I thought I'd bring this nifty app to your attention. I'll start by saying that I'm not affilated with AxoSoft, I just happened upon their site one afternoon and found that they offer their bug tracking tool free of charge for single-user installations. They basically offer a Windows client, Web client and VS.NET client and database backend to a well featured bug and new feature tracking tool. It utilises a SQL Server database, so you'll need either a version of MSDE or SQL Server Personal Edition but obviously they're availble free of charge too.
After you've installed it, you can get a product key from the site to unlock the tool(s) you've installed indefinitely. I realise that outside of a team environment lone Developers often find it unnecessary to use such a tool, but I've found it to be pretty useful since installing it. So, I suppose YMMV :)
Hello, I am writing a business plan to start a web design company. There are soooooooooooooooo many companies out there its hard to come up with basic info about the companies without trying to be sold a website. I am looking "industry overview", "position in industry" (which would probably be 1 in one billion haha )
Hi, I'm relatively new to Firefox, and I have a question, and I was told that this was the best place to get an answer. I use a Logitech cordless keyboard (Cordless Freedom Optical) with internet shortcut keys, but none of them seem to work with Firefox. I set up a shortcut key to link to a particular website, and when I press the key, the name I've given the shortcut shows up on the screen as usual but nothing happens. Any ideas? Thanks.
It's time for another round of questioning from julisana!
Alright. I'm not sure if this question would be more suited in aspdotnet, but I figured I'd ask here, anyway. I've got a web application, with an external data access layer for connecting and accessing a database. The problem I'm running into is this:
What's the best way to connect the data layer to the pages!
Also, and this is just a dumb little piddly question: Seeing how this is a web application, should the file format for my data layer be *.cs or *.aspx?
I have a hosting company that runs Linux with PHP and MySQL through Plesk (a kind of server control panel) I can’t get into the control panel at work because I’m behind a firewall that blocks port 8443. I can, however use “my network places” in windows 200 to create an FTP connection to my server. The down side is: with FTP I can’t interface with the MySQL database… but, at least, I can upload and download files…Right?
This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. The files I upload using FTP on my home computer or Plesk at home can be accessed from the web by typing the URL, but they do not appear in windows FTP flooder for the site. Yes, I have refreshed and restarted and connected and disconnected. They just don’t show up.
I can copy a file in to the FTP folder in windows… and it returns no error and appears to have uploaded correctly. But, if I type in the URL for the file the server says “file not found” I believe the upload is not working because when I go home and look in FTP on the other side of the firewall the file is not there! But, it appears to be there in windows. It was even there the next day. What on earth is going on!
Moreover, if I use a web-based FTP like http://01ftp.com/index.php it will show be a different set of files depending on what side of the firewall I’m on.
I can’t turn the firewall off but I’d like to, at least, understand why this is happening.
Why didn’t windows return an error when the file failed to upload? What if that file had been important? How can it show the file in the FTP folder for my site when it’s not really there? I think that’s a pretty scary and unreliable thing for an OS to do!
I think this might have something to do with actve and passive FTP... I'm reading up on it now... but honestly I don't have a clue.
The firewall is Mcaffe desktop firewall, and it's centrally controlled so no way to shut it off without being some kind of evil little haXX0r.
Windows XP box. Latest service patches etc etc etc. Connected through linux gateway and firewall + nat ADSL to the net.
Network connectivity from windows to external addresses is flakey. Ok ish for web browsing (occasional "could not reach" / dns errors), but terminal connections drop out after about 30 seconds.
Local connections solid as a rock. Connections from any other machine to the internet (windows laptop and linux gateway) all ok. Maintaining any form of persistent external connectivity from the machine is impossible, but sessions have lasted for days from other machines (both linux and windows).
I don't think it can be the network card because local connections are fine. I don't think it can be the gateway because connections to the outside from the gateway and from other machines are fine.
Virus? But I hardly use the machine, its behind two firewalls and not directly addressable. I only browse through firefox and don't download any dodgy stuff. I have virus scanned with AVG and found no problems, and I can't see any other obvious signs of infection - hosts file unmodified, nothing unexpected trying to estabish a network connection, spybot reports no malware, no porn links magically appearing on my desktop or anything.
Anyone got any ideas? I'm tempted to do a re-install to be safe, but I would really like to isolate the problem if I can.
A picture speaks better then thousand words. As far as technologists are concerned Firefox browser is a clear winner by a wide margin with 49% of the market share. Overall Mozilla group has 57% of the market share.
Note: This statistics are from my website. It averages around 120, 000 page impressions per month [...]
I got slammed with "Search Extender" and "Home Search Assistent" and "Shopping Wizard" I've heard this is particularly dangerous malware...:(
I've been to countless websites and haven't had any luck. I have disabled the add-on (ipvn32.dll) in IE for now.
I am competent enough, but I would really like some expertise before I start messing with anything. I would be especially grateful it if I could get a response ASAP! I don't want this junk stealing any of my info!
Hello everyone, i am a newbie to PHP, so please be patient with me.
I have the following script:
$to1= $_POST['to']; $fro=$_POST['from']; $from="91".$fro."@ri.irisme.net"; # convert it to an email format $to="91".$to1."@ri.irisme.net"; $subject="hi"; # message body .. can get it from a form using post method $body = $_POST['msg']; $header= "From:". $from."\r\n"; $header.= "X-Mailer: PHP/". phpversion(); if (mail($to,$subject,$body,$header,"-f $from")) { echo "To: $to \n"; echo "From: $from \n"; echo "Message: $body \n"; echo "message sent successfully."; } else { echo "Message delivery failed...\n"; }
It sends emails aa sms. I have just taken up some webspace. Do i need an SMTP server to send the email? If so could you please guide me with some additional setup necessary to send emails to someone via PHP?
i'm sorry, my mistake. i had an input with the name "action" and it was confusing the browser. if you ever run into a problem like this, check your s names ;)
I'm working on a feature for my website that needs me to change a form action with javascript. It's actually pretty easy to achieve this with Firefox, but not in IE. Since i'm not turning my back on IE, eventhough i hate the browser, i really wanted to get this thing to work cross-browser.. for the user's sake. ;)
Is it possible?
an example, working on firefox
function preview( id ) {
// get form element
var frm_obj = window.document.getElementById( id );
// open window
var w = window.open( "loading.html", "preview", "width=500,height=350,scrollbars=yes" );
// change form attributes
frm_obj.target = "preview";
frm_obj.action = "preview.php";
// hey ho, let's go!
// bring window up (could be open already)
oh, and i've tried using setAttribute as well. no results.
Ok, so I'm redoing my current website, for several reasons. 1) I hate the way it looks now. 2) It's done completely with Word 2000. (Ick.) I don't know that much html, and learning it from scratch is too time-consuming because I'm terribly busy with a toddler. I have Dreamweaver, but haven't learned to use it yet. I'm a WYSIWYG kinda gal, and some people have recommended using Frontpage, but some other people yelled at me for even considering it. At this point, after 2 hours of fighting with it, learning Dreamweaver on my own has proven to be impossible. I can't make heads nor tails of any of it, I've tried the tutorials and the help files, and it's all so confusing and frustrating that I'm ready to just throw my laptop across the room in a fit of rage.
My question is this: Is there anyone who would be willing to talk me through creating one simple page (background, images, text, and uploading to my webhost) step by step with Dreamweaver? I just need a jumpstart in layman's terms to get me going. I catch on very quickly to things, and I take excellent notes, so getting me started on the right track shouldn't be too difficult. Can anyone assist me? Thanks in advance.
Someone on my AIM buddy list got a virus that is sending itself in link form to people on her buddy list, including me. When I clicked on the link, my AVG and firewall both claimed to have protected me from it, and did not allow it to open. But, now when I try to open my web browser on that computer (my laptop), I get re-directed to what looks like some sort of fake AIM page that says it cannot load correctly or some BS. And when I try to go to any other site, it tells me the page cannot be displayed (I am using my desktop computer to post this, as I can't get to any webpages on that one). HELP! Please!
Also, I've just discovered that I can't connect to AIM on that computer now either. It stays stuck on the "connecting" stage and doesn't move. So I have removed my browser (firefox), but the default browser (IE) does the same thing. Also, I have removed AIM.
Has anyonelse noticed in Mozilla 1.7.0 and higher (Mozilla.org build under FC2-Linux, maybe other builds, but I can't check) that clicking the 'screen' button on a comment in the LJ web client causes an immediate crash? Does this also carry over to Firefox? Is it LJ's code or Mozy that's at fault; if indeed this crash happens to you?
Is there a Bugzilla entry on this already? If not; there should be.
I am looking to register a domain, like, now. I have the webspace and everything (free server space provided by a very nice friend), and I'm wanting to register www.shifuimam.com.
Now, I have been told that places that lease domains are not as good an idea as those that sell them, but Network Solutions is $35 a year, while Aplus.net is $6 a year, and GoDaddy is $9 a year.
Do I need to worry about a leased domain, since my domain is really weird? Is Aplus.net any good, or should I just pay the extra $2 and use GoDaddy?