Macromedia Contribute
Date: 04/23/05
(Web Development) Keywords: asp, web
Does any one have any experience using Contribute 3? I need to convert an ASP site to be editable in Contribute, and I'm wondering how to go about that (and how long it should take for 50 pages). Tips? Advice?
x-posted to webdesign
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/191786.html
Date: 04/22/05
(Web Development) Keywords: web
I'm creating a slide show in Flash and all the sudden I'm having problems. I had the whole thing finished last night before I went to bed, saved it like a good girl, like I always do every five minutes...then this morning, it doesn't work :( The transitions are all wacky (the fade/slide in is fine, but it completely skips the fade/slide out), the slides just FLY by despite the fact I have the show set at 4 fps and each slide is about 40-60 frames. Any suggestions?
x/posted in webdev & flashdev
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/191715.html
Date: 04/23/05
(Computer Help) Keywords: php, software, browser, web, google
I have a few computer problems. If you can’t help me with all of them, that’s understandable. If you could just answer any of the questions, I’d really appreciate it.
1) Tweak will let me set special folders but warns me about moving them. I'm assuming that this is really just a standard warning as I've moved the folders a few days ago and they all seem pretty harmless. (Including the Start Menu which I previously asked here and had a round robin suggestion. Anyways) Is it mostly harmless re-setting folder locations using programs like Tweak and/or TuneUP Utilities?
2) I need to remove something off of "File" menu when you open a folder. It's driving me nuts. Well, I wouldn't mind if I could re-set the hot alt key. Does anyone know a program that controls what items appear on a folder’s File menu? Does anyone know a program that allows you to set “alt” letters?
3) On Tuesday I downloaded Itunes. Ever since, the mp3s on my winamp playlist have gotten quieter and I don't know why that is. The wma’s play at normal volume on winamp but I have to turn up the volume way up to listen to any mp3. (almost like a throwback to my 2003 speaker problem.) As my playlist is a mix of both, I find myself constantly adjusing the songs. Does anyone know of software that checks what went wrong? I’ve already been in control panel sound and even system; all the drivers check out.
4) a - I guess it goes without asking that if I have an old win 95 deluxe edition of Norton, there's no way I could successfully install it and get live update to work, right? I'll just have to purchase a new version, right?
b - so, in saying that, what version of Norton includes crash guard and first aid. I love first aid. I've never had to do it but I love the idea checking everyday system functions.
5) Start menu is driving me nucking futs. It keeps hiding programs i haven't used. i hate hate hate this. so i believe i turned this function off yesterday. I thought it was TuneUp but I guess not. How can I turn this function off.
6) Tweak doesn't work when trying to prevent IE from stealing focus. I asked this question last month when i was still using win 98. I knew I'd be upgrading soon so I didn't fuss when the advice didn't do anything to help. Now I'm using win mx, i've installed tweak and yet again, it does nothing to prevent IE from stealing focus. Can anyone recommend another program that can help?
7) a - Internet Explorer has gone weird. I can't load lj userinfo pages correctly on the 3rd or 4th attempt. example, i open ie on my userinfo page and it loads properly. So whenever I say "new window" by doing ctrl n, instead of getting the "journal" menus at the top, i get < ************ > with the menus at the bottom. If i'm at download.com and i'm looking at my search results, i'll click on "by user rating". if at any point during this specific action i hit alt + tab to switch screens, ie crashes. no joke. so i have to sit and wait patiently while my slow 28kb connection loads that page. Has anyone else using XP experienced a similar problem? Is there an older version of IE that you think is better?
b - In addition, IE will sometimes automatically open a new window directing to a non-existing website: http://www.turbotones.net/uk/index.php . I will have hit ctrl + n ONCE (i don't do things twice) and my google search will have opened in a new window (whatever I was previously searching). After a few seconds, that page will open. I've searched all text in all files "word or phrase in the file" for "turbotones" to see who on my pc is asking to pop up to this page and this yielded no results. Can anyone help?
NOTE Please don't give me advice like "don't use IE" because that's not advice; that's just annoying. It's like saying "you shouldn't use automatic, you should use a stick shift" (or vice versa). Each browser has its own quirks and I've already gotten used to IE. In addition, I use IE at work, therefore I can mirror whatever I'm doing at work with what I'm doing at home.
8) I want to remove "Local Area Network" from the system tray. There used to be a great program. I think it was simply sys_tray manager from a few years back. Does anyone have a copy? I also want to get rid of quicktime. I've uninstalled it but it's still lurking about. It's also in my system tray and it's annoying! Can anyone recommend a good, fast, free system tray manager program?
9) Speaking of annoying, XP has reset the Page down/page up function to skip down/up "x" lines when using a drop down menu. I want to reset this figure. Does anyone know how?
10) I have an old excel spreadsheet that i've opened. I've already said that the columns should be mm.dd.yy. for whatever reason (well, i'm based in the uk now not the us) excel has decided that despite my previously setting the column properties, it should be dd.mm.yy (the uk format) What other automatic changes should I look forward to (gulp) ? btw, language changes (example, us to uk) are easy to find in word. does anyone know where I can find it in excel?
11) The last problem is quite generic. I have a few USB ports in the back that are working fine, but the ones in the front are fucked. I found under system, there's "code 28" error. I've searched for the drivers online but they are all no good. Initially when putting this PC together last Sat, it said something like "service pack #" with a link. Fair enough, I though. I didn't have a modem on me then so I couldn't connect my pc to the link. I just assumed that I'd get the link again. Well, I just made an ass out of me and me because lo and behold, I'm here trying to install the driver for the umpteeth time. Doesn't make a difference to me personally cause I have four in the back in working condition. The ports came with the tower and I don’t have a disk for the tower. Now I'm hoping someone out there has a link to driver installation file. I was hoping this would help. But I guess not.
12) I have to keep an eye on my hard drive temperature. I have 3 fans so hopefully it'll always be all good, but if not, what's a bad temp? currently, it's at 33.
Thanking you all in advance. Please let me know if you need further information!!!
cross posted to ladiorange, computer_help and livejournal_uk.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/381463.html
Date: 04/23/05
(Web Hosts) Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web, hosting
I manage two domains, each under 10MB. For the past two years, they've been hosted with dr2.net, but then service got spotty and then they merged with Mesopia and the reviews got worse.
So, I'm looking to switch both domains to a new shared host. After checking out webhostingjury.com, I like the features of the standard plan of u-hs.com but the price seems a tad too steep. Looking for something in the area of $10 to $25 a year. One of the domains I expect to migrate to PHP and MySQL in the next few months.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/26292.html
Woo hoo! My computer hates peripherals!
Date: 04/24/05
(Computer Help) Keywords: database, web
I'm sure this community gets a lot of this, but here's my introductory post, and I've got a slew of problems for anyone willing to address them. The most terrible thing for me about these problems is that I find myself to be pretty competent as far as fixing computers goes, so these issues kill my ego.
For reference purposes, this computer is a slightly dated Compaq notebook running XP Service Pack 2.]
I'm sort of afraid of heckling, but I guess I can't get much worse than that Jesus icon asking how to reduce the column size of the taskbar. Hopping right to it:
Problem A: I just bought this great new 19" LCD display from Envision. It works fine, in fact I'm using it right now. However, it has this terribly annoying flicker. The flicker itself isn't that of a monitor going out, rather it looks like it's running the wrong refresh rate (which I have checked out already) so there's sort of a pulsing brightness. Now before I go any further, I must say that I'm absolutely positive this is a driver issue. I have the original CD as well as the most recent driver available from Envision's website. My assumption here is that the problem lies not in the monitor or driver itself, the problem is 'pointing' the computer towards the right driver. (The monitor works fine on my parents' G4 and G5.)
Problem B: I have this old 40 gig Maxtor 3000DV External Hard Drive that is extremely problematic. From what I've read, it's awfully common for system with XP to stop reading these. I'm pretty sure that this is a driver issue as well, but I just can't find a driver. I'm still rooting around for my original disc, but it was a hand me down from my dad, so it's probably at his office. If anyone has faced a similar problem with their Maxtor externals and p'raps has a link to a driver database, that would be great.
Problem C: This isn't really a problem so much as a goddamn nuisance. I have a great 40 gig iPod+HP. It works just fine, but it prompts me to reformat it every few months or so. This really sucks, especially when it occurs after I plug it into my friends' computers for a quick upload. I guess my only question here is have any of you experienced issues with your iPod+HP devices?
Thanks in advance everyone.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/382457.html
<3 brand spanking new
Date: 04/24/05
(See my site) Keywords: web
Thats right its almost up and running! Pinksilk.co.uk it will soon be the place to be for photography, journaling, story's and advice from our honest and sometimes rude pannel of men. its a work in progress, and constantly seems to be changing from just a website into having a life force of its own!
Right now I need Letters for our advice column...any problems at all. every letter printed will receive a free mystery gift free of charge!
I also need affiliates...I wont be linking with just anyone, but if i do decide to link to you...you will also receive a free mystery gift.
after may 1st which is the official launch date i will be running monthly competition's, which will be about anything and everything. so you should check back regularly.
for more info see the contact us page.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/82649.html
Scavenging batteries from a C610
Date: 04/24/05
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: software, web
I'm planning to build a wearable computer, using a Maci Mini, a Twiddler, and a pair of HUD glasses. Everything's covered, except a portable power supply.
I have two batteries from my dead C610 (DP/N 3149C), which put out enough voltage (14.4V) to satisfy the Mac Mini (needs 12+V, or 20+V to run Firewire). I could just wire them directly and be done with it, but it would be nice to have a battery life indication on-screen.
Does anybody know where I could get schematics or technical manuals for the batteries or the C610 itself? I tried Dell's website, but didn't find anything useful. I want to use the existing control circuits, but I'm not sure if that's more trouble than it's worth.
And since I'm wandering blind: anybody ever try something like this? Am I overlooking an easier solution of some sort? I known some UPSes have feedback software using a USB port; is there any similar solution for portable batteries?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/667638.html
Recommend me a paid storage hosting site.
Date: 04/25/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, mysql, asp, sql, web, hosting
I just recently register my domain name, and now I'm asking for those that have domains with storage access what hosting company are you using ? I prefer for the hosting company to be in the USA, and if it's not at lease have payment options in USA dollars.
I would like for the hosting company to have the following for service FTP Access PHP ASP CGI-BIN MYSQL WEB MAIL ALLOWS MULTIMEDIA (really important I've been searching around hosting sites,but the ones I'm finding doesn't allow it) SUB DOMAIN
and a good amount of space and bandwidth
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/863860.html
We'll all be better off if you just assume I'm clueless.
Date: 04/25/05
(Computer Help) Keywords: security, virus, antivirus, web
My Windows 98 SE has gone kaput. Kernel32.dll errors every which way, random reboots, all that jazz. I've got Norton AntiVirus and Personal Firewall (which crashes frequently, too), I run defrag and scandisk (not frequently enough, I admit), I run Spybot and AdAware and I have a copy of HJT. The only thing that seems to be wrong is, well, Windows. It acts like it's killing itself -- the autoimmune disease of computing, I suppose. Now, I have terrible memory when it comes to time and order and such (something could have happened last week or two years ago, it's the same in my brain), so I can't quite tell you when this all started. I've had the computer for going on three years now.
It's currently "networked" to a computer running WindowsXP. We tried doing it ourselves, but we ended up calling in a professional, who got the internet hooked up between them but couldn't get anything else to work (said that some 98 copies just won't network properly with XP). I can't trade anything between the computers, but as I said, I do have internet. He had to modify something in the bios to even it that far, which is why I'm wary about formatting it.
My Norton subscription is running out in a few days, and I was planning on wiping my main drive before I renewed it (so I could reinstall it and everything else before it's renewed). Now, my mother and I can handle the wiping and reinstall part well enough (or we did on previous computers) but my main concern is that I won't be able to get the net up again, which is my primary motivation for having my own computer in the first place.
If necessary I might be able to get XP, but I hate it with a, er, mild passion. It would make networking and compatibility issues easier, I know, but I have some programs that only run on 98 (like Petz3, which I'm quite fond of, thank you) and frankly I just don't trust it. We've had problems with it storing information, including browsing stuff, that we can't delete, and that's a big nightmare for me. (Would switching completely to Firefox solve this? I only run IE on my computer because Firefox will randomly crash it).
Both our computers are custom-built. If it would be less hassle I might be able to convince my mother to just take it in and get it done. The people who work where we got them are very nice and very helpful and rarely charge a lot (they gave us a free upgrade when they messed something up once -- try to get that service from Best Buy). Alternately, my friend's uncle does computer repair and may have an idea of what to do.
Info: Custom-built by Advanced Computer Services. Running Windows98SE, 512 RAM (I don't know what type -- I'm on the other computer right now), 40gb master drive and 80gb slave drive. I believe I have a 1800+ Athlon processor (which is excellent and great and has worked wonderfully and I love it so much better than any Pentium I've had and all that). I've got Norton Internet Security 2004 (the AntiVirus needed renewed a month ago, but I've only been on about five times since then).
Looking for suggestions: Wipe it and reinstall 98, or try to get XP? Don't wipe it, just try to figure out what's wrong? If I do wipe and put in 98, how do I deal with the internet problem?
I'm pretty savvy with things like web and graphic design (and I haven't had a virus in years), but when it comes to OS's and networking I'm rather lost.
I'll answer any questions you ask about my computer -- I know I left a lot of stuff out, and I can't remember what. (I swear I don't do drugs and I haven't suffered any head trauma, I just naturally lack any usable memory.)
[Crossposted to computer_help, computerhelp, and tech_support.]
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/383380.html
Virtual Subdomains
Date: 04/25/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, web, hosting
I'm not sure if this question has come by before, but I was wondering if I could get some help creating virtual subdomains. I've searched everywhere over the Internet and have tried most things I've come accross but nothing seems to work. Also I have contacted my hosting support who, I think, don't have a clue in how to do it. They also say that virtual subdomains are enabled but to create them you have to go through cPanel and a problem with this also is that it creates a directory in the root folder. I'm just wondering if I would be able to get some sort of virtual subdomain automation. So as soon as a user signs up, they are able to access their page at "http://[username].website.com". And also being redirected to their page internally like what mod_rewrite does.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /journal\.php?action=view&user=[username] [L]
Something like that. But of course, the above example won't work. Just wondering if anyone had any ideas or could help me get something working.
Thank you.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/291208.html
Indian Prime Minister’s House Sold on Ebay for 35 million rupees
Date: 04/25/05
(Java Web) Keywords: web, ebay
Reuters reports that some joker sold Indian Prime Minister's house on Ebay to an American business man!
And I thought selling the Brooklyn bridge was a myth!
The businessman forked out 35 million rupees ($802,600) for the house that was up for sale on a Web site as a "huge sprawling mansion in the heart of Lutyen's [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/indian-prime-ministers-house-sold-on-ebay-for-35-million-rupees/
Microsoft discloses some IE 7 plans
Date: 04/26/05
(Web Technology) Keywords: software, css, web
Software giant yields to longstanding demands by Web developers, promising support for PNG, CSS graphics and layout standards.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Microsoft+discloses+some+IE+7+plans/2100-9588_22-5683842.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
Page Loading
Date: 04/26/05
(Computer Help) Keywords: web
Hi, this is probably a minor thing, but it annoys the heck out of me.
I have Win XP & use MSIE 6.0. When I move to a new webpage, there used to be a little bar in the lower right corner of my screen that would indicate the progress of the new page loading. But it disappeared, and I don't know why. I don't remember changing any settings, I've looked everywhere that I can think of to change it back.
Does anybody know how to make the page loading indictor bar reappear?
Thank you!!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/384076.html
A Good PHP Search Engine?
Date: 04/26/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql, web
I'm looking for a good PHP search engine with full text indexing, the ability to crawl pages itself, preferably MySQL storage, and advanced search options. It'd also be nice if it rendered output in streamlined xhtml, or uses Smarty but not required.
Any suggestions?
Posted in: php php_dev webdesign webdev I apologize in advance to all the people that are members of one or more of these communities
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/864449.html
Damn IE
Date: 04/26/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: css, html, web
I'm making a website for my webdesign class using XHTML and CSS. I've got a little bit done and it validates on W3C and looks the way I want in Safari, Camino and Firefox (for Mac and Windows), but IE is not cooperating, and that is what the professor uses to grade these things. Basically what I have so far is a table set to span 100% of the window and it is flush against the top of the window. But in IE it's flush to the top and to the left, but there is space to the right of the table. Any idea as to why it's ignoring that I set the width to 100%?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/864080.html
A Good PHP Search Engine?
Date: 04/26/05
(Web Development) Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql, web
I'm looking for a good PHP search engine with full text indexing, the ability to crawl pages itself, preferably MySQL storage, and advanced search options. It'd also be nice if it rendered output in streamlined xhtml, or uses Smarty but not required.
Any suggestions?
Posted in: php php_dev webdesign webdev I apologize in advance to all the people that are members of one or more of these communities
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/192585.html
A Good PHP Search Engine?
Date: 04/26/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql, web
I'm looking for a good PHP search engine with full text indexing, the ability to crawl pages itself, preferably MySQL storage, and advanced search options. It'd also be nice if it rendered output in streamlined xhtml, or uses Smarty but not required.
Any suggestions?
Posted in: php php_dev webdesign webdev
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/291689.html
Book recommendations?
Date: 04/26/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, mysql, html, database, sql, web
I'm trying to do some really wacky stuff with a form.
Essentially, I'm reading in multiple columns from a table in a MySQL database (looping, obviously), and creating a form as I present the data. The challenge this presents is that for each loop, the form values have to have a unique identifier, so I'm trying to use variables. It's not working so well, but I'm using standard HTML to try to process the form. I've gleaned bits and pieces searching the web that PHP has its own method to handle form input.
So, I need a good book that has a lot of detail on how to work with forms. A good web resource would work too.
Thanks in advance!
This is a quick mockup of the code and how I'm presenting the form...
So, in theory here, each loop should give a unique value to each form element. I just need to know how to process it. I'm writing selected data back into a seperate table, so I need to loop through the results and write them out.
Again, help is appreciated!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/291348.html
A Good PHP Search Engine?
Date: 04/26/05
(PHP Development) Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql, web
I'm looking for a good PHP search engine with full text indexing, the ability to crawl pages itself, preferably MySQL storage, and advanced search options. It'd also be nice if it rendered output in streamlined xhtml, or uses Smarty but not required.
Any suggestions?
Posted in: php php_dev webdesign webdev I apologize in advance to all the people that are members of one or more of these communities
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php_dev/55407.html
AxoSoft OnTime defect tracker.
Date: 04/27/05
(C Sharp) Keywords: database, sql, web, tracker
AxoSoft OnTime defect tracker
I thought I'd bring this nifty app to your attention. I'll start by saying that I'm not affilated with AxoSoft, I just happened upon their site one afternoon and found that they offer their bug tracking tool free of charge for single-user installations. They basically offer a Windows client, Web client and VS.NET client and database backend to a well featured bug and new feature tracking tool. It utilises a SQL Server database, so you'll need either a version of MSDE or SQL Server Personal Edition but obviously they're availble free of charge too.
After you've installed it, you can get a product key from the site to unlock the tool(s) you've installed indefinitely. I realise that outside of a team environment lone Developers often find it unnecessary to use such a tool, but I've found it to be pretty useful since installing it. So, I suppose YMMV :)
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/csharp/27649.html