1. INI handling functions... They were nonexistent as far as I knew...

    Date: 10/11/05 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql, web

    This has irked me for some time: The lack of INI handlers in PHP.

    I was moving my website around from host to host, until I settled, and needed a universal standard that I could write on and rely on that would work anywhere as I really wouldn't have a MySQL database everywhere I went. So I wrote this up after not finding a shred of a command for userlevel INI file handling. INI.Lib (Last Built Oct. 3rd, 2004)

    I hope some other people can make some use out of it as well I was able to. If you see any major errors or when you use it you can't for the life of you get past a certain bug, let me know and I will see if this one is any real difference from my current build (Apr. 3rd 2005). I may have just patched up a few commands here and there with my build that I caught in the original code and done a few optimizations. If anyone wants the current build, go ahead and drop me a line to cynagen at cynagen dot com, and I'll be more than happy to send you a copy of the current copy on my server; if enough of you report problems, I'll just repackage my current build and post that instead.

    (X-Posted on October 10th 19:54)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php_dev/61141.html

  2. external hard drive - reliability?

    Date: 10/11/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web, google

    I'd like to get an external hard drive for my G3 iMac; preferably one with 250-500 GB.

    I've searched google, froogle, apple store, and various computer supply websites, and found many suitable options. The only problem is, every drive I've found has gotten really bad customer reviews. Usually, people who just bought the drive rave about it, but anyone who's had it 6 months to 2 years complains that the drive conked out at some point (frequently just after the warranty expired). Even when the company sent a replacement drive, these people still lost all their data.

    I've found this same story told for LaCie, Maxtor, a couple of others.

    Are any of you willing to stand behind an external hard drive? Any long-term success stories? Do I need to look at more expensive options in order to get reliability?

    Thank you for any help/recommendations.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/795552.html

  3. messageboards/bbs/forums

    Date: 10/12/05 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: web

    Can anyone recommend me any good free messageboard/bbs/forum services? It would be nice if they don't have banners. Or is there maybe a webhost that could host a messageboard (as I might be able to get a code myself in making my own board)?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/31085.html

  4. UK Web Design Volunteers wanted

    Date: 10/12/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, web, spam

    Hi everyone, sorry if anyone thinks this is spam, but I've signed up for a pledge at the address below looking for web designers who are willing to give up some of their time to help design websites for good causes. So whether you're a PHP guru, a graphic designer, or just good and bossing people around and getting projects done, we could use your help.



    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/255254.html

  5. Bugg3rs!

    Date: 10/12/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    Some blighters have copied my web site entirely - then stuck adverts into it. The usual course of action is to send emails which are, of course, ignored.

    What's the next step? Anyone had any joy here?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/994878.html

  6. This may be a stupid question . . .

    Date: 10/12/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web

    Can anyone tell me how to imbed a power-point presentation in a website? Or post one for download? It's html on Dreamweaver, if that makes a difference.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/995546.html

  7. Developing Web Stores

    Date: 10/12/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    Hello there folks, does anyone know of any places that handle store type things for a website?

    a friend of mine wants me to design a website for him that will sell his programs that he develops

    Can anyone point me in the right direction as its the first time I've done any kind of web store thing

    ~ B ~

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/995183.html

  8. Restart

    Date: 10/13/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    Ok, so I've been designing web sites for my friends and myself for a while. Now, I have a co-worker who wants me to design a site for his music production company. We've talked about it for months and I've done a few tiny things. He's never really been clear on what he wants so I've just let it go by the wayside. Now, I want to restart and get on the ball the correct way. The only problem is I'm not really sure what the steps are when taking on a new project. I'm completely lost when it comes to the business side; proposal, quote, contract, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/996342.html

  9. Oh dear, oh dear...

    Date: 10/13/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    I had cause to go to a company's web site via the domain name in an e-mail. There's nothing set up at all. But I know who the parent company is so I visited their Flash-fronted web site (with broken counter image) before clicking through to the subsidiary company link which took me to their frames-based site.

    According to the top bar, the date and time is presently 13 December 2005 - 2:54:18 PM.

    Why is the date wrong?

    var months = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","September","August","November","December");

    Anyone see what's wrong with that picture? ~:0)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/996040.html

  10. ASP help

    Date: 10/14/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, asp, web

    I'm trying to install a script to send an email from a form on a website. I'm primarly a PHP programmer so this would super easy to do for me normally. But the site I'm working with has to use ASP, which I don't know (the client doesn't seem to think that's an issue though). I found some mail scripts on a site or two but I get errors when I try to get them to work.

    Example 1
    Example 2

    The site is hosted with EarthLink and I can't seem to make heads or tails of their support center so that's no help. I'm not sure if there's a setting I have to change or something in order to get this email thing to work. Any ideas? I'm stumped and the deadline is looming.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/256119.html

  11. free space..

    Date: 10/15/05 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: sql, web

    Free webspace to anyone that knows how to design and wants to build a personal / photographic website.

    Just go to the site jenepher.com/x and fill out the form. I will send you your log in information after I set up your FTP account. If you have any questions just email them to me at bratusek@jenepher.com

    -20 Mb of space
    -unlimited bandwidth
    -no pop ups
    -no cgi
    -no sql

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/31628.html

  12. forum with email replies?

    Date: 10/15/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, web

    ok folks another bit of help on this site I'm doing for a friend of mine

    he wants to have a forum which you can reply to though emails to threads/post also which post to the wbsite as well.

    I'm thinking kinda how livejournal works when you can get replies and reply though your mailbox without having to go to the actual site itself but still gets posted on the site you know?

    I've been looking at phpbb at the moment as I have used this one in the past and easy to set up. Is this one up to the job of what I have said? or is there anything else out there?

    Looks like he basically wants to be able to read and reply to post as a mailing list thought email as well as a web forum front end for people liking the forums that are already out there

    ~ B ~

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/997198.html

  13. upload speed

    Date: 10/16/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: web

    i have a problem with filezilla, the ftp program. i would be grateful for some answers or solutions :).

    my question is, does what ftp program you use determine how fast your upload speed is? because if i download from a website, such as yousendit.com, the download speed can be as fast as 40kb a second. but whenever i upload to my website, it downloads at a "speed" of between 2 - 8kb a second. can anyone tell me why its so slow and will changing my ftp program do any good?

    thanks for reading. x

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/257069.html

  14. Simility : A new approach to search

    Date: 10/16/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

    Check out http://simility.com

    About simility
    "simility is easy

    The simility toobar is the fast, easy way to find great new content on the web. With just the click of the "recommend" button, we suggest new pages similar to the page you are currently viewing.
    Better than search

    simility is better than search engines because the recommended pages are generated from other users. We only show you recommendations of sites that other users find interesting and helpful, so you don't need to spend time paging through hundreds of search results."

    Simility is basically a web discovery tool. We have released Firefox toolbar and IE toolbar is soon going to be launched. The toolbar collects the browsing history ( this can be disabled. Also https & ftp sites are blocked ) and recommends you pages similar to your currently viewed webpage and highly rated by other users.

    (currently we support recommendations on pages related to sports and computers only. So, don't get disheartened if you get 'no recommendation' on a page. :-) Soon we'll be adding other categories.)

    What do you guys think about it ?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/329942.html

  15. Working with parameters in a url string

    Date: 10/16/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, database, web

    One of the things I'm working on for my family's website is a photo album. It displays 15 thumbnails in a 3x5 table and then has links at the bottom to further pages (something I'll figure out later). The part with the thumbnails is what I'm trying to figure out right now. My current query pulls just the image url, the date, and the photoid from the database and prints each into a cell. I want to have the thumbnail linked so that it pulls up the full image, the date, the event, and a few other tidbits of information. The url for this new page would be photoalbum.php?id=324 or something like that and would have a new query where all information associated with that particular photoid is printed to the page. However, I've never dealt with passing parameters through a URL string before, and I haven't been able to find a good explanation of it, either online or in my books. What are the general guidelines for using the URL to pass parameters through a query?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/356100.html

  16. Help, I'm brain-blocked!

    Date: 10/16/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, css, html, web


    I've been working on this site for most of the morning. I got a job deconstructing a table based layout into full CSS. After a few setbacks (I couldn't seem to get the floats to display properly in all browsers -- which is a major stipulation) I decided on using absolute positioning.

    Well, now I got the pages displaying the same in all browsers -- except a medium sized glitch -- I can't figure out how to get all three (or two on the second template) to be the same length.

    For example:

    On this page -- http://triplelproductions.com/designs/business/freeordination/index3.html -- The right and left columns are longer than the middle. I can't seem to get them to perfectly match eachother no materr what the amount of content is within any column. (The second template is here if you need to see -- http://triplelproductions.com/designs/business/freeordination/index4.html --) And the CSS is located here: http://triplelproductions.com/designs/business/freeordination/images/tlpcustom1.css

    What I need to do is fix that so all my columns are the same length, no matter how much/little each column contains.

    An alternative to this is using a background color to fill in the space that's left, but when I set the background color for my container it doesn't show.

    I know that's an easy fix, but after staring at this code/site all morning, my eyes are burning and my brain is blocked. So if anyone can offer me any solutions (that does not include major code reworking) please do!

    Thanks in advance guys, you'll be saving me major hours of frustration!!

    cross posted to '[info]'css_forum and '[info]'webdesign

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/997648.html

  17. iframe links to iframe

    Date: 10/17/05 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: html, java, web

    hey folks,

    i'm very new to webdesign, with about as much html experience as it takes to write an expressive lj entry.

    on a tight budget, rather than hiring even friends to do it, i'm designing http://www.destructibleheart.com for my small press. most of the site's simple enough that i can get away with what i know. but for the STORE part of the site, there's content that gets pretty inelegant if i'm not careful.

    so i've got a bar across the bottom in an IFRAME with all the thumbnails of the book covers, and above it another IFRAME that features book info, bigger cover image, and author info, etc.

    i'm trying to get my book cover thumbs in the bottom IFRAME to link to the top IFRAME. how do i do this? everything i've looked up so far points to javascript, so i came here. i'd have checked the memories already, but the lj is having trouble with it right now. so i appreciate you indulging me.

    thanks so much!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/javascript/79740.html

  18. Schoolhouse blogs

    Date: 10/17/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: blogging, web

    As blogging takes its place in the classroom alongside the three Rs, adult Web surfers have the chance to relive the wonder years.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Schoolhouse+blogs/2100-9588_22-5896047.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  19. help!!

    Date: 10/17/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, html, database, asp, web

    I'm going freakin' insane here, and it is (of course) because of the different ways IE and Firefox display HTML and CSS.

    Here is my site:


    I can't post links to it, because the only Windows web server I have access to is from my university, and it's password-protected.

    There are three pages in that archive, plus all the includes and whatnot to make them display properly. browse.asp displays fine in IE and Firefox. faq.asp and category.asp, however, shift the content of the page down a bit for no explicable reason. I thought it was because of the tables on those two pages, but when I added a table to another page that was working fine, it displayed without any problems.

    Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

    Oh - the databases are also included so all the stuff displays correctly. I know some of you might tell me to not use Access, and I normally wouldn't, but my teacher in this class requested we use Access databases so that he could see our database structure more easily.

    Thanks in advance for any help provided!!

    x-posted between '[info]'webdesign and '[info]'webdev

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/257876.html

  20. help!!

    Date: 10/17/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, database, asp, web

    I'm going freakin' insane here, and it is (of course) because of the different ways IE and Firefox display HTML and CSS.

    Here is my site:


    I can't post links to it, because the only Windows web server I have access to is from my university, and it's password-protected.

    There are three pages in that archive, plus all the includes and whatnot to make them display properly. browse.asp displays fine in IE and Firefox. faq.asp and category.asp, however, shift the content of the page down a bit for no explicable reason. I thought it was because of the tables on those two pages, but when I added a table to another page that was working fine, it displayed without any problems.

    Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

    Oh - the databases are also included so all the stuff displays correctly. I know some of you might tell me to not use Access, and I normally wouldn't, but my teacher in this class requested we use Access databases so that he could see our database structure more easily.

    Thanks in advance for any help provided!!

    x-posted between '[info]'webdesign and '[info]'webdev

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/998198.html

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