1. Tickling the Ivories with Firefox

    Date: 10/07/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

    Some persons develop different habits while surfing the web, i.e. using more the keyboard than the mouse. For those of you who prefer to use the keyboard, here's an interesting link about useful Firefox keystrokes:

    My Favourite Firefox Keystrokes written by Derek Featherstone

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/327704.html

  2. Prefetching question

    Date: 10/08/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: html, web, google

    I downloaded an extension called FasterFox (http://fasterfox.mozdev.org/)... I find that it is a nice little tweak utility, however there's one feature they advertise that I'm not sure if it's 'safe' to use.

    Prefetch Links
    Dynamic speed increases can be obtained with Firefox's unique prefetching mechanism, which recycles idle bandwidth by silently loading and caching all of the links on the page you are browsing.

    My question is - does this only prefetch content marked somehow for prefetching? Or does it just randomly grab any HTML link it sees?

    Because if it just grabs every link it sees, it could be extremely dangerous... lots of links are of the type "click on me and something serious happens, like your account is deleted"... or mail gets marked read on a webmail server, etc...

    I had used Google Web Accellerator for a brief amount of time, and this kind of prefetching was one of its features.. I had to throw it away due to that kind of problems... webpages would act strange if you just randomly clicked on links... Static pages are okay, but dynamic content it is dangerous to just download every link willy-nilly..

    So does this prefetch feature take that into consideration? They talk about it like it's built into FireFox, so I would hope it does have some mechanism to know when prefetching is safe.. the onjly way I can see that working is if webpages marked content safe to prefetch...

    Anyone know some details on this?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/327949.html

  3. I took everyones advice

    Date: 10/08/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    Originally uploaded by geozila.
    i just came by to say thanks as due to everyones advice i rebuilt my website at http://apod3.tripod.com/ i also toned everything down and added a my card page so i can give the address to anyone i meet thats smart enough to get online

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/992444.html

  4. Audio driver help

    Date: 10/09/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    Okay, I've been hunting down audio drivers and USB drivers for my comp for a while and I finally found them for my motherboard (ABIT VA-10) but, on the website when I click to download the drivers for audio and USB, the link doesn't work. Does anyone know a website where I might be able to obtain drivers for both of these things? I'm just about ready to quit.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/505287.html

  5. simple question??

    Date: 10/09/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html, web


    well im having trouble coding my site since i really dont know html im working on a webpage but everytime i upload the page it has a white border..

    you can view how the page looks here


    im not really sure how to fix it. i was wondering if anyone can please help me out on how to fix that and perhaps center it as well.

    im also using dreamweaver to upload the pages to my site..

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2167656.html

  6. flash mx - SAVE download hyperlink

    Date: 10/09/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, web

    i have a flash problem, how do u make a downloadable hyperlink that you can save in flash mx? heres my website http://www.kenjiohara.com . in the mixes section the download link opens up a new browser window and starts downloading the file but theres no way to save it. anyone know how to make a "save file" window open instead of having a new browser window open? heres a screenshot of how i have the properties window setup in flash mx: http://www.kenjiohara.com/misc/flashscreenshot.jpg . is there something else i should be doing in the properties or make a action script or something?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/992522.html

  7. Web Hosting Plans and Long-Running Processes

    Date: 10/09/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, web, hosting

    Maybe this is a counterpart to all the "where can I find a good web host?" questions that are continually asked around here. I don't need a web host; I run my own server. But I'm starting on developing an application that will be doing some long-duration socket communications, and the target audience includes people with the standard $9.95/month-or-cheaper kind of hosting plans.

    Do these sorts of hosts usually have anything running to automatically kill any long-running processes? I need to keep a socket connection up for anywhere from 5 to 60 minutes or so, and if the average hosting provider has a setup that auto-reaps any user's processes after 30 seconds, it's going to be a real problem.

    So, can anyone who has a standard web-hosting account tell me: what happens if you have a process that wants to run for longer than a minute or two? I don't mean a busy-loop; it won't be chowing up huge numbers of CPU cycles or driving the load rating through the roof. But it will be sitting there, holding a socket open and maintaining asynchronous communication, for a fairly long time. Does anyone know what your hosting provider would do with that?

    Also, since the development language for this is likely to be PHP: what PHP libraries does your web hosting provider include? I'm particularly interested in whether they include the --enable-sockets and/or --enable-pcntl options, and the associated Sockets and Process Control functions. (I realize the latter isn't available on Windows platforms. If your web host is on Windows, that's information I can use, too.)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/252501.html

  8. Help, please!

    Date: 10/09/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, web

    No picutres are showing up on any websites. I'll get the occasional few here and there but that's it. I don't get the little hotmail icon things; I don't see icons on any of my friends page (DJ or LJ); I don't even see pictures on myspace anymore. And there are so many more sites that I'm not seeing picutres on, those are just the ones I use most frequently.

    I've got an Dell Windows XP and McAfee Virus Protection. I'm currently scanning my computer for viruses but I really doubt that I have any viruses. I'm not dumb, I know quite a bit of stuff about computers. But this seriously has me stumped. I mean a month or two ago it just started out where I think there something wrong with my internet connection. Now there's no place holder for the pictures or anything. I know that there are supposed to be pictures. Just argh.

    Help? ♥

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/505708.html

  9. HELP!

    Date: 10/10/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web, yahoo

    x-posted to all over. Sorry!

    I posted this a few days ago and deleted it because the circumstances are a little different now. If this isn't allowed here, I'll delete it, but I read the rules and didn't see anything against this.

    I'm searching for someone who is good at coding (both for LiveJournal Layouts and Website Designs/Layouts) but doesn't like the actual designing or just is better at the coding/installing of layouts.

    The reason is that I have a layout community, '[info]'cherryxlayouts, and I need someone to partner up with to run the community. I got a comment in my last post that someone was interested, but I don't think they are anymore considering I haven't gotten an email back in about a week or more. In this "partnership", I would be the designer, and you would be the one doing the coding and also helping anyone who needs help in installing web layouts.

    If you'd like to join the community and check it out first, feel free to, but it's really just a rough draft and I'm not done with it yet (such as the sidebar and request posts).

    If you're interested, you can comment here, email me at deviant_queen@yahoo.com or IM me at galelvr66 (AIM), deviant_queen (YIM), or deviant_queen@hotmail.com (MSN) so we can work out the details.

    Thank you,

    PS. I will delete this post once I find someone to help me. :D

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/993090.html

  10. List stuff

    Date: 10/09/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, web

    Hi all,
    I am doing a gambling website. I want my lists to display diamonds, hearts, spades and clubs as the list marker in a sequential order. Is there a way to do this with CSS? I thought counter might let me do it, but I dont think its the correct application for that property. Any ideas on how to do this in an automated fashion are welcome.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/992954.html

  11. Software

    Date: 10/10/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: software, html, web

    An acquaintance recently asked me for help finding web development software. Knowing very little/nothing, I wondered what programs you might recommend. I'm not certain what he hopes to accomplish, but I imagine Dreamweaver probably wouldn't be necessary to start out with. What basic, bare bones programs might one use instead? Would a freeware XHTML editor be enough? If so, what?

    Any comments appreciated. I hope this isn't too stupid a question for the community.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/253132.html

  12. HELP!

    Date: 10/10/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: web, yahoo

    x-posted to all over. Sorry!

    I posted this a few days ago and deleted it because the circumstances are a little different now. If this isn't allowed here, I'll delete it, but I read the rules and didn't see anything against this.

    I'm searching for someone who is good at coding (both for LiveJournal Layouts and Website Designs/Layouts) but doesn't like the actual designing or just is better at the coding/installing of layouts.

    The reason is that I have a layout community, '[info]'cherryxlayouts, and I need someone to partner up with to run the community. I got a comment in my last post that someone was interested, but I don't think they are anymore considering I haven't gotten an email back in about a week or more. In this "partnership", I would be the designer, and you would be the one doing the coding and also helping anyone who needs help in installing web layouts.

    If you'd like to join the community and check it out first, feel free to, but it's really just a rough draft and I'm not done with it yet (such as the sidebar and request posts).

    If you're interested, you can comment here, email me at deviant_queen@yahoo.com or IM me at galelvr66 (AIM), deviant_queen (YIM), or deviant_queen@hotmail.com (MSN) so we can work out the details.

    Thank you,

    PS. I will delete this post once I find someone to help me. :D

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/252817.html

  13. Yahoo to launch podcast search site

    Date: 10/10/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: programming, web

    Service to offer access to much of the streaming audio on the Web and feature user reviews and other information about the programming.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Yahoo+to+launch+podcast+search+site/2100-9588_22-5892159.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  14. HELP !

    Date: 10/10/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: web

    001. What's the override with a free account, to qet the bracets around my mood + current music removed ?!

    002. What's the override to have the bracets removed from my date + time as well ?

    003. What's the override to have my naviaqation banner at the top of my layout, used in a paraqraph, then I qet to choose what words are linked to my userinfo, website, friends, etc. ?

    Thanx in advance !

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2170335.html

  15. [Geek] reading excel into a web form

    Date: 10/10/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: database, sql, web

    I have been told we need to make a feature that will
    allow the user to upload an excel spreadsheet (this
    will always be formatted in the same was) to the server
    then on postback link to the spreadsheet and read the
    information from specific cells out into a web form
    which can be checked before submission by web form
    to the sql server database.

    I've never done this before i am fairly sure that i
    can connected to a excel spreadsheet as a datasource
    *hopes with fingers crossed* but can i specify individual
    cells to write from? how difficult is to specify which
    worksheet your wanting information from etc

    I am going to look into it on the web later but if anyone
    has any ideas or has done something similar i'd very
    much appreciate any help with this, I did in the past
    have to attempt connecting to a excel sheet which
    didn't go well.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/253462.html

  16. [Geek] reading excel into a web form

    Date: 10/10/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: database, sql, web

    I have been told we need to make a feature that will
    allow the user to upload an excel spreadsheet (this
    will always be formatted in the same was) to the server
    then on postback link to the spreadsheet and read the
    information from specific cells out into a web form
    which can be checked before submission by web form
    to the sql server database.

    I've never done this before i am fairly sure that i
    can connected to a excel spreadsheet as a datasource
    *hopes with fingers crossed* but can i specify individual
    cells to write from? how difficult is to specify which
    worksheet your wanting information from etc

    I am going to look into it on the web later but if anyone
    has any ideas or has done something similar i'd very
    much appreciate any help with this, I did in the past
    have to attempt connecting to a excel sheet which
    didn't go well.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/43534.html

  17. Yahoo launches podcast search site

    Date: 10/10/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

    Service to offer access to much of the streaming audio on the Web, featuring user reviews and program information.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Yahoo+launches+podcast+search+site/2100-9588_22-5892159.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  18. Firefox Loosing Steam?

    Date: 10/10/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web, microsoft

    Net Applications, a provider of Web-based applications that measure, monitor and market Web sites for the Small to Medium Enterprise (SME), today announced its monthly Web site traffic analysis. In September, Netscape Navigator and Apple's Safari continued their modest gains for the second straight month, while FireFox lost market share for the second time in 2005.

    "Opera made news last month when it announced that it will offer its browser for free, without advertising in what appeared to be a response to the wild adoption rate of FireFox," Vince Vizzaccaro, executive vice president of marketing and strategic relationships for NetApplications. "FireFox, Safari, Netscape and now Opera are jockeying for position and implementing aggressive marketing maneuvers which is setting the stage for a very exciting month in October and throughout the remainder of 2005."

    September Browser Market Share:
    Microsoft Internet Explorer - 86.87%
    FireFox - 7.55%
    Safari - 2.39%
    Netscape - 2.16%
    Opera - 0.51%
    Other - 0.52%

    August Browser Market Share:
    Microsoft Internet Explorer - 86.31%
    FireFox - 8.27%
    Safari - 2.20%
    Netscape - 2.02%
    Opera - 0.62%
    Mozilla - 0.51%
    Other - 0.07%

    Source: Market Share by Net Applications
    Copy: Epiac's Place

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/328594.html

  19. INI handling functions... They were nonexistent as far as I knew...

    Date: 10/11/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql, web

    This has irked me for some time: The lack of INI handlers in PHP.

    I was moving my website around from host to host, until I settled, and needed a universal standard that I could write on and rely on that would work anywhere as I really wouldn't have a MySQL database everywhere I went. So I wrote this up after not finding a shred of a command for userlevel INI file handling. INI.Lib (Last Built Oct. 3rd, 2004)

    I hope some other people can make some use out of it as well I was able to. If you see any major errors or when you use it you can't for the life of you get past a certain bug, let me know and I will see if this one is any real difference from my current build (Apr. 3rd 2005). I may have just patched up a few commands here and there with my build that I caught in the original code and done a few optimizations. If anyone wants the current build, go ahead and drop me a line to cynagen at cynagen dot com, and I'll be more than happy to send you a copy of the current copy on my server; if enough of you report problems, I'll just repackage my current build and post that instead.

    (X-Posted on October 10th 19:54)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/353909.html

  20. Web 2.0 - Next Generation Internet or Hype?

    Date: 10/11/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: blogging, web, google

    Everyone today is talking about Web 2.0. In the post-dotcom era several concepts were re-defined, old ideas re-emerged with new variations. Does that make it Web 2.0 or is it yet another faux-meme and marketing hype? Let's explore… O'Reilly roughly defines Web 2.0 with the following transformations: Web 1.0   Web 2.0 DoubleClick –> Google AdSense Ofoto –> Flickr Akamai –> BitTorrent mp3.com –> Napster Britannica Online –> Wikipedia personal websites –> blogging evite –> upcoming.org and EVDB domain name [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/web-20-next-generation-internet-or-hype/

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