1. CSS issues...again.

    Date: 09/18/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, html, web

    I'm having some more difficulties with this client's website: http://www.mylbags.com/client_area/armetta/

    I'm noticing something very troubling in FireFox. The menu buttons appear at the top of the screen partially covered by the top portion. The menu buttons for the portfolio also appear at the top and behind the top portion. Go here to see what I mean: http://www.mylbags.com/client_area/armetta/portfolio/work1.html Both of these sets of menu buttons are laid out in their own table. Is that part of the problem?

    Please help me! Relevant CSS code is cut below.

      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
      background-color: white;

      background-color: black;
      text-align: center;
      position: absolute;
      top: 0px;
      left: 1px;
      width: 100%;
      height: 324px;
      background-color: white;
      text-align: center;
      position: absolute;
      left: 0px;
      top: 324px;
      width: 100%;
      height: 50%;

      font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
      color: white;
      font-size: 10pt;
      font-weight: bold;
      line-height: 16pt;
      position: absolute;
      left: 450px;
      top: 50px;
      width: 500px;
      position: absolute;
      text-align: center;
      top: 382px;
      width: 100%;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
      margin-left: 0;
      margin-right: 0;
      left: 1px;
      z-index: 10;

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/244770.html

  2. more confused

    Date: 09/19/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: asp, web

    Based on my last post this is where i have goten and its still not working
    and is returning a error message as follows, i am useing .net vb what am
    i doing wrong?

    Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'FindByValue' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem'.
    Source Error:
    Line 19: End Get
    Line 20: Set
    Line 21: dsCountryDD.SelectedItem.FindByValue(Value) = true
    Line 22: End Set
    Line 23: End Property
    Source File: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\devotion2motion.com\UserControls\CountryDD.ascx Line: 21

    countryDD.ascx page

    [%@ Inherits="Devotion2Motion.DropDownsComp" Src="../CodeBehind/DropDowns.vb" ClassName="CountryDD"%]
    [script language="vb" runat="server"]

    Sub Page_Load()
    If IsPostback = True Then

    End If

    Dim CountryDD As New Devotion2Motion.DropDownsComp()
    ' Select the country dropdown list
    dsCountryDD.DataSource = CountryDD.GetCountryDD()

    End Sub

    Public Property Value As Integer
    Return dsCountryDD.SelectedItem.Value
    End Get
    dsCountryDD.SelectedItem.FindByValue(Value) = true
    End Set
    End Property

    [asp:DropDownList DataTextField="country" DataValueField="countryID" ID="dsCountryDD" runat="server"/]

    control in the aspx page
    [UserContol:CountryDD Value='[%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"countryID") %]' runat="server"/]

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/43315.html

  3. About three months ago

    Date: 09/19/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    About three months ago, my hard drive starting ticking and clicking. Then when I started my pc, nothing happened. The hard drive died. I decided to take it out to check out what the make it was. But when I put it back in, it started working. I must have resuscitated it. It's scary now cause I just bought another Seagate. A 160 GB this time. With the plethora of information and files I have (images, music files from my numerous cds - past and present, actually documents and reports that I've created, and of course my website - http://www.ladiorange.com), I'm scared of something like this happening again.

    I was reading a post online, "Death of a Hard Drive", about this guy who put his speakers too close to his hard drive.... I started thinking back to 3 months ago... Did I do something like that? I can't remember, tbh. But what are some things I should avoid doing so that my hard drives to get messed up?

    What about Seagates? Do you think they are better than Maxtors? I've read online horror stories about Maxtors. My own 20 Gig at home is a Seagate and, other than that one off incident, I think it's pretty reliable and quiet...

    What do you guys think?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/490552.html

  4. Study: E-tailers to grab $330 billion in 2010

    Date: 09/19/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

    Retailers are warming up to the Web, Forrester Research finds. Will online sales double in five years?

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Study%3A+E-tailers+to+grab+%24330+billion+in+2010/2100-9588_22-5873026.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  5. its like a pizza pie

    Date: 09/20/05 (See my site)    Keywords: html, web

    chief jeffy cooks up another free web site at
    i found another free webserver and built another one its like a small building that people can wander threw and i have already added it to my linkpage so its listed automaticly in a bunch of places

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/88729.html

  6. The 16 Essentials Extensions of Firefox

    Date: 09/20/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web

    Digg News Website , included today as one of its latest front page news, "The 16 Essentials Extensions of Firefox". Digg pointed out that, "one of the great things about the Firefox web browser is the ability to download and install extensions to add features and customize your web experience." Here's a list of 16 essential extensions with a description and link for each one.

    Check it out, Essential List and Resources on Firefox Extensions says that there's 6 "must have", 6 "should have" and 4 "good to have" extensions.

    Do you agree or disagree?



    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/321087.html

  7. MyWeb

    Date: 09/20/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: asp, web, spam, yahoo

    I work for a great dot-com and everyone here is an expert in some aspect of the Web. As it happens the core techie team is much smaller than the other specialities. As a result it tends to be myself or my team who find new sites or recommend trustworthy technical resources and I'd like to widen that field a bit.

    Yahoo has a system called My Web 2.0 (beta) which I'd love to merge with '[info]'webdesign (this isn't cross-posted). I'm always torn when someone posts a link to a handy new site because when I'm grumpy it looks like spam but when I'm in a better mood the links are almost always useful. I want to get more '[info]'webdesign recommendations but I don't want to encourage people to post links here more often! I think My Web 2.0 is the solution (er, no, I don't work for Yahoo!).

    In short, I'd like to swap My Web 2.0 community invites with people on this group and with my work-based Yahoo alias. I'm Andrew and if you'd like my to invite you to the community you'll need to leave your email as a comment. I suggest either screening the comment so spam-bots can't find it or writing like 'andrew at angrysockpuppet dot com'. I wouldn't mind if people wanted to put their own sites into the system too but perhaps we could tag them "homepages" or "mysite", etc, or even "lj webdesign" as appropriate.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/982932.html

  8. New Website needed like burning.

    Date: 09/20/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: web

    RacketMag.com badly needs a new layout. I have an idea for a layout, but need help making it a reality, as my web design skills consist of an 11th grade "intro to the internet class" I took 7 years ago. If anyone is looking to expand their portfolio, please email me at Music@RacketMag.com or send a message to our MySpace. Thanks so much!
    Head Honcho of RacketMag.com

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/345220.html

  9. eCommerce question

    Date: 09/20/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: ecommerce, software, web

    This is my first time posting here so hi!

    Just a quick question... I've been asked to design a website and write a booking form for a local company that's just starting up. The thing is they want online payment which is something I'm a little nervous about setting up - I don't want to be sued by them if something goes wrong. I've had a brief look at eCommerce software already out there but the problem is they work on a catalogue basis which just won't work in this situation. So does anyone know of any eCommerce software that only deals with a payment system (i.e. via PayPal, etc) or one that has some form of catalogue that would be easy to bolt something else on to?

    Has anyone had experience of writing software dealing with payments and have any idea how to "cover your arse" when doing so? This is the first time I've done such work for money so I don't want it to go wrong!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/345044.html

  10. Web Design needed. Bad.

    Date: 09/20/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    RacketMag.com badly needs a new layout. I have an idea for a layout, but need help making it a reality, as my web design skills consist of an 11th grade "intro to the internet class" I took 7 years ago. If anyone is looking to expand their portfolio, please email me at Music@RacketMag.com or send a message to our MySpace. Thanks so much!
    Head Honcho of RacketMag.com

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/983636.html

  11. New Concept

    Date: 09/21/05 (See my site)    Keywords: web

    I tried to come up with a simple and innovative use of an Internet website to help people and their families out during those bad times that can or will eventually happen to all of us.

    Check out www.eFailSafe.com and tell me what you think of the concept.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/88913.html

  12. MAC OS9 compatibility

    Date: 09/21/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, web

    Hey all,

    Anyone knows a good way to test websites for Mac OS9 browsers (especially IE) from a PC?


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/983873.html

  13. netgear WGR614 v4 router, helpp needed.

    Date: 09/22/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, web

    my roommate has a 54 Mbps NETGEAR WGR614 v4 wireless router but has lost the installation cd, the router is installed and working on her computer from when she first got the thing but we have no idea how to install the plug-in usb part on my computer without any installation software.
    i downloaded the firmware offered on the net gear website but that didn't help. it downloads as a zip file and when uncompressed it's an adobe file and an IMG file which can't be opened (even by img file opener).
    it says new hardware found when we insert the usb wireless thing and tries to search for "cohiba 3887 rev0"
    both computers are running on Windows XP and we are trying to set up a home (wireless) network. also we have DSL.

    help, i've no idea what to do and am so frustrated :(

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/492519.html

  14. installing a netgear wgr614 v4 router to a secondary computer

    Date: 09/22/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software, web

    my roommate has a 54 Mbps NETGEAR WGR614 v4 wireless router but has lost the installation cd, the router is installed and working on her computer from when she first got the thing but we have no idea how to install the plug-in usb part on my computer without any installation software.
    i downloaded the firmware offered on the net gear website but that didn't help. it downloads as a zip file and when uncompressed it's an adobe file and an IMG file which can't be opened (even by img file opener).
    it says new hardware found when we insert the usb wireless thing and tries to search for "cohiba 3887 rev0"
    both computers are running on Windows XP and we are trying to set up a home (wireless) network. also we have DSL.

    help, i've no idea what to do and am so frustrated :(

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/779041.html

  15. EarthLink lands a win in phishing suit

    Date: 09/22/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

    EarthLink incorrectly tells its customers that a legitimate bank is a phishing Web site. But it still wins in federal court.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/EarthLink+lands+a+win+in+phishing+suit/2100-9588_22-5876077.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  16. Opera Wants To Take a Bite Out of Firefox

    Date: 09/22/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web

    Opera has now changed the rationale behind its future revenue generating sources. Instead of depending on revenue derived by the sale of its web browser, Opera will now be dependant on revenue derived from sources other than its browser sales. Opera is now betting on increasing its revenue from search and service partners.

    Starting today, Opera's 8.5 version will be free and without any ad banner or licensing fee. The idea behind this new marketing buzz according to Jon von Tetzchner, the CEO and founder of Opera, is to become the second most used browser, bumping Firefox from that position. Tetzchner wants to lead the pack, but since, IE comes embedded in Windows, Opera is targeting instead at Firefox to increase its sagging web browser market share.

    Free Opera....Soon To Be Number Two expands on Opera's new marketing strategy to weaken Firefox's mainstream preference.

    Will the Fox surrender market share, or will it fight back?



    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/321696.html

  17. Frames help?

    Date: 09/23/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    I just joined this community, looking for some help with, hey, webdesign! My names Katharine and I'm a student at Northeastern University in Boston. So errr hi! Anyway, I just got shouldered with designing a web page for a group I'm in, SWE, and I'm having trouble getting the frames to work properly... I'm trying to edit the buttons on the sidebar (they're old, we don't want all the pages anymore but our moderator likes the design), but when I edit them I can't get the links to open in the center frame. They either open in the side frame or open in a new window. Anybody know how to help me out? Or help me help myself?

    The website is http://www.coe.neu.edu/Groups/swe/
    (go figure, a buncha engineers can't seem to make a website)

    Thanks in advance for the help!
    And if I'm totally in the wrong place, lemme know, ok?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/985503.html

  18. Multiple, independent domains

    Date: 09/23/05 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: web, hosting

    I've been maintaining a single personal website for a number of years now, but now the rest of my family wants to get in on the act, and have their own websites, too. We signed up for a shared hosting account that advertised multiple domains, but after we got it set up realized that this was not what we wanted at all. Rather than several independent domains, we had one domain and several others that were aliased to the main one. I reasoned that surely there was a way for the host to set it up on the server the way we wanted it, but apparently not.

    So I have two questions: First, is this the behavior I should expect from a shared hosting account, or did we just end up with a bad host? In other words, are there shared hosts out there that will support multiple, independent domains on a single account, or is this not even possible? And second, if not, what kind of account do I need to do what I want to do?

    From the little I've been able to figure out, it looks like a reseller account might be my ticket. But I honestly don't know what I'm doing at all. If a reseller account is what I need, do any of you have hosting suggestions?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/30483.html

  19. Dreamhost

    Date: 09/23/05 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: web, hosting

    I host a couple of domains over at Dreamhost and they've really been an outstanding webhost.

    Their Level 1 Plan,  which is $7.95 a month, includes 4800MB of space and EVERY WEEK THEY INCREASE IT BY 40MB! Wild! Also, Level 1 includes 120GB of bandwidth and EVERY WEEK IT INCREASES BY 1GB! How cool is that! They have really great reviews on other websites, and 99.9% uptime.

    I have Promotional Codes that equal $50.00 OFF any hosting package with Dreamhost! Just enter the code for your plan when you sign up.

    Level 1 codes

    Monthly Plan     MN1

    Year Plan          YR1

    2 Year Plan       2Y1

    Level 2 codes

    Monthly Plan    MN2

    Year Plan         YR2

    2 Year Plan      2Y2

    Level 3 codes

    Monthly Plan    MN3

    Year Plan         YR3

    2 Year Plan      2Y3

    Level 4 codes

    Monthly Plan    MN4

    Year Plan         YR4

    2 Year Plan      2Y4



    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/30405.html

  20. The Web tracks Hurricane Rita

    Date: 09/24/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

    From Webcams to podcasts, Netizens turn their attention to the storm as it heads toward the Texas and Louisiana coast.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/The+Web+tracks+Hurricane+Rita/2100-9588_22-5879326.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

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