1. Agence France-Press, Google settle copyright dispute

    Date: 04/06/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Google agrees to a licensing deal with the French news agency for posting its headlines and news summaries on Google News.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6174008.html

  2. (and another question) MS Reporting servicies

    Date: 04/08/07 (C Sharp)    Keywords: xml, google

    I have some problems finding good tutorial on creating dynamic Reports using xml as data source.
    When i say dynamic i mean that a report could contain 1 or more tables - depending on the structure of the xml.
    I though i could mess around with the report xml (the rdl file) , but the main problem is that i don't know how to post a report to a server programaticly.

    If you have any good articles (ebooks/pdf's) or tutorials regarding this subject please post it here.

    THanks a lot for any one that helps ! :)

    Don't direct to google.com, because i have already searched every thing i could, thanks.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/83480.html

  3. Google apologizes to China's Sohu.com

    Date: 04/09/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Sohu says its technicians found a method of typing in Chinese characters released by Google in China last week had copied a Sohu product.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6174367.html

  4. Ajax Metrics

    Date: 04/09/07 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: web, google

    I'm working on an analytics system for Ajax applications - a modular component that would help web 2.0 site owners track what users are doing on their sites. Something like Google Analytics, but for Ajax sites.

    I'd love to hear what you guys think - my early plans are here:


    Also, let me know if you'd like to contribute - I'd love to work in a tandem.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/131382.html

  5. Google’s role in an open source world

    Date: 04/11/07 (Open Source)    Keywords: google

    Google proves you can scale an enormous company in a short time, share code extensively (under a variety of licenses), yet still keep what you need to have private, private.

    Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/zdnet/open-source/~3/108274148/

  6. $something = $something -> load();

    Date: 04/12/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, google

    What does load() do?   I didn't see it listed on php.net, and searching google didn't produce usable results. 


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/559949.html

  7. Schmidt says YouTube 'very close' to filtering system

    Date: 04/17/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Google CEO says system will automatically identify copyright material for removal from the video-sharing site.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6176601.html

  8. How do I determine the age of a website?

    Date: 04/17/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web, google

    As a volunteer project for my daughter's daycare centre, I'm doing some research into what constitutes good design for daycare websites. One of Google's first picks yielded this (obviously outdated) page on the subject. But despite the copyright notice stating 2004 (which MUST be a renewal -- this site looks circa 1998 to me), is there a way to definitively determine the creation date of a given web page?

    I viewed the source for the page but didn't see anything obvious. Is there a way to discover the actual date stamp of a given web page?

    By the way, if anyone here has any experience with developing (or seeing) a well-designed daycare website, please do reply with sample links, won't you? Looks like we're going to be doing a lot of our own creative, here. (Even with the depth provided on this page of Top 100 Preschool Sites...)

    Thanks in advance.


    Edit: I had to add this site for further breadth to my examples. Make sure your speakers are on for the MIDI magic...

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1246185.html

  9. Semel sees DoubleClick advertisers defecting

    Date: 04/18/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: yahoo, google

    Yahoo's chief executive says advertisers may be put off by Google's deal to buy the online advertising market maker.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6177038.html

  10. Privacy concerns dog Google-DoubleClick deal

    Date: 04/18/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Consumer privacy advocates worry what Google will do with combined data on Internet users' search and surf habits.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6177029.html

  11. Google takes the pun out of shopping

    Date: 04/18/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google, shopping

    Search firm rebrands "Froogle" as "Product Search" and shifts away from a vertical search strategy for shopping.
    Images: Google's new Froogle

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6177393.html

  12. Google draws privacy complaint to FTC

    Date: 04/20/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Three public interest groups are expected to ask for a government investigation into issues posed by Google's DoubleClick acquisition.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6177819.html

  13. Google purchases Marratech conferencing software

    Date: 04/20/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web, google

    Acquisition of Swedish start-up's flagship product raises questions about whether Google's planning a WebEx competitor.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6177902.html

  14. Google rises at Yahoo's expense

    Date: 04/23/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Two years ago, the biggest search companies were about the same size. Now Google is twice as large and growing fast. What happened?

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6178164.html

  15. script that generates relative URLs?

    Date: 04/26/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, web, google

    so this movable type comments thing i am trying to tweak, i made some progress. hopefully someone can help me overcome this (hopefully last) hurdle.

    the way Comments.pm works in Movable Type is that when it gets a value that is equal to 1, it will redirect the user to the permalink for that specific entry. when the value does not equal 1, it will redirect them to the static URL of the website + the value sent to it.

    aka: if i set the value as /hello.php, the redirect will go to website.com/hello.php

    now, the comment form that will include the value is going to be an .inc file that displays on every page, and when the comment is entered, i want them to return to that page where they made it. this means i want the value to be equal to the relative URL where they came from. is there a way to do this with php?

    thanks in advance and +1000 internets if anyone can figure this out for me. i'm google searching away as it is right now.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1250501.html

  16. Meta Tags, website rankings, etc.

    Date: 04/27/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web, spam, google, ebay

    Greetings all!

    It's been awhile since I was asked / contracted to work on a website, and as I'm brushing up on my skills I'm wondering if any new techniques had come about for improving website rankings.

    I'm well aware of paying for a service to submit them, or the various spamming of your site or hiding hidden keywords on your pages to trick the engines. I know, for example, google has their own proprietary spidering system that is kept under wraps, so no one really knows how to optimize for it.

    In the past, I simply had the basic meta keywords and meta description in the header of each page, then manually submitted the main site page to the search engines.

    However, I'm finding some newer (larger) sites don't have any meta tags in their header at all!

    For example, ebay.com has meta keyword tags, wikipedia.com does not.

    I was curious what techniques you used to optimize and boost rankings.

    Thanks all!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1251056.html

  17. I need error correction help

    Date: 04/27/07 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html, web, google

    I checked my site at Weblint Gateway and I can't seem to get rid of the errors without making my page look bad.
    The problem is, I like the way my page looks now, but it won't load quickly until I fix the bugs.
    I don't know how to change the code so that I can keep the current look while omitting the errors.
    Can someone help me?
    The page address is
    You can find the Weblint gateway on google by typing in "Weblint gateway."

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2395343.html

  18. XP not recognizing RAM?

    Date: 04/30/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: google

    I've googled this, and seen a number of answers, but all of them have to deal with hitting the 4GB memory ceiling. I'm nowhere close, so I'm hoping someone's seen something tailored more towards my problem.

    I just upgraded the RAM in my system. The motherboard is an ASUS A7N8X-X, and contains three DIMM slots. Each should be able to contain a 512MB DIMM, for a total of 1.5GB, and it's possible to mix and match.

    Currently, I have a 512MB DIMM in slots 1 and 2, and a 256MB DIMM in slot 3. I have attempted switching them around so that the 256MB DIMM is in each slot, and still have the same problem.

    When the system boots up, the machine recognizes and tests all of the memory in the machine, so I have 1.25GB RAM, and the system knows it. But when XP (Pro, fully updated) starts, it shows I have 512MB RAM, no matter what I do with the DIMMs. When I run SiSoft Sandra, it too shows 512MB available RAM, but a motherboard scan shows the DIMMs accurately-- so the system (with XP running) at least sees the DIMMs and knows they exist. I've read about a bug where Control Panel::System will only show 512MB no matter how much is there, but Cacheman is also installed on my system, and it, too, shows only 512MB available.

    I'd really like to be able to access the rest of that RAM, if possible. Has anyone ever seen anything like that, and do you know what I can do about it? Thanks.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/772394.html

  19. Chile: Google Earth moves a village to Argentina

    Date: 04/30/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Chile asks Google to fix mapping error that puts Villa O'Higgins on Argentina's side of the border.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6180083.html

  20. Taskbar Buttons

    Date: 05/01/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: microsoft, google

    Recently, I restarted my computer only to find that my taskbar buttons no longer appear (I have XP). Everything else is there: taskbar, start menu, toolbars (like Windows Media, Quick Launch or the Language Bar), and the date/time. The taskbar is not locked. When I have a program open (like Firefox right now) a button does not show up on my taskbar. I've googled around, searched Microsoft Support, and asked around, but no one seems to know what's up. Does anyone have any ideas where my buttons went or how I can get them back? Thanks.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/773557.html

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