IDE recommendations
Date: 09/07/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, web, linux, google
Hello everyone, I was thinking about starting a new web app to teach myself php. I was wondering if anyone had a good recommendation for a php IDE for Linux. Code completion, coloring, symbolic debugger are a must. I don't necessarily mind if I have to pay for one, as long as it is worth the money. I've googled and found many, but I wanted to ask the community for personal preferences...
Anyone have any good suggestions?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/493156.html
PubSub Search Down; PubSub Too?
Date: 09/12/06
(Java Web) Keywords: google
Lately whenever I am checking my blog stats in PubSub, I am getting “blog.taragana.com” has not been active in the past 30 days.. blog.taragana.com has been very much active during this time. On a hunch I tried to find blog activity of popular blogs like Scobelizer or GoogleBlog. They too haven’t been active in the [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/pubsub-search-down-pubsub-too/
Can't connect to internet
Date: 09/16/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: web, google
I can't connect to any websites on my backup desktop anymore. It seems to have suddenly stopped, and I'm not sure why. It worked a few hours ago.. and now, nothing.
I think it has to do with some windows updates that I ran on it, because after they installed is when I had the problem. Afterwards, I can no longer connect to anything. I tried firefox and IE, and I tried to ping google.com but got nothing.
There are no device conflicts with the netcard.
I tried to uninstall the windows updates and my desktop started to look a bit funky.. I may have uninstalled the wrong ones. :) The desktop icons were all pink and weird looking.. I tried to backup to yesterday's system restore, but that didn't get me back on the net.
After an hour or so of messing with system restore and testing the LAN cable on my laptop (it connected fine).. I figured.. what the hell, I don't have anything on this computer anyways.. and reinstalled windows and downloaded the latest drivers for the net card (which I had to do from my laptop and transfer them via flash drive).
That didn't work either.
I've tried running the LAN cable straight from the modem to the computer rather than through the router, and that didn't work.
I shut off the computer / router / cable modem, and turned them back on in reverse order.. nothing.
I don't understand why reinstalling windows didn't work if it truely was the windows update that did it. But if it wasn't the update, what was it? I've tried three different known working LAN cables, so it's not the cable.. and I bypassed the router, so I don't see how it could be the router. And I'm sending this message via my laptop on the same network, so it shouldn't be the cable modem's fault. If it's the NIC, then the updated drivers should have done something.. or it should be giving me some sort of conflict.
Under the network connections/local area connection status it says connected. When I click repair it says: "The following steps of the repair operation failed: renewing the IP address."
So.. any ideas? :)
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/685832.html
Google loses in Belgian court
Date: 09/18/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
Judge orders Google to stop reproducing articles from the French press in the news section of one of its Belgian sites.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6116591.html
Google Venturing In Blogging? … Hiring Bloggers?
Date: 09/20/06
(Java Web) Keywords: blogging, software, google
I am not talking about providing blogging software / service like Blogger. It looks like Google (at least Google India) may actually venture into blogging themselves. Their quarter page advertisement for hiring in Times of India (one of the leading Indian newspaper in English) is very interesting.
“Google is searching for writers who choose their words [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-venturing-in-blogging-hiring-bloggers/
Can Translator Plugin Pro Get Your Site Unindexed?
Date: 09/22/06
(Java Web) Keywords: google
Can Translator Plugin Pro get your site unindexed in search engines? No. It is an outright lie, a nasty rumour which is being spread by one of our competitors. This site (Simple Thoughts) is using Translator Plugin since ages. It is highly ranked by Google and other search engines. We served 1686914 pages last month [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/can-translator-plugin-pro-get-your-site-unindexed/
Installing iTunes Issue
Date: 09/24/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: software, asp, virus, web, spyware, google
So I'm trying to reinstall iTunes and I'm having a lot of problems with it.
All the support sites for the software point back to eachother. Here's what the error message is that I'm getting.
So I googled that and saw that it's an issue with installshield. So I go to the installshield site at http://consumer.installshield.com/kb.asp?id=Q110641 and see how to fix the problem. So I go to the place where you fix the problem and follow the instructions at http://consumer.installshield.com/kb.asp?id=Q108322.
Ironically enough, that causes the original error again. After the first error in iTunes shows up, I get this error: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v74/enflamedphoenix/2.png
I've uninstalled iTunes and Quicktime. I've used spybot and adaware and antivir to check for spyware or viruses. I've registered files per the installshield website. I've used Windows Installer to delete any quicktime or itunes installer files. I just can't seem to get it to work. I don't know what else to do. I would like to be able to use my ipod haha
If anyone has any advice for me to try?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/690778.html
In an attempt to reinvent the wheel...
Date: 09/26/06
(C Sharp) Keywords: web, microsoft, google
...my brain has decided that it can't remember what a circle is. Worse yet, the internet has no definition for "circle," or else my ability to use google search has terribly degraded.
Two intensely, incredibly stupid questions, for which I apologize profusely before we even begin. Both refer to a winform* I have to rebuild thanks to an executive-level decision to change the structure of its underlying table. This winform has a large number of databound controls, all of which tie to one bindingsource and its tableadapter. (This, BTW, is in VS 2005 Standard.)
* i.e., "winform" as opposed to "webform".
1. Two of the controls ar DateTimePickers, dtpEffective and dtpExpiration. All of the other simple controls are changing every time the value of the "main" control (cboName) is changed, but I cannot for the life of me figure out the correct property to set to get the DTPs to change from their default values of '1/1/1900' and '[insert current date here]'. Presently, both Text and Value are set to be bound to the table column that contains the date in question; I have tried it with just Text and just Value bound, and have gotten similar results with each of those options. What's the obvious binding I'm missing to get the DTPs to change with everything else?
2. One of the simple controls is txtID (not surprisingly, a text box containing an ID number). The complex control-- there's only one-- is a datagridview, dgRates. At present, dgRates vomits up the entire CombinedRateData table when the form runs. This makes sense, because I have not incorporated a WHERE clause into the Fill() query. Here's brainfart #2: I can't remember how to turn "txtID.Text" into a parameter that the query will understand, because I am entirely too sleepy, and every time I search for this on the web, I end up back at Microsoft's "How to create a master/detail form using two datagridviews" walkthrough. (Which is cool, but not applicable.)
Thank you, and again, you have my humble apologies for consulting you on such trivial matters. My brain has just decided to switch itself off this afternoon, and I can't kick it back into gear.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/76120.html
Wireless Woes
Date: 10/01/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: google
I have a Gateway laptop with Windows XP. One day, the wireless in our apt. was working fine, but it "flickered" out for a second, and then my computer refused to reconnect to it. My roomate's went back on no problem, but mine, nope.
It can see the wireless, but it refuses to connect to ours, saying it cannot acquire a network address. Now, here's the weird part. I can connect to anyone else's, aka all the unsecured wireless within good range in our building, it finds those no problem and lets me connect, and I went home this weekend and it connected right up with no problems to my dad's wireless.
I am computer illiterate, so any suggestions need to be said in layman's terms, please. I'm thinking it has something to do with the IP addresses, but i'm not quite sure where this problem lies and have NO clue how to fix it. I've googled it, and there's plenty of solutions, but I have no clue how to even start! Help!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/692787.html
What a Day! - Interesting News From Around The Globe
Date: 10/02/06
(Java Web) Keywords: yahoo, google
Wired News teaches us how to disassemble an Atomic Bomb in four steps:
Disconnect the wires
Remove the neutron trigger
Remove the conventional explosive
Separate the U-235 masses
Google got nostalgic on its founding garage.
I also found some Principal in Norway who have absolutely no social life.
Yahoo open up its mail code in a desperate hope of getting some help [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/what-a-day-interesting-news-from-around-the-globe/
A Turing Machine with faults, failures and recovery
Date: 10/02/06
(Algorithms) Keywords: html, google
In contrast to practical situation an ordinary Turing Machine never
An attempt to describe some Turing Machine that may fail was made.
Here is brief description of
* Turing Machine with faults, failures and recovery
* its C++ Simulator (Beta version).
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/algorithms/84180.html
Google takes a bigger bite of Big Apple
Date: 10/02/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
If Google can make it here, it can make it anywhere. The company opens new digs in Manhattan.
Photos: New York gets a mini Googleplex
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6121970.html
Locked XP Home Machine
Date: 10/04/06
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: virus, spyware, google
My neighbor's son has apparently locked their family computer.
A dialog box has been brought up indicating that the computer is "locked" and requires a password to continue. However, nothing appears in the box when my neighbor tries to type in the password. Google has brought up multiple ways to lock a workstation down, but none of them seem to present the same behaviors as what's happened to my neighbor. Does anyone have experience with behaviors like this?
As an aside, this might be a virus or spyware, as it seems to exhibit a normal behavior in an abnormal way.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/987574.html
Send mail error
Date: 10/04/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: google
Can any one tell me what this error means
It appears in the email that is received. Sort of. One guy out of about 40 people sees this error. I cant reproduce the error on my systems so its a shot in the dark. I searched Google for the error, but none of the sites listed an explaination what it means or what the solution is. The error appears at the top of the email's content.
Oh, and even though the email is received and the content is there, this guy is freaking out...
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/500136.html
Search feature question
Date: 10/06/06
(Microsoft Windows) Keywords: yahoo, google
Hello. New here. And I was just wondering: is there a way to keep your search features from recording all your typos or at least to temporarily erase them so that you can begin anew? The reason I ask is because I found it annoying that Windows XP records every typo you make you go to search for a particular person, site, or community on here in general. So far I've cleaned out my prefetch folder and deleted all my cookies, files, & history too; none of which had worked so far. Somehow I would think that it's an option that's similar to the clear search feature in the Yahoo/Google searchbars, but I honestly wouldn't know.
Thanks in advance.
PS: I am also tempted to delete Windows Msger, but will this cause my computer some major problems if I do?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/ms_windows/70561.html
On-the-fly PDFs.
Date: 10/06/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web, google
My employer wants to start generating PDFs from our PHP management system. I'm still pretty new to really 'doing things' with PHP and the PDF documentation I looked at on the online manual lacks clarification on almost every command for it.
I'm wondering if someone has an idea of where I can read something of substance on the subject. My google results turned up a few web design tutorials - but they are based on depreciated code.
Specifically I need to learn how to open a PDF file as a template only with added data from form/mysql information.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/500859.html
Google buys YouTube!
Date: 10/09/06
(WebDesign) Keywords: google
Google buy YouTube!
The article sounds as if I shouldn't be surprised. But I am! YouTube is a legal mess!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1177509.html
YouTube may add to Google's copyright worries
Date: 10/10/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
Popular video-sharing site already faces legal heat. Will its acquisition make Google a high-profile lawsuit target?
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6124149.html
Video site buying spree in the offing?
Date: 10/10/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: google
Some observers wonder if more deals will follow Google's acquisition of YouTube.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6124137.html
Google Acquired YouTube For $1.65 Billion
Date: 10/10/06
(Java Web) Keywords: google
Google Inc. announced today that it has agreed to acquire YouTube for $1.65 billion in a stock-for-stock exchange.
Both companies have approved the deal, which should officially close in the fourth quarter.
YouTube will retain its brand identity, strengthening and complementing Google’s own fast-growing video business. YouTube will continue to be based in San [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/google-acquired-youtube-for-165-billion/