot seem to get my other scripts to work. I type them up, I save them in Notepad as All Files, .php extension. I type it directly into my webbrowser (as with phpinfo), ala http://localhost/predefined.php , but its still not working.
To add yourself to the map, you need a name, city or zip, and a shoutout (a comment).
You could also upload a photo; I was thinking that this would be a great way to see the Opera browser layouts and skins of other users, so upload a screenshot of your browser to the map.
Having some issues with firefox, in that I cannot open a new window/instance of firefox. I know that this is due to an extension problem, as starting in safe mode solves the problem - although I'd obviously like to use my extensions. As such, I'd definitely like to figure out which extension(s) is/are causing the problem. The thing is, I have quite a few extensions, which are: All-in-one Gestures, Tabbrowser Preferences, PDF Download, Gmail Notifier, IE view, Countdown Clock extension, SwiftTabs, Download Statusbar, Greasemonkey, Firesomething, Autohide, DictionarySearch, GooglePreview, Copy Plain Text, Zoomy, Bookmark Backup, Fusion, HashColoured Tabs, Read Easily, Forecast Fox, StumbleUpon, Adblock, Adblock Filterset.G Updater and Customize Google. I've uninstalled-reinstalled, rebooted, swore a lot, etc and still do not know what is causing the issue.
Also, when closing Firefox, it does not actually end the process. I close Firefox, and look in the process list - it is still listed, and taking more memory than it normally would. Also, due to the fact that I am unable to open a new window/instance, I of course cannot open Firefox again until I end-task the frozen instance in the process tree.
I've been experimenting with the positioning of various sections of a layout, prior to adding actual content and my own styling to it, and have come across something that's baffling me.
This is the testpage in question. The pages does what it's supposed to at this point in time in Opera at 800x600 and 1280x1024, but in 1024x768, a narrow gap emerges between the left section (coloured in red) and the header, content and footer sections on the right of the page. This gap doesn't appear in either IE or Firefox at any of those three resolutions.
Using the zoom control in my default screen resolution, I discovered once again that only enlarging the page to certain sizes caused the problem. Here's a zoomed-in screenshot to illustrate the problem.
Now, sure, I'm still learning how to use CSS effectively, but this gap (which shows up in both Opera 7.54 and Opera 8.5) confuses me. So, is it my coding that's at fault or is it an interesting glitch in Opera? (If others can't replicate the gap on their browsers, I'll assume it's a peculiarity of my monitor's default settings, and apologize profusely for wasting people's time!)
very 37signals types of effects and cross browser compatible (tho i'm sure it won't work on ie for the mac, but i can't prove it since my own copy of ie won't open) and easy to implement.
I just got my computer up and running and my firefox favorites were therte just about four hours ago and when I just got home all my bookmarks are gone. My firefox has been alerting me about encrypted files and to be careful and it even asked me to set it as my default browser which it never asked me before. Is there anyway to get my bookmarks back without having to save them all over again. Thanks in advance.
More than 10% of net users are going online with the Firefox browser according to analysis firm One Stat.
In US it has higher shares of 14%.
However there appears to be a consensus among technical blogs that Firefox usage is around 50% in technology users. I had posted before about this (see in links below).
The numbers [...]
Anyone know of any web based chat rooms where a user can create a room and play audio to everyone in the room?
The Hitch is...I'd like it to allow anon or non registered people to join the room.
For example, Yahoo can do this with Voice Chat, but you have to have a user ID.
My goal is to have an easily accessible webpage to stream audio with minimal 3rd party requirement. (such as a standalone application or a specific media player) Anything that is built into a browser would be fine.
(x-posted from firefoxusers - someone there suggested the IETab extension, but any other ideas?)
I've been noticing a problem recently with viewing sites in IE after I view them in Firefox. I use Firefox as my usual web browser, but if a site fails to work properly in Firefox I open up IE to look at it. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, when I try to view the site in IE I just get a blank white browser window. Is this some kind of attempt by Microsoft to f**k with people who use Firefox (which I wouldn't put past them) or a bug in my system? And how can I stop it from happening?
OS: Windows XP SP2 Firefox: 1.0.7 IE: Don't know the formal version number, but the latest version.
PS: If you can't help, please don't fill up my inbox with exhortations to boycott sites that aren't accessible to Firefox. I know the arguments, but these are sites I need to use.
Now my question is if this is correct, or not? My problem is that it executes in file-form, in IE, Firefox, but not my MSN brower. But, when I upload all of the files (including the ScrollIt.jar file), it won't operate on any browser, or it will freeze up the browser window completely. (website: http://nexus.mohawkcollege.ca/shernden/sh06/winter/winter.html )
I don't need anyone to tell me how to do it, but I would love to know if I'm doing something wrong, or if this is beyond me.
It has been decided that the site I'm working on should take up the entire browser window instead of a fixed width of 750px. As such, I've been trying to convert the thing to use percentages instead of pixel values, and I'm having some trouble getting things to line up. I would be eternally grateful if someone could help me out, details
The small image shows the problem I'm having. The top grey bar should line up with the blue part, but I cannot get it to do so. Note that the problem is present in both IE6\win and FF\win, which leads me to believe the problem lies with my code, not with a weird browser thing. So here's the css:
The IP Phone Services Bake-Off is a competition open to all ASU students interested in emerging
VOIP technology. The goal of the competition is to come
up with an innovative application for Cisco IP Phone technology. Your idea is totally up to
you, but it should add some functionality beyond what IP Phones can already do. You may also
want to read the official rules.
Independent Study Credit
In addition to the prizes listed below, students will be able to get
independent study credit for this project. Individual professors
will determine the exact requirements, so interested students should
contact the appropriate professors as soon as possible.
I use mozilla as my main browser. On it, I have two different profiles. One one I can get into the site below and enter text, while in the other profile the area to enter text blocks me out. Any idea as to why?
Has anyone tried out Flock yet? It is still quite beta, if not alpha, based on Mozilla Firefox, but incorporating some very nice little innovations indeed. 1. All of your Favourites/Bookmarks/Whatever you call them are stored online, by default on del.icio.us . There is even a little star button on the toolbar to bag and tag any page you are on quickly and easily. 2. You can use your Favourites Manager in the normal, everyday boring way. Or you can also use it as an RSS feed reader. Blow me down with a feather. 3. "Flock comes with the open source Clucene search engine built in. Each time you visit a web page, it indexes all the content on that page so you can easily retrace your steps later." Exactly what that means I don't quite know yet. Any techno-babble people want to help me out here? 4. Most frequently visited sites tracking from within favourites. Real, intelligent Favourite Favourites? 5. When you bookmark a page that has a feed, the browser automatically becomes a feed reader and updates every hour. 6. Flock has a built in blog editor that works with WordPress, Movable Type, Typepad, and Blogger. Unfortunately LJ support is expected "shortly". 7. The blog editor integration looks pretty good. You can highlight something on a webpage, right click and choose "Blog this". It will automagically open the editor, with the selection already inserted and formatted. 8. The Blog Editor comes with Flickr integration. Press a button and get a topbar with all your Flickr photos. Assuming you have Flickr of course. 9. An intriguing, very alpha feature, called "The Shelf". Basically if you want to blog about something cool, but you're too busy reading other stuff, you drag stuff onto the shelf so you can drag it into the editor later. It's 'Ron for the net.
Definitely not ready for prime time yet, but with the news from this (badly in need of a spell-checker) article that Firefox are going to be slower at innovating, whilst maintaining speedy responses to security threats and aiming for the most intuitive interface possible, COMBINED with the fact that this is built off of Firefox, and therefore should be able to tap into the wealth of extensions out there quite easily, it is well worth a look.
EDIT: Not quite alpha, not quite beta. That weird stage of in between. Public Beta is slated for December.
I've done plenty of ASP.NET programming but this is my first foray into the wonderful land of PHP and I've got a question about how often you hit the database in a normal page load... basically I have tags like: within the front end page and listing.php goes something like
$database = mysql_connect("localhost", "your_database_user_id", "your_database_password");
mysql_select_db("your_database_name", $database);
case 'thumbnail':
header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); // act as a jpg file to browser
$query = "SELECT thumbnail
FROM your_table
WHERE id = $id";
$result = mysql_query($query, $database);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$jpg = $row["thumbnail"];
echo $jpg;
case 'address':
header("Content-type: text/html"); // act as an html file to browser
$query = "SELECT address
FROM your_table
WHERE id = $id";
$result = mysql_query($query, $database);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$address = $row["address"];
echo $address;
Now if I understand this correctly, anytime the parser hits a tag (or w/e) it will connect to and select from the database. So on a page with 5 tags that pull from listings.php, the scripts will connect to, select from and disconnect from the database 5 times right? Is this is proper way to do things? It kinda makes me uncomfortable to make so many database hits but this seems to be the average way php developers do it.
Whenever I visit www.loot.com in Firefox (1.0.7) the browser crashes. There seems to be plenty of rich media on the Loot. Is it my software or does this happen to anyone else? (ie, is it loot?)