1. DVD Burner help

    Date: 05/02/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: google

    Hiyas, I am having some problems with my DVD drivers, apparently. I have three different DVD video burning programs, and two of them just crash, and the other says I don't have any drivers, and I don't know what to do about it, aside from search google, and that didn't seem to help. My hardware properties say it is a Optiarc DVD RW AD-7170A ATA Device. Any help would be for awesome!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/774425.html

  2. My Brain is in Google

    Date: 05/04/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: database, asp, google

    No seriously, a significant portion of my brain is in Google databases, accessible to everyone around the world. I only keep the index. Let me explain. The way I work is that I remember the most significant aspect of any concept and few keywords to identify the concept or idea and then I use Google [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/my-brain-is-in-google/

  3. Popular on YouTube? You may soon get a profit cut

    Date: 05/04/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Lonelygirl15 among video contributors sustaining "large, persistent audiences" the Google site is offering a partnership.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6181408.html

  4. Report: Microsoft eyeing Yahoo deal

    Date: 05/04/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: software, yahoo, microsoft, google

    Google's plan to buy DoubleClick said to be increasing pressure on Microsoft buy out Yahoo, collaborate on Net software.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6181379.html

  5. csrss.exe

    Date: 05/06/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: rss, software, virus, web, spyware, google

    I'm trying to help my Mom out with her computer.

    She bought a Sony Vaio desktop in Winter 2003/2004 at Best Buy. She bought it to replace the Gateway desktop that my brothers had basically killed. She intended for them to use the old computer and she'd use the new one - but slowly my brothers got hold of her computer too.

    We ran a virus scan this week and she had something like 30+ "threats" that were spyware, adware, or viruses.

    I backed up all her photos to CDs and then used the Vaio Recovery Wizard which is supposed to restore your compute to the day the factory built it.

    Now her 30+ threats are gone (where Norton couldn't get rid of them before), but she's still getting the same error message when she starts up her computer (she has to hit F2 to get to some screen - then from that screen she has to hit Esc and then Enter), but she's gotten used to that (I have no idea what the hell happened there!) All night, every couple minutes, she's been getting these error messages saying that she needs a registry cleaner, that there's an error, etc.

    We Ctrl-Alt-Del to get the Task Manager up and click on the error message to find the process. The process is csrss.exe. I Googled it and it says that is a normal System file - but if it's located elsewhere it's a virus. Well, it is located in the folder it's supposed to be in, but she's constantly getting these messages. They're telling her that her system is corrupted and she needs to go to a website to download a registry cleaner. We tried about 3 of those web addresses, but she keeps just getting software that finds errors, but won't let her fix them unless she pays $39.95 (or whatever that particular program charges) for the program.

    Any ideas? Should she pay for one of those programs? Should she just keep ignoring the pop-ups? Or should she just suck it up, bring her computer to Best Buy / Geek Squad, and have them fix it for her?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/776012.html

  6. Police blotter: Fired government aide sues over Googling

    Date: 05/09/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Man sues after official at U.S. Commerce Department does Google search and finds info about prior employment spats and job losses.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6182333.html

  7. Discography Section Ideas

    Date: 05/10/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: google

    Hello everyone. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this and if this in inappropriate a mod may delete this, but I am in need of ideas. I really want to re-do the discography section of my site but I a unsure of what to do different. I want to make it more easy to navigate with less scrolling but I don't want to make a separate page for each release, I feel that is too many pages and it will only get more cumbersome over time. I am really just looking for any ideas anyone has or even if anyone knows of any sites that have nice discography sections I can look at. I've been spending the past few days looking at different sites I Google trying to get ideas but nothing has really struck me yet. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1254159.html

  8. Google sees mergers big and small

    Date: 05/11/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Although comfortable making large purchases, smaller deals likely will dominate Google acquisitions, CEO Schmidt says.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6183023.html

  9. YouTube to remove some clips mocking Thai king

    Date: 05/11/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: google

    Four clips blocked by Google, but access remains for two that angered Thailand's military leaders.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6183038.html

  10. Rich Text Cut/Copy/Paste on GoogleDocs and LJ

    Date: 05/13/07 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, java, security, web, google

    If you've ever edited a document in the word processor of docs.google.com and right clicked to select "copy" or "paste"; you've likely seen a message telling you that Firefox/Mozilla doesn't support the copy/cut/paste functionality. You can see a similar error message in LJ's post/comment web interface: copy and paste isn't allowed?

    Well, it just ain't true! Our preferred browser simply has some security settings that must be modified to allow clipboard functions from Javascript. Just add the following to your user.js file:

    user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "allowclipboard");
    user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.sites", "http://docs.google.com");
    user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.cutcopy", "allAccess");
    user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.paste", "allAccess");

    The same technique can also be used to activate the copy/paste right click in the rich text editor on LJ, but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mozilla/388287.html

  11. Beware of SearchStatus Firefox Extension

    Date: 05/14/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: browser, google

    SearchStatus extension for Firefox is a cool extension which shows Google as well as Alexa rankings for each page. However it synchronizes between rank updates in each tab and literally hangs your browser for extended periods when you are working with multiple tabs. In short it simply makes multi-tabbing unusable. The cpu utilization isn’t high [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/beware-of-searchstatus-firefox-extension/

  12. The Devil Laptop

    Date: 05/15/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: virus, spyware, microsoft, google

    So, I offered to fix this lady's laptop, which was going "berserk" and was to the point that she "couldn't even work on it". I figured, she has some spyware, maybe a virus, so it's an easy fix. Wrong. She had at least 3 viruses that started up with the OS.

    With that, I decided to do a wipe of the HDD and just reinstall the OS. Luckily I have a Dell copy of WinXP Pro, since she couldn't find her install disks. I also had to do the backup of all her files because she hadn't had time to do it. To do the backup, I had to go in to safe mode because Outlook wouldn't open.

    I get everything backed up, the new OS on, and since the disk was for (I'm pretty sure) a laptop, the computer doesn't recognize the network card. I had to go to my computer, find the drivers for it, copy them to a CD, and install them to the laptop that way. So I get it working, get the rest of the drivers, the laptop is mostly happy. I get all the OS updates, so the computer is "protected" by SP2.

    However, WinXP Pro had decided to dual boot on the same partition. I did a Google search, and with all my Google-fu skills, there were only 2 hits for my problem. But they had solutions. So that's fixed.

    I then decided to be nice and install, in addition to the anti-virus and anti-spyware I said I'd do, some of the other programs she had had on there, like iTunes and Roxio (I have the Dell disk for that too...I have a Dell) and a couple more.

    I take it back to her, give her the laptop, the backup DVDs, and a list of the programs she used to have on the computer. I told her she would have to reinstall Office and the other programs herself, and she pretty much freaked out, since she apparently has no clue how.

    And now she has sent me another email, stating that she hasn't been able to do work in 10 days and would like me to come and reinstall the programs she had originally. I thought I was done with the devil laptop.

    So, my main questions are:
    1) Does Dell keep a record of the keys they use for Microsoft Office for specific computers? Because if she doesn't have the install disks, I'm not sure if I can get that back for her. I have my copy of Office, but no extra keys just lying around. The OS seemed to recognize the key right away, because I never had to input the key. But will Office be the same?

    2) How cam I politely tell her that I will need to charge more for this? I got $50 for the first stage, which ended up being less than min. wage with all the time I spent on that stupid laptop. She also wants me to come to her house to do this. I know professional computer repair people charge more for house visits, and I already picked up the laptop for her and dropped it off at her house.

    3) When a professional place, like CompUSA or someone who doesn't go to the home, wipes a HDD and reinstalls the OS, do they usually put all the programs and data back on the computer? Or is that left up to the customer? No one I know has had their computer in for repairs before, since we all know how to work with them.

    4) Do they install the updates for the OS, like SP2 and all? Or do they just leave it as a fresh install with nothing done to it?

    And as a funny thing, my daughter doesn't push CD trays in with her hands, she uses her stomach to push them in. However, she knows how to put a CD in the tray. (She's 15 months)

    (x-posted to '[info]'ubergeeks

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1071466.html

  13. HELP desperately needed for Google homepage cleanup

    Date: 05/15/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: google

    My Google homepage is screwed and I can't delete anything there.
    Any recommendations???

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1256703.html

  14. Add or Remove Programs

    Date: 05/15/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: google

    Ok, first the stats:
    I have a Windows XP laptop [Toshiba, if it matters]. It's not that old, maybe two or three years.

    I was deleting programs using the 'Add or Remove Programs' tool. I saw a name I didn't recognize, noticed that it said that I 'rarely' used it, and deleted it. Well, it turns out that I deleted the audio to my laptop. My music doesn't work, videos don't work, YouTube doesn't work, etc. Is there any way to get back something that had been deleted using this tool? Or anyway to get my audio back? 
    I had my brother send me the files [same laptop, same everything], but that didn't work. I tried downloading almost the same thing, but still not luck.
    My laptop used SoundMAX Digital Audio, if anyone was wondering.

    I checked google, as well as almost everyone I could think of that was computer savvy. 

    And I really, really don't want to wipe my hard drive ://. I have too much stuff I want/need/can't save.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1071894.html

  15. How To Open Google AdSense Spreadsheet Data in Linux

    Date: 05/16/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: linux, microsoft, google

    Google AdSense allows exporting the data in CSV format, suitable for Microsoft Excel. It doesn’t open in Mousepad, Gedit or even in normal spreadsheet programs under Linux. Here’s how you can open and use it under Linux. Open the file in KSpread and choose Unicode ( utf16 ) as its encoding. Also select Tabulator as delimiter [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-open-google-adsense-spreadsheet-data-in-linux/

  16. Google R&D Contacted Me For Leadership Position

    Date: 05/16/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: google

    I got a ping from Google India’s R&D department. They are looking for leadership role and were apparently quite impressed with my online resume; which hasn’t been updated for about 5 years or more. I politely refused as I am very happy where I am, developing new products and services. So unless someone comes up [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-rd-contacted-me-for-leadership-position/

  17. Distance Calculator?

    Date: 05/16/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, google

    Does anyone here use a PHP-based distance calculator to divine the approximate distance between two zip codes? I can Google up a couple of programs that purport to do this (one of them flat-out broken - boo!), but if there's anything that anyone's used themselves and can recommend, that would be awesome.

    (EDIT: Paid is okay, but obviously free is better. *G*)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/566621.html

  18. Microsoft to buy Aquantive for $6 billion

    Date: 05/18/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: software, google

    Spending spree on advertising companies continues, as the software giant issues a rejoinder to Google's plan to purchase DoubleClick.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6184778.html

  19. НЕ код но WTF. Как мы планируем.

    Date: 05/18/07 (Code WTF)    Keywords: java, google

    Это кусок из реальной вики, и первые пункты реальный план.

    Когда именно "Остапа понесло" остаектся загадкой.

    Нам же это все делать типа.

    Материал из Википедии - свободной энциклопедии.
    [редактировать]Внедрение проекта people.mos2.ru 2007
    1) Июнь 2007. Фаза тестирования people.mos2.ru отделом тестирования и исправление ошибок
    2) Июль 2007. Фаза тестирования people.mos2.ru пользователями с оповещением их на главной странице о том, что вся введённая ими информация вскоре будет утеряна. Параллельно находятся и исправляются оставшиеся баги. Подготавливаются и тестируются модули автоматического перенесения информации из базы данных mos2.ru в people.mos2.ru.
    3) Пара дней конца лета 2007. Фаза остановки работы сервиса mos2.ru, остановки работы сервиса people.mos2.ru, запуск модулей автоматического перенесения информации из базы данных mos2.ru в people.mos2.ru, проверка работоспособности people.mos2.ru.
    4) Пара дней конца лета 2007. Фаза уничтожения проекта mos2.ru (кода и базы данных), запуск проекта people.mos2.ru. Все пользователи заходящие на mos2.ru автоматически перенаправляются на people.mos2.ru.
    5) Осень, Зима 2007-2008. Фаза разделения проекта people.mos2.ru.
    Базы данных разделяются на 3 базы: гео-информационную базу данных (дома, улицы, районы, их фотографии,
    описания и пр.), базу данных организаций и их представителей (учётные записи, контакты, описания,
    предложения, отзывы, взаимодействие с партнёрскими сайтами, реклама и пр.), базу данных частных пользователей
    (учётные записи, хобби, личные фото, видео, обмен сообщений и т.п.).
    Серверная часть разделяется на несколько модулей, обслуживающих базы данных таким образом, чтобы сами
    Java-модули можно было разнести на несколько серверов.
    Клиентская часть разделяется на 3 интерфейса:
    - карта, гео-редактор, блоги, поиск адресов, пользователи - исследователи мест (20 - 50 лет);
    - карта, бизнес-редактор описаний организаций, предложений и отзывов (блоги), поиск сведений, деловые люди:
    бизнесмены + потребители (16 - 60 лет);
    - карта, поиск знакомств, IM, блоги, игры, люди лёгкого поведения: желающие общаться и знакомиться
    (15 - 30 лет);
    6) 2008-2015 год. Фаза будущего, заключается в создании централизованной поисковой системы охватывающей информацию своих сайтов и сайтов партнёров, охвате новых городов (кроме Москвы и Питера), появления новых сервисов и интерфейсов, завоёвывания новых аудиторий, изменение кода для разворачивания на большом числе кластеров (дублирование информации, повышение отказоустойчивости).
    7) Середина 21 века. Фаза google-подобная иерархия и мировой охват, поддержка кучи языков и сервисов, написание низкоуровневого програмного обеспечения для масштабирования на тысячи серверов с обеспечением отказоустойчивости системы.
    8) Конец 21 века. Появление искуственного человекоподобного интеллекта mos2.
    9) 22 век. Война с гуманоидами.
    10) 23 век. Всё живое вымерло, только искуственный интеллект мосдва продолжает защищать планету земля.
    11) Конец 3-его тысячелетия. Эволюция машин. Саморазвивающийся интеллект мосдва плодит себе подобных для покорения оставшейся части вселенной и исследования новых видов энергии.
    12) 4 тысячелетие. Война машин. Смертоносное оружие запустило необратимый процесс сжатия вселенной до критической точки. Вся материя устремляется в чёрную дыру.
    13) 5 тысячелетие. Материя вселенной сжата до критической точки. Пространства не существует, время останавливается, в результате чего происходит новый вселенский взрыв. За несколько минут образуется новое пространство, новые звёзды и планеты.
    ps (от Spets)
    1) Я против фазы уничтожения mos2.ru. Я за то чтобы заранее сделать разделение баз данных на географическую и пользовательскую, перебросив пользователей базы mos2.ru исключительно в базу people.mos2.ru, а из базы people.mos2.ru убрать гео-данные оставив только привязки по адресам. Соответственно, необходимо подготовить код mos2.ru для работы с обновлённой версией гео-базы данных, и подготовить код people.mos2.ru для работы с обеими базами данных (гео и пользователи). После этого можно популизовать people.mos2.ru и разрекламировать его (если не терпится). Затем уже проводить работы по доведению этих разных интерфейсов под целевые категории пользователей (например, исследователи-путешественники и виртуальные знакомства). Минус тут известный - популизация people.mos2.ru затянется.
    2) По поводу кучи багов и неопределённых задержек выпуска people.mos2.ru. Если проект - это пирог, а разработчики - пара челюстей, то текущая ситуация выглядит так: менеджер заставил откусить огромный кусок пирога и жевать его. Непонятно в какой мы сейчас стадии, то ли вцепились в огромный кусок и не можем откусить его (сразу реализовать кучу фич), то ли откусили и не можем жевать т.к. челюсти не смыкаются из-за величины куска (т.е. не можем пофиксить баги). Обычно, в таком случае, выплёвывают излишки до тех пор пока челюсти не сомкнутся. :) Иными словами, нужно было соображать ещё прошлым летом, когда я чётко формулировал идею "частых выпусков версий проекта, даже если весь функционал не реализован". Пользователи выполняют двойную функцию: дают обратную связь (оценку сайту и пищу для размышлений) и заставляют разработчиков держать уже реализованные фичи в полностью работоспособном состоянии независимо от появления новых фич.
    3) По поводу нашей текучки кадров (программеры не задерживаются больше полугода):

    Гомоморфный образ группы
    по закону ленинизма
    изоморфен факторгруппе
    по ядру гомоморфизма.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/code_wtf/86686.html

  20. WordPress Beats Blogger in Google Search & News

    Date: 05/19/07 (Java Web)    Keywords: google

    The latest Google search Trends (picture below) shows WordPress ahead of Blogger. Typepad and Movable Type are far behind and in decline. Sometime around mid-February WordPress has beaten blogger in terms of search volume in Google. The rapidly rising graph of WordPress is in sharp contrast with nearly flat graph of Blogger since 2005. WordPress [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/wordpress-beats-blogger-in-google-search-news/

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