while ($yarnarray = mysql_fetch_array ($listyarns)) {
printf ('');
printf ('');
if ($counter % 2 == 0) {
printf ("");
$counter = 10;
And the processing code:
$yarns = "SELECT yarnid FROM yarns";
$yarnidquery = mysql_query ($yarns) or die ("Error at Yarns " . mysql_error() . "\nWhole Query: " . $yarns);
$yarnarraysetup = mysql_fetch_array ($yarnidquery);
$yarnarray = $yarnarraysetup['yarnid'];
while ($yarnidlist = mysql_fetch_array ($yarnidquery)) {
if ($yarnidlist['yarnid'] == $_POST['$yarnarray']) {
//$yarnprice = "INSERT INTO prices (yarnid, storeid, price) VALUES ('$storeidset', $yarnidlist['yarnid'], $_POST['$yarnarray'])";
//$yarnpriceinsert = mysql_query ($yarnprice) or die ("Error at YarnPrice: " . mysql_error() . "\nWhole Query: " . $yarnprice);
Question 2:
Is there any way to pass variables through an <a href= > tag? I want to set up the ability to browse through stores without having to use all dropdown menus.

Thanks in advance for all of the help.

Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/335388.html

  • Navigation help please!

    Date: 08/13/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: web

    I am using these codes for my navigtion.



    But when I put them in the overrides box they come out like this. Or it makes my who journal dissapear. Could somebody help me with this?





    I swim across an ocean its my matress in the basement.




    LASTN_TALK_READLINK=> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/breezi_sparklex/silverstarblink>



    FRIENDS_TALK_READLINK=> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/breezi_sparklex/silverstarblink>/a>



    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2108228.html

  • two questions

    Date: 08/13/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: browser, css, html, web

    this has nothing to do with livejournal layout or anything... but i'm assuming that this is general HTML help and not just livejournal HTML help.

    i'm having an issue with a website i'm working on. i have the title bar and menu at the top of the page in a layer. looks great in mozilla... looks like shite in IE. the bar is in the right spot, but the menu isn't... it's on the top left, like my position, top, and left settings aren't relevant. any idea how to fix this cross browser issue?

    second problem is that the content of the site (ie, the text) scrolls over the bar and menu (which are set to fixed). how can i get the text to "disappear" when it hits the spot where the title bar is? i'm assuming it needs to be in a layer with a top margin set at a certain point where it will disappear, but i'm not sure what needs to be set. any ideas for that? this happens in both mozilla and IE, so if there's a cross-browser issue again, i need some ideas on how to fix it.

    body {	background-color: #909CB6;
    		background-image: url('topboatfinal.jpg'); 
    		background-repeat: no-repeat;
    		background-position: top left;
    		background-attachment: fixed }
    p.margin {margin-top: 180px}
    1. SetWindowsHookEx() in a Windows Service?

      Date: 08/11/05 (C Sharp)    Keywords: programming, software, xml, security, web, google

      Hello all. First time posting -- I'm an executive/part owner of a small, 30-40 employee software development company in the US. Can't get any more specific, due to LJ drama that occurred in the past, from which I learned that my constant insistence upon plausible deniability is never a bad thing.

      Anyway, all of our current contracts are in .NET, from winforms applications, to windows services, to webservices, to web applications. We write in C#.NET and VB.NET depending on the contract, application, and developer. We've been working with .NET for the past 2-3 years.

      I don't do as much programming with my company as I did when I first started there as Lead Developer; a good deal of my responsibilities have changed to software design/architecture, scheduling, project management, and having my time wasted by as many meetings as possible, at the most inconvenient times.

      So perhaps these latest developments will lend an excuse to the following ignorance. :)

      I am writing an application for myself, completely unrelated to my company, in my "free time." It has a fairly eccentric variety of functionality, all of which is related in a certain way, but the functionality with which this post concerns itself is keypress logging.

      I've written a class that uses the SetWindowsHookEx() WinAPI call to install a hook for keyboard events (using WH_KEYBOARD_LL). It sets up the hook, which simply raises an event (passing the keypress data along) before giving the keypress back to the system (which continues down the chain of installed hooks). I've written a parent class which attaches a method to the event that takes the useful information from the keypress data and stores it in a queue. The remainder of this parent class provides access to the queue, functionality to clear it, etc. The class that implements SetWindowsHookEx() is in a DLL (I wrote it as part of a separate application back when I was more comfortable with VB.NET, while the current project is in C#, thus the DLL), and the parent class (in C#) imports this DLL.

      The class performs flawlessly in the Windows Forms application I wrote to test all of the classes destined to be part of the final solution. It properly logs all of the keypresses in its queue, its methods provide the proper access to the queue, and the test application could write the keypresses to a file, store them in an XML object, or whatever needed to happen. I was pleased, since the whole mess only took about 2 hours to develop and test.

      However, the final application that will be doing the keylogging is a Windows Service. Now that I finished developing and testing all the classes I needed to use in the final application, I've begun building the service. I've got the service properly installing, starting, and logging to the system's event log, so I know the service itself is working. However, the keylogging class is not working. No exceptions are thrown, and the WinAPI call (from user32.dll) returns no error codes. However, the queue count remains at 0, and no keys are logged at all.

      I've simply dragged the class from the test Winforms application into the Windows Service application, and used it in the same way. While keypresses were logged efforltessly in the Winforms application, not a single one is being logged in the Windows Service.

      I have tried pretty much everything I can think of, from checking the "Allow this service to interact with the desktop" checkbox, to changing the account running the service (currently the Local System account). However, as I said above, programming is not a day-to-day thing for me anymore, so I am most likely ignorant of something here.

      I've read many accounts via Google of people successfully using SetWindowsHookEx() in a Windows Service, so I know it can be done. What gives? Is this a permissions/security issue, and if so, why are no errors/exceptions being thrown? Do I need to register the DLL containing the class that calls SetWindowsHookEx() in the GAC for any reason?

      Any information or help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance...!

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/csharp/32613.html

    2. HTTPS on Redundant Servers

      Date: 08/10/05 (Apache)    Keywords: web, linux, apache

      [Cross posted to '[info]'apache, '[info]'httpd, '[info]'linux]

      I've been given the assignment to setup dual web servers behind a ServerIron load balancer in an effort to improve the reliability of my company's website. Unfortunately, I have never done this before where I had to deal with https on redundant servers. My question may be quite simple, but I don't know the answer.

      How do I get secure certificates for multiple servers with the same common name? Creating the CSR is the easy part, but last time I tried to get multiple certificates for the same common name, it failed as there was already one certificate created for that name.

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/24184.html

    3. ideas for layout needed

      Date: 08/11/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web

      I'm putting together a website to show off my coding skills (not just webdesign applications). I wanted a simple, elegant, uncluttered layout for the site. The layout I have is white with shadowed borders around a title box, a lefthand column containing navigational links, and the main column containing the content. Apparently this layout is boring and amateurish and I need to make a better one that shows how good my skills with dynamic HTML really are. I'd really appreciate any general suggestions on what would make a simple, elegant, uncluttered, yet impressive layout. Thanks in advance ^_^

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/954007.html

    4. U.S. Copyright Office poll: IE-only OK?

      Date: 08/11/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

      As it prepares a new Web site for prospective copyright holders, the agency wants to know what people think of being restricted to IE.

      Source: http://news.zdnet.com/U.S.+Copyright+Office+poll%3A+IE-only+OK%3F/2100-9588_22-5827627.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

    5. ComScore Inflates Numbers: A Bogus Blog Report

      Date: 08/11/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

      Has anyone read the recent comScore stats on Blog use? Some bloggers are excited by the numbers produced from the report.

      "One in six Americans visiting blogs"

      So, I took time to actually read the report. I was not impressed.

      Some of the highest ranking websites used in the report were not blogs!

      I don't think I'm gonna trust numbers from comScore anymore.

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/954214.html

    6. Reinstall Windows???

      Date: 08/12/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

      I really need help with my Windows XP. It did work right for a bit of time (it's only one year old), but few months ago it started acting up and lately I can't do much without restarting it every five minutes. It get errors, it gets stuck, freezes all the time or stays busy for hours unless I restart it. It's maddening. I know I need to reinstall the Windows, but I have no clue how to do it (and I've heard stories that it's easy to mess up your computer if it's not done right). I asked my brother who has done it a couple of times, but he's too big of a jerk to help me out.

      I would extremely appreciate if somebody gave me steps to complete Windows XP reinstalling, or give me a website address that has it.

      Please, help?

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/463180.html

    7. Looking for more CC

      Date: 08/12/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, web

      Some of you may remember the god-awful redesign I was touting over in this post for a Chinese restaurant website.

      Well, I redid the site using the same xhtml from the redesign, but using different CSS so as to make it similar to the first site. I made a few tweaks here and there as well.

      Here's a link to the newest redesign version:

      *All pages on the English version are up except the Contact page and the Directions page.

      About this company. It's a small family-owned business. The clientele ranges very widely from the homeless and the poor to the Hispanic/Black middle class to the white/Hispanic high class. The decor of the restaurant itself is varied and has no particular style to it.

      Y'know, looking at the website, the colors actually do match something in the restaurant - the chairs. And that's it.

      So with that said...

      1. Is it too plain?

      2. Should I change the header image? I think it's fine, but if it seems too simple I may just do a blend of photographs of the restaurant and its food.

      3. Should I style the navigation menu? Change the bullets, do something with a:hover, or make it look as if they were graphics instead of plain text links?

      4. Are the colors in the footer too dark, thus making the links illegible?

      Any other comments / criticisms / advice you can give would be well appreciated.

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/954875.html

    8. Firefox Tips and Tricks II

      Date: 08/12/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web, google

      Imitating Rocky's sequel, I have another search tip which is worth its salt. I hope it serves you well. I got this tip on the same PC Magazine article I mentioned yesterday and was published by Sarah Pike under the title "Keywords II: but Wait, There's More".

      "For certain search-based Web sites—Google, for example—you can actually use keywords to search straight from your address bar. For example, when you query Google normally, you're accessing the URL http://google.com/search?q=, where anything after the q= is the exact text you're searching for. Try adding that URL to your bookmarks folder, but modify it to read http://google.com/search?q=%s and assign it the keyword google. You can now type google x into your browser, where x is any search term you want to look up, like computers. You'll go directly to the results page, having saved a few steps in the process. This trick works for a lot of searchable Web sites; play around with it."

      I'm presently in the middle of a college research project related to the causes and consequences of Socrates' trial in Athens on 399 BC. In an effort to search only for relevant pages I used above tip with the keyword Socrates. In the address bar I typed "Google Socrates". The results were:

      * Categories: 6 biographies and 8 reviews
      * Web Pages: 8 web pages. You can view these pages in alphabetical order or view them in Google Page Rank Order.

      All Google's results were very pertinent to the information I was soliciting. This is an excellent research feature using Firefox and Google. If you are a student and don't want to "burn the midnight oil", this tip is for you.



      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/305872.html

    9. Mangling and HtmlAnchor in User controls

      Date: 08/12/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: html, asp, web

      Is there any way to prevent HtmlAnchor from mangling your URLs? I want it to render exactly what I put there.

      I have /trail.ascx, which renders an and exposes the properties Href and InnerText. I'm using it in /admin/user.aspx. Unfortunately, HtmlAnchor thinks it's going to be "smart" and prepend all my URLs with "../". Apparently it thinks links should be relative to the user control, not the web form. Which is bogus.

      It won't even let me attempt to treat the a element as an HtmlGenericControl!
      The base class includes the field 'mylink', but its type (System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl) is not compatible with the type of control (System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor).

      I'm more ranting than asking for help, but it would be nice if they fixed this.

      Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/39459.html

    10. Patent Office plans new e-filing system

      Date: 08/13/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: software, web

      Gripes about existing process, which requires downloading software, prompt work on a Web-based replacement.

      Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Patent+Office+plans+new+e-filing+system/2100-9588_22-5830864.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

    11. Two Questions

      Date: 08/13/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql, web

      [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

      Hi everyone. I am new to the group, and also relatively new to PHP. I have two questions relating to a website that I am setting up. Brief description:
      This is a website that lists reviews of yarn stores. Included in the information that it captures is the price of certain yarns.
      Question 1:
      If I am using an array to call the &lt;input name = xyz&gt;, how do I write my insert statement to use it?
      This is what I have so far, but I am very skeptical that it would work:

      The form code:
      $dbh=mysql_connect ("host", "username", "password") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
      mysql_select_db ("knittin1_yarnstore");
      $getyarns = "SELECT yarnid, yarnco, yarnname FROM yarns";
      $listyarns = mysql_query ($getyarns) or die ("Error at ListYarns: " . mysql_error() . "\n Whole Query: " . $getyarns);
      $counter = 10;
      printf ('
    ' . $yarnarray['yarnco'] . " " . $yarnarray['yarnname'] . '$


    %%readlink%% (la la la lie)

    %%readlink%% (la la la lie)

    %%readlink%% (la la la lie)


    the background bar is in the body CSS tag, with the menu in a layer over it. the actual body content isn't in a layer, but i know i've tried to put it in one, but couldn't get the darn text to stop at a certain point when scrolling. help! :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2107399.html

  • Easy Updates

    Date: 08/13/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    Hey all,

    New client of mine wants to be able to easily update a photo gallery and a video gallery. Each page will basically be a thumbnail gallery, with a click brining up the regular sized image, or video.

    He wants to be able to update each of these pages regularly. He knows zero web code.

    My question is, what is the easiest way of providing him these updates? Unfortunatly, I am not particularly skilled in any dynamic language.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/955794.html

  • i have been trying to figure this out for over an hour now...

    Date: 08/14/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: browser, html, web

    so help is greatly appreciated.

    i have a mac and use safari as my internet browser on most occasions in case that matters.

    on my layout, i like the banner i have a lot since i personalized it to fit my life. i would like to have to not change it. however, i have, for more than long enough, been trying to make the words above the 3 pictures that say "userinfo" "friends" and "memories" link to the corresponding pages on my livejournal. i would love for those words to actually work...

    if anyone would be willing to give me html to make the above possible, i would be so grateful. or if it isn't an issue of html, if someone could please tell me what i have to do outside of html to make that possible. thank you.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2110038.html

  • Help me

    Date: 08/15/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web

    My boss asked me to start a website for our company. I don't know that much about buying a really good one that will get a lot of hits and come up at the top when people are searching for it. We are a contracting company. The portion we want on our website is the flooring portion of our business to sell tile online.
    Can anyone lead me to a website or host or just any info. would be greatly appreciated. I know a little html and stuff like that. :)


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/956816.html

  • Design Problem

    Date: 08/15/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: xml, web

    I am a photographer who's currently working on my portfolio website. There's a certain way that I want my website layout to look, but I can't get it to look that way because I don't know enough about Flash to save my life. I'm what you call a reverse coder. But, anyhow, I was wondering if I can get my site to look like this site.... Click on the image on the homepage... http://www.fwo3.com

    I love how simple and compact it is, and it gets the point across. It has to be easy to update, meaning if I add an image to a folder that the main flash file reads, then it automatically adds a number to the side scroll where it lists the image numbers in each category. There also needs to be a way that I can put the images in a certain order because I've noticed that in image gallery flash files, it just takes the images in alphabetical order from whatever the filenames are. I've ran into problems with this. I've seen some galleries with an XML doc that the flash file reads in order to know which images load when. That might be a way around it, I don't know. Just throwing out ideas. Also, it should be easily updatable if I decide to add or delete categories on the bottom where the categories for portfolios are.

    I will dedicate a seperate full page on my website with credits and links to you and your site to bring in some clients for yourself if someone can recreate this for me and send me all the files for me to upload.


    x-posted to '[info]'web_design & '[info]'graphicdesign

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/956500.html

  • From Russia with spam

    Date: 08/15/05 (Security)    Keywords: web

    Commentary--Martin Brampton attempts to hunt down some individuals plaguing his Web site. Can he get past Estonia--and what stands in his way?

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/From+Russia+with+spam/2100-1009_22-5833397.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  • HBO enlists Firefox for series promotion

    Date: 08/16/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: browser, web

    Television cable channel HBO designs a downloadable "skin" for the Web browser in the custom theme of its upcoming series "Rome."

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/HBO+enlists+Firefox+for+series+promotion/2100-9588_22-5833861.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

  • Weather Service launches early warning system

    Date: 08/15/05 (Web Technology)    Keywords: web

    In tornado country, the automated, Web-based process sends emergency workers a heads-up on disasters before public warnings.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Weather+Service+launches+early+warning+system/2100-9588_22-5833442.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn

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