1. Trustix Secure Enterprise Linux

    Date: 10/28/04 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: web, linux

    Has anyone tried trustix? Theres not much info about it on the web. I installed it tonight, and it seems like a pretty well put together linux distro. Very centered towards servers, and not workstations.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/21093.html

  2. WebSpace Solutions Affiliate Program

    Date: 10/26/04 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: web

    WebSpace Solutions is now offering an affiliate program so YOU can make money from your friends signing up. We are offering a variety of banners, and text links you can place on your site.

    WebSpace Solutions Affiliate Program

    Payout Type: Pay-Per-Sale
    Payout Amount: 20% - 50% for every sale you generate and 10% of commissions generated by 2nd tier affiliates!
    Initial Desposit: $10.00 USD - Just for signing up!
    Payout Threshold: $50.00 USD - Minimum balance required for payout.
    Payout Duration: Checks are mailed on the 1st of each month, for the previous month.

    If you have any other questions, please email affiliate@webspacesolutions.com

    All accounts are subject to approval

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/20929.html

  3. cPanel Access

    Date: 08/29/04 (Web Hosts)    Keywords: web, hosting

    WebSpace Solutions now offers cPanel on all shared hosting accounts, dedicated servers, and colocation customers. If you are an existing customer, please email support@webspacesolutions.com to upgrade your account for free. New customers, there is an option on the order form to add cPanel to your account. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at nick@webspacesolutions.com.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webhosts/18420.html

  4. T-SQL Function to strip HTML tags

    Date: 02/10/05 (SQL Server)    Keywords: php, html, sql, web

    My boss called me over and asked me to write a T-SQL function on behalf of our web guy, that would arbitrarily strip out all HTML tags from a VARCHAR. In any other language like PHP, Perl, etc., I'd employ Regular Expressions to do this globally. However, T-SQL only really has PATINDEX and CHARINDEX, those aren't all that powerful.

    I did wind up coming up with an iterative solution, which I thought I'd share with everyone to get suggestions and feedback.

    CREATE TABLE #tmpText (
    id INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
    data varchar(4000)

    INSERT INTO #tmpText (data)
    VALUES ('this is some html')

    INSERT #tmpText VALUES (
    'Some Name

    SOME HTML text after the body'

    INSERT #tmpText VALUES (
    'Another Name

    Another HTML text after the body'

    -- WHILE a '<' and '>' pair are present and the former's position is less than the latter's position value
    -- Find a '<' then the next '>' positions, and run a stuff to remove whatever's in between!

    FROM #tmpText
    WHERE PATINDEX('%<%>%', data) > 0
    UPDATE #tmpText
    SET data = STUFF(data, PATINDEX('%<%>%', data), CHARINDEX('>', data) - PATINDEX('%<%>%', data) + 1, '')
    WHERE PATINDEX('%<%>%', data) > 0

    SELECT *
    FROM #tmpText


    I'm going to keep trying to dissect this in order to come up with a cleaner, non-iterative solution. If anyone else already has a function that does this in one fell-swoop, rather than via looping, PLEASE share it! :-)

    UPDATE: I've made further code changes to handle a few odd circumstances and have finished the function. Thought I'd share it with everyone for a "peer review." Please comment away!

       @strHTML varchar(8000),
       @flgFormat int = 1
    RETURNS varchar(8000)

    -- Date Written: 02-10-2005
    -- Purpose: Arbitrarily strip all text between all pairs of < > tags. This SHOULD be
    -- HTML but theoretically could be other data?
    -- Input Parameters: @strHTML = The string that we are stripping HTML from.
    -- @flgFormat = If set to 1 (DEFAULT), then the function will attempt to
    -- preserve basic formatting by detecting non-breaking spaces, start and end
    -- paragraph tags, and break-return tags, and replacing them with their
    -- ASCII equivalents.
    -- Comments: This solution employs an iterative algorithm to repeatedly sweep through
    -- the variable's text, removing HTML tags one at a time.

    DECLARE @ltPosition int

    -- If flgFormat is 1, then replace pre-determined list of tags and characters with
    -- corresponding values!
    IF @flgFormat = 1
       SET @strHTML = REPLACE(@strHTML, '

    ', CHAR(10) + CHAR(13))
       SET @strHTML = REPLACE(@strHTML, '

    ', CHAR(10) + CHAR(13))
       SET @strHTML = REPLACE(@strHTML, '
    ', CHAR(10))

    -- Arbitrarily replace &_nbsp; (intentionally mistyped)
    SET @strHTML = REPLACE(@strHTML, '&_nbsp;', CHAR(32))

    WHILE (SELECT PATINDEX('%<[^ ]%>%', @strHTML)) > 0
       -- Must search for the correct '>' because any unmatched ones will cause errors!
       SET @ltPosition = 0
       WHILE (PATINDEX('%<[^ ]%>%', @strHTML) > @ltPosition)
          SET @ltPosition = CHARINDEX('>', @strHTML, @ltPosition + 1)

       SET @strHTML = STUFF(@strHTML, PATINDEX('%<[^ ]%>%', @strHTML), @ltPosition - PATINDEX('%<[^ ]%>%', @strHTML) + 1, '')



    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/sqlserver/17939.html

  5. Exchange Server via .NET?

    Date: 01/31/05 (C Sharp)    Keywords: web


    Hi all,

    I'm new here and in a bit of a time crunch, so forgive me for not searching all the archives yet, but I'm hoping somebody can help me.

    I'm looking for info on how to talk to Exchange Servers with .NET. Specifically, I'd like to get things like the Calendar out of Exchange for my users, via .NET so I can post that info on a website on a different server. If anyone can point me in the direction of good documentation or (better yet) sample code for these sorts of things, I'd really appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/csharp/23635.html

  6. The Nex Web Browser

    Date: 12/02/04 (C Sharp)    Keywords: browser, xml, technology, web

    Hello! I had release my Nex Web Browser version A1 at http://nex.sourceforge.net/ . Now I preparing the A2 version for releasing, and this will be very interest to read your opinions about this program, its Internal Protocol (NIP, provides LDP - Local Dynamic Page) technology, XML configuration format, LanguageSet implementation, sidebar, etc..

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/csharp/21817.html

  7. ado.net for bulk data transfer

    Date: 10/28/04 (C Sharp)    Keywords: database, web

    hi all

    i have a webservice that returns multiple datasets of different tables that i need to merge/sync with a destination database that is accessible through a middle tier component that i wrote. unfortunately, i'm restricted to the use of ado.net and datasets due to the nature of the webservice in question. i'm working with moderately high number of records (largest table is around 5k rows) that i need to insert into the destination database, and i'm using the dataset.merge method with a customized insertcommand (as i need to wrap identity insert on around it and also the table columns won't be determined till run time) passed to the dataset, and it's pretty slow. i think part of the slowness comes from having to figure out the column schema of the varying tables, and also the fact that ado.net is not particularly a useful tool for data transfer. just wanted to know if anyone has any pointers/ideas as to how to optimize this routine? thanks in advance for your input.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/csharp/19919.html

  8. Student Launches Free Book Swap Website.

    Date: 12/20/04 (College Textbook)    Keywords: web

    Hello all, Our semesters are all coming to an end and the college book stores are gearing up for us to come in by the thousands and practically give our used books away.

    I tried to beat the system using some of the larger on-line sites but with shipping and website fees I found myself right back in the bookstore. This semester I decided to take a chance and be different.

    I created a website where we can all do this for free. The concept is simple but I think it will work well. Both the books laying around on my floor from 2 classes ago and the ones I'm currently using can be posted now because I made a field to indicate when the book is available. If enough students are using the site on the same campus you can pick up a book on my site from someone getting out of a class you plan to take next.

    This is our site and I'm really looking for your feedback. Please check it out, post a book, and let me know what you think. Thanks - Alan C. www.YourBookSwap.com

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/collegetextbook/10745.html

  9. Help with a virus problem

    Date: 02/19/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, web

    Hello. I'm having a lot of trouble with some viruses (trojans? dialers?) on my computer. It's a Dell Dimension 8400, Windows XP. What happened was that when I logged onto AIM, it suddenly shut down, and an icon with a picture of woman's eyes and the words "XXX" appeared on my desktop. A few porn sites appeared in my favorites list too. A couple minutes later, the Internet inexpliacably logged off, citing a sspMyDoom.cih trojan as the reason. I do not know what this is. I can't find anything remotely comprehensible that would help me get rid of this trojan. So that's my first problem. I don't know if this is the reason for the mystery porn.

    The second problem is that I ran a virus scan with Norton Anti-Virus 2004, and 25 things came up--possible threats, I believe. I asked it to delete them, but it only deleted 4 for some reason. Most of it is Adware, but a couple of them are Dialers.

    So what exactly is a dialer? How do I get rid of it? I looked it up on Symantec and two in particular (Dialer.Tibbs and Dialer.webview) fit the description for the porn thing. How would I get rid of it?

    I would greatly appreciate any adivce you'd have to give me. It's very embarrassing having this unwanted porn on my computer, especially where my parents can see. Please help me if you could, and I apologize in advance if I sound like an idiot.

    EDIT: UPDATE: I did what Symantec.com said to do to get rid of the dialers, but Norton Anti-Virus won't let me delete it. So that's another problem to add on. Thanks again in advance.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/337403.html

  10. Trouble saving images in the fromat i want...

    Date: 02/18/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    I am having issues my computer will display moving images such as livejournal icons when i first open webpages but then once the whole page loads the images stop moving.Also when i now try to save and image like an icon and then try to use it on livejournal it says that it is not in the right format. help please!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/337025.html

  11. No Yahoo freebie for kids--unless Mom signs off

    Date: 03/02/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web, yahoo

    Fine print in ice cream giveaway highlights a little-known law aimed at protecting kids from unscrupulous Web marketers.
    Images: A decade of yodeling with Yahoo

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/No+Yahoo+freebie+for+kids--unless+Mom+signs+off/2100-9588_22-5596655.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  12. Lies, damned lies, and browser market share statistics

    Date: 03/01/05 (Open Source)    Keywords: web

    As a professional journalist, I find it frustrating when my brethren repeat press releases verbatim, without looking inside them. Such is the case with recent "reporting" on Firefox. Firefox Gains Share At Slower Pace, says MacWorld. This is based on data from WebSideStory, which provided the headline. But think, ...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/index.php?p=170&part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdblog

  13. The European patent saga drags on

    Date: 03/01/05 (Open Source)    Keywords: software, web

    The No Software Patents website has a report on the latest in the software patent saga. Long story short: The European Commission is thumbing its nose (figuratively, of course) at the European Parliament's request to restart the legislative process. As Foundation for a Free Information ...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/index.php?p=169&part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdblog

  14. Getting A New Laptop at a great price

    Date: 03/02/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web

    Hey everyone I'm looking for a laptop and don't know where to start....My price range is around 2,300 dollar or so and I need something with alot of space. I'm into graphic art and design so someone suggested I get a Mac but I know very little about Mac's. I'm also teaching my self web-design and just started getting into to networking etc. So any suggestion's on where to start will be most appreciated.....

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/619172.html

  15. Friendster befriends blogs--and fees

    Date: 03/03/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

    Two Web trends converge as the social networking site prepares to launch blogs through partnership with Six Apart.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Friendster+befriends+blogs--and+fees/2100-9588_22-5597073.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  16. dreamweaver help

    Date: 03/03/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    I finally have dreamweaver installed on my laptop as well as my desktop computer so that I can lie in bed and update my web site..... in theory.

    now, the only problem is, I have no idea how to work on my site from my laptop. when I open dreamweaver on the laptop "Open Site" is greyed out.

    we have a home network, and use a G5 desktop computer along with a Powerbook G4, both with OSX, if that makes any difference.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/819339.html

  17. Odd error in Thunderbird

    Date: 03/03/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

    Hello. Yesterday I began getting a vaguely worded error every time I check my mail on a certain account. It says "The current command did not succeed. The mail server responded: UID (7204)" I *think* I am receiving all my messages, but sometimes it looks like it's downloading something and it doesn't actually come through.

    I am inclined to believe that this is a problem on the server's side, since it doesn't happen on my other account, but it seems odd since I have no problems accessing mail from that server if I go to the website to do it.

    Could there be some setting that got messed up?


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/256840.html

  18. uploaded site to client and this happens!

    Date: 03/03/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, html, web

    All my php scripts or pages ending in PHP are not available to see. I get a 403 error saying...

    You are not authorized to view this page
    You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.


    If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please try to contact the Web site by using any e-mail address or phone number that may be listed on the www.cakesbytammy.com home page.

    You can click Search to look for information on the Internet.

    HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden
    Internet Explorer

    I also get this when I type in her domain name, minus the specific HTML file. suchas http://www.somedomain.com/ Any suggestions as to WTF is going on?!??!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/269157.html

  19. Boolean logic and CNF

    Date: 03/04/05 (Algorithms)    Keywords: programming, web

    I have been tinkering with Satisfiability solvers of late, but they all take input in CNF format and as my logic is not always of that form, I have a question: do you know of any algorithms to transform an arbitrary AND/OR tree into a set of CNF clauses? Can the result be shown to be minimal (cannot be done with fewer clauses nor fewer variables per clause), or is determining if a boolean logic relation between inputs and an output is minimal an NP-complete problem in itself?

    On another note, it seems one can factorize in pseudopolynomial time by dynamic programming. Run the Sieve of Eratosthenes, but for each discovered prime, assign that prime to multiples of it that haven't been assigned to something else already. Then, starting at some number within the sieve, divide by the number assigned to it (which is one of its prime factors) and recurse until a prime is reached.
    I don't know if this is common knowledge, though it seems simple in retrospect. It might be interesting as I didn't find any mention of it on the obvious web searches.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/algorithms/49222.html

  20. ISP-proxy-caching

    Date: 03/04/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web

    How can I find out the webcache (server?) and port of my ISP?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/619971.html

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