1. Microsoft, Baidu form paid-search partnership

    Date: 12/14/06 (Web Technology)    Keywords: microsoft, google

    After Google sells its Baidu shares, company links up with Microsoft to have its listings appear on Microsoft's Chinese sites.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6143776.html

  2. An intro

    Date: 12/17/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: php, programming, asp, sql, linux, google

    Hi everyone,

    I thought before I go any further I'd ask approval, and give a bit of a background on myself.

    in 2000, I was working for blue chip clients as an asp programmer, and then discovered I had chronic Lyme disease, which I am currently under treatment for, but its left me with a six year gap in knowledge, Yes I've gone back to the Olde Faithfull Wrox books, MSDN etc for .net2 but I am finding so much has changed, I am fairly competent with C++ asp, VBscript and ECMA C# is completely new to me!

    to get me back to programming I bought a 2nd user server, which is running 2k3 enterprise ed. and have a 2nd machine running mssql 2005, I installed Visual Studio Pro, and thought that a couple of the Starter kits would prove a good place to start, oh How wrong I have been!

    Firstly: I tried theBeerHouse kit, hmmn, yes it runs on Localhost, but will the blasted thing run on a inbound connection Will it heck, I've trawled google for answers, worked arround issues, damn it I could have written the lot in asp quicker! or even as a Com+ application. I thought .net2 was supposed to be easier.

    But alas I think not unless I am completely missing something, the last thing I want to do is learn PHP! I'd rather eat a linux computer first!!

    So whats your advise for someone getting back into this, where did you start and if you have an indespensible book what is it?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/80741.html

  3. Police blotter: Google searches nab wireless hacker

    Date: 12/20/06 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    In this week's installment, a wireless provider's disgruntled ex-employee finds his Google searches used against him.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6144962.html

  4. Search Engine

    Date: 12/23/06 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: database, google

    Does anyone have any suggestions for a search engine script that I can use for my site? I'd like to allow users to search for things within my site [primarily videos], but the problem seems to hinge on the fact that I don't use databases to drive my site.

    I wouldn't mind creating the search index myself, I just want something nice and clean to display results and all that. I looked at the option of adding a Google custom search engine to my site but I don't much like the branding and ads.

    Any suggestions would be awesome!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webhosts/37707.html

  5. How good a friend to open source is Google?

    Date: 12/27/06 (Open Source)    Keywords: microsoft, google

    As you may have guessed by now, I like Google. But opinions on Google are not unanimous, and as Google continues to grow (its market cap is now one-half that of Microsoft, nearly equal to that of IBM) its moves will be viewed with increased suspicion.

    Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/zdnet/open-source/~3/67202760/

  6. can anyone help?

    Date: 12/31/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: java, web, google

    I own a Motorola V551 phone on Cingular.... ive googled and searched forums, but i CANNOT get this to work..i downloaded a .rar file of Java games for Motorola phones, and for the life of me, i cant get them to transfer to the phone... ihave all the programs that the people in forums say to have... i.e.- p2kman, PST, MPT, p2k Commander...

    I know i cant transfer them with the bluetooth, so i borrowed a cable from a friend....i spent over 6 hours searching and messing with the various programs to no avail.....

    Can anyone help or point me to a website or LJ community that can help with STEP BY STEP instrutions?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/730650.html

  7. Ready to throw in the towel

    Date: 01/02/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: linux, google

    I can't believe the number of hoops I have to jump through in order to even get an internet connection working on a Kubuntu distribution. Right now I don't have it working even though I've been working on a solution all day

    It looks like I'm hardly the only one having problems with this- FAR from it


    ...and this is not even counting getting the graphics card to work right. That's for later!

    I don't have any more excess energy to deal with this crap today... I'm just going to install Vista 64-bit RC2 in another partition and be done with it

    This is the reason why so many people aren't on Linux yet. At least LAST time I had an internet connection when trying Ubuntu on my older notebook. This is utterly ridiculous. Worst comes to worst I'll just format the partition Kubuntu is installed on into NTFS again and call it a day.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1017603.html

  8. Firefox developer blasts Google

    Date: 01/02/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Blake Ross, a leading Firefox developer, charges that Google uses its powerful search engines to unfairly promote their own products.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6146583.html

  9. Google plugs Gmail data leak flaw

    Date: 01/02/07 (Security)    Keywords: security, spam, google

    Security hole that affected several Google services exposed the address books of Gmail users, a potential treasure trove for spammers.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6146669.html

  10. Google AdSense

    Date: 01/03/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: web, google

    Some people from this community recommended Google AdSense to me as a way to start earning revenue on a new website (Thank you!) and I was just hoping maybe someone could help me with one quick question. I've set up ads and referrals on the website in question; however, there is also a website through Blogger that is connected to this website and we would like to place ads on that as well. Do I have to set up a seperate account with AdSense since they are two seperate websites? Or is it ok to just paste the code on the Blogger as well?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/380899.html

  11. Easy Blog Builder Version 1.0

    Date: 01/04/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: software, css, google

    Hi all.. I've tried Google but I can't seem to find anything useful so I'm turning to you.

    My company's server has a bunch of built in features, such as Easy Blog Builder Version 1.0 but their help files are anything but helpful.

    I've never actually used this blog software before other than to find out it does indeed use css and yes I can modify it *L*

    Basically I need to learn how to customize the crap out of this (if it is even possible). I would turn to something like WordPress or Blogger, but my boss would rather I try and get this working first.

    If anybody has any links, or knows anything about this, it would be greatly appreciated!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1202553.html

  12. Opera = virus or spyware?

    Date: 01/04/07 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: html, virus, spyware, google

    If I do a Google search by typing g whatever in the Opera address bar, I'm now getting a 403 Forbidden response, with an apology page:

    We're sorry...

    ... but your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now.
    Then there's a captcha - "To continue searching, please type the characters you see below:"

    I'm reasonably sure that the problem isn't a virus or spyware, but Google being suspicious of the Opera searches, so... Yuk!

    Is this happening to anyone else?

    Update: This seems to be related to where Google sees your request originating, and not anything to do with Opera. Apologies. It seems that Google has been doing this for quite a while. More info: http://www.spy.org.uk/spyblog/2005/06/stupid_google_virusspyware_cap.html

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/opera_browser/63728.html

  13. Having a problem with Google ads

    Date: 01/06/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: web, google

    Hi folks:

    Can you go to this web site: www.kevinredden.name, and tell me if you see google ads below the animated ad on the right? I'm having an awful time getting these to work. Sometimes I can get them on Firefox, sometimes on IE, sometimes both. Sometimes never.

    I've tested this template with Firefox, Mozilla (in order to have a clean install using the geco engine) and IE 6. It's never consistent however. So I'm stumped on what's the problem. Anyone got any good ideas?

    - Kc

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/381543.html

  14. iFrames

    Date: 01/09/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: google

    Greets folks, messing around with iFrames and while I'm sure the answer is quite simple, Google and I can't seem to find it. Anyways, here's the plan:

    I have a list of links and I wish for these links to load within the iFrame.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1206573.html

  15. Samsung Mobile Phones Will Integrate Google Search, Maps & GMail

    Date: 01/10/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: google

    Beginning in early 2007, selected Samsung phones are being provided with a range of Google products and services aimed to “create a more dynamic user experience”, including: Google search: Samsung handsets will include a GoogleTM icon in the application menu, providing users with one-click access to search Google Maps for mobile: Google Maps for mobile allows users [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/samsung-mobile-phones-will-integrate-google-search-maps-gmail/

  16. Rich 3D imagery added to Google Earth

    Date: 01/10/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Google encourages users to help it create a "life-like 3D model of the whole planet."

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6149105.html

  17. Unable to Remove Programs

    Date: 01/15/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: spyware, google

    hey guys,

    There are a few programs that I see in the Add/Remove Programs window that I cannot remove. They are not all sneaky spyware. One of them is a game I had deleted from the Program Files without officially uninstalling. So, when I tried uninstalling it now, it gave me two kinds of warnings: 1) cannot find the installation log 2)no change after uninstaller is finished. When I reboot and look into the Add/Remove, the program is still there. However, a Google Desktop Search showed me there are no folders associated with these programs anywhere on the computer.

    I'm not an expert on operating systems but starting with these symptoms I figured that this is a problem with the system registry. A phantom DLL is haunting my computer, and to eradicate this phantom I must find the associated DLL files and delete them. But, as I said I'm not an expert--and without Scooby Doo on my side I can't go ghost hunting--so there can be something I'm overlooking.

    btw, I Googled this before coming here and didn't find a good suggestion other than using HijackThis to stamp out the adware-like apps, which is not very useful to me. What are your thoughts on this? Has it happened to any of you?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1022777.html

  18. Google, Yahoo gain share in U.S. Web search market

    Date: 01/16/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web, google

    Google increases its share of the U.S. Web search market to 47.4 percent with a gain of 0.4 percent during December.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6150230.html

  19. Is Google AdSense Losing Its Relevance?

    Date: 01/16/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: yahoo, google

    Google AdSense is known for its uncanny relevance in serving context sensitive ads. Its competitors like Yahoo Publisher Network and Kontera aren’t being able to make significant inroads to AdSense / AdWords customer based primarily due to relevance, perceived or otherwise. However recently I am starting to see completely irrelevant ads as far as contextuality. [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/is-google-adsense-losing-its-relevance/

  20. Front-End Web Dev Interview Questions

    Date: 01/16/07 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: css, html, java, web, google

    Hi, folks. I just found out that in roughly 26 hours, I'll have to interview someone for a job at my company. That is to say, I already have a job. We're hiring someone else to do more-or-less what I already do, which is JavaScript and AJAX web development. (I occasionally have to mess with HTML, CSS and images, but that's a secondary duty.)

    I've tried a few Google searches involving words like "javascript" and "ajax" prepended to "interview questions" and gotten some pretty hideous results, so I thought I'd ask here: What do you think would be good questions to ask? What questions would you ask a prospective employee for such a position? Ideally, I want to be able to figure out:

    1. Does this guy actually know his stuff, or has he padded his résumé?
    2. What's his coding and architecture philosophy like? Aside from simply knowing JS, will he actually write good code, rather than some kludged-up mess?
    3. Will he be good to work with?
    I want to figure out the whole shebang, and that can certainly include asking him to write sample code, as far as I'm concerned. So, what would you all suggest for questions?

    (Cross-posted to '[info]'webdev.)
  21. Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/125319.html

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