1. global js variables?

    Date: 06/14/05 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: html, java, web

    Howdy y'all... first timer (posting) here, and probably with a dumb question, here goes...

    Is there any way to show the user all the global javascript variables that are available?

    In other words, say I have a web page with a simple script (in the html head):

    Is there a way to access the names of those variables, perhaps through the window object?

    The purpose of this is debugging... I have an input textbox and a button, and when the user clicks the button, it "evaluates" the contents of the textbox using "window[document.forms[0].txt[0].value]".

    So if the user enters "aaaa" and presses the button, it tells them that the value of aaaa is 2.

    But if they don't know the case-sensitive name and spelling of the variable, or perhaps didn't even know it existed, I want to give them a list of all the variables. Is this possible? Does it make sense?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/javascript/69148.html

  2. Suggestions

    Date: 06/14/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    With no disrepect to the community mod I have some suggestions for the community.

    Can we put together some resources and post them on the profile of the community to help answer most of the redundant "how to make my lj look pretty" questions? I understand some don't mean any harm and are just looking for help but there's lots of other good customize your lj communities and it'd be nice to keep atleast one design community clean and on topic for people who really want to understand and discuss web design and developement.

    we can also add links to commonly asks questions.

    We can all contribute some more useful links to put on the profile page to learn more about design and developement.

    And I remember someone before suggesting a redesign for the community and a new icon. We can make this a group effort and all vote on the best designs. I really think a redesign would do us well.

    I know some people have suggested these things before but I think we should really do them this time. I'd like to see this place grow.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/905189.html

  3. misaligned divs and mysterious indents

    Date: 06/15/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web

    Hi, I've been reading/commenting for a while, but this is my first post.

    On my website the content is divided into columns (and a header) using divs. Each column is subdivided into sections to manage the content. For some unknown reasons, the first few lines in the middle column are indented, aligned with a div in the header and a div in the righthand column.

    Here are the relevant bits of code:

    #title {
    border:1px solid #F6B33D;
    width: 1000px; /* the columns are in a 1000px wide container div */

    #middle {
    margin:0px 200px 0px 200px;
    border:1px solid #F6B33D;
    position: relative;
    top: 83px;
    bottom: 10px;

    #left {
    margin-right: 0;
    border:1px solid #F6B33D;

    #right {
    margin-top: 200px;
    border:1px solid #F6B33D;
    /* centres the divs within each column */
    .centerContent {
      text-align: left;
      border: 1px solid F6B33D;
      /*border-left: 10px solid #000;
      border-right: 10px solid #000;
      border-bottom: 10px solid #000;*/
      margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 10px 5px 10px 5px;
      background: #23272b;
    /* centres the title of each div in each column */
    .centerTitle {
      text-transform: lowercase; font-family: Arial, helvetica;
      color: #F6B33D; background: #000;
      margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 2px 2px 2px 10px;
      letter-spacing:5px; text-align: left;
      font-weight: bold;

    disp('shortdesc', 'htmlbody'); ?>

        ">disp( 'name', 'htmlbody' ) ?>
        The Cheshire Cat












    I don't see where the problem could be. The w3.org html validator didn't pick up any mismatched divs, and I was sure there weren't anyway. This is starting to really frustrate me and I don't want to start over. Sorry if the code is too much, I tried to minimise it. Please help. :(

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/905252.html

  4. Yahoo ramps up 'deep Web' search effort

    Date: 06/16/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

    Beta allows people to perform simultaneous searches for information contained within subscription-based Web sites.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Yahoo+ramps+up+%27deep+Web%27+search+effort/2100-9588_22-5748740.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  5. password stealing webmail login?

    Date: 06/16/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: security, web, yahoo, ebay

    The bookmark that takes me to my webmail (yahoo) was directing me to www.login.yahoo.com but I had to type my password in every time I opened it (previously I would only have to type it in once every 24 hours). I didn't think much of it, Yahoo's been changing some stuff around so I thought it might just be a temporary change.
    Today it kept saying my password/username wasn't correct when I was *sure* I typed it in correctly. It asked me to retype my password as well as my username and put in some scrambled letters and numbers in an image - a security feature. I do it and I'm in my email.

    Things are seeming a bit fishy so I checked the url and it was www.login.yahoo.com so I went to www.yahoo.com and clicked the "check mail" link and was directed to www.mail.yahoo.com. So what is www.login.yahoo.com??? I'm thinking my password and username were stolen and perhaps I've got someone going through my email, possibly looking for ebay passwords.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/420124.html

  6. Help..but I guess you knew that.

    Date: 06/16/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, web

    I have a webcam from my friend, and I'm having trouble getting it to work.

    I'm sure I've installed all the software and all, but when I plug it in, my computer doesnt dectect it and declares it an unknown device. I've tried downloading stuff off sites, thinking it would fix the problem, but I'm unsure if what I'm downloading is the right stuff.

    The webcam is a:
    Logitech QuickCam 6.0.1

    Any help, direction, or more stuff to download would be appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/420036.html

  7. Hello

    Date: 06/16/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, software, xml, sql, java, web

    Hello, I’m a second year Computer Science student at Cal Poly, SLO. With no open source or real world experience however I'm really eager to get involved in the open source community and start help developing software. Does any one have any suggestions for a newb. I would like to work on development of web applications preferably using PHP, MySQL, XML and using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax). However I am a beginner in all of these languages.

    - What would be some good starting points for me? (Communities, progjects, work)
    - Being that I'm a beginner how do I go about finding simple tasks/projects to start out with?
    - Live Journal looks interesting to me but I have my heart set on learning PHP not perl. Is this dumb? Should I not be focused on the language but rather the project?

    Thanks in advance for any advice you have for a newb.

    Chris Smeder

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/308373.html

  8. PHP (& Smarty) mentor needed for SourceForge project

    Date: 06/16/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, software, database, web

    Hi PHP community members!

    Awhile back, I started a SourceForge project with the goal of using it as a tool to better learn PHP & Smarty. I'm a CS graduate with experience working in C/C++, Perl, and especially ColdFusion (due to work), and I've decided that it's a good idea to learn PHP and Smarty, and what better way to do that than with an actual project that might be of some use to someone?

    The problem is that, as a fairly new developer, it's freakin' hard to get a project like this off the ground the right way. I don't know the best practices for laying out the app's directories, where I should put my smarty files, that sort of thing. As a software engineer I understand and will be doing requirements analysis, use cases, the database schema(s), etc, and I understand PHP well, having hacked up some wikis and that sort of thing. It's just difficult to get a project like this off the ground. So, what I'm hoping is that there's one (or more, even) people out there who might be interested in working on a PHP project they can show off to others, and are willing to provide a little guidance. The project's website is http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpbling - you'll not ethat I started it over a year ago; unfortunately, right after that things got terribly busy :) but now with a little more time, I want to get back at it.

    The CVS has an initial stab at a directory layout and some config/environment stuff, taken from a suggested best practices on the smarty website, but I already have some questions on that, too.

    Let me know if you're interested. Email to my username @ livejournal.com is fine. if nobody's into it, then I'll probably just go ahead and fuddle through my own way, but it sure would be nice to get some knowledge in from the beginning so that we/I don't have to redo it later!


    (cross: '[info]'php '[info]'php_dev)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/307969.html

  9. PHP (& Smarty) mentor needed for SourceForge project

    Date: 06/16/05 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php, software, database, web

    Hi PHP community members!

    Awhile back, I started a SourceForge project with the goal of using it as a tool to better learn PHP & Smarty. I'm a CS graduate with experience working in C/C++, Perl, and especially ColdFusion (due to work), and I've decided that it's a good idea to learn PHP and Smarty, and what better way to do that than with an actual project that might be of some use to someone?

    The problem is that, as a fairly new developer, it's freakin' hard to get a project like this off the ground the right way. I don't know the best practices for laying out the app's directories, where I should put my smarty files, that sort of thing. As a software engineer I understand and will be doing requirements analysis, use cases, the database schema(s), etc, and I understand PHP well, having hacked up some wikis and that sort of thing. It's just difficult to get a project like this off the ground. So, what I'm hoping is that there's one (or more, even) people out there who might be interested in working on a PHP project they can show off to others, and are willing to provide a little guidance. The project's website is http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpbling - you'll not ethat I started it over a year ago; unfortunately, right after that things got terribly busy :) but now with a little more time, I want to get back at it.

    The CVS has an initial stab at a directory layout and some config/environment stuff, taken from a suggested best practices on the smarty website, but I already have some questions on that, too.

    Let me know if you're interested. Email to my username @ livejournal.com is fine. if nobody's into it, then I'll probably just go ahead and fuddle through my own way, but it sure would be nice to get some knowledge in from the beginning so that we/I don't have to redo it later!


    (cross: '[info]'php '[info]'php_dev)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php_dev/58624.html

  10. Redirection

    Date: 06/16/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql, web

    Our company's website was recently rebuilt from a collection of many HTML pages assembled over several years to a new mysql-based site. We used to have a large collection of numbered files in a directory called specs, so the url was site.com/specs/6413.htm, for instance. Now it needs to be site.com/display_page.php?p=200&s=6413.

    Is there a way I'm unaware of to have it direct misdirected viewers to the correct page? I have access to the 404 page, but I'm unable to rename it from it's default .html and create a dynamic page. Any ideas?


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/308721.html

  11. How to Protect your RSS Feeds from Unscrupulous Aggregator’s

    Date: 06/16/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: web

    Recently there has been a plethora web based aggregator sites. Some of them like diabetologica blatantly displays the full content from the feed. So now you work hard to create your content and unscrupulous aggregators like diabetologica reap the benefits by displaying them along with their own advertisements. If that doesn't sound fair to you, [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/protecting-your-rss-feeds/

  12. Our Java User Group (CALJUG - Calcutta Java User Group) has been Selected as one of Top 50 JUG’s Worldwide

    Date: 06/16/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: java, web

    Angsuman Chakraborty, It gives me great pleasure to announce that your Java User Group: Calcutta JUG (CALJUG) has been selected as one of Sun's Top 50 JUGs worldwide. Being recognized as one of Sun's Top 50 comes with benefits, such as: - Invitations to special events and webcasts exclusively for the Top 50 JUGs - Exclusive bi-yearly [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/our-java-user-group-caljug-calcutta-java-user-group-has-been-selected-as-one-of-top-50-jugs-worldwide/

  13. PHP counter & tagboard

    Date: 06/16/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, web

    does anyone know a website or the codes to make an in-built PHP web counter for your website and maybe a tag-board too?

    i hate relying on websites because sometimes they crash and lose everyone's accounts so i'd like to just do it myself now.

    thanks in advance =)

    (ps: i'm PHP-stupid so make it easy)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/906743.html

  14. Netscape news features don't support Firefox?!

    Date: 06/16/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: java, web

    Dig this: "We're sorry, this feature is unsupported in Firefox."

    From this typical news item on channels.netscape.com I went to the Javascript link called "Bomb-Laden Jet Crashes in Suburb" ... got a nice popup, with that error message where the video should be.

    And the really dumb part? The "meat" is a typical RealMedia item:
    0616dv_jet_crash_300.rm ... so the lamer webdesigners can't deliver RM to FF ... how stuhned is that?!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/292745.html

  15. Case Study for CCNA1 class

    Date: 06/16/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: web

    I'm so confused! Part of this case study includes a NAT server and the only mention I've seen of it in the modules was that it's usually installed on routers. The assignment lists it as one of the servers to be dealt with.

    They have separate servers for Inventory, Equipment, Bug Tracking, Contact Management, Internal Website, Print Server, Email, External website, DNS and NAT.

    I've got six departments and a print server that use one or more of the different servers. and because it's a class C address serving them all, I have to figure out how to give those who need them separate IP addresses. That's fine. I can do that.

    The senior lab aide told me each department would need a separate DHCP server of their own. I took her word for it. I'm a bit overwhelmed by this assignment.

    I'm thinking of using routers to attach the relevant servers to the individual DHCP servers. The few servers that need internet access mixed with the DNS and NAT servers are what is confusing me.

    The servers needing internet access are:
    Bug Tracking
    External Website

    Do I attach the DNS and NAT to a router and the other servers to a second router attached to DNS and NAT?

    Or do I just attach the DNS server to the modem and use a router from it for the other servers?

    Or do connect all the servers needing access to the router that's attached to the modem?

    For the print server, do I actually need a separate DHCP server? That seems silly.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/itprofessionals/14233.html

  16. Transparent Authentication with Apache and NT Authentication?

    Date: 06/16/05 (Apache)    Keywords: php, html, web, linux, apache

    Hey all! I'm a newbie with .htaccess and authentication, and I'm trying to set up some transparent authentication on an Win 32 web Server.

    It's like this: We have an intranet and we wish to protect our precious admin pages. I have the folder protected with an .htacess file that references a user/pass file, (Everything works just fine this way,) but we would like to modify it as follows:

    We are using Apache 2.0.53 and using the module mod_auth_sspi.so for NT authenticaion. This module let's us capture the NT usernames in an environment variable. (Which makes it convenient for saying "hi" to people through our PHP CGI's.) What we would like to do is restrict access to the admin folder without having any of the administrators enter a user and pass everytime they a'wander to an admin page. So basically,

    - how can we get .htaccess to reference the environment variable for the username? (I'm assuming that's a possibility.)

    - How can we set it up so that it doesn't ask for a user/pass, but rather just blocks out non-admins? (If that's even possible!)

    One way that we have tried to do this already is by using the mod_ntml module, which would give us the ability to perform transparent authentication, but unfortunately the only available binary of this module is only compatible with Apache 1.3. If you try using it with 2.0, the server won't restart. There is a mod_ntml available for Apache 2.0, but it's only an uncompiled linux version. (At least the only ones I've found have been.) What I need is either another way of setting up this transparent authenticaion, or I need to get my hands on a binary version of mod_ntml 2.0 for Win 32. (Still scouring the internet, and have e-mailed someone at Sourceforge.net.)

    My .htaccess file is very basic, since I'm new to this. Here it is:

    authtype Basic
    authname "OUR_INTRANET"
    authuserfile /html/auth/qausers.pas

    Order allow,deny
    allow from none
    require valid-user
    satisfy any

    Thanks everybody!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/21451.html

  17. Frustrating...

    Date: 06/17/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: templates, browser, css, html, java, web

    [First of all yes when I set up internet explorer to be one of the browsers to view my webpage I called it Microblows in dreamweaver so I do click preview in microblows.]
    I don't quite know what to change, I can edit code as needed but don't get my problem. Unfortuneately the webpage is not online cause I can't get rid of the old version before putting the new fully functional one up so I'll put the code in a cut. The problem is though that when I preview in microblows I get to see it as I should, the corner images line up properly and I see the proper coloring [bg one course and table background one are two different colors.... well three if you cound the few cells in the table that's white]. When I preview in firefox [1.0.4 if there's a newer vers feel free to let me know] however there's a problem... the whistspace is still there in the middle of the table however the color that should be in the rest of the table surrounding the white is nonexistant for coloring... it's just the same color as the background of the page. This is driving me bonkers cause it's more important for it to work with the browser I use [at least to me].
    Oh and yes I use dreamweaver.

    All bracets have been replaced with squared ones.

    [!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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    [script type='text/javascript']
    //HV Menu v5.411- by Ger Versluis (http://www.burmees.nl/)
    //Submitted to Dynamic Drive (http://www.dynamicdrive.com)
    //Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com for this script and more
    function Go(){return}
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    [p]This Page is Under Construction...[/p]
    [p]Tune in later for actual content... amazingly enough given time it will come...........[/p]
    [p align="right"]...................just give it a little bit of time, it will come. [/p]
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    Ahava Moo is copyright from 2001 onwards, the style of the page may have changed but all previous style and content as well as current: graphics content design and style as well as anything else under this domain unless otherwise noted. [/p]
    [p class="style2"]
    Last Updated :
    [!-- #BeginDate format:fAm1a --]Friday June 17, 2005 11:27 AM[!-- #EndDate --]


    [!-- InstanceEnd --][/html]

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/907293.html

  18. help!

    Date: 06/17/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web, shopping

    Ok, I have about a million questions that my husband asked me to ask. He's doing web creating and managing and doesn't know exactly what he's doing.

    1. On this page http://www.silversupplies.com/catalog/gem_stones/plates/redcorral/plate10/plate10.shtml is there a way to click on the picture of each individual stone and have it paste the product information (price, stone name, etc) into the "shopping basket" thingy? As it is right now, everyone buying anything from the site has to copy the info and paste it into the box. Can we bypass C&P and just have it do it on a click? If not, what else might work?

    2. Do search engines index everything on a site? How does that work? My husband's boss's friend (who has a crappy ass website but still gives the boss advice) says any information in a table won't show up on a search and so you shouldn't use tables. Is this true? How can you organize a website without tables?

    3. How do you increase hits to a site without paying for a service?

    4. I don't remember any of the other questions. I may make a post again later. Thanks for your help.

    5. I remembered one more: The boss has about 40 domain names that he keeps registered but doesn't use. He wants to redirect traffic from any of the names to his site. Can he set himself up on a computer as his own server (like, on a Mac G5) and not have to pay for anything (except for keeping the domain names registered)? Or will he still have to pay some fee or for some service or... I don't even know what to ask. But does that make sense? As long as his server computer is always running, can he act as his own server and redirect hits to his main website? (he has domain names like silversmith, and silversmithing: really good ones that people would probably try to type in, and he wants them to go to his website, silversupplies).

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/907148.html

  19. Browser JavaScript?

    Date: 06/17/05 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: browser, java, web

    Does anyone have any experience with this yet? I've been reading "Browser JavaScript Explained," and it sounds pretty neat to me.

    Browser JavaScript is a feature that allows Opera to automatically fix incompatible Web pages, out of date scripts, and pages that inadvertently block Opera.

    There's also a list of patched sites on that explanation page. :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/opera_browser/35717.html

  20. Privacy issues with Google library search

    Date: 06/18/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web, google

    Google's contract with University of Michigan for Web-based library searches lacks privacy protections.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Privacy+issues+with+Google+library+search/2100-9588_22-5752085.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

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