1. hosting question

    Date: 05/31/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: asp, sql, web, hosting, spam

    My org's website is being redesigned, and in the near future we are going to have a backend members only area written in. Because of this, we need to switch hosts, and because our hosting company is going under. These are the items that the company doing our web design/develop listed as us needing in a host.

    Basically, what you'll need is the following:
    1.) ASP/ASP.net capable
    2.) several e-mail accounts (with Web-based access as well, which I believe is standard)
    3.) SPAM filtering (we use an application called "Postini" for a small fee per mailbox)
    4.) In the near future, we may need either MS Access or SQL Server for your MO area. It's not totally necessary to have this right out of the gate. I would just make sure that one of these can be added to the server if/when it becomes necessary. It will probably cost extra.

    They suggested this company: http://www.irides.com but the small disk space and transfer limits concerned me.

    Does anyone have any reliable hosting suggestions that they've used for business site needs?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1118308.html

  2. Waiting For 20, 000th Spam in 7 Days

    Date: 06/03/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    I have been getting a deluge of spams in the last 7 days or so, 19434 spams so far in Akismet queue of this blog alone. However something very interesting happened. Immediately after I changed my commenting policy to block comments from open / insecure proxies, my spams have gone down dramatically. When I implemented the [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/waiting-for-20-000th-spam-in-7-days/

  3. KeyRooT hacking

    Date: 06/09/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, spam

    I've had my domain (http://icydays.org) for 4 years now... my host every few months recently shuts it down because of spam and stuff. Apparently it's getting hacked a lot and sending out spam. So they delete everything and reformat it and whatever and I have to reupload everything.

    Well today I went to my site and found that it was hacked with some sort of KeyRooT message. You can visit and see. I talked with my host and they said the only way to solve this is to once again clear my site out. This is really getting frustrating and I do not want to do that another time... I am so tired of this.

    I tried to look for any files that made it do this but apparently it's running through PHP or something. Can someone help me get rid of this hack and possibly tell me a way to prevent things like this from happening again? Every few months I'm having problems like this. Thanks!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1122983.html

  4. Barracuda glitch leaves customers incommunicado

    Date: 06/13/06 (Security)    Keywords: spam

    An update problem temporarily halts e-mail traffic for most of the spam firewall company's customers.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6083474.html

  5. Police arrest suspected bot herders

    Date: 06/27/06 (Security)    Keywords: spam

    Crackdown targets suspected members of a cybercrime gang that used networks of compromised PCs to send out spam.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6088552.html

  6. email hosting

    Date: 07/03/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web, hosting, spam

    i am looking for recommendations for email hosting.

    my requirements are:
    - must be allowed to host your own domain
    - must have a web interface that is fast and not bloated
    - must have at least 2 GB of IMAP storage space available
    - must have custom spam filtering options available

    preferable but not required:
    - web locker space available

    running my own email server is not an option at this point. I was previously using fastmail.fm, but lately their uptime has been terrible and i'm very annoyed with the downtime. suggestions?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/944958.html

  7. Scammer’s With English Deficiency Syndrome

    Date: 07/05/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    Today I received a spam (attempting to get my IP address and user accounts of my work machine / server) which stands out for its novelty as well as extremely poor execution. I think the spammers will have much greater chance of success by taking an introductory course in English. Dear Sir, From your Ip Adress was [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/scammers-with-english-deficiency-syndrome/

  8. Using RentACoder To Outsource Spam Software Development

    Date: 07/05/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam, yahoo

    RenACoder is used to outsource projects at riduculously low prices. RentACoder, in my experience, often contains dubious project postings which are clearly for unethical purposes. Today’s project stands out for its clarity of purpose - to subvert Yahoo Mail’s spam prevention techniques. I need a programme that can load yahoo captcha images and tell me the [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/using-rentacoder-to-outsource-spam-software-development/

  9. Spim, splog on the rise

    Date: 07/06/06 (Security)    Keywords: spam

    Spammers are increasingly targeting blogs, social-networking sites and IM programs, MessageLabs warns.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6091123.html

  10. Microsoft looks to foil Web spammers

    Date: 07/13/06 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web, spam, microsoft

    Researchers at Microsoft have developed a tool to scrub search engines of major spam Web sites that pollute results.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6093976.html

  11. Using Evite For Spamming

    Date: 07/22/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    Normally we don’t associate Evite requests with spamming. That trust has been broken. Today I received a spam from Arnnei Speiser, Managing Director of Mega AS Consulting Ltd. www.megaas.co.nz disguised as Evite eCard. Hi angsuman, What a wonderful opportunity for networking. Unfortunately I may not be able to attend this time. Still, if you’d like to learn [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/using-evite-for-spamming/

  12. How To Use Robots & Spammers To Run Your Cron Jobs

    Date: 07/24/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: blogging, software, web, hosting, spam

    Many online blogging software and other products require some type of cron and / or asynchronous execution functionality. Spammers and web robots are an essential part of any website today. Most web hosting providers, especially on shared hosting, do not provide cron functionality. Let’s see how we can leverage spammers and web robots (like MSN [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-use-robots-spammers-to-run-your-cron-jobs/

  13. Simple .htaccess Rules To Block Spammers

    Date: 07/24/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: spam

    You can easily and effectively use your .htaccess file to easily and effectively block comment and referrer spammers targeting your blog(s). If you are using WordPress you can also use my Referrer Bouncer plugin, which is much simpler, to block referrer spammers. For the rest here is a sample .htaccess file you can start with. # [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/simple-htaccess-rules-to-block-spammers/

  14. One man's spam is another's art

    Date: 07/26/06 (Web Technology)    Keywords: spam

    Artist uses computational modeling and information visualization to invent new forms of expression.
    Images: Spam art

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6098479.html

  15. SMTP

    Date: 07/26/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: spam

    I currently pay $17.50/mo for SMTP service. SMTP service is hard to buy, because if an SMTP service is cheap and easy to get, spammers get it, and the URL/IP's reputation plummets. This is *very bad* because it puts the URL/IP on black holes and block lists. Still, I want to pay half as much, say $8.75/mo, for SMTP service. Maybe you want to sell it to me? Or have someone you'd recommend? My emails are very brief product pick-up notifications, maybe 4,000/mo.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/337588.html

  16. boomerang-exe

    Date: 07/27/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spam

    I have some new problem now.

    Still running my PC with windows XP.

    Some exe´s sneaked onto my PC and made themselves some nice nest in the "program" folder. The names of them are "pmsngr" "isamonitor" "isamini" and "pmmon".

    I unistalled the program which they belonged to, no idea what that was, but still and contantly some yellow alert icon keeps up blinking up in the task thing where all the other stuff such as the aim-icon for example is.
    And it´s telling me that I have (OMG) more spam mails than usual! But that´s just somehting it says to make me click that little shit, and the internet explorer opens immediatelly to lead me to some empty site (my virus program might block it for some good reason).

    However, I can´t delete these exe´s manually, because the folder they´ve been into (called IntCodec) is gone, but when I search for any of those exe´s it says that the folder´s still there and when I try to close them via taskamanger that I can delete them they come back instantly. Ahh, the JOY of boomerang exe´s.

    Also, my Internet Explorer randomly keeps on comming up to lead me to more blank sites.
    Might have something to do with that, but mustn´t.

    I´ve tried GData and it hasn´t found anything, neither has Spybot.

    Screenshot of the problem....: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v664/RikuDragon/Schwachfug/FUCKINGBOOMERANG.jpg


    Also, this is less neccessary, but is there some way that I can delete Internet Explorer forever? I hate it, because it has always been very attractive for trojans and such. I´m sick of IE.

    X-posted on '[info]'computersupport

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/663044.html

  17. Email/join form spam

    Date: 08/02/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, web, spam

    I'm working on one of my linkware scripts, a part of which allows people to join (it's a script for fanlistings, if you're aware of those). Of course, spammers have found their way to it, so I'm trying to make it as spam-proof as possible. I've been doing it the "usual" way—checking for fake email, bad strings, stripping tags and trimming et al, but it doesn't seem to be working as well as I'd like; there are still those who end up in the approval queue. :p I'd like to limit this, obviously. Are are any other ways? I don't want to use captchas or otherwise making the visitor who wants to join add more fields than necessary :/

    I put up the source over somewhere (http://indisguise.org/temp/show_join.txt) where you guys could see it, and if anyone would be willing to give it a look and all, I would appreciate that immensely. Thanks!

    Crossposted: '[info]'php, '[info]'webdev, '[info]'developers

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/478840.html

  18. Email/join form spam

    Date: 08/02/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, web, spam

    I'm working on one of my linkware scripts, a part of which allows people to join (it's a script for fanlistings, if you're aware of those). Of course, spammers have found their way to it, so I'm trying to make it as spam-proof as possible. I've been doing it the "usual" way—checking for fake email, bad strings, stripping tags and trimming et al, but it doesn't seem to be working as well as I'd like; there are still those who end up in the approval queue. :p I'd like to limit this, obviously. Are are any other ways? I don't want to use captchas or otherwise making the visitor who wants to join add more fields than necessary :/

    I put up the source over somewhere (http://indisguise.org/temp/show_join.txt) where you guys could see it, and if anyone would be willing to give it a look and all, I would appreciate that immensely. Thanks!

    Crossposted: '[info]'php, '[info]'webdev, '[info]'developers

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/339661.html

  19. job opening

    Date: 08/02/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: programming, java, spam

    A little off topic:

    Anyone in the Houston area, or know anyone in the Houston area, looking for a Java or C# programming job? Experienced programmers only, please. This is not spam, my company works with both C# and Java, we need programmers with knowledge in either, or preferably both. If you are interested or know of someone who is please comment and I will send you my email address.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/71578.html

  20. job opening

    Date: 08/02/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: programming, java, spam

    A little off topic:

    Anyone in the Houston area, or know anyone in the Houston area, looking for a Java or C# programming job? Experienced programmers only, please. This is not spam, my company works with both C# and Java, we need programmers with knowledge in either, or preferably both. If you are interested or know of someone who is please comment and I will send you my email address.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/73319.html

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