1. New good project

    Date: 02/19/07 (Apache)    Keywords: php, rss, web

    Hello! I would like to provide new project for webmasters and php-developers scriptmafia.org
    You can read rss-translation in LiveJournal '[info]'scriptmafia

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/apache/35933.html

  2. New good project

    Date: 02/19/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, rss, web

    Hello! I would like to provide new project for webmasters and php-developers scriptmafia.org
    You can read rss-translation in LiveJournal '[info]'scriptmafia

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/543053.html

  3. Rss in a Div

    Date: 02/20/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, rss, html, web

    Does anybody have any good online tutorials of how to display a rss/atom feed in a div on a html page. I have found one or two using ajax and php rss parser but I have never done this before therefore I want some options other than the one I have found.

    Has anyone used SimplePie to integrate rss feeds?

    Basically I have a wordpress blog as a part of my website and I want to dynamically pull a few posts to display on my index page.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/387911.html

  4. Change thunderbird hotkeys?

    Date: 02/21/07 (Mozilla)    Keywords: rss

    I am using Thunderbird to read numerous email accounts, some of which get mail that I really don't need to read, but don't want to delete either. Also, I use the RSS reader functions as well.... So I end up doing a LOT of "mark folder read" operations. This is actually rather slow. There's no single-key way to do it! I can either right-click, run down to "Mark Folder Read", or hit "ctrl-shift-c"....

    What I'd like is some way to map this to a SINGLE hotkey  - so I can just do the op with a single keyboard stroke. Anybody know how this might be achieved?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mozilla/385362.html

  5. List of Feed Aggregators / RSS Readers Supporting HTTPS/SSL & HTTP Authentication

    Date: 02/22/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: rss

    This is a major list of Feed Aggregators / RSS Readers supporting HTTPS URL and/or HTTP Authentication. RSS Reader / Feed Aggregator HTTPS/SSL HTTP Authentification SharpReader Yes No NetNewsWire Yes Yes (through URL) NewzCrawler No Yes NewsGator Yes Yes AmphetaDesk No No FeedDemon Yes Yes (through URL) Radio Userland Yes Yes (through URL) Synderalla No No Can you suggest new entires for this list?

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/list-of-feed-aggregators-rss-readers-supporting-httpsssl-http-authentication/

  6. php and meta tags

    Date: 02/24/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, rss, google

    First, I want to say thanks for the help on my previous post.

    I now have another question that I have just noticed.
    When I try to do a search using google for my site, it now only shows
    the title and the url, no description anymore. It has happened since I made my site a php site.
    The question is, so I put the meta tags in the topmenu that is included in each area of my page or does the meta tags need to go else where?
    I heard about a meta.php but not sure how to get one started, will this one work?

    The meta tags are in my topmenu.php
    my index page at the top as include ('topmenu.php');

    www.cardeologist.com is the site I am talking about.
    It also does it for my subdomain too:

    When I do searches.

    This is what comes up for mine:

    steve patterson collector of business cards
    www.cardeologist.com/ - Similar pages - Filter

    instead of something like this:

    rss feed for youtube videos by cardeologist http
    http://youtube.com/?v=i2OsEBVzpwA Thu, 18 Jan 2007 08:12:52 -0800 Missy the Cat takes a treat cardeologist black cat missy treat trick animal knoxville ...
    www.youtube.com/rss/user/cardeologist/videos.rss - 33k - Cached - Similar pages - Filter

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/544942.html

  7. Site Search Engine

    Date: 02/25/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, rss, xml, web

    I was wondering if there is a good place to use a php
    site search engine that will search your web site.
    I found a grep one and put it here:
    but, it will show some files I don't want it to, like my
    sitemap.xml and my rss file, robots.txt file, etc.
    Is there a better one or a way to disallow files?
    And if I wanted to add subdomains, can I do that?

    Search cardelogist.com:

    " method="post">
    value="" size="20"

    if (! empty($searchstr)) {
    // empty() is used to check if we've any search string.
    // If we do, call grep and display the results.
    echo '

    // Call grep with case-insensitive search mode on all files
    $cmdstr = "grep -i $searchstr *";
    $fp = popen($cmdstr, 'r'); // open the output of command as a pipe
    $myresult = array(); // to hold my search results
    while ($buffer = fgetss($fp, 4096)) {
    // grep returns in the format
    // filename: line
    // So, we use split() to split the data
    list($fname, $fline) = split(':', $buffer, 2);
    // we take only the first hit per file
    if (! defined($myresult[$fname])) {
    $myresult[$fname] = $fline;
    // we have results in a hash. lets walk through it and print it
    if (count($myresult)) {
    echo '

      while (list($fname, $fline) = each ($myresult)) {
      echo "
    1. $fname : $fline
    2. \n";
      echo '

    } else {
    // no hits
    echo "Sorry. Search on $searchstr
    returned no results.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/545756.html

  8. Downloading data

    Date: 03/16/07 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: mysql, rss, browser, sql

    [edit] - solved in comments

    I've got a project I'm working on where results can be downloaded to a CSV file. I found the code here.

    Here is my code:

    $rsSearchResults = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
    $out = '';	
    $fields = mysql_list_fields('dataprod_a5data_com','canman');	
    $columns = mysql_num_fields($fields);		
    // Put the name of all fields	
    for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) {	
    	$l=mysql_field_name($fields, $i);	
    	$out .= '"'.$l.'",';	
    $out .="\n";		
    // Add all values in the table
    while ($l = mysql_fetch_array($rsSearchResults)) {	
    	for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) {	
    		$out .='"'.$l["$i"].'",';	
    	$out .="\n";
    // Output to browser with appropriate mime type, you choose ;)	
    //header("Content-type: text/x-csv");	
    //header("Content-type: text/csv");	
    header("Content-type: application/csv");	
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=search_results.csv");	
    echo $out;	
    $q2 = mysql_query("UPDATE canman_users SET CurrentDownloads = '".$currentdownloads."' WHERE Username = '".$un."'");

    What I am wanting to do is not have all of the columns in the downloaded file. I have tried only including the columns I want in the select statement but all the data ends up being moved over by however many columns are missing - for example, the BusinessName column data ends up under the ID column heading. Is there anyway that I can exclude the certain columns when it's pulling out the column names and adding them to $out?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/111700.html

  9. gooooooogle

    Date: 03/29/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: rss, google

    what RSS feeds do you have on your list?

    do any of you use netvibes or the google start page, what does yours have on it?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1237390.html

  10. RSS feed into personal LJ?

    Date: 03/29/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: rss

    Does anyone know of a solution whereby I can have an RSS feed of another blog I write automatically feed into my personal LJ?

    I know how to create a syndicated LJ account, but what I'd really like is to have all posts on this other blog come into my personal LJ via the RSS feed. Even better would be if I could also have the import set a tag and/or apply a custom filter, but that might be asking too much.

    I'm prepared to run an external tool to have this happen, if necessary.

    Anyone clueful?

    EDIT: Yes, I know there are solutions for Wordpress. I am not running Wordpress. I'm running a custom blog system that exports as RSS 2.0 - I'd like something exactly like the Wordpress solutions that uses, instead, RSS as the input. I'll end up writing it myself if I have to, but if I want it, I suspect someone else has wanted it, too, and might have already done it.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1054458.html

  11. How To Install RSSOwl (High Quality Feed Reader) in Fedora Core 6 / Linux

    Date: 04/11/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: rss, java, linux

    RSSOwl is a high quality cross-platform (written in java; uses swt library) RSS / Atom Feed reader which is a superior free alternative to Newzcrawler or Feedreader for linux. Fedora Core 6 provides an RPM distribution for it, which doesn’t work, and you can install it simply by: yum install rssowl However as you may have guessed [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-install-rssowl-high-quality-feed-reader-in-fedora-core-6-linux/

  12. NBC Universal looks to feed off Rmail

    Date: 05/01/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: rss, technology

    Media company buys small firm whose technology converts RSS feeds to e-mail; aim is to use it to analyze customer preferences.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6180470.html

  13. csrss.exe

    Date: 05/06/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: rss, software, virus, web, spyware, google

    I'm trying to help my Mom out with her computer.

    She bought a Sony Vaio desktop in Winter 2003/2004 at Best Buy. She bought it to replace the Gateway desktop that my brothers had basically killed. She intended for them to use the old computer and she'd use the new one - but slowly my brothers got hold of her computer too.

    We ran a virus scan this week and she had something like 30+ "threats" that were spyware, adware, or viruses.

    I backed up all her photos to CDs and then used the Vaio Recovery Wizard which is supposed to restore your compute to the day the factory built it.

    Now her 30+ threats are gone (where Norton couldn't get rid of them before), but she's still getting the same error message when she starts up her computer (she has to hit F2 to get to some screen - then from that screen she has to hit Esc and then Enter), but she's gotten used to that (I have no idea what the hell happened there!) All night, every couple minutes, she's been getting these error messages saying that she needs a registry cleaner, that there's an error, etc.

    We Ctrl-Alt-Del to get the Task Manager up and click on the error message to find the process. The process is csrss.exe. I Googled it and it says that is a normal System file - but if it's located elsewhere it's a virus. Well, it is located in the folder it's supposed to be in, but she's constantly getting these messages. They're telling her that her system is corrupted and she needs to go to a website to download a registry cleaner. We tried about 3 of those web addresses, but she keeps just getting software that finds errors, but won't let her fix them unless she pays $39.95 (or whatever that particular program charges) for the program.

    Any ideas? Should she pay for one of those programs? Should she just keep ignoring the pop-ups? Or should she just suck it up, bring her computer to Best Buy / Geek Squad, and have them fix it for her?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/776012.html

  14. RSS feed nuisance

    Date: 05/17/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: rss, html, web

    ok. im getting more and more into this web-design thing and its just confusing me now.i'm not advanced but im not an idiot and until now i've usually been able to figure stuff out.
    this RSS feed set up is really messing with me. i have a website (www.avivalaloca.com) and i have a blog on that site (http://avivalaloca.com/id5.html)
    i want to use www.rssfwd.com so people dont have to look at my blog every day to see if i've posted, but i cant get it to work. if anyone knows of something that is better than rssfwd.com that'll do the same thing, then please let me know.

    i believe what i need to do is get the orange "RSS" box to show up where i type in http://avivalaloca.com/id5.html (at the end of the website, i use safari).
    how do i do that?
    i've read websites and other tutorials and its a bit beyond me. if someone is willing to help me through the process and make sure it works and fix this "problem" for me i'd even be willing to pay a bit. i really need this set up before tuesday (may 22).

    thank you and please feel free to email me (avivalaloca @ mac. com) with any ideas or just post here.

    much appreciated!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/408672.html

  15. RSS feed nuisance

    Date: 05/17/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: rss, html, web

    ok. im getting more and more into this web-design thing and its just confusing me now.i'm not advanced but im not an idiot and until now i've usually been able to figure stuff out.
    this RSS feed set up is really messing with me. i have a website (www.avivalaloca.com) and i have a blog on that site (http://avivalaloca.com/id5.html)
    i want to use www.rssfwd.com so people dont have to look at my blog every day to see if i've posted, but i cant get it to work. if anyone knows of something that is better than rssfwd.com that'll do the same thing, then please let me know.

    i believe what i need to do is get the orange "RSS" box to show up where i type in http://avivalaloca.com/id5.html (at the end of the website, i use safari).
    how do i do that?
    i've read websites and other tutorials and its a bit beyond me. if someone is willing to help me through the process and make sure it works and fix this "problem" for me i'd even be willing to pay a bit. i really need this set up before tuesday (may 22).

    thank you and please feel free to email me (avivalaloca @ mac. com) with any ideas or just post here.

    much appreciated!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1258109.html

  16. Consensus need not lead to monopoly

    Date: 05/21/07 (Open Source)    Keywords: rss

    Markets tend to evolve naturally toward monopoly or something much like it. Does a consensus process need to do that? Not necessarily. I take as my example a tool on this very page -- RSS. RSS lets you subscribe to blog feeds like this one, and enjoy may feeds quickly in a newsreader ...

    Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/zdnet/open-source/~3/118432328/

  17. Double dose of questions

    Date: 05/21/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: rss, software, html, java, web, spyware, yahoo, microsoft, google

    I have two computering questions I hope I can find assistance for. One is for me, and one is for my mom.

    Mine: I have a Digital Camera with an Lexar Media 32MB MMC Memory Card. I put the card in the slot in my computer, it reads it, everything is dandy. I take the card out, go take some more pictures. Come back to my computer, stick the card back in, and...NOTHING. Light doesn't come on, card isn't seen. I make sure to use the proper removal procedure each time (stopping the process so the light goes off). The only way to make my computer see the card after it's already seen it once is to completely restart. You can imagine how annoying that is...help!

    Mom's: My mother has a worse problem. Her computer randomly crashes. Completely shuts down and starts again. She has no idea why.

    I had her run Hijack This, and here is her log.

    Running processes:
    C:\Program Files\Connected\AgentSrv.EXE
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\ACS\AOLAcsd.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\TopSpeed\2.0\aoltsmon.exe
    C:\Program Files\Google\Common\Google Updater\GoogleUpdaterService.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\TopSpeed\2.0\aoltpspd.exe
    C:\Program Files\Spyware Doctor\svcntaux.exe
    C:\Program Files\Spyware Doctor\swdsvc.exe
    C:\Program Files\Viewpoint\Common\ViewpointService.exe
    C:\Program Files\Spyware Doctor\SDTrayApp.exe
    C:\Program Files\Viewpoint\Viewpoint Manager\ViewMgr.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\1164233735\ee\AOLSoftware.exe
    C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe
    C:\Program Files\HP\hpcoretech\hpcmpmgr.exe
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Album Starter Edition\3.0\Apps\apdproxy.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Real\Update_OB\realsched.exe
    C:\Program Files\Google\Google Desktop Search\GoogleDesktop.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\issch.exe
    C:\Documents and Settings\Mom\Desktop\Winamp\winampa.exe
    C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_01\bin\jusched.exe
    C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe
    C:\Program Files\Gamevance\gamevance32.exe
    C:\Program Files\WeatherStudio Desktop\bin\WeatherStudio Desktop.exe
    C:\Program Files\Messenger\MSMSGS.EXE
    C:\Program Files\The Weather Channel FW\Desktop Weather\DesktopWeather.exe
    C:\Program Files\AIM6\aim6.exe
    C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboTaskBarIcon.exe
    C:\Program Files\Google\Google Desktop Search\GoogleDesktop.exe
    C:\Program Files\AIM6\aolsoftware.exe
    c:\program files\common files\aol\1164233735\ee\services\antiSpywareApp\ver2_0_32_1\AOLSP Scheduler.exe
    c:\program files\common files\aol\1164233735\ee\aolsoftware.exe
    C:\Program Files\Connected\CBSysTray.exe
    C:\Program Files\Google\Google Updater\GoogleUpdater.exe
    C:\Program Files\LimeWire\LimeWire.exe
    C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 2.1\program\soffice.exe
    C:\Program Files\Webshots\webshots.scr
    C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 2.1\program\soffice.BIN
    c:\program files\common files\aol\1164233735\ee\anotify.exe
    C:\Program Files\AOL 9.0b\waol.exe
    C:\Program Files\AOL 9.0b\shellmon.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\Topspeed\3.0\aoltpsd3.exe
    C:\Documents and Settings\Mom\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\89ABCDEB\HiJackThis_v2[1].exe
    R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyOverride =
    R3 - URLSearchHook: AOLTBSearch Class - {EA756889-2338-43DB-8F07-D1CA6FB9C90D} - C:\Program Files\AOL\AOL Toolbar 5.0\aoltb.dll
    R3 - URLSearchHook: (no name) - {00A6FAF6-072E-44cf-8957-5838F569A31D} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\SrchAstt\5.bin\MWSSRCAS.DLL
    R3 - URLSearchHook: Yahoo! Toolbar - {EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88} - C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn0\yt.dll
    O2 - BHO: (no name) - (AÕ - (no file)
    O2 - BHO: (no name) - hBÕ - (no file)
    O2 - BHO: (no name) - rsion - (no file)
    O2 - BHO: (no name) - xAÕ - (no file)
    O2 - BHO: MyWebSearch Search Assistant BHO - {00A6FAF1-072E-44cf-8957-5838F569A31D} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\SrchAstt\5.bin\MWSSRCAS.DLL
    O2 - BHO: &Yahoo! Toolbar Helper - {02478D38-C3F9-4EFB-9B51-7695ECA05670} - C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn0\yt.dll
    O2 - BHO: Adobe PDF Reader Link Helper - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroIEHelper.dll
    O2 - BHO: mwsBar BHO - {07B18EA1-A523-4961-B6BB-170DE4475CCA} - C:\Program Files\MyWebSearch\bar\5.bin\MWSBAR.DLL
    O2 - BHO: BizFormBarBHO Class - {43A7096B-0623-4BC1-98AD-2BF037902E07} - C:\Program Files\BizForm Bar\Toolbar\vsns.dll
    O2 - BHO: (no name) - {6F45AEA2-9C81-4832-8390-7134102B8DE5} - C:\Program Files\WeatherStudio Desktop\bin\WeatherStudio Desktop.dll
    O2 - BHO: (no name) - {724d43a9-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} - C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\roboform.dll
    O2 - BHO: SSVHelper Class - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_01\bin\ssv.dll
    O2 - BHO: AOL Toolbar Launcher - {7C554162-8CB7-45A4-B8F4-8EA1C75885F9} - C:\Program Files\AOL\AOL Toolbar 5.0\aoltb.dll
    O2 - BHO: Viewpoint Toolbar BHO - {A7327C09-B521-4EDB-8509-7D2660C9EC98} - C:\Program Files\Viewpoint\Viewpoint Toolbar\3.8.0\ViewBarBHO.dll
    O2 - BHO: Google Toolbar Notifier BHO - {AF69DE43-7D58-4638-B6FA-CE66B5AD205D} - C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\2.0.301.5672\swg.dll
    O2 - BHO: (no name) - {FFDD804F-A7F8-4395-93D2-66A85DA2BDAB} - C:\Program Files\WeatherStudio348\bin\WeatherStudio348.dll
    O2 - BHO: (no name) - ø@Õ - (no file)
    O3 - Toolbar: Yahoo! Toolbar - {EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88} - C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn0\yt.dll
    O3 - Toolbar: &Google - {2318C2B1-4965-11d4-9B18-009027A5CD4F} - c:\program files\google\googletoolbar3.dll
    O3 - Toolbar: Viewpoint Toolbar - {F8AD5AA5-D966-4667-9DAF-2561D68B2012} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Viewpoint\Toolbar Runtime\3.8.0\IEViewBar.dll
    O3 - Toolbar: WeatherStudio Toolbar - {15757333-2BCA-4B77-A807-D0955132F812} - C:\Program Files\WeatherStudio348\bin\WeatherStudio348.dll
    O3 - Toolbar: Webshots Toolbar - {C17590D2-ECB4-4b15-8820-F58798DCC118} - C:\Program Files\Webshots\WSToolbar4IE.dll
    O3 - Toolbar: BizForm Bar - {C46CED39-05C9-40C3-88D1-E07AB8128E02} - C:\Program Files\BizForm Bar\Toolbar\BizFormBar.dll
    O3 - Toolbar: AOL Toolbar - {DE9C389F-3316-41A7-809B-AA305ED9D922} - C:\Program Files\AOL\AOL Toolbar 5.0\aoltb.dll
    O3 - Toolbar: &RoboForm - {724d43a0-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} - C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\roboform.dll
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IgfxTray] C:\WINDOWS\System32\igfxtray.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HotKeysCmds] C:\WINDOWS\System32\hkcmd.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HostManager] C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\1164233735\ee\AOLSoftware.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [AOLDialer] C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\ACS\AOLDial.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HPHUPD05] C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\{5372B9A6-6E51-4f90-9B40-E0A3B8475C4E}\hphupd05.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HP Component Manager] "C:\Program Files\HP\hpcoretech\hpcmpmgr.exe"
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HPHmon05] C:\WINDOWS\system32\hphmon05.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [wcmdmgr] C:\WINDOWS\wt\updater\wcmdmgrl.exe -launch
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HPDJ Taskbar Utility] C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\hpztsb09.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Pure Networks Port Magic] "C:\PROGRA~1\PURENE~1\PORTMA~1\PortAOL.exe" -Run
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [My Web Search Bar] rundll32 C:\PROGRA~1\MYWEBS~1\bar\5.bin\MWSBAR.DLL,S
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [MyWebSearch Email Plugin] C:\PROGRA~1\MYWEBS~1\bar\5.bin\mwsoemon.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Adobe Photo Downloader] "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Album Starter Edition\3.0\Apps\apdproxy.exe"
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [tray"] "C:\Program Files\CodedColor\byngo.exe /tray"
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [googletalk] C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe /autostart
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [TkBellExe] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Real\Update_OB\realsched.exe"  -osboot
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Google Desktop Search] "C:\Program Files\Google\Google Desktop Search\GoogleDesktop.exe" /startup
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ISUSPM Startup] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\isuspm.exe" -startup
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ISUSScheduler] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\issch.exe" -start
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SDTray] "C:\Program Files\Spyware Doctor\SDTrayApp.exe"
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [WinampAgent] C:\Documents and Settings\Mom\Desktop\Winamp\winampa.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [KernelFaultCheck] %systemroot%\system32\dumprep 0 -k
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_01\bin\jusched.exe"
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HP Software Update] C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Gamevance] C:\Program Files\Gamevance\gamevance32.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [WeatherStudio Desktop] "C:\Program Files\WeatherStudio Desktop\bin\WeatherStudio Desktop.exe"
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [MSMSGS] "C:\Program Files\Messenger\MSMSGS.EXE" /background
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [swg] C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\GoogleToolbarNotifier.exe
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [MyWebSearch Email Plugin] C:\PROGRA~1\MYWEBS~1\bar\5.bin\mwsoemon.exe
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [DW4] "C:\Program Files\The Weather Channel FW\Desktop Weather\DesktopWeather.exe"
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Aim6] "C:\Program Files\AIM6\aim6.exe" /d locale=en-US ee://aol/imApp
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [AOL Fast Start] "C:\Program Files\AOL 9.0b\AOL.EXE" -b
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [RoboForm] "C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboTaskBarIcon.exe"
    O4 - Startup: LimeWire On Startup.lnk = C:\Program Files\LimeWire\LimeWire.exe
    O4 - Startup: OpenOffice.org 2.1.lnk = C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 2.1\program\quickstart.exe
    O4 - Startup: Webshots.lnk = C:\Program Files\Webshots\Launcher.exe
    O4 - Global Startup: Adobe Reader Speed Launch.lnk = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\reader_sl.exe
    O4 - Global Startup: Adobe Reader Synchronizer.lnk = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AdobeCollabSync.exe
    O4 - Global Startup: Connected TaskBar Icon.LNK = C:\Program Files\Connected\CBSysTray.exe
    O4 - Global Startup: Google Updater.lnk = C:\Program Files\Google\Google Updater\GoogleUpdater.exe
    O8 - Extra context menu item: &AOL Toolbar Search - c:\program files\aol\aol toolbar 5.0\resources\en-US\local\search.html
    O8 - Extra context menu item: &Search - http://edits.mywebsearch.com/toolbaredits/menusearch.jhtml?p=ZUxdm020YYUS
    O8 - Extra context menu item: &Webshots Photo Search - res://C:\Program Files\Webshots\WSToolbar4IE.dll/MENUSEARCH.HTM
    O8 - Extra context menu item: Add to Google Photos Screensa&ver - res://C:\WINDOWS\system32\GPhotos.scr/200
    O8 - Extra context menu item: Customize Menu - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComCustomizeIEMenu.html
    O8 - Extra context menu item: Fill Forms - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComFillForms.html
    O8 - Extra context menu item: RoboForm Toolbar - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComShowToolbar.html
    O8 - Extra context menu item: Save Forms - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComSavePass.html
    O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_01\bin\ssv.dll
    O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Sun Java Console - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_01\bin\ssv.dll
    O9 - Extra button: Fill Forms - {320AF880-6646-11D3-ABEE-C5DBF3571F46} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComFillForms.html
    O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Fill Forms - {320AF880-6646-11D3-ABEE-C5DBF3571F46} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComFillForms.html
    O9 - Extra button: Save - {320AF880-6646-11D3-ABEE-C5DBF3571F49} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComSavePass.html
    O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Save Forms - {320AF880-6646-11D3-ABEE-C5DBF3571F49} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComSavePass.html
    O9 - Extra button: AOL Toolbar - {3369AF0D-62E9-4bda-8103-B4C75499B578} - C:\Program Files\AOL\AOL Toolbar 5.0\aoltb.dll
    O9 - Extra button: RoboForm - {724d43aa-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComShowToolbar.html
    O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: RoboForm Toolbar - {724d43aa-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComShowToolbar.html
    O9 - Extra button: Real.com - {CD67F990-D8E9-11d2-98FE-00C0F0318AFE} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\Shdocvw.dll
    O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
    O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
    O16 - DPF: {17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700} (Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool) - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=39204
    O16 - DPF: {1D4DB7D2-6EC9-47A3-BD87-1E41684E07BB} - http://ak.exe.imgfarm.com/images/nocache/funwebproducts/ei/WebfettiInitialSetup1.0.0.15-3.cab
    O16 - DPF: {26FCCDF9-A7E1-452A-A73D-7BF7B4D0BA6C} (AOL Pictures Uploader Class) - http://o.aolcdn.com/pictures/ap/Resources/
    O16 - DPF: {2E12FB00-546B-4EE3-9CC2-057BF02E1C17} (Webshots Multiple Media Uploader - Container) - http://community.webshots.com/html/atx/wsaxcontrol.cab
    O16 - DPF: {615F158E-D5CA-422F-A8E7-F6A5EED7063B} (Bejeweled Control) - http://www.worldwinner.com/games/v46/bejeweled/bejeweled.cab
    O16 - DPF: {6414512B-B978-451D-A0D8-FCFDF33E833C} (WUWebControl Class) - http://update.microsoft.com/windowsupdate/v6/V5Controls/en/x86/client/wuweb_site.cab?1163702804843
    O16 - DPF: {7CCAD6DD-DD0B-440B-91FF-7670F5AADC21} (SpinTop Games Launcher) - http://aolsvc.aol.com/onlinegames/free-trial-mystery-solitaire-secret-island/SpinTopGamesLauncher.cab
    O16 - DPF: {87056D28-9730-4A47-B9F9-7E890B62C58A} (WildfireActiveXHost Class) - http://real.gamehouse.com/games/tumblebugs/axhost.cab
    O16 - DPF: {8A94C905-FF9D-43B6-8708-F0F22D22B1CB} (Wwlaunch Control) - http://www.worldwinner.com/games/shared/wwlaunch.cab
    O16 - DPF: {A91FB93D-7561-4524-8484-5C27C8FA8D42} (WwLuxor Control) - http://www.worldwinner.com/games/v49/luxor/luxor.cab
    O16 - DPF: {BAE1D8DF-0B35-47E3-A1E7-EEB3FF2ECD19} (CPlayFirstddfotgControl Object) - http://aolsvc.aol.com/onlinegames/free-trial-diner-dash-flo-on-the-go/ddfotg.
    O16 - DPF: {BFF1950D-B1B4-4AE8-B842-B2CCF06D9A1B} (Zylom Games Player) - http://aolsvc.aol.com/onlinegames/ghbabeldeluxe/zylomplayer.cab
    O16 - DPF: {DF780F87-FF2B-4DF8-92D0-73DB16A1543A} (PopCapLoader Object) - http://aolsvc.aol.com/onlinegames/popzuma/popcaploader_v10.cab
    O16 - DPF: {E8F628B5-259A-4734-97EE-BA914D7BE941} (Driver Agent ActiveX Control) - http://www.driveragent.com/files/driveragent.cab
    O16 - DPF: {FA13A9FA-CA9B-11D2-9780-00104B242EA3} (WildTangent Control) - file://D:\games\WebDriverFullInstall.exe
    O20 - AppInit_DLLs: C:\PROGRA~1\Google\GO333C~1\GOEC62~1.DLL
    O22 - SharedTaskScheduler: Browseui preloader - {438755C2-A8BA-11D1-B96B-00A0C90312E1} - C:\WINDOWS\System32\browseui.dll
    O22 - SharedTaskScheduler: Component Categories cache daemon - {8C7461EF-2B13-11d2-BE35-3078302C2030} - C:\WINDOWS\System32\browseui.dll
    O23 - Service: Connected Agent Service (AgentSrv) - Connected Corporation - C:\Program Files\Connected\AgentSrv.EXE
    O23 - Service: AOL Connectivity Service (AOL ACS) - AOL LLC - C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\ACS\AOLAcsd.exe
    O23 - Service: AOL TopSpeed Monitor (AOL TopSpeedMonitor) - America Online, Inc - C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\TopSpeed\2.0\aoltsmon.exe
    O23 - Service: Google Updater Service (gusvc) - Google - C:\Program Files\Google\Common\Google Updater\GoogleUpdaterService.exe
    O23 - Service: Pml Driver HPZ12 - HP - C:\WINDOWS\system32\HPZipm12.exe
    O23 - Service: Spyware Doctor Auxiliary Service (sdAuxService) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\Spyware Doctor\svcntaux.exe
    O23 - Service: Spyware Doctor Service (sdCoreService) - PC Tools - C:\Program Files\Spyware Doctor\swdsvc.exe
    O23 - Service: Viewpoint Manager Service - Viewpoint Corporation - C:\Program Files\Viewpoint\Common\ViewpointService.exe

    Thanks for any help any of you can provide!

    PS - As far as my mother's problem, you can ask me questions about it but understand there may be a slight delay as far as getting back with her.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/780942.html

  18. Linux / Fedora: How To Freeze Packages From Yum Update in 3 Steps

    Date: 05/27/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: rss, software

    RPM based systems like RedHat, Fedora or CentOS often have the system configured for automatic updates. This ensures that your software is always upto date. However sometimes there are software you don’t want to update via yum update like for example RSSOwl. RSSOwl, for example, currently has a broken rpm distribution in extras repository. Standard [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/linux-fedora-how-to-freeze-packages-from-yum-update-in-3-steps/

  19. Serious lagging issues

    Date: 05/30/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: rss, software, html, java, security, virus, web, spyware, yahoo, microsoft

    This may be a basic problem, but it's an extremely frustrating one.

    There are times using my computer when it is just extremely lag-gy. One of the primary times is when I come back to it and wake it from the screen saver. Let me give you an example of a usual situation, as it happened just now.

    I came in to the computer room to look up something on the computer. It came out of the screen saver, and was sitting on a FireFox screen. I went to file and New Window, and it took THIRTY-FIVE SECONDS to open a new FireFox window. Once it dragged itself through all that it's fine, but that's a terribly annoying problem to have.

    Heh, I just went to the search function to find Hijack This, and it took 17 seconds for the Search window to come up! It hasn't always been this way, things used to pop right up! Now, I know that a reformat would probably fix it all but...wow that can be a headache. Could it be anything else?

    I am running a Compaq Presario with a 3200+ AMD Athlon XP Processor and Windows XP. 512 MB SDRAM, 200GB HD.

    Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
    Scan saved at 5:37:15 PM, on 5/30/2007
    Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
    MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

    Running processes:
    c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccProxy.exe
    c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccSetMgr.exe
    c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccEvtMgr.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\TopSpeed\2.0\aoltsmon.exe
    C:\Program Files\Gizmo Project for LJ Talk\mDNSResponder.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\TopSpeed\2.0\aoltpspd.exe
    C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\cvpnd.exe
    C:\Program Files\Network Associates\Common Framework\FrameworkService.exe
    C:\Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan\Mcshield.exe
    C:\Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan\VsTskMgr.exe
    C:\Program Files\Network Associates\Common Framework\naPrdMgr.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7DEBUG\MDM.EXE
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ulead Systems\DVD\ULCDRSvr.exe
    c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\Security Center\SymWSC.exe
    C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe
    C:\Program Files\Winamp\winampa.exe
    C:\Program Files\AIM\aim.exe
    C:\Program Files\AWS\WeatherBug\Weather.exe
    C:\Program Files\SUPERAntiSpyware\SUPERAntiSpyware.exe
    C:\Program Files\Semagic\LiveJournalU.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\1122012945\ee\aolsoftware.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\1122012945\ee\aolsoftware.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\ACS\AOLAcsd.exe
    c:\program files\common files\aol\1122012945\ee\aim6.exe
    C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\Topspeed\3.0\aoltpsd3.exe
    C:\Program Files\AOL 9.0\waol.exe
    C:\Program Files\AOL 9.0\shellmon.exe
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Real\Update_OB\realsched.exe
    C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner\Desktop\Sean\HijackThis_v1.99.1.exe

    R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://www.espn.com/
    R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = http://ie.redirect.hp.com/svs/rdr?TYPE=3&tp=iesearch&locale=EN_US&c=Q105&bd=presario&pf=desktop
    R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Window Title = Internet Explorer Provided by Cox High Speed Internet
    R3 - URLSearchHook: AOLTBSearch Class - {EA756889-2338-43DB-8F07-D1CA6FB9C90D} - C:\Program Files\AOL\AOL Toolbar 4.0\aoltb.dll
    F2 - REG:system.ini: UserInit=C:\WINDOWS\system32\Userinit.exe
    O2 - BHO: (no name) - {02DCA195-602B-4B1F-83FF-381B7E804BDB} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\HDBHO.dll
    O2 - BHO: Adobe PDF Reader Link Helper - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\ActiveX\AcroIEHelper.dll
    O2 - BHO: 1CPG Toolbar Opcode Handler - {29C88E20-4234-41B9-A9DB-982958C95FB1} - C:\Program Files\ZaberSoft\1ClickPicGrabber\1ClickPicGrabber.dll
    O2 - BHO: FloatBar Class - {75B1A646-CDCE-4C06-B52F-84F4463B4FC8} - C:\Program Files\ZaberSoft\1ClickPicGrabber\FloatBarFor1CPG.dll
    O2 - BHO: AOL Toolbar Launcher - {7C554162-8CB7-45A4-B8F4-8EA1C75885F9} - C:\Program Files\AOL\AOL Toolbar 4.0\aoltb.dll
    O2 - BHO: CNisExtBho Class - {9ECB9560-04F9-4bbc-943D-298DDF1699E1} - c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\AdBlocking\NISShExt.dll
    O3 - Toolbar: 1ClickPicGrabber - {D593DE91-7B41-45C2-830E-E9A99AB142AA} - C:\Program Files\ZaberSoft\1ClickPicGrabber\1ClickPicGrabber.dll
    O3 - Toolbar: AOL Toolbar - {DE9C389F-3316-41A7-809B-AA305ED9D922} - C:\Program Files\AOL\AOL Toolbar 4.0\aoltb.dll
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [TkBellExe] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Real\Update_OB\realsched.exe" -osboot
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NvCplDaemon] RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\system32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NeroFilterCheck] C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\Lib\NeroCheck.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [WinampAgent] C:\Program Files\Winamp\winampa.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HostManager] C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\1122012945\ee\AOLSoftware.exe
    O4 - HKLM\..\RunOnce: [AOLRebootNeeded] regsvr32.exe /S
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [AIM] C:\Program Files\AIM\aim.exe -cnetwait.odl
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ctfmon.exe] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Weather] C:\Program Files\AWS\WeatherBug\Weather.exe 1
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Aim6] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\Launch\AOLLaunch.exe" /d locale=en-US ee://aol/imApp /HIDEBL
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [AOL Fast Start] "C:\Program Files\AOL 9.0\AOL.EXE" -b
    O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [SUPERAntiSpyware] C:\Program Files\SUPERAntiSpyware\SUPERAntiSpyware.exe
    O8 - Extra context menu item: &1CPG Grab pictures on this page - res://C:\Program Files\ZaberSoft\1ClickPicGrabber\1ClickPicGrabber.dll/GRABPAGEPICS.HTM
    O8 - Extra context menu item: &AIM Search - res://C:\Program Files\AIM Toolbar\AIMBar.dll/aimsearch.htm
    O8 - Extra context menu item: &AOL Toolbar Search - c:\program files\aol\aol toolbar 4.0\resources\en-US\local\search.html
    O8 - Extra context menu item: &Select for PasteCards - res://C:\Program Files\ZaberSoft\1ClickPicGrabber\1ClickPicGrabber.dll/PASTECARDS.HTM
    O8 - Extra context menu item: 1C&PG Grab Target File - res://C:\Program Files\ZaberSoft\1ClickPicGrabber\1ClickPicGrabber.dll/GRABLINK.HTM
    O8 - Extra context menu item: 1C&PG Grab This Picture - res://C:\Program Files\ZaberSoft\1ClickPicGrabber\1ClickPicGrabber.dll/GRABPIC.HTM
    O8 - Extra context menu item: 1CPG Grab &movies on this page - res://C:\Program Files\ZaberSoft\1ClickPicGrabber\1ClickPicGrabber.dll/GRABPAGEMOVIES.HTM
    O8 - Extra context menu item: 1CPG Grab pict&ures this page links to - res://C:\Program Files\ZaberSoft\1ClickPicGrabber\1ClickPicGrabber.dll/GRABPAGELINKS.HTM
    O8 - Extra context menu item: Copy to Semagic - C:\Program Files\Semagic\copy.htm
    O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xport to Microsoft Excel - res://C:\PROGRA~1\MI1933~1\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE/3000
    O8 - Extra context menu item: Semagic - C:\Program Files\Semagic\link.htm
    O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_02\bin\npjpi150_02.dll
    O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Sun Java Console - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_02\bin\npjpi150_02.dll
    O9 - Extra button: AOL Toolbar - {3369AF0D-62E9-4bda-8103-B4C75499B578} - C:\Program Files\AOL\AOL Toolbar 4.0\aoltb.dll
    O9 - Extra button: AIM - {AC9E2541-2814-11d5-BC6D-00B0D0A1DE45} - C:\Program Files\AIM\aim.exe
    O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - %windir%\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe (file missing)
    O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: @xpsp3res.dll,-20001 - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - %windir%\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe (file missing)
    O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
    O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
    O16 - DPF: {17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700} (Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool) - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=39204
    O16 - DPF: {1A1F56AA-3401-46F9-B277-D57F3421F821} (FunGamesLoader Object) - http://www.worldwinner.com/games/v46/shared/FunGamesLoader.cab
    O16 - DPF: {26FCCDF9-A7E1-452A-A73D-7BF7B4D0BA6C} (AOL Pictures Uploader Class) - http://o.aolcdn.com/pictures/ap/Resources/
    O16 - DPF: {30528230-99f7-4bb4-88d8-fa1d4f56a2ab} (YInstStarter Class) - C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Common\yinsthelper.dll
    O16 - DPF: {3107C2A8-9F0B-4404-A58B-21BD85268FBC} (PogoWebLauncher Control) - http://game1.pogo.com/cdl/launcher/PogoWebLauncherInstaller.CAB
    O16 - DPF: {3A7FE611-1994-4EF1-A09F-99456752289D} (WildTangent Active Launcher) - http://install.wildtangent.com/ActiveLauncher/ActiveLauncher.cab
    O16 - DPF: {4A3CF76B-EC7A-405D-A67D-8DC6B52AB35B} (QDiagAOLCCUpdateObj Class) - http://aolcc.aol.com/computercheckup/qdiagcc.cab
    O16 - DPF: {615F158E-D5CA-422F-A8E7-F6A5EED7063B} (Bejeweled Control) - http://www.worldwinner.com/games/v45/bejeweled/bejeweled.cab
    O16 - DPF: {6E32070A-766D-4EE6-879C-DC1FA91D2FC3} (MUWebControl Class) - http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate/v6/V5Controls/en/x86/client/muweb_site.cab?1166005304468
    O16 - DPF: {8A94C905-FF9D-43B6-8708-F0F22D22B1CB} (Wwlaunch Control) - http://www.worldwinner.com/games/shared/wwlaunch.cab
    O16 - DPF: {9A065115-8F53-4588-AF1D-EF58AE736B3F} (AOL Newport ScreenSaver Ctrl) - http://o.aolcdn.com/pictures/ap/Resources/
    O16 - DPF: {A7ECD556-D6F6-4F41-8C6B-14AB246801A0} (Secure Delivery) - http://cdn.digitalcity.com/video/kdx.cab
    O16 - DPF: {BAE1D8DF-0B35-47E3-A1E7-EEB3FF2ECD19} (CPlayFirstddfotgControl Object) - http://aolsvc.aol.com/onlinegames/free-trial-diner-dash-flo-on-the-go/ddfotg.
    O16 - DPF: {C93C1C34-CEA9-49B1-9046-040F59E0E0D8} (Paint Control) - http://www.worldwinner.com/games/v42/paint/paint.cab
    O16 - DPF: {DC75FEF6-165D-4D25-A518-C8C4BDA7BAA6} (CPlayFirstDinerDashControl Object) - http://clubgames.pogo.com/online2/pogop/diner_dash/DinerDash.
    O16 - DPF: {DF780F87-FF2B-4DF8-92D0-73DB16A1543A} (PopCapLoader Object) - http://aolsvc.aol.com/onlinegames/bejeweled2/popcaploader_v10.cab
    O16 - DPF: {FE0BD779-44EE-4A4B-AA2E-743C63F2E5E6} (IWinAmpActiveX Class) - http://pdl.stream.aol.com/downloads/aol/unagi/ampx_en_dl.cab
    O20 - Winlogon Notify: !SASWinLogon - C:\Program Files\SUPERAntiSpyware\SASWINLO.dll
    O20 - Winlogon Notify: igfxcui - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\igfxsrvc.dll
    O20 - Winlogon Notify: WgaLogon - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WgaLogon.dll
    O21 - SSODL: WPDShServiceObj - {AAA288BA-9A4C-45B0-95D7-94D524869DB5} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\WPDShServiceObj.dll
    O23 - Service: AOL Connectivity Service (AOL ACS) - AOL LLC - C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\ACS\AOLAcsd.exe
    O23 - Service: AOL TopSpeed Monitor (AOL TopSpeedMonitor) - America Online, Inc - C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\TopSpeed\2.0\aoltsmon.exe
    O23 - Service: Bonjour Service - Apple Computer, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Gizmo Project for LJ Talk\mDNSResponder.exe
    O23 - Service: Symantec Event Manager (ccEvtMgr) - Symantec Corporation - c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccEvtMgr.exe
    O23 - Service: Symantec Network Proxy (ccProxy) - Symantec Corporation - c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccProxy.exe
    O23 - Service: Symantec Password Validation (ccPwdSvc) - Symantec Corporation - c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccPwdSvc.exe
    O23 - Service: Symantec Settings Manager (ccSetMgr) - Symantec Corporation - c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccSetMgr.exe
    O23 - Service: Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service (CVPND) - Cisco Systems, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\cvpnd.exe
    O23 - Service: InstallDriver Table Manager (IDriverT) - Macrovision Corporation - C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe
    O23 - Service: iPod Service - Apple Inc. - C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe
    O23 - Service: McAfee Framework Service (McAfeeFramework) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\Network Associates\Common Framework\FrameworkService.exe" /ServiceStart (file missing)
    O23 - Service: Network Associates McShield (McShield) - Network Associates, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan\Mcshield.exe
    O23 - Service: Network Associates Task Manager (McTaskManager) - Network Associates, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan\VsTskMgr.exe
    O23 - Service: NVIDIA Display Driver Service (NVSvc) - NVIDIA Corporation - C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvc32.exe
    O23 - Service: Remote Packet Capture Protocol v.0 (experimental) (rpcapd) - Unknown owner - %ProgramFiles%\WinPcap\rpcapd.exe" -d -f "%ProgramFiles%\WinPcap\rpcapd.ini (file missing)
    O23 - Service: Symantec Network Drivers Service (SNDSrvc) - Symantec Corporation - c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\SNDSrvc.exe
    O23 - Service: SymWMI Service (SymWSC) - Symantec Corporation - c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\Security Center\SymWSC.exe
    O23 - Service: Ulead Burning Helper (UleadBurningHelper) - Ulead Systems, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ulead Systems\DVD\ULCDRSvr.exe

    Please help my PC get back to blazing speeds again!

    PS - Crossposted to a few PC Help communities.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/782776.html

  20. iPhone Hack: Make Your Website Readable on iPhone & Blackberry

    Date: 07/02/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: rss, html, web

    Here is a simple one line change which will make your webpages viewable well on iPhone and Blackberry. Add the following to your HTML HEAD section: Apple is using the following on their RSS reader website: The other parameters you can experiment with: initial-scale (first loaded scale), user-scalable (boolean), minimum-scale (default 0.25), maximum-scale (default 1.6). There is [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/iphone-hack-make-your-website-readable-on-iphone-blackberry/

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