1. Two questions

    Date: 07/23/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spyware


    Two questions:

    How do I make what is on my laptop screen show up on my television? My DVD player is busted and I would like to view my DVDs without having to buy a new one.

    I would like some of the additional features on Windows (like aquarium screensavers, themes, etc.), but I don't want to spend any money on it. I am also wary of things on torrent sites because I have seen those fish screensaver pop-ups, and I know what they can do to a system. Any safe, virus-/spyware-/adware-/crap-free methods that have worked for you?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/660620.html

  2. Programs aren't opening correctly

    Date: 07/24/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spyware

    Hi, I was just wondering if anybody could help me with this little problem:

    Well, basically, after like 10 minutes or so (the time is usually different) turning on the computer, all of my programs that weren't opened beforehand decide not to open, and the ones that do work incorrectly. Also, when I open the start bar a few of the icons for the programs don't display correctly, and things in folders don't look right either. I'd take a screenshot, but paint won't open.

    I've scanned for viruses and spyware about a billion times, deleted everything bad, but that doesn't work, just so you know. So you don't have to ask, I'm using windows XP. If you need more info just ask. Thanks everyone!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/661867.html

  3. What are these?

    Date: 07/27/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spyware

    Netscape got stuck a minute ago, so I had to hit ctrl-alt-del to exit out of it. While the task manager was up, I saw some stuff I didn't recognize:





    I just want to know if these are viruses/spyware and I should delete them, or if they are necessary.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/662981.html

  4. Sweetness

    Date: 08/03/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser, spyware

    Hi, just wanted to say that thanks to the help of bunnyshortages, I've downloaded ewido, got rid of ALL of my spyware and I've gotten rid of Firefox and I've downloaded and am using my new Netacape browser. Everything works fine at my end and my laptop is working like new. Thanks a bunch!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/666776.html

  5. Stressed at what to do here

    Date: 08/03/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser, web, spyware, spam

    Hi. A few weeks ago I was using Internet Explorer as my web browser and I noticed these popups kept showing up:


    So I removed IE and switched to Firefox, but I soon noticed that Firefox kept messing up on some of my pages, but no more popups.

    So I'm reconsidering Firefox and moving to Netscape. I'll just try Netscape on here, I've used it at school and it works fine there.

    What's the best way to remove spyware/spamware? What programs should I use?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/666466.html

  6. How To Fool Windows Genuine Advantage in 15 Minutes

    Date: 08/09/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: web, spyware

    Windows Genuine Advantage (how to remove WGA) has been alleged as Spyware, creates innumerable problems for genuine users and yet it is very simple to fool with 15 minutes or less of effort. Ed Bott spent about 15 minutes to find a web page containing five volume license keys that had reportedly been posted on [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-fool-windows-genuine-advantage-in-15-minutes/

  7. A question..

    Date: 08/21/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: java, virus, web, spyware, google

    Hi fellow geeks,

    At every webpage I've visited recently, this line of code has been close to the top, if not at the top:

    < script language='javascript' src=''> < /script > (but without the spaces, and sometimes the R number changes)

    I've done spyware scans with ad-aware, spybot, and ZoneAlarm Pro's Antispyware, and a virus scan with AVG Free, but they haven't found anything.

    Is this proof that all the webmasters on the internet are out to get me? Or have I got some sort of virus/spyware/other that's doing this?

    Windows XP SP2, with Firefox v1.5.06 and a handful of extensions (Google text, stumbleupon, a cookie editor, a 'l337 sp33k' converter, a page validation thingy, and adblock)

    EDIT: If I view the source of the filey thing, it says this:
    'var blockedReferrer = 'blockedReferrer';
    document.ignore = new Object();'
    < / edit >

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    - Sarah

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/968819.html

  8. would anyone know why this is happening?

    Date: 09/05/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, web, spyware


    I offically CAN'T take it anymore. I've tried to deal with it, it just keeps getting worse.

    It's been happening more and more, when i'm trying to do normal, simple things online, like checking email, typing emails, surfing websites. Before, it only shut off while virus scanning and spyware checking, but it seems to happen more and more for what seems for no reason.

    What is it doing?

    It CONSTANTLY keeps shutting itself off. And when it does, just pressing the on/off switch doesn't work, you need to go to the outlet and switch the plugs for the computer and the monitor into different sockets, and then it will turn back on when you press the button. I have to do this sometimes 2 or 3 times before it powers back on. Sometimes I give it time to rest, but I can't always do that when I have important things to do on it.

    I have a 8-year old HP pavillion #6630. It's running windows 98 SE, and has 64mbs of RAM (it came with that much.) Usually it runs fine, but this has been happening more and more and really annoying me. I've opened the computer to suck dust out of the insides, my dad and I had to buy a new fan and install it because my dad thought it could be overheating .. and I even removed the power strip w/ mulitple sockets on it because I thought it was causing the problem. It wasn't, because even after I removed it, it still kept happening.

    Also, one time, I thought reformatting would work. Even after reformatting, it still happened, so that makes me think it could be something internal rather then with the harddrive itself.

    I can't virus scan, it shuts off before it finshes the scan. I also can't use spybot to scan for spyware, that makes it shut off too.

    I don't have any unnessary or unknown programs running at startup, and I try not to have too much stuff open at one time to save memory .. but i'm a multi-tasker, so sometimes that's hard.

    When i'm doing something small or the computer is left alone and is just idle, it's fine. It only seems to happen when i'm doing something important .. you know, typing up a big document (i've learned the art of saving VERY often), creating graphics in PSP, chatting, or surfing. Sometimes i'll merely click on a link, and -- kaboom. No warning message, it's just as if someone pulled the plug. Then I have to get up and try 2~3 times to get it to turn on again. It's really fustrating, since i've tried basically everything to fix it.

    Yes, I KNOW I need a new computer right now .. but i'm a college student and cannot afford it, (this is my only computer) so i'm trying to do the best with what I have.

    I don't know what it could be .. a bad power supply? even since I moved to a new place, it kept happening, so it's not with the main wall power supply .. I tried replacing the fan (I bought a new one and my dad installed it), and it seemed to be working fine, but either it stops or just doesn't work right anymore .. or memory? even though the computer has a low amount of memory compared to most computers, i've never had that problem before. I used to be able to open about 10 IE windows without a problem, and I used to be able to use spybot before too.

    I think it's a over heating problem though .. it only seems to be when i'm doing something very intensive, which would make it overheat alot faster, I think.

    Anyways, does anyone have any suggestions to fix it? I really need help, since I use this computer for school .. I can't keep having it shut off on me ;(

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/683198.html

  9. Installing iTunes Issue

    Date: 09/24/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, asp, virus, web, spyware, google


    So I'm trying to reinstall iTunes and I'm having a lot of problems with it.

    All the support sites for the software point back to eachother. Here's what the error message is that I'm getting.


    So I googled that and saw that it's an issue with installshield. So I go to the installshield site at http://consumer.installshield.com/kb.asp?id=Q110641 and see how to fix the problem. So I go to the place where you fix the problem and follow the instructions at http://consumer.installshield.com/kb.asp?id=Q108322.

    Ironically enough, that causes the original error again. After the first error in iTunes shows up, I get this error: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v74/enflamedphoenix/2.png

    I've uninstalled iTunes and Quicktime. I've used spybot and adaware and antivir to check for spyware or viruses. I've registered files per the installshield website. I've used Windows Installer to delete any quicktime or itunes installer files. I just can't seem to get it to work. I don't know what else to do. I would like to be able to use my ipod haha

    If anyone has any advice for me to try?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/690778.html

  10. Symantec: Microsoft won't give us key Vista tech

    Date: 09/27/06 (Security)    Keywords: software, security, spyware, microsoft

    Security rival says Microsoft is withholding spyware APIs for Windows update, but software giant denies it.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6120219.html

  11. Monitor turns itself off

    Date: 10/01/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spyware

    Hey. Lately I've been having this issue with my computer. In the middle of doing something my monitor will turn off by itself. It doesn't come back on by clicking on the mouse or pressing a button or anything. To make matters worse, pressing the power button does nothing, the computer will not turn off. I have to actually reach in the back of the computer, unplug the power chord and then plug it back in, and turn my computer back on. That's the only way I can restart my computer in this situation.

    At first I thought maybe I just was low on diskspace (because I download a lot) or something so I deleted some junk I didn't need. That hasn't seemed to do anything. Ran some virus-scans and spyware checkers. Nothing. So what is this? A RAM issue? A power supply issue? Maybe I need to open up my tower and clean off some dust? Is there something I should check. Hopefully I can resolve this issue without spending money or reinstalling windows.

    Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for any advice you can offer. If there's any info you need to help you understand my problem ask and I'll try to supply it.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/693165.html

  12. Locked XP Home Machine

    Date: 10/04/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: virus, spyware, google

    My neighbor's son has apparently locked their family computer.
    A dialog box has been brought up indicating that the computer is "locked" and requires a password to continue.  However, nothing appears in the box when my neighbor tries to type in the password.  Google has brought up multiple ways to lock a workstation down, but none of them seem to present the same behaviors as what's happened to my neighbor.  Does anyone have experience with behaviors like this?

    As an aside, this might be a virus or spyware, as it seems to exhibit a normal behavior in an abnormal way.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/987574.html

  13. Webroot expands beyond spyware niche

    Date: 10/12/06 (Security)    Keywords: virus, antivirus, spyware, microsoft

    Partnership with Sophos lets company add antivirus to anti-spyware products as Microsoft readies Windows Vista.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6125247.html

  14. Security expert: User education is pointless

    Date: 10/12/06 (Security)    Keywords: security, spyware

    Most office workers can't be made to care about phishing, rootkits or spyware, says doctoral student. Other security specialists disagree.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6125213.html

  15. Brokerages lose millions in hacker onslaught

    Date: 10/25/06 (Security)    Keywords: spyware

    Trading sites are paying out millions of dollars to make good losses by customers hit by spyware-wielding scammers.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6129391.html

  16. someone set me up the bomb

    Date: 10/26/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: asp, spyware

    i'm in the process of removing a trojan that was on my computer and all of my shortcuts have been replaced with 52k clones in a \data\resources\ folder

    for example winamp's shortcut instead of going to c:\program files\winamp\winamp.exe goes to c:\program files\winamp\data\resources\winamp.exe

    is there an easy way to fix all the shortcuts on my system automatically? rather than having to go through the startmenu/quick launch manually removing the /data/resources/ links?

    thank you

    and if you're really hardcore and want to fix me with the spyware, i've posted a combofix and a hijackthis log here:

    thanks muchly!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/993599.html

  17. Please Help!

    Date: 11/03/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, spyware, microsoft

    My dell laptop is fairly new (got in in July 06) and it started causes problems from the start without even getting on the Internet. A whole range, I could tell you them but that would take forever my main two problems:

    My system/computer is deleting some stuff of mine (i.e music, word documents) (started about a month ago) I deleted that user account after all my fles got delted, it started after I did this LogMien thing with someone to detect my cd drive problem. This user account deletes and moves some of my files but I am saving them not such a big problem. Anyone know any good place to save files? I currently use GMail and eSnips.

    My optical/CD drive is not being detected (Started about two months ago)

    I heard the best thing to do is to some how save my files and then reinstall my Windows XP (the system or program I have) My main two questions are:

    Does reinstalling Windows XP fix the optical drive?
    Can I reinstall Windows XP using the WINNT32, since my CD drive is not being detected?

    I cannot take it in so please don't say that as an option, any help please?

    What is C:\WINDOWS\system32\fxscom.dll do I need that? It says it is missing in my Abexo
    Also my internet has been not working well and very slow and sometimes I can get on, and sometimes I can't
    And my computer space has been going down what could cause this?

    Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP, Home Edition Version 2002, Service Pack 2
    Computer: Dell Inspiron 6400
    Memory: (c drive): 450MB (it was 4.65GB yesterday)
    Broswer: FireFox 1.5 and Mozilla 1.7
    What is the processor speed of your CPU?

    Have you recently installed or uninstalled any software or hardware? If so, what?
    A lot to save space:
    Adobe Photoshop Elements
    MicroSoft ActiveX Control Pad (and installed)

    NoteTab Light
    4Tray (and uninstalled
    Mozilla Thunderbird

    Anti-Malware programs:
    Ad Adware SE Personal
    Spybot S&D
    AdvancedWindowsCare V2 Personal
    Spyware Blaster

    Some links I checked out:
    WIndows Install
    Windows Reinstall Two
    Should that be okay?

    X Posted in '[info]'computersupport

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/704319.html

  18. What is this icon?

    Date: 11/07/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spyware

    Occasionally, this yellow ! triangle icon appears in my taskbar:

    When I click on it, nothing happens and it disapears. I have already virus/spyware scanned and came up with nothing. Does anyone know what it is?

    I have windows XP home. Thanks for all your help. ;)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/707386.html

  19. Arghhh!

    Date: 11/21/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spyware

    Grr. Basically, I am having some serious computer issues, based around Windows closing and error report sending  the "Data Exucution Protector" and "DrWatson Debugger ..something".

    My laptop is only 11 months old and runs on Windows XP. 
    I have done a Norton virus scan on it with no results, and scan for spyware regularly.

    1) "My Documents" no longer has my documents in it. I thought they had all been deleted, but for some bizarre reason they have all been moved to folders labelled  "____'s Documents". WHY?
    2) Lately it has been repetatively popping up those send error report boxes for "Data Exucution Protector" and "DrWatson Debugger" type things. After they appear everything pretty much breaks down and my desktop disappears (the toolbar etc.), making it unusable.
    3) I took the laptop into PC World and was showed a way I could scan it for something that would make sure it was running at proper speed.. I cannot remember for the life of me what it was doing really, only that there were five stages to it on a grey screen in safety mode of the computer, but apparently I could do this off the desktop

    I would really appreciate any explanation or advice :)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/712094.html

  20. a car that shoots

    Date: 11/30/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, spyware

    I downloaded the spyware checking program Spyhunter. I ran the scan and it came up with...NOTHING. That doesn't seem right. Could someone suggest free software for finding(and hopefully deleting) tracking software and spyware in general?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/716853.html

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